

  • Features of endogenous depression
  • The symptoms of endogenous depression
  • Treatment and therapy of endogenous depression

This has already happened that the medical term "depression" in recent years people have become inclined to indicate any manifestation of a bad mood, ranging from mild sadness and ending with a look of despair. And there is nothing wrong if you use this word just in conversation with friends. Much worse, if you are starting to "cheat" or even to resort to drugs in cases where it is not required. Our article will dispel the most popular myths that surround such a thing as "endogenous depression" describe the symptoms and tell you that it can and should do.

Features of endogenous depression

In a general sense, depression - a disorder emotional sphere of a person with pronounced symptoms. A more detailed list of symptoms is given below, but for now we designate only the most basic: mental and motor retardation, prolonged and sustained worsening of mood, as well as the inability to experience joy even in the most significant issue. As you can see, this is much more serious problem than the lingering sadness.

Depression is divided into several types based on the reasons causing it. If the cause is outside of man, the depression known as "reactive." This is due to the fact that this condition occurs as a reaction to any traumatic event: the grief, the loss of a loved one, illness, separation, serious conflict, or something more serious. As a rule, in this case it is clear where the legs grow from depression, and there are no questions about how to treat it.

But there is a second version of events - when the cause of depression lies within man. It is called the term "endogenous depression". Of course, the stress can aggravate or provoke a disease, but in the future, as a rule, is not observed a close connection between it and decrease mood. That is why it is assumed that the reason for this condition lies in the chemical imbalance in the body, but first things first.

The main scientific hypothesis about the origin of depression is that the reason the deficit of biogenic amines - dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin. The body produces an insufficient quantity, and it is from this man begins to feel so oppressive experience. Scientists believe that there is an increased risk of hitting endogenous depression for those whose relatives suffer from it or other mental or psycho-emotional disorders. It therefore stands to be particularly careful if you fall into this category of the population.

 endogenous depression symptoms

The symptoms of endogenous depression

Unfortunately, many people still do not recognize the onset of endogenous depression. They are able to write off all the years of bad mood, fatigue, laziness, environmental or psychological problems. Indeed, the layman is often difficult to separate the true clinical depression from the case when a man drove himself into a corner, but for the psychotherapist is absolutely understandable task. So what signs should make you wary and think about more drastic measures?

  • Causeless persistent bouts of bad temper, which may increase or decrease depending on the time of day or year. For example, in spring and autumn is often the case of aggravation. On the morning of depression is usually enhanced, and in the evening, many sufferers come minor relief;
  • Slowdown in movement and activity of the mind: a man slowly think, perceive, speak and move, reduced capacity for attention and concentration;
  • Chronic fatigue, accompanying the sufferer everywhere;
  • For a man characterized by a feeling of guilt, sin, self-deprecation, pessimism and gloomy outlook for the future;
  • Problems with sleep and depression are specific to early waking, after which a person can not sleep;
  • Violations of appetite: it is either reduced or, in some extreme cases disappear altogether;
  • Pain of various description and location, such as a feeling of anguish experienced as "a stone chest," or stupid "twisting" annoying sensation in the joints, bones and muscles in the absence of any organic disorders;
  • Reduced self-esteem and self-doubt;

That's what the classic signs of the disease. A person can spend days lying on the couch and did not get out of it. But not because he is lazy, but because he has no power, and even just of interest to the world. His brain does not produce a single drop of pleasure, and his life is made up of only one suffering. Generally, people suffering from endogenous depression are prone to suicide, but often do not dare to it as apathy stops them. That is why the psychologists and therapists recommend working very carefully with these states, because there is a risk that once they get better, and people will feel the strength, he decides to commit suicide.

You can add a few more strokes to get the picture. If we talk about the overall decline in power, the people who suffer from depression often spend hours sitting in uniform "gnarled" position, fully immersed in their dreary experience. They practically impossible normal everyday conversation, which continually is stopped because of difficulties with the selection of words, a long pause, and the general lack of understanding "off" of human life. His fixation on his illness just unsettling, because he can not talk about anything else other than morbid depression and the severity of the soul. And there comes a vicious circle where a person because of his illness, more and more away from contact with the outside world, which further aggravates his condition - this is the insidiousness resistant and prolonged exposure to endogenous depression.

 endogenous depression symptoms

Treatment and therapy of endogenous depression

Endogenous depression is always treated using antidepressants - that's a fact. Judge for yourself, that if the body has some deficiency, it must be replenished, especially when it comes to such important for the life of the substances as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. But it is worth remembering that in the case of self-depression (as, indeed, in the case of other diseases) is unacceptable - all the medicines you should appoint only psychotherapist or psychiatrist. You should not be afraid of becoming dependent on drugs, because the lack of proper treatment in this case is much more dangerous.

Generally, the first of which is to begin treatment - a visit to a therapist. Once you have compared all the features of the current situation and worried, the best immediate appointment to see him. That doctor will be able to choose suitable medications for you, and will be engaged in psychotherapy. Their combination is currently the most effective weapon against depression. This can be a long fight, but in doing so you will only procrastinate solution that really works. Not the fact that your soul will lodge a feeling of happiness, but adequately chosen therapy and medications can help you to control your condition, but will also give a feeling of support and stability, so necessary to any person.

Many people, when they hear about depression, gives one simple piece of advice: "Work out - and let it be." This method, unfortunately, is suitable only for those who still have power, that is, their status has not reached the extreme gravity. In all other respects it is very effective, because its action is based on all the same notorious chemistry: you run thirty minutes and get a good dose of serotonin. In more severe cases, it may help to run long distances, and quite intense. Once inside it appears the feeling that you feel like a man again. However, be sure to check on the possible contraindications with your doctor.

Relaxation as a method of dealing with depression is not very effective - and all so relaxed to the maximum. However, it can give energy and resources, especially if you combine it with the correct breathing and visualization. One of its variants is a radical holotropic breathing. It helps you enter a state of altered consciousness, which in some cases has a positive impact on the dynamics. But it is worth remembering that employment holotropic breathing are possible only under the guidance of an experienced certified coach (they are not all cities) and only possible in the absence of evidence. It should be noted that sometimes the consequences are very negative when a person is found in his subconscious with something very unpleasant.

But the most important thing is capable of performing miracles - people. Yes, do not be surprised, but that you have a loved one who always understand and support - it's worth it. It is unfortunate, but still widespread belief that depression - is a lack of will, not a disease. And that is why many who suffer from this syndrome, turn away loved ones. Or maybe they were just tired, because the depressed person to be very, very difficult: you have to have a stable psyche, not to get involved in the sad experience, to be able to support and always be around. Fortunately, many people like and do not need - enough at least one, for the majority, and so you just turn away and run away. Often healing are simple conversation or even silence - they help to feel that you are not alone.

Last but not least, the importance of what is required to be mentioned - a hope. This is what lights the fire in the hearts of people, even in those moments when it seems that everything inside is dead. This is so that there are the most amazing and miraculous events on Earth. It is, without which life loses all meaning. That hope dies last. Be aware that even if now it seems that you are completely absorbed melancholy, life is over, and there is no escape, then the light will come a time when depression will subside and you feel revitalized. The darkest hour before the dawn - never forget it!

 Endogenous depression: everything you need to know

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