In our time, perhaps, no pregnancy can not do without the use of - or drugs that at least multivitamin complexes. The reasons for the fact quite a lot - this poor environment, poor health and more modern women, and many other factors. And, of course, any future mom worries about how a particular drug will affect the health and development of the crumbs.
This article will talk about diuretics for edema. After all, the swelling has plagued a very large number of pregnant women. And that drugs are prescribed to them more than any others.
Swelling in most cases the cause of overweight pregnant women. But for the weight of the expectant mother must watch very carefully, because its excessive increase does not bring my mother or the baby nothing but harm. The most relevant to the problem of the pregnant women who suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, diseases in the cardiovascular system and kidneys.
In such cases the edema is due to the fact that the body does not have time to physically withdraw excess water and it naturally accumulates in the tissues. To solve this problem, doctor - a gynecologist can prescribe to a pregnant woman special drugs called diuretics. The most common purpose for pregnant women doctors prefer two drugs: the herbal preparation "FITOZILIN" and "furosemide".
"Fitozolin" operates quite smoothly, without causing any harm to the future of the baby, or the very pregnant woman. He has no other contraindications but are hypersensitive to the drug, so is widely used, and without any fear of side vracha gynecologist.
"Furasimid" as is severe enough, a potent diuretic. Of course, it is very effective, but it has a fairly large number of side effects. Therefore, it is prescribed only in extreme cases - if a pregnant woman is very strong swelling and significantly increased blood pressure.
Features reception "Furosemide"
So, what does a pregnant woman need to pay close attention if your doctor has prescribed her reception of diuretics? First of all, to strict compliance with the assigned her dosage. Typically, the drug usually begins with 50 mg per day. In the event that this remains a need, the dosage can be increased, but only under strict medical control the weight of a pregnant woman and the state of the future baby.
In no case can not forget about that when taking such a strong diuretic drug is always a risk of dehydration. A dehydration during pregnancy is no less dangerous than the swelling. Therefore, the expectant mother should be sure to discuss with your doctor this question, as the amount of liquid consumed per day.
In that case, if the waiting time of your crumbs fell to the summer months, remember that "furosemide" greatly increases the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight. So try as much as possible, as far as possible, to limit their stay under the open sun. In the same case, if you notice the appearance of hives or a rash, as soon as possible, seek help from a doctor.
In addition, "furosemide" impairs the body's temperature regulation of the pregnant woman. In the hot season women taking this drug, the most exposed to thermal shock. It should be remembered about this, and try to stay cool in any case.
Also this drug promotes active excretion of potassium from the body of a pregnant woman. A Potassium is essential for normal body functioning and development of the pregnancy. As a rule, doctors - gynecologists are aware of this particular drug, so appoint a pregnant woman kalisodergaszczye drugs and a diet rich in potassium.
Be careful while taking this drug, as it often provokes a pregnant woman severe dizziness, especially when a woman rises from a lying or sitting position. We should not forget about this feature in order to prevent falls. Get up very carefully: first, lower your legs off the bed, and only a couple of minutes, stand for yourself. If you rise from a chair, do it slowly and stay for a while next to the chair - as long as you do not make sure that you do not have a head spinning.
In some cases, "furasimid" can greatly reduce the hearing. Generally, this phenomenon is temporary. Sometimes, however, these changes still remain unchanged. Especially strong this risk increases in cases where "furasimid" taken simultaneously with antibiotics.
In the event that for some - any reason a pregnant woman will have any surgery, even the most ordinary dental treatment, it should not forget to notify the physician conducting the intervention, that it takes a diuretic drug.
In no case do not take at the same time "furosemide" any other medicines, especially designed to combat colds and viral diseases. Although, strictly speaking, a pregnant woman should not take any medication on their own without consulting with your doctor - a gynecologist. This is true in any case, regardless of whether a pregnant woman receives medication or not. Self-medication during pregnancy is unacceptable, since endangers not only the health of the expectant mother, but also the life of the unborn child.
Perhaps this and says it is not necessary, but still - when receiving furosemide in any case can not drink alcoholic beverages. In order to avoid irritation of the gastric mucosa, pills, doctors recommend drink milk, or taken with food.
In the event that a pregnant woman should take the medicine more than once a day, the reception is spread in such a way that the last dose was taken not later than six o'clock in the evening. Otherwise, the endless trips to the bathroom during the night are inevitable.
In that case, if you for some - any reason missed taking the drug, she in no case should not take a double dose. Otherwise the drug overdose just inevitable. For both mother and baby nothing but harm, it will not do.
Alarms and contraindications
In the event that woman felt any discomfort, anyway related to the drug intake, it should be as soon as possible to call a doctor, either on their own to seek medical help. These symptoms include:
- Feeling very dry mouth.
- Severe pain in the stomach or other abdominal area, especially accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
- Muscle cramps, pain in the joints.
- The feeling of fever or chills.
As mentioned above, all pregnant women need to prescribe this drug with caution, and only under close medical supervision. However, there are some diseases that are the strictest contraindication to receiving this drug. Ignoring them can lead to unpredictable and tragic consequences. So, for such contraindications it includes:
- Acute renal failure is the lack of urine without it.
- Hypokalemia - a significant reduction in the level of potassium in the blood.
- Any coma, whatever they were called.
- Diabetic coma.
No doctor would risk the life of the mother and child, appointing in such a situation the drug.
Effect of diuretics on the child
As you can see, all diuretics are not so harmless as it may seem at first glance. In addition, they have a significant impact not only on the body of a pregnant woman, but also to the developing baby.
Too many side effects have an impact on the child. For example, a child may develop irreversible hearing loss, pathological development of the urinary tract and the joints.
Deciding on the advisability of this drug should only be a doctor, after carefully weighing all the potential benefits and possible risks for both mother and child, taking into account the current state of both.
This drug should be administered only in case of real need, but not for the prevention of edema. A pregnant woman can only be short-term use of the drug, if absolutely necessary, and only if the expected positive effect on the impact of the mother's body is much greater than the potential risk to the fetus.
And even after birth the woman must apply to the reception of diuretic drugs with extreme caution. All of these drugs in large numbers stand out with mother's milk, and very often, they inhibit lactation. Therefore, a woman should refuse to accept these drugs, or else stop breastfeeding.
As practice shows, in most cases, doctors - gynecologists prefer to prescribe diuretics expectant mothers are not chemically synthesized and derived from plants. These herbal drugs have on the body of a pregnant woman is much softer impact than their synthetic "cousins." And, accordingly, the risk of any side effects of such drugs at a much lower.
The most widely used by doctors - gynecologists have such a drug as "Phytolysinum." The composition of this formulation includes components such as:
- Root parsley.
- The herb horsetail.
- The root of wheatgrass.
- Birch leaves ordinary.
- Grass Knotweed.
- Sage, mint, orange, pine oil, and vanilla.
Another positive quality of this drug is that it has complex positive effects on the organism of the pregnant woman. It is anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic and antibacterial agent that not only relieves swelling, but also prevents the growth of bacteria, loosens and removes urinary stones.
It is because of all these properties, the drug "Phytolysinum" is used in pregnant women, not only as a diuretic, but also for the treatment of inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract, have been mild.
The drug comes in the form of a soft paste of greenish color, has a specific grassy smell. Before taking this medication, it must be dissolved in a glass of warm water. The dosage regimen and the remainder in each case is to paint it the doctor, because even "Phytolysinum" and has a vegetable origin, it is still the drug.
Summarizing all the above, I would like to once again draw attention to pregnant women in the next nuance. It does not matter whether you accept "furosemide" or more diuretics herbal preparations atlas offers them a huge set. But diuretics - only auxiliary measure to save a woman from stagnation and excess fluid.
A major joint effort of the future mother and the doctor - a gynecologist should be aimed at combating the basic pathology, which, strictly speaking, causes most of these swellings. The sooner the cause of the pathology is identified, the easier and with less consequences, it will be eliminated.
That is why expectant mother in any case should not be ignored routine checkups at the doctor - a gynecologist, the doctor recommended to break the drinking regime. Weight control of the pregnant woman must be very careful - even 500 extra grams are very serious load on the urinary and cardio - vascular system as a mother and child.