Ear surgery is a surgery to correct the shape of the ear, or earlobes, which affects the soft cartilage of the ear shell. The auricle can be deformed by a variety of reasons, and most women are faced with this problem, improve their appearance with the help of a plastic surgeon. Those who did otoplasty know what long-term care is required for the operated ears, but, nevertheless, the majority of women are satisfied with the results, because for each of the fair sex is so important to look attractive in the eyes of others.
In some cases, you may need Otoplasty: Ear surgery is necessary in congenital hypoplasia or in the absence of the pinna, with congenital malformations, resulting in ugly shape of the ears. Plastic surgery - otoplasty - may be required in the case of traumatic defects and deformities of the ear, including the complete absence of the ear itself. According to statistics, the most common plastic ears, a plastic surgeon do people with droopy ears.
Otoplasty are classified into two types: reconstructive and aesthetic. Reconstructive plastic ears to recreate the whole or partial absence of the outer ear, while the aesthetic plastic ears aimed at changing the shape of the ear. As a rule, reconstructive otoplasty is recommended by children as young as six years old, suffering from droopy ears, in order to further avoid the psychological discomfort and development of systems. Great value before the operation is psychological support of the patient. Let's talk about all under the order.
Reconstructive otoplasty
In short, we already talked about that reconstructive otoplasty helps recreate the ear. Clearly, this is not an easy task. Just remember that not so long ago restoration ear, created a similar nature, it was simply impossible.
To date, the creation of the auricle is a phase period of 3-4 years. In the first stage of plastic surgery - otoplasty - creates a cartilaginous skeleton of the future on the basis of the ear rib cartilage. In the second stage the resulting cage placed on the missing place in a special ear subcutaneous pocket. Frame survives the new place for 2-6 months, after which it is detached from the head, while moving the earlobe in the desired position, and the wound is closed in behind the ear skin graft, taken directly from the patient. After a while the doctor forms a trestle and deepening.
What results are obtained otoplasty - photos demonstrate: the reconstructed ear are present at all the main elements of the natural ear. Of course, this kind of plastic does not allow patients to recover hearing, but nevertheless, at the operated person is born a completely new internal and external sense of self and the world.
Planning plastic surgery ears
For those who do not afraid of otoplasty and plans its future, it is worth remembering that the indication for this type of operation is droopy ears or other congenital and acquired defects of the ear.
In droopy ears for several reasons:
- Separate excessive lag of earlobes from head
- Excessive depth of the cartilage of the ear funnel, which leads into the external auditory canal
- Smoothness of the relief of the ear resulting in congenital underdevelopment, which is why the pinna has a flattened appearance and too distant from the head
The patient may suffer one of both these reasons, and for reasons, all three simultaneously. The good news is that one operation is enough to get rid of all kinds of suffering and complexes.
Otoplasty one ear after an injury or two, it carries the restore function. In the case of droopy ears objective of the operation lies in the movement of the ear in a more aesthetic position, as well as in the restoration of the natural topography of the ear. However, it is practically impossible to achieve symmetry of the two ears at the same time, especially if it is before the operation was protruded only one ear.
Plan of operations must always be matched to the patient and should take into account their wishes regarding the extent equidistance ears from the head and form. Best friend and adviser on this issue - the mirror. Otoplasty can be performed at any age, but not earlier than 6 years. It is worth remembering that we should not rush to surgery, while you will not have the internal motivation to change the form of ears, otherwise you will be faced with serious psychological problems.
The doctor may perform the surgery under local anesthesia, and you will not feel pain. If a woman has excessive sensibility and emotion, then it is better to spend otoplasty under general anesthesia.
Otoplasty feedback has positive only if the women turn into a serious clinic doctors, whose professionalism is beyond doubt and confirmed by numerous good discussion on the Women's Forum, or in the guest book in the very clinic. At the same time all the women say that it is best to otoplasty, as well, and other surgical procedures, carried out by men.
Methods of otoplasty
At this time, all known methods of otoplasty medicine are divided into "seam" and "seamless" ways of modeling the ear cartilage.
The greatest popularity gained such "Suture" methods such as:
- Mustard. A method in which a long incision is made along the rear surface of the ear, resulting in thinning of the cartilage in the course of future folds. Subsequently sutured on the cartilage, the cartilage that bend and form antihelix fold, so that the ear gets the desired shape.
- Furnas. The method in which the ear is excised over a wide area of the skin located between the skull and the pinna. Cartilage is sutured to the temporal bone, making ear pressed close to the head.
This method otoplasty as a "seamless" simulation based on the ability of cartilage to flex in nature in the direction opposite incisions, allowing the pinna becomes natural contours.
The essence of this operation is as follows: the patient is administered an anesthetic solution, a doctor performs an S-shaped incision on the posterior surface of the ear, then the additional elliptical cuts excised skin. Then the exfoliation of the skin on the back surface to a middle antihelix and cartilage is cut through the entire thickness, and then the skin begins to delaminate at the front surface.
Such nuances photo otoplasty reflects with complete clarity. This method enables the surgeon to release a large surface of skin of the ear cartilage. Our next step is modeling using laxative incisions made on the front surface. After the procedure, the cartilage collapses and becomes closer to the head to the desired distance.
Any otoplasty surgery involves the imposition of ear sterile gauze impregnated with an antibacterial ointment. Above the napkin is worn elastic bandage or tennis bandeau, which serves as a bandage after otoplasty. The next day the ligation is performed first, and the removal of stitches the doctor makes a week.
Preparatory procedures
Otoplasty comparable to other plastic surgery, so the patient must undergo for the sake of its security standard inspection. The time interval between the inspection and the operation should not exceed two weeks. Depending on the kind of anesthesia (local or systemic), the doctor will determine the volume of surveys. For a couple of weeks before the otoplasty + one week after the operation the patient must avoid taking drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid, and other drugs which reduce blood clotting. The day before the operation the patient should be washed in the evening hair with shampoo. In the case of general anesthesia, forbidden to eat and drink for 6 hours prior to surgery.
As a rule, each clinic is trying to stock up reliable facts of how miraculously transforms patients conducted otoplasty - Before and after surgery have become a good tradition. So just before the surgery, the patient is photographed. If you have too long hair need to lay them so that during the operation they do not fall into the operating field and does not impede the operation. In addition, the hair can be a source of infection.
Operations to restore the shape of the ear, as well as remedial anatomical abnormalities and droopy ears are contraindications, similar prohibitions for other surgical procedures. Otoplasty - contraindications:
- somatic diseases that occur in severe;
- menstrual bleeding;
- the presence of cancer;
- the presence of hepatitis B or C, syphilis or AIDS.
To avoid complications after otoplasty, before surgery is mandatory shall be such analyzes, such as: complete blood count, blood test for hepatitis B and C, syphilis and AIDS. In addition, the doctor-patient discussion admissibility decision medications prescribed to patients by other doctors.
Otoplasty does not stand guard over any strict criteria, but it is worth remembering that the experts believe the ideal angle between the ear and the head of 30 degrees, and the location of the line sinks ear exactly parallel cheeks.
Pain in the otoplasty
The pain during the operation, as well as the pain after the otoplasty are forced to use general anesthesia during surgery. On the basis of a complex of factors and preliminary examinations the doctor prescribes the patient either local or general anesthesia. In almost all cases, otoplasty is performed on an outpatient basis. Anesthesia in this case is similar to the treatment of pain, used in dentistry.
Experts classify as a bloodless laser otoplasty. Particularly impressionable is particularly recommended to conduct the operation under general anesthesia (intravenous anesthesia). It should be remembered that the need to choose a method of anesthesia for otoplasty is a specialist.
Laser otoplasty
Laser scalpel has a strong antimicrobial effect, therefore complications after otoplasty as suppuration occur in practice is extremely rare. Otoplasty laser allows operation more accurately and reduce pain during surgery and prevent swelling after otoplasty.
In essence, the laser scalpel is different from the usual higher ductility, tenderness and accuracy. The surgeon performs incision on the back surface of the ear, the ear cartilage is then fixed in the new desired position. Bloodless operations ensured by the fact that the cutting of tissue the laser beam instantly tightens blood vessels.
The average laser otoplasty time lasts 20-30 minutes. After the operation is almost no hemorrhaging. Elastic bandage after otoplasty performed laser scalpel, removed after 5-6 days. During this time, in no case it is wet wound. Also within 2-3 weeks after the laser otoplasty should be limited to a minimum of physical activity.
Although plastic ears complex operation and is not considered, yet otoplasty involves the rehabilitation period.
Be sure to wear a special bandage. If the patient ignores this rule, he gets a number of complications, and otoplasty failure causes bad mood, and sometimes a doctor in charge of negative consequences.
If you feel pain after otoplasty, as well as feeling discomfort shown analgesics (e.g., "Ketanov").
By the way, the laser beam is often used for cosmetic purposes for the correction and correction of previous plastic surgery ear.
The risks and complications in the postoperative period
Despite all the precautions before and during the surgery, otoplasty complications can still give. One of these complications can be rough keloid scar, the occurrence of which is largely dependent on the patient's skin type and other factors. In order to avoid such negative consequences, the area of the operation is treated with a special solution. Usually 3-4 weeks after surgery scar disappears, and the size of it is not so great - 1-2 cm.
In addition to this rooted in otoplasty complications of a different nature, such as an allergic reaction to medication. It should be noted that such a complication in the current practice is extremely rare.
If you go to a clinic proven it is possible to confidently say that you will be made a qualitative otoplasty - consequences and a lifetime warranty on the result will remain on the shoulders of clinical specialists.
Rehabilitation after otoplasty
Rehabilitation after otoplasty is a set of rules that the patient should be followed. If the operation of labiaplasty was not too difficult, the compressive bandage can be removed within three days, but it is recommended to wear it seven days. Until three weeks armband must be worn at night to inadvertently damage the dream operated ear. Replace the dressing is made on the very first day. Pain during the first three days can be removed with the help of analgesics. During the first five days the patient must take prescribed antibiotics.
What would be a wonderful way you do not operate, otoplasty postoperative period still has a "please" you with their "charms": ears for two weeks and have a look cyanotic bluish color, the bulk of the swelling and bruising around the ears to hold 14-16 days. Fully swelling after otoplasty go only after two months. During this time, the sensitivity of ears is reduced. Restoring sensitivity occurs gradually and may be accompanied by a sort of "ants", as well as unnatural sensations. Over time, these sensations leave the operated patients.
Usually behind the ear stitches are removed after 10-14 days. Operation otoplasty rehabilitation is relatively easy for the patient, suggests a lack of physical activity only in the first 3 weeks after surgery. Within two months, it is extremely dangerous to injure the operated ear. During this period, it is not necessary to expose the skin ears active influence solarium or solar radiation.
The experts always warn patients that otoplasty produced no effect on hearing. Despite the presence of unpleasant consequences, remember that all of the negative aspects associated with rehabilitation after otoplasty, very rapidly.
The doctor will warn that the correction is carried out does not affect the hearing. It is also necessary to remember that, despite the slight swelling, all the unpleasant moments associated with postoperative period rapidly. But the desired result will stay with you for life.
After otoplasty apply the same rehabilitation procedures, as with other plastic surgery: hardware cosmetology and physiotherapy, which greatly accelerates the healing of tissues and toe swelling. Final evaluation of the operation is carried out after six months.
Re otoplasty
In medical practice, there are cases where patients require re otoplasty. Typically, such situation is the fault of the patients themselves, who ignored the right to wear a pressure bandage in the rehabilitation period, or does not comply with doctors' recommendations. However, such an operation may be required in patients who have suffered due to the fault of the doctor, or to obtain an asymmetry of ears after the first operation.
Never ask for help in those clinics where you offer to operate only one ear, as in professional otoplasty always made a correction on both ears. Only in this way can be avoided and otoplasty failed to achieve the maximum similarity and symmetry. Otherwise, you will definitely need a second operation on the two ears.
It may be a situation when re otoplasty is necessary because of the shape deformation ears by heavy festering after the first operation. In order to avoid such problems in advance, it requires a full examination of the patient for the presence of infectious diseases, diabetes, and diseases of the immune system.