Diet margarita queen


  • Diet Queen Margarita
  • The first phase of the diet
  • The second phase of the diet
  • Third step
  • Sports drinks and other recommendations
  • Contraindications

Diets, dieting ... There just is not thought up options for the ever-dissatisfied with their appearance and stubbornly seeking perfection of women. Diets of famous actors, politicians and other public figures, promising an incredible transformation as soon as possible, diets of pseudo-nutritionists, "healers" and other wizards ... How not to get confused and choose the only one that will not only help deal with the problem, but do not harm health?

For example, in recent years it has become extremely popular diet Queen Margaret's. Allegedly, because of it we can enjoy the graceful figures of famous people such as Hope Babkin, singer Valeria, Philip Kirkorov, Zhanna Friske and many, many others. The list could go on almost indefinitely. Is it true? And who is this, this is the Queen Margaret? Let's try to understand.

A dietician Margarita Koroleva working in aesthetic medicine for over twenty years. She was one of the first in the country, came to the idea of ​​a complex individual programs to combat obesity and overweight and modeling figure. Margarita developed and started to put into practice their own methodology to not only effectively get rid of unwanted kilograms, but also to keep the achieved results for a long time. This method is based diet Queen Margaret's. After all, the most difficult - is to consolidate the success. Hardly dumped kgs aggressively trying to return to "their homes" places.

Queen Margarita - graduate. Her first medical specialty - cardiology. She successfully graduated I Moscow Medical Institute, clinical studies, and is a candidate of Medical Sciences. Education Aesthetic Medicine took place in the leading clinics of Italy, France, UK, Spain, Germany, China and Russia. As a result - the diplomas in dermakosmetologii, physiotherapy, dietetics and mesotherapy. The Queen continues to pursue science.

In its arsenal - about twenty scientific papers, monographs and articles in the press on healthy lifestyles and the problems of overweight. She - the author of the acclaimed bestseller "The easy way to harmony. Lose weight forever! "

Eighteen years ago, along with twin sister Rimma Moysenko Margarita organized and opened the clinic, are primarily engaged in the issues of modeling figures. Over the years accumulated a wealth of clinical experience. Today, it is popular with Russian "stars" and the celebrities. In addition, in 2005, Margaret created and led the Center for Aesthetic Medicine. This list - not all professional achievements by the Queen.

But, perhaps, is to dwell on this - the transfer of all its merits and regalia take too much time. Even on the basis of the foregoing, there is a feeling that this man well versed in the business and he can be trusted. What do you think?

 Diet by Queen Margarita

Diet Queen Margarita

So, what is the - Queen Margaret's diet and how it differs from many others? "Royal" express diet - it is a modern and unconventional way to fight obesity, and without compromising your health. It uses the familiar and popular food products, so the weight loss process goes fairly painless.

In addition, it is especially important for those who want to lose weight, you will not have to suffer from the debilitating hunger and fight with each other and with their desire to make an unplanned raid on the refrigerator. The basis of the diet based on the principles of healthy eating and deep knowledge of the needs of the body in minerals, vitamins and trace elements. If strict compliance with this mode, you will lose three to ten kilograms of "live weight" for nine days. Agree, not bad?

Moreover, due to the large amount of liquid and judicious alternation of products, this diet will allow you to not only lose weight, but also how to clean your body and strengthen the immune system. As a result, you can not only get a sense of joy, satisfaction and pride in yourself, your favorite, but also feel a sense of lightness and energy boost.

What is the meaning of this method? Full course diet of nine days. They are divided into three equal-length stage. Each stage - is, in fact, self monodiet. That is, for three days in a row you have to have a monotonous diet, and then the long-awaited change of dishes. This approach allows the majority of women do not break and do not depart from the intended. After three days - it's not a long time! In choosing a product there is no innovation - chicken, vegetables and rice. These ingredients, as you probably know, are part of most diets and are familiar to those who lead an uncompromising struggle against excess weight.

The first phase of the diet

Perhaps the first three days - the heaviest. There is a cleansing of the body. You have to adjust yourself to the fact that you can eat only rice. Because liquids say green tea and water without gas. Rice is not by chance, chosen as the first product of diet. Firstly, it contains no salt and gluten, which can cause allergic reactions. Secondly, this cereal is rich in vitamins B1, B3, PP, E, B2 and B6. This "bouquet" strengthens the nervous system, it helps transform nutrients into energy, positively affects the skin, nails and hair. Lecithin, which is part of cereals, improves the functioning of our brain.

Besides, Fig contains substances gently enveloping the stomach wall. As a consequence, it does not excite gastric secretion and even small amounts of this product will give you a feeling of fullness. It is these useful properties of rice and allowed to make its staple diet of the first stage.

Preparation of cereals did not take long. In the evening thoroughly wash the rice, fill it with cold water and leave overnight. In the morning boil water, put the rice and cook to no more than 15 minutes. Naturally, without salt or butter. This simple method of preparation is considered to be the most useful - it allows you to save all the valuable qualities of the product.

Prepared? Excellent! For breakfast, you need to eat a glass of the finished rice porridge. The rest of the rump is divided into several equal parts, in such a way that you could eat a little every hour, and the last meal came at seven o'clock.

 diet Queen Margaret

The second phase of the diet

The next - fourth, fifth and sixth day - a little easier. As a rule, the end of the first stage of rapid diet there is one, all-consuming desire - to eat meat. And it is quite natural - for three days of cleansing the body, not only successfully got rid of everything unnecessary, but also on the beneficial trace elements are contained only in meat. It was then, and you can help him! The main diet of your food will be a chicken. Why is this product? Perhaps, everyone knows that chicken is a part of very many diets. This is no accident. It is quite effective substitute for beef, pork and lamb.

With a low calorie, poultry meat is an excellent source of protein and essential body, amino acids. And this protein is very well absorbed and promotes cell division, development of brain activity and build bone. Chicken contains potassium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and vitamin A, C and E.

Moreover, it contains large amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids. This allows you to regard it as one of the most effective means for the prevention of serious diseases such as heart attack, stroke and coronary heart disease. Due to the low collagen content, the product is easily absorbed by the body. What is particularly helpful for people suffering from diabetes, obesity and gastrointestinal disease.

So, how to prepare a "correct" the chicken? Just boil it in boiling water for 20-25 minutes. Of course, salt and spices not be used. The finished meat is thoroughly cleaned of fat and skin. Dinner is served! The day allowed to eat 1-1, 2 kg. Do the same as with rice - divide the daily norm in small portions and eat during the day. As for drinks, all the same - still water and green tea.

Third step

Well, you and came to the finish line. The last leg of the express diet - the most pleasant. After rice and chicken you will surely feel like anything less than fresh water. All thoughtfully - the next three days you will eat vegetables. This - the final touch. Your body is simply necessary to replenish the missing nutrients and trace elements. Mineral salts and vitamins, which are rich in vegetables, will provide you with a burst of energy and contribute to the improvement of the whole organism.

Doctors, nutritionists recommend eating more vegetables as much as possible to speed up the metabolism and excretion of toxins. They are very rich in fiber, contain no fat, improve liver, heals the intestinal microflora and enhance the process of bile. Vegetables strengthen the immune system and help restore power.

According to the diet of Queen Marguerite, the daily rate shall be no more than 800 grams. But there can be any - what your heart desires! - Vegetables, both fresh and boiled. The principle is the same - it is necessary to divide the daily requirement of an equal number of small portions and eat them throughout the day. Beverages remain unchanged - still the same water without gas, and green tea.

Sports drinks and other recommendations

Fluids coming into our body, the Queen pays great importance. In order to express the results of the diet did not disappoint you, you need to drink at least two and a half liters of water or green tea daily. If desired, these drinks can be alternated. If you choose the tea, then of course he should be unsweetened. If it becomes unbearable - put a little honey. But this should not be abused. Despite the fact that the daily volume of the liquid is obtained is large enough, it is necessary to use it properly. For example, it is forbidden to wash down the food during or immediately after a meal - should wait a bit. And one more thing - a major amount of liquid should be drunk before five o'clock.

Perhaps, once again it should be emphasized that this is a very strict diet. Absolutely all of the products included in the diet menu Queen Marguerite should be cooked without salt, sugar or spices of any. Everything you need for life, your body will get that. Any "initiative" and changes in the menu can negate all your efforts.

Agree, it is very disappointing! After all, this diet is not an easy call. Therefore, if you decide to take this step, it is best to fully trust an experienced dietitian and strictly adhere to all the recommendations. Only in this case, the results will please you.

By the way, in and out of this diet should be very cautiously and gradually returning to the usual diet. In the first few days after the course it is recommended to use the same products - chicken, rice and vegetables. Of course, not in a rigid mode. It is necessary to fix the result, and help the body to "settle" in the new title.


Any diet - even the most well thought-out and balanced - is violence on the body and, as a consequence, a lot of stress. Together with him, even a common cold can cause irreparable damage to your health. So it is strongly not recommended to put on an experiment, if you feel bad, very tired or are in a nervous, "keyed" state. It - general recommendations.

Apart from them, this diet - as, indeed, any other - has its contraindications. These include heart disease, stomach ulcers and some other illnesses. Before you start the fight against excess weight, you should consult with your doctor. You may need to do it is absolutely contraindicated or simply, you have chosen the wrong time for the course.

It is first necessary to deal with his health, and then to engage in the figure. Agree, a sick person can hardly look beautiful and attractive. Do not forget this, and you will be sure to succeed! A diet Queen Margaret of you this will help.

 Diet Marguerite Queen - royal decision

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