
Today elektrolipoliz - one of the most effective treatments in modern medicine and in cosmetics. Patented in France less than twenty years ago elektrolipoliz reviews have managed to get very good, not only from the French women, but also by people in other countries, where it quickly became popular.

Elektrolipoliz body - take a closer look

In the second half of the eighteenth century, when opportunities were found to receive electricity from artificial sources, it immediately started to use doctors. Today elektrolipoliz body - the best and loyal assistant for cardiac surgeons, physiotherapists and, of course, cosmetologists. Elektrolipoliz - one of the few tools that can get rid of cellulite and correct figure without intervention of plastic surgeons. Thanks to electrical impulses, not only activates the metabolism, and split the accumulated fat in the body, but also stimulate lymphatic drainage and cleaned deep layers of the epidermis.

Elektrolipoliz electrode and the needle

Modern cosmetology offers two types of procedures: elektrolipoliz elektrolipoliz needle and electrode. If the first kind elektrolipoliz body a painful and leaves traces on the body of a small swelling, redness and bruises, the second does not cause pain to the client, although the impact on the body of the magnetic electrodes, too, can not be called pleasant. Visitors cosmetic surgeries usually prefer "direct beauty" through elektrolipoliz electrode, unwilling to endure the pain of needle injected directly into the body in fatty tissue. However elektrolipoliz needle has a wide variety of responses - on the one hand, his dislike for the pain, but on the other - is respected for large (compared with the electrode) efficiency.

Procedure elektrolipoliz

 elektrolipoliz reviews
 What happens to a client who came to elektrolipoliz? The procedure is carried out in the office equipped with special equipment .  Duration of treatment is usually from 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the program which will provide you with experienced doctors, beauticians .  On the problem areas (thighs and buttocks, abdomen, legs and arms) attach the magnetic skin electrodes (or a needle injected into the skin) and include the device .  Elektrolipoliz by the electrodes causes the cells to change the polarity of the charge of fifteen to twenty times per minute, allowing the cells to actively spend energy, and hence the fat accumulated in the body - they quickly burn out, and all that remains of them is output from the genitourinary system .  About elektrolipoliz reviews on the Internet are usually good, that is, . to .  no procedure to get rid of cellulite does not give such good results .  You might also notice that on the needle elektrolipoliz reviews on Women's Forum is much less, because the procedure is the introduction of needle electrodes under the skin deters many potential customers .  However, lucky to have a high pain threshold, they recognize that light bruises and swelling, remaining on the needles - small price to pay for the effectiveness of the procedure .  After electrode elektrolipoliz 30 percent less effective elektrolipoliz needle .

The entire procedure lasts elektrolipoliz approximately one hour and is carried out in three stages:

  1. The first stage - the splitting of fat cells. During the splitting of the client feels pleasant tingling of the skin, which gradually increases.
  2. With the onset of the second stage - the very uncomfortable throughout the procedure - tingling becomes much more noticeable and unpleasant enough already. At this time the ejection of the decay products of crushed fat from body cells.
  3. In the third stage elektrolipoliz through rhythmic effect on the muscles and tissues, tightens and tones the skin. At the same time it felt alternating contraction and relaxation of muscles.

Elektrolipoliz usually prescribed consisting of five to twelve procedures of course, depending on skin condition, the degree of "neglect" of accumulated cellulite and fat cells, as well as the general state of the organism .  The procedure is done only once a week, ideally - once in ten days .  Elektrolipoliz is most effective to combat cellulite, getting rid of the fat tissue on the hands and abdomen, as well as excretion of excess fluid stagnant provoking edema .  A useful addition to the procedure will be massage, lifting, lymphatic drainage, hot wraps and myostimulation .  Lymph made after lipolysis contributes to the removal of the decay products of the body, not allowing fat cells to the newly restored .  The effect of this procedure as elektrolipoliz, noticeable immediately after graduation, but after about three days, the client happy to note that the volume of the abdomen and thighs shrunk and yesterday's "orange peel" finally become smooth and delicate female skin .  And they took not one, but ten procedures, the effect of it will be impossible not to notice, even under clothing .  In addition to the local, the local impact elektrolipoliz positive effect on the human body as a whole: it contributes to the improvement of the nervous system and promotes both lymph and blood circulation .


Like any serious cosmetic procedure elektrolipoliz has its contraindications. The most important of them - are diseases of the genitourinary system, especially the kidneys, because after the procedure on them significantly increases the load that is fraught with complications, if the kidneys are weakened some disease. In addition, a contraindication elektrolipoliz and other diseases - such as skin infections, varicose veins and a tendency to high blood pressure, hypertension and tachycardia. Of course, elektrolipoliz contraindicated for women who are pregnant (at any stage of pregnancy) and nursing mothers.

 Elektrolipoliz - the best beauty aid

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 Scars from acne how to get rid

In life, it is that for whatever reason are on our skin marks - scars. Some of them are barely visible and anxiety do not deliver, while others - too visible and are often forced to be embarrassed and nervous.

Is it possible to get rid of scars? - This question is asked yourself more than once or twice distressed owners ugly "characters." Today we try to understand what could be the scars and how to get rid of scars.

Scars from burns and scars

If you had to think about how to get rid of the scar from a burn or if you searched for an answer to the question: how to quickly get rid of scars? - It means those scars truly prevents, at least, disturbing your peace of mind. In this case, it has to take action. It is worth to resort to plastic surgery.

The operation, to answer your question: "how to get rid of the scar quickly," involves excision of a portion of the scar, or else all. As a result of a nasty scar will be much more noticeable and more already, or it will disappear completely. Also, there is a possibility to use a plastic scar patient's own tissue.

Get rid of the scars from the burns can transplant using skin flaps, or free with nourishes the skin. If necessary, the method of connecting these two in order to achieve maximum efficiency.

The duration of such plastic surgery is not more than one hour (except only be very complex operations) using local or general anesthesia, as a variant, it is possible anesthesia - all depending on the complexity and type of surgical procedure. In the hospital, after the removal of such defects of the skin, the patient will hold from one to several days. The rehabilitation period lasts on average for about a month, all the recommendations made should be strictly observed.

Types of acne scars

In some people there is such a problem as scars from acne - how to get rid of than to use what method to choose - a question with a lot of unknowns, but solve it very desirable, since these markings create not only physical discomfort, in some cases, but are obvious irritants that affect the psychological state as a whole. How can you get rid of scars?

It should distinguish between scars, since their origins are different ways:

  • Atrophic scars - those located below the skin. They appear due to the reduced reaction of the connective tissue on the existing injury that causes a lack of collagen;
  • Normotroficheskie scars - on the same level with the skin. Only occurs when the normal response to injury connective tissue. They are light in color and have a flat view, close to the elasticity of normal tissues of the skin;
  • Hypertrophic scars - those that are located above the level of the skin. Their appearance is generated excess collagen as its surplus is not fully absorbed;
  • Keloid scars - are made from a special type of scar tissue.

How to get rid of scars?

 acne scars how to get rid

How to get rid of acne scars - this task takes only those who are directly faced with similar problems, and beauticians who want to help solve them. Each type of scars should choose their appropriate treatment, their methods. What is good for one scar, can cause a negative reaction to the other.

Let's talk first about keloid scars a little more detail. You can often hear the question: how to get rid of colloidal scar? I would like to clarify that the correct name yet - keloid scars. Their appearance is a perverse reaction of connective tissue to injury. Typically, such scars are formed under conditions of reduced immunity both tissue and general. Scars elastic texture, uneven surface of slightly wrinkled skin above the level they act very much. There are similar to warts. Their growth is not stopped, which leads to the fact that the visible portion can be significantly longer intradermal part.

Keloids: treatment, relapses, and how to get rid of keloids - many professionals adhere to some of the most effective method, allowing to achieve an acceptable result. Here you can talk about the surgery, but only in a complex with other methods, as a high risk of relapse and new scars. Scars on the ears and lips pressure treated. Worn keloid scar is subject to the imposition of a special clip in order to avoid excessive re-growth of collagen.

Get rid of keloids can be another method - a corticosteroid. The method is applicable as a separate treatment or in combination with surgery. Treatment consists in the following: the rumen administered various doses of dexamethasone or triamitsina. The number of treatments depends on the perception of the body, carried their 2-4 treatments per week to achieve the desired effect. There are many other ways, but all of them are appointed by the physician and have a lot of "cons".

Atrophic scars: how to get rid of atrophic scars, what methods - these questions are of those who have left traces, for example, after the chicken pox. It all depends on the age and scars on their size. When smaller incisions allow the use of filling products (injection). The basis of such funds go to hyaluronic acid gel. Reaching effects will be temporary, the repetition of procedures required every 6-8 months, because the drug has the ability to dissolve. To get rid of atrophic scars can be used peels and resurfacing.

The various methods of getting rid of scars

The main types of scars from acne and how to get rid of them we examined. Let us now consider other methods that we will answer the question: is it possible to get rid of the scar or scars as a whole? Of course, as to get rid of acne scars is impossible, so it is impossible to get rid of scars, but to make them visible and irritating Me is quite real. For each individual case experts pick their individual treatment program.

  • Dermobraziya (mechanical peeling)

Experts in the field of aesthetic medicine have long puzzled over how to get rid of acne scars. As a result, he invented a method which is based on the use of special brushes milling, which rotates at high speed, remove the surface layer of the skin, and along with scar tissue. Such a method can get rid of acne scars and other scars, small wrinkles, age spots, freckles and tattoos.

But keep in mind, trying to get rid of acne scars with the help of this procedure, the skin is subjected to a painful, traumatic stress. The upper layers of skin are removed down to the blood vessels, it is quite often causes bleeding. Strict compliance to post-operative and pre-operative period (both are important). And in most cases, failed in an attempt to get rid of old scars and resorting to this procedure, you can get new scars: a much more profound. There may be spots, if the patient has darker skin. There may be complications - various bacterial skin infections.

The procedure is performed with the use of frozen or local anesthesia, after the skin is worn, there are swelling, later it appears on the skin scabs that will disappear in a week on average. Irritation and redness persist for 3 weeks, you should use sunscreen.

  • Microdermabrasion

If you have acne scars - how to get rid of them with the help of this procedure? Microdermabrasion - it is an abrasive peeling. Here the treatment of the skin is not so deep, blood vessels, the procedure is not affected. Pretty painless. But first, it should be noted that the microdermabrasion based on the use of aluminum oxide crystals. Second, this procedure is not used if more than one session is required. Because it requires consultation with a physician and inspection of the skin to reveal how many sessions you need specific scars as deep layers of the skin does not affect the procedure. Domestic same sets - are ineffective, give the effect of light peeling.

  • Z-plasty

From acne scars and you can get rid of with the help of surgical excision of the scar. This method is suitable for the largest of scars, but the full disposal of such unpleasant marks does not. It's just an aesthetic correction, which promotes "transformation" scar less rough appearance. Complications from the procedure are infection and the inflammatory response.

  • Laser resurfacing

How to get rid of old scars using a focused laser action? There may be applied various kinds of laser.

  1. Erbium laser. It burns old scar tissue, and to a sufficient depth.
  2. Karbondiaksidny laser allows "sealed" tripe (structure).

Duration of treatment depends on the number of sites that are subject to shlifovke- from a few minutes to an hour (or more). The result is swelling and redness.
Overall, the action is, similar to peeling, and is also suitable only for shallow scars. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia (local or general), during the rehabilitation period (at least 2 weeks) may be prescribed ointments and bandages.

Postoperative scars

About the scars of various types, we talked, and here is how to get rid of scars - just to be seen. The scar is the final stage of restoration of the damaged tissue.

  • Medications

Various creams and ointments that will contribute to the gradual resorption and healing. The course is 2-5 months, apply 2-3 times a day. There are no contraindications.

  • Buki therapy

There used X-rays soft. The dosage is chosen solely on the individual doctor indicated. Contraindications: kidney disease, circulatory decompensation, the presence of residual wounds and dermatitis.

  • Mesotherapy

Mainly used for small scars, eg after acne, age spots and wrinkles.

  • Cryolysis

Get rid of the post-operative scarring is possible and with the help of "cold" - with liquid nitrogen. There are no contraindications.

Folk remedies

 how to get rid of acne scarring

Is it possible to get rid of scars folk remedies? Of course, not all programs are treatable, but some traditional medicine recommendations should take into account, in any case, they will not do harm, but may benefit.

  1. 100g beeswax (yellow), 400 mL of sunflower oil. Boil over moderate heat for 10 minutes, give a little cool, spread on a cloth and attached to the rumen. Duration of the course 3 weeks, repeated 1-2 times during the day.
  2. Nutmeg mixed with honey (or milk) in proportion 1: 4. We rubbed into the scar and leave the mixture for half an hour.
  3. Aromatic oils. A tablespoon of almond oil, 1 tsp. Oil Calendula oil capsules with vitamin E, 2 drops of geranium and lavender oil, 1 drop of myrrh. Term Course 4 weeks application -2 times a day. This oil will help restore your skin. Lubricate the damaged skin and old scars. Shelf life - half a year.

Getting rid of scars folk remedies, remember that not all scars succumb to treatment and not all means are the same as the characteristics of the skin of every human individual. Do not despair and surefire way to look, not forgetting also the consultations with highly qualified specialists.

 How to get rid of scars and acne scars after

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