causes of endometritis


  • The causes of this disease
  • Symptoms
  • Treatment of endometriosis
  • Treatment folk remedies

What is endometriosis? What is endometriosis symptoms? At what age is it possible occurrence? What factors can cause it, what methods of treatment of endometritis there? These and many other questions related to the disease, many women are interested in. First of all, you want to say that endometriosis and endometriosis - are two completely different diseases.

With timely and proper treatment of endometritis, the patient may be able to avoid complications related to pregnancy and childbirth.

Appropriate treatment of this disease leads to a very good performance and results. The uterus of a woman sterile, no infection can not get into it because it protects the endometrium while several safety systems: an acidic environment and mucous on the cervix that contains antibodies.

When inflammation occurs endometritis endometrium, and this phenomenon can lead to serious complications and consequences. That is why it is highly recommended to women to undergo regular checkups by a gynecologist. Thanks to such examination, the doctor can identify possible disease in time and start their treatment.

Quite often in women after childbirth, miscarriage and abortion developed endometritis, which is quite successfully treated. Endometritis - an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus, which can be caused by viruses and pathogens, such as streptococci, staphylococci, chlamydia, trichomonas and E. coli.

 Symptoms of endometritis
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The causes of this disease

Endometrial cancer represents 2 layers: the basal and functional. The structure of the functional layer itself is very sensitive and delicate, her slightest damage can result in the development of the endometrium. Damage themselves do not carry no serious complications, but the penetrating damage of viruses cause inflammation of the endometrium of the uterus.

Endometritis can occur in the following cases:

  • sloppy douching;
  • sensing the uterus;
  • curettage;
  • a study of the fallopian tubes.

The agents of this disease may be:

  • tuberculous mycobacteria;
  • chlamydia;
  • Escherichia coli;
  • Proteus;
  • diphtheria bacillus;
  • mycoplasma;
  • streptococci;
  • Enterobacter;
  • Klebsiella.

 Diagnosis of the disease

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Symptoms of endometriosis in the initial stages shows clearly and not too active. Therefore, women are virtually impossible to detect the disease at an early stage of development and the associated changes in the body. As a consequence to the doctor usually had women come with some delay. Endometrial cancer distinguish chronic and acute. Acute phase mainly occurs after mechanical damage. A chronic infection is the result of various infections, sexually transmitted diseases.

Symptoms of acute endometritis:

  • lack of appetite;
  • headache;
  • nagging and aching pain in the abdomen;
  • temperature to 39 ° C;
  • pain in the lower back;
  • uterine bleeding and vaginal discharge that looks reminiscent of blood clots and pus with an unpleasant odor.

If a woman suddenly finds herself at the listed symptoms in this case is required to immediately contact a doctor, because the endometrium grows fairly quickly and still affects large areas. The more time will pass before going to the doctor, the more difficult it will be difficult to treat the disease.

Symptoms of chronic endometritis

The emergence of chronic endometritis in no way associated with gynecological diseases trends in women. Its originators often are different diseases, sexually transmitted diseases. As a result, all the symptoms of endometriosis will meet the spread of infectious diseases. Accurate diagnosis can be established only on the basis of the analysis.

Symptoms of chronic endometritis form

  1. weak abdominal pain;
  2. rise in body temperature to 38 ° C, 5;
  3. vaginal discharge, similar to the allocation of infections;
  4. heavy menstruation for more than 7 days.

With such signs of the woman should immediately seek help from a qualified technician. Often chronic endometritis becomes a major problem associated with gestation and infertility in the future. But if at the time to find it and go through the entire course of treatment, then this can be avoided.

 treatment of the disease
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Treatment of endometriosis

If the disease was detected in a timely manner, the treatment can be performed on an outpatient basis. But endometrial cancer patient treatment necessarily carried out under the constant supervision of the attending gynecologist. If the treatment of endometritis carried out in the hospital, so the disease was detected late or already running.

As a rule, the treatment of endometritis held as follows:

  • antibiotic therapy;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • cleaning of the uterus;
  • cleaning the blood of toxins.

Acute endometritis

Timely diagnosis and initiation of treatment during acute endometritis promises favorable recovery of women and in the future any problems during pregnancy will not occur. If the uterus after childbirth were the remnants of the placenta or after the abortion - the remains of the fetus, it can cause inflammation of the endometrium. In this case, it will be required curettage.

Treatment takes place in the following ways:

  • vitamins, and immunomodulators;
  • intravenous antibiotics;
  • intramuscular antibiotics.

Treatment of chronic endometritis

From the above it is clear that the symptoms of chronic endometritis is clearly different from the acute symptoms. Accordingly, when different endometritis treatment will vary. In identifying chronic endometritis, to find infections susceptibility to various antibiotics, the woman taking swabs. Then, a treatment under the special scheme, using antiviral drugs.

Treatment of chronic endometritis is considered effective if the drug is introduced into the uterine lining, because this method provides a good opportunity to focus greater number of drugs is in the inflammation. In addition, in chronic endometritis treatment can be carried out using oral hormonal pills. In this case, most of this therapy is prescribed for women who plan future pregnancy and childbirth. It is also possible to separate the adhesions, which is carried out with the help of surgery.

Treatment of suppurative endometritis

Most often suppurative endometritis treated by removing the pus and mechanical cleaning of dead tissue from the uterus. Cleaning the uterus necessarily performed under general anesthesia, and then assigned to hormone therapy. At the end of the treatment prescribed physiotherapy, through which the amplified outflow of pus and mucus from the uterus.

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Treatment folk remedies

The increasing popularity in the fight against various diseases, traditional medicine is gaining. There are folk remedies to help cure and endometritis. But it's worth noting that this disease is very serious. To avoid possible complications were required diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of a qualified gynecologist.

When endometritis take the following herbs in equal parts: marshmallow root, cudweed, lavender, clover leaves, Leuzea sagebrush leaves blueberries, nettle leaves and pine buds. All herbs need to be mixed thoroughly and chop. Then pour into a thermos 2 tablespoons of herbs and all pour 3 cups boiling water. This infusion is aged 12 hours, then it should drain. Take the finished infusion of 1/3 cup 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 months.

In the treatment of endometritis well established bay laurel. In this case it is necessary to treat a bucket of hot water and 20 g of laurel. Laurel poured boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, then the infusion is diluted with hot (bearable for the body) with water. Treatment is carried out with the help of sedentary baths.

In the treatment of folk remedies, if it became much easier and more typical symptoms have disappeared, women should in any case consult a doctor. Only a doctor can assess the effectiveness of the treatment on the basis of the necessary tests. Since there is a risk that the symptoms are removed, and the disease itself does not disappear. This situation can lead to serious health consequences in women, up to infertility.

 Endometrial cancer: its symptoms and treatment
