illness indoor roses

Unfortunately, all the house plants susceptible to infectious diseases caused by various bacteria, fungi, viruses. And noncommunicable diseases, which contribute to the development of unsuitable environmental conditions. Although the room rose not so picky as some other species, yet pests and diseases and are not bypassed. Diseases of the room rose quite difficult treatable, so much easier for them to prevent than to treat. This is easily achieved if the correct and timely care for them.

Diseases indoor roses

First of all, the young and vulnerable to disease weakened plants, as well as those which have not been provided with proper and attentive care. One of the most common fungal diseases of indoor plants is powdery mildew. The main reasons for its occurrence can be a bad ventilated premises, overcrowding of plants in one place, as well as excess fertilizer. The disease is characterized by a white coating on the stems and leaves of plants. When its development leaves gradually dry up, curl and eventually completely fall off. Treatment is carried out by removing the affected shoots, leaves, buds and drug treatment topaz, etc. fundazol.

Another similar to previous disease is downy mildew. Very often, these two diseases are confused with each other. The difference is that when downy mildew white coating of fungus spore coat, usually only the underside of leaves. On the upper side of the same can be observed usually yellowish or light spots. This disease spreads very quickly on wet leaves. Treatment involves removal of the affected shoots, leaves, buds and fungicide treatment. To mushrooms are not used to a particular drug, it must be periodically replaced by another group of fungicides.

If leaves room rose appear moist brown spots, gradually increasing in size, which later merged and affect the entire sheet completely, these are signs of another disease called spot. It has both bacterial and fungal origin. Most often, the disease manifests itself in the second phase of growth. Treatment is done by removing the affected shoots and leaves and spraying with copper any preparations (copper sulphate, Bordeaux liquid oksihom) or topsinom and fundazol. It is also important to reduce watering infected plants and spraying them to stop until they are cured.

If the leaves of your plants covered with red, orange or dark brown small pads (pustules), they hit the so-called rust roses. Its rise and contribute to the lack of improper care for potted roses. It is important to create optimal conditions for the growth and development of these plants - in time to ventilate the room, avoiding the high air temperatures and high humidity. Treatment in this situation mainly is to remove all the leaves have fallen under suspicion as spraying fungicides can not always help stop the development of the disease.

 disease roses room

Pests potted roses

In addition to these diseases may be affected room rose a variety of pests. The most common of these is the so-called spider mite on the room rose. The reason for its occurrence is most often not enough moist and too warm air in the room. At the beginning of the defeat of this pest can be seen on the leaves of pale dots that grow over time and become a solid whitish spots. In this case, you should wash off the plants with the help of a web of shampoo from ticks to animals and to increase the humidity in the room. After that must be treated with special drugs rose against ticks - acaricide.

There are other pests potted roses. This rose aphids and thrips. They are especially dangerous in the spring and summer. Rosana aphids usually affects buds and leaves, after which they are twisted and covered with sticky secretions of this pest. With the defeat of thrips can be seen patches of flowers and a large deformation and discoloration of leaves - they acquire a brownish-gray shade with a silvery sheen. At detection of pests of plants must be treated with insecticides.

It should be remembered that the correct and timely care for potted roses of many diseases affecting these beautiful plants can be avoided. For their health needed just two of the main conditions - fresh cool air and bright ambient light.

 Diseases indoor roses

We strongly recommend to read: Species roses room

 Palm room

Fill up your collection of indoor plants alive this palm tree? Why not? Potted palms - unpretentious plants, care for them is not so difficult, and how effectively it will look this tree in the house, and say no. However, they have one drawback - too large room palm grows.

But they reach their size as giant will not soon. So enjoy the view of a small and neat palmochki you will be long. The case for small - to choose the right kind of palm trees and learn to take care of it. All kinds of potted trees are divided into two main groups (in the form of leaves): peristolistnye (dates, coconut, chamaedorea, Hove) and veerolistnye (trahikarpus, hamerops, palm Livistona). What are they like?

The date palm (Phoenix Rod) has already seventeen species. In the wild growing mainly in Africa and India. And that's actually a popular home-palm "date palm" in the wild and there. This columnar tree with "shaggy" trunk grows over time, the ceiling! The leaves had dark green, pinnate, curved arc able to achieve a six-meter lengths. By the way, this palm is easy to grow from bone dried dates, which is sure to sprout in the usual flower pot (though the time it will take much). Yes, and more or less decorative appearance this tree will get only five to seven years.

Therefore, for indoor cultivation is more suitable date palm fruits with inedible - date shy. This is a low (two meters) ornamental tree with lush foliage, elegantly curved leaves and a fixture of palm - "shaggy" barrel (and sometimes with multiple trunks).

Areca - Beautiful palm tree, came to us from the tropical forests of India. It has a flexible trunk, ringed variety of characteristic scarring (remnants of petioles). A krone areca - a powerful beam of feathery leaves on the "top" of the barrel. The room conditions it grows up to two meters in height, and the leaves reach its meter length.

Trahikarpus considered the most adapted to the conditions of a variety of indoor potted palms. It is a palm tree with a direct "bottle-" trunk and huge fan leaves-webs. It is noteworthy that trahikarpus blooming fragrant white or yellow flowers, and even gives the fruit - blue-black berries. The two most famous of its kind: trahikarpus Martius and trahikarpus Fortune.

Complementing the indoor varieties of palm trees and race Iscariot. This amazing tree looks very different from their counterparts' palm tribe. " Unique palm leaves that are shaped like an elongated triangle like the wide end is specifically, but carelessly broken. Moreover, it is the fastest growing tree from all indoor palm trees, but lives it is relatively short - about twenty years.

Coconut tree - not the best option for home cultivation. It is very, very light-requiring, and therefore more suitable for winter gardens and greenhouses. At room conditions usually contain only coconut and coconut nucifera Veddelya. For the home cultivation of palm trees are ideal such as the Belmore and Hove Hove Foster all kinds hamedorei, palm Livistona, hamerops squat.

Conditions of detention

Almost all rooms palms require the same conditions. Most of them first of all need a spacious room. Because even if your palm is not yet achieved its impressive size, it does not tolerate close proximity to other potted flowers, as in fact it is a single plant.

Like any potted plants, palm needs proper lighting, comfortable temperature and sufficient humidity.

  1. Lighting. Palm plant light-loving - they need a bright, but always scattered light, so the room where it will be kept your palm should be not only spacious, but also light. Direct sun palms tolerate hard, so it will have on them pritenyat.
  2. Temperature. Palm trees tropical plants (areca, Iscariot, coconut, chamaedorea). So, you know, they need the room with warm air. However, the palm trees, which grow wild relatives in the subtropics (braheya, hamerops, trahikarpus, Washington) for the winter is better to swap the premises with cool air. What is similar to all, without exception, palm trees, so it is in fear of drafts. And they need to be protected from the cold roots. Therefore, tubs and pots with these heat-loving trees can not be put on the cold floor or windowsill.
  3. Air humidity. Palm moisture-loving plants. They barely tolerate dry air and need constant spraying, especially in hot weather. In order to alleviate the suffering of these tropical creatures, they should not be sprayed, but take it only warm water and moisten the leaves on both sides.

 Palm room

How to care for a palm tree?

Such a houseplant as a houseplant Palma addition of suitable conditions and needs more burdensome, but regular care. How to take care of it? Basic care for the potted palm trees reduced to proper watering, timely transplanting, feeding and protection from disease.

Watering. In the summer - daily and abundant in the winter - a moderate. In general, irrigation frequency and intensity directly related to the air temperature. The hotter it is, the more often and generously pour palm. However, waterlogging is also undesirable for her. Land in a tub with a flower to be wet all the time, but only slightly.

Transplanted trees as they grow. Young and actively growing trees - each year, more adult - less. The need for transplantation is determined by the narrowness of the pot. From became a small palm tree flower pots are transplanted in the spring in a large bowl of cylindrical shape. The new pot should be at the same time quite a bit more than before. Samu transplant produced by the general rules of indoor flower.

Like other potted plants trees should be fed. Young or newly transplanted trees in the first six months do not need fertilizing. Adults palms fertilize the period of active growth (March-September) once a week. Fed their usual flower fertilizer according to package directions.

As you can see, unpretentious palm bedroom self-care requires almost minimal. If you properly care for her, then match your palm will not. However, such troubles are not yet excluded. So-called diseases of indoor palm trees:

  • Brown (dry), the tips of the leaves. The reason - the dry air, lack of watering. Treatment - regular watering, spraying, pruning of dried-up tips.
  • Yellow foliage. The reason - insufficient watering.
  • Rusty spots on the leaves. The reason - the soil moisture, watering hard water, a sharp drop in temperature.
  • Drying of young leaves. The reason - the excess of sunlight. Treatment - pritenenie plants.
  • Cessation of growth. The reason - too cold and damp room, lack of nutrients. Treatment - moving the plant in a warm place, dressing.
  • Drying of lower leaves. The natural process. Such leaves are simply removed, carefully cutting off from the trunk.

Here's an interesting palm flower room - a spectacular, large and undemanding plant. A little piece of tropical forest in the tub.

 Indoor palm - a piece of rainforest in the tub

We strongly recommend to read: How to care for a rose room
