- Useful properties of buckwheat
- Features buckwheat
- Buckwheat diet - for and against
- Varieties of buckwheat diet
- Frequency of cereal diets
Buckwheat diet involves a painless loss of twelve kilograms in just fourteen days. Therefore, this method of weight loss can be considered fast enough and giving excellent results. Of course, so many days in a row you have to have the same product, but that does not make for a beautiful figure. In addition, this diet is quite effective, no worse than the rice, and the loss of twelve kilogram is not the limit.
Useful properties of buckwheat
Buckwheat is a useful product. No wonder our ancestors gave it the proud name of "Queen of cereals." Buckwheat porridge with milk was a welcome guest in the homes of rich and poor huts. Modern doctors also appreciated the beneficial properties contained in the rump. People suffering from gastritis, disorders of the immune system, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, and chronic fatigue syndrome is recommended to cook and eat buckwheat two or three times a week. And it is possible and more - as your heart desires.
Effective buckwheat with osteoarthritis, hypertension, ulcers and other ailments. For pregnant women, buckwheat is also very useful. The good news and the fact that the product can be eaten with milk and meat, with salt and sugar, vegetables and fruit, as well as favorite sauce. And this is exactly what is needed for pregnant women - a correct and balanced diet.
Features buckwheat
Interesting fact - in Europe buckwheat virtually unknown. And if you met her in the store, in an unusual package for the Russian people - a small bag weighing 200-300 grams. To the product attached brochure gives details on the beneficial properties of cereals and about how effective it is for a comfortable and safe weight loss. Ends description of traditional Russian recipes - buckwheat porridge with milk, pudding of buckwheat, a variety of soups, casseroles, cakes and puddings.
In spite of its caloric content, this product is better than other cereals helps to reduce weight and reduce the "disease of the century" - cellulite. Therefore, buckwheat is widely used for clinical nutrition and diet. Within two to three weeks of regular use of cereals visible results - normal metabolism in the body and, as a consequence, it burned a lot of calories. Even if you do not adhere to a special diet, but just every day to cook and eat buckwheat, a month later, you will feel better and find that extra weight began to leave, and you have managed to lose weight.
Just buckwheat tend to enhance the mood, vitality and emotional state. This efficiency is due to sufficient calorie foods caused by a high content of vegetable protein. This fact helps to adjust their diet and virtually painless to give up the protein and fat components of the diet - fish, meat, eggs and other products that contribute to the accumulation of excess kilos.
Of course, this can not please everyone, and not everyone can sit on a strict diet. For example, the diet of pregnant women as buckwheat and rice, is contraindicated because, being in the "interesting" position, the woman should get as much nutrients, and many of them, these cereals are not just contained. For pregnant women, there are special diets that are strictly controlled by a physician and amateur in this case, no good will not.
Buckwheat diet - for and against
Buckwheat diet: pros and cons. The issue is very urgent! Women who care about their health more than a figure sure to be asking - whether harmful buckwheat diet? So before you come to grips with the figure, it is necessary to know all the pros and cons of buckwheat diet and decide whether it is appropriate for you. One of the positive aspects of diet on buckwheat is the fact that the process of weight loss is not conjugate unpleasant and sometimes painful sensations. For example, general fatigue, dizziness, weakness.
However, this only works if you do not exceed prescribed diet period - two weeks. Because even one month, conducted without sugar and salt, which are vital body, can lead to serious health problems. The second plus - is that this diet is very effective and allows for only a few days to get good results. So, you take another step on the way to the ideal figure. And finally - buckwheat can eat as much as you want!
But, of course, there are notable drawbacks, this is confirmed by all those who sat on the buckwheat diet. If you want to diet has been effective, and the results please you, you must abide by several conditions. The first and most important of them - forget about products such as spicy and hot sauce, spices, seasonings and salt. It is also recommended to give up the traditional dishes such as buckwheat and milk. Buckwheat is necessary to have in the "pure form". However, the requirement to completely eliminate these foods is not uncommon - many diets, the same rice, put forward the same demands.
If you are interested in the question - Is compatible buckwheat diet and alcohol, the answer is no. Alcoholic beverages are not compatible with many diets, because their consumption causes an increase in appetite, and you will be harder to move "hunger strike". Therefore, from strong drinks on the diet is better to abstain.
As you can see, the classic menu, buckwheat diet can rightly be called a very tough, and the food there is not fully balanced. Most likely, during the course and at least a month after the buckwheat diet, you will be advised to take a multivitamin. What and how much you say, dietitian, which is required to be consulted.
Another drawback that has cereal diet is rice and buckwheat, is that the stand fourteen days at the "dry soldering" is not obtained at all. Sometimes there would be desirable to the extent that even the desire to lose weight does not help. Well, if you still will be able to withstand the allotted time, you are completely sure that this technique is very, very effective.
There is another extreme - some people to endure two weeks, "frustrated" and immediately begin to eat everything that was denied. As a result, the effect of buckwheat diet is fast eroding. Therefore, if you want to fix the result, the yield of buckwheat diet should be gradual. It is necessary for some time about a month, to limit the use of flour, fatty and sugary foods.
In general, a classic buckwheat diet, as well as rice, is very effective, but because of its austerity approach is not all. Perhaps that is why she has several varieties, each of which helps to lose weight and get the desired results. So, consider slimming gechkoy
Varieties of buckwheat diet
The classic version
If you are interested to buckwheat diet was most effective, then this can be achieved only by means of a special preparation of the buckwheat. The basic recipe for buckwheat diet is quite simple. Half a kilo of buckwheat is necessary to fill in 1, 5 liters of boiling water. Next pot with buckwheat should be wrapped in a blanket until the morning (if you can use a thermos). But cooking buckwheat is strictly prohibited. The next morning buckwheat will look normal, all the usual cooked cereals. That is the buckwheat porridge to eat for two weeks. If the water is absorbed completely in the rump, the excess fluid can be drained and the next day to add 1, 5 liters of boiling water. Except for the buckwheat, which can be eaten in unlimited quantities, you can also use no more than one liter of nonfat yogurt a day. Kefir can drink both with buckwheat, and separately, at any convenient time.
If endure hunger becomes difficult, yogurt drink no later than one hour before bedtime. In general, any weight loss involves drinking plenty of fluids. This will help prevent constipation while buckwheat diet, cleanse the body of toxins, thereby increasing the efficiency of your "hunger strike". Still mineral water can be consumed in any quantity. The fact that such water, unlike canned and even natural juices without exacerbating hunger. So, to lose weight will be much easier.
Buckwheat with soy sauce
For those who really want to lose weight, love buckwheat and kefir, but can not bring myself to eat porridge without salt, invented a small indulgence. Salted rump, still can not, but instead of salt allowed to use soy sauce. Only this sauce must be "correct". This product is completely replaces the salt gives the food the distinctive flavor and tone used in the preparation of various dishes. Soy sauce is so unique that it's worth a little more to tell.
The sauce keeps all the healing properties of soy. For example, soy sauce contains ten times more antioxidants than vitamin C or red wine. So, food seasoning sauce, you reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer, and Parkinson's disease. Soy sauce is useful in headache, insomnia, irritability, dermatitis, edema and even muscle spasms and sprains. How to cook this valuable product? "Correct," the production technology is quite complex. Please roasted wheat grains. Soybeans then evaporated and mixed with wheat. Then add the dill, garlic and various spices. After that, the sauce should wander in the sun. Moreover, this process takes several months. Only a year later he would be ready for use.
Soya sauce has several hundred species. To distinguish all the nuances of taste only by gourmets. For those less experienced, there is a simple division between light and dark sauce. As a rule, light sauce more salty, but also lighter. Dark sauce has a thick consistency and a distinct taste. True lovers of this seasoning claim that there can be almost any dish. However, if you previously did not use this product, start familiarizing with the sauce should be with light varieties.
So, if you can not bring yourself to do without salt, you can pour cereal with soy sauce. This, of course, a little less effective kind of slimming. But the results will please you in any way, and hold fourteen days will be much easier.
Buckwheat diet with dried fruit
Ideal "sweet tooth" - they will be able to lose weight without depriving yourself of sweets. You can eat dried fruit alone or add them to the buckwheat - as you wish. Suit raisins, prunes, dried pears and apples, dried apricots. Such a diet is considered to be the most balanced. Dried fruits can help you stand put for two weeks and lose weight without feeling discomfort and constant hunger. By the way, buckwheat diet with dried fruit gives very good results. Of course, if you eat them in moderation and do not try to substitute one for the other. Still, the foundation of buckwheat diet should be is buckwheat. For effective weight loss, this balance must be observed. Then these few days will not pass in vain, and you will feel how much benefit is brought to you diet and how gracefully began to look your figure!
Gentle buckwheat diet
For those who can not bring himself to "sit" on a mono diet - whatever it may be effective - there is a light option. This course is designed as fourteen days. During this time, as a rule, it is possible to lose weight by 3-5 kg. However, if the fourteen days you do not start hating violently buckwheat, then this option can be extended for a month. The bottom line is that to lose weight will be sufficient to limit yourself only once a day - during breakfast.
Within fourteen days of morning will be started identically. Take a glass of buckwheat and fill it with one liter of water. Cook porridge. Of course, to achieve this goal - weight loss - add to it the sugar, salt or oil is not necessary. Between breakfast and the next meal should take at least five hours. Then you can eat as usual. But better, of course, be included in the diet of more vegetables and other cereals, such as rice would be useful or corn porridge, and at least a month to give up flour, fat and sweet. It is believed that these breakfasts are good not only for weight loss, but also to cleanse the liver.
Incidentally vegetables can be combined with the dealer. It is best suited for such dishes turnips and radishes because they have properties that burn calories. Eating in this way, you will see that buckwheat diet with vegetables, too, is effective and fruitful. It improves complexion, strengthens nails and hair. And all this - without much effort. Just buckwheat for breakfast, and the results are stunning!
Frequency of cereal diets
Buckwheat diet as rice and other cereals diet most easily tolerated. Lose weight on it it will not be difficult. All you need - this desire and willpower. Just do not forget that the way out of the buckwheat diet should be smooth and gradual. And then a few days later the scales will begin to deviate at all in the one that you would like, side. And a month later you can start all over again.
By the way, last month - is insufficient interval between cereal diets. Many saw that the diet is effective and allows you to lose weight in just a few days in the eight to twelve kilograms, decide to return to it as soon as possible. However, such experiments with health will harm you. Buckwheat, of course, is very useful, however, as the rice, but any diet mono displays the body of essential vitamins and minerals. And he needs to fully make up for their stock.
Start a new rate of weight loss can not be earlier than sixty days after. Therefore, even after the diet, you need to adjust your diet a little bit. Then you will be able to not only lose weight but also to maintain the desired weight for a long time. Moreover, with health benefits. Here's it is effective - this diet with buckwheat. Try it. You definitely do it!