Esterhazy - a cake of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (1867-1918 AD), named in honor of the Foreign Minister. Why is cake called ministerial name, history is silent. But be that as it may, Esterhazy cake came out gorgeous and attracts confectioners for over a hundred years. Esterhazy traditionally consists of five or six thin protein-almond cakes, custard layered with butter cream.
Esterhazy cake recipe
For the cakes:
- 8 egg whites (approx. 250 g)
- 250 g of sugar
- 250 g of almond flour
For the cream:
- Milk - 300 ml
- Sugar - 75g
- Vanilla sugar - 10 g
- 2 egg yolks
- Flour - 35 g
- Butter - 320 g
- Ground nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts - Assorted or choice) - 80 g
For decoration:
- Confectionery sweet
- Cocoa
- Almonds or petals
- Apricot jam
Baked cakes for the Esterhazy without wheat flour. Their basis - beaten egg whites and almond flour. Proteins beat with a mixer at medium speed in a loose mass. Continuing to whisk, add sugar gradually. Beat on high speed until firm peaks. Add almond flour previously sifted. Mix gently with the proteins, without the mixer and shovel.
Baking tray lay a baking parchment and a pencil to draw a circle on it 24-25 cm in diameter. Total Esterhazy will need to bake cakes 6, so that if the size of the oven allows - draw just six. If not - will have to bake in two or three stages. Fill a pastry bag weight. Share mass, filling the circles from the center, in a spiral. That is, first, to put the point in the middle, and then around her test out of the bag, laying spiral clockwise.
You can enroll in a different way: to draw the dough circle and fill it out, smooth mass of the scapula.
Heat oven to 170c and place the pan with protein baked shortcakes. Baking time - about 20-25 minutes, until the edges browning. Remove from the oven and cool slightly. While the cakes are still warm, to separate them from the paper (then it will be harder to do).
While cakes cool, prepare your cream. Cream in Esterhazy traditionally brewed enough calories. It is made from milk, sugar, egg yolks and butter.
The yolk add a few tablespoons of milk and whisk. Pour the flour and stir until smooth.
The rest of the milk boil with sugar (simple and vanilla) and a little bit cool. Pour the milk into the yolk mixture in a thin stream and stir. Put everything on fire and cook until thick, stirring constantly, and without giving weight to boil. Thickened cream to whip with the softened butter and nut mixture.
Assembling the cake
Choose the cake for the top - very flat and smooth, and set aside. It will take a large platter, which will be supplied Esterhazy. Put one cake on a plate and coat with cream. Do this with all Korzh, except for the top. Top the cake to put the last rough side down. Apricot jam and warm up with a brush to grease them top the cake. Boca cake cover the remaining cream. Put Esterhazy for several hours in the cold.
During this time, prepare the sweet confectionery. Collect 500 g of sugar and 150 ml water. Heat water in pan, add sugar and continue heating until sugar is dissolved. When the syrup boils, need to remove the pan from the heat. Remove the foam formed from the syrup and sugar residues - from the walls of the pan. Return the pan to the heat and cook over high heat for 4-3 minutes, without interfering. Pour the lemon juice (1 tablespoon) and cook for about a minute before the sample on a soft ball (when a drop of syrup dropped into a glass of cold water, turn into a clot, from which you can roll the ball with your fingers).
When this happened, remove the syrup from the heat. To make the syrup cool quickly and evenly, it is necessary to pour into a wide glass mold (refractory course). If there is ice - put it at the bottom of the form. It is possible to make the shape of the cold. When the mass has cooled to 40 ° C, it can start beating. This will require a mixer with a kneading (spiral). After 10-15 minutes, whisking lipstick crystallized, enriched with oxygen and become white and plastic. All the sweet title of the amount of sugar in the Esterhazy will not leave, so you can remove it in a clean jar with a lid and put in the refrigerator, where it can be stored until the next culinary achievement.
3-4 tbsp lipstick leave a bit to warm up. One spoon mixed with cocoa powder (pour a little bit, stirring, until browned). Lipstick white cake poured over the top of the cake. Quickly and deftly, preferably in one motion, smooth. Lipstick brown put in confectionery syringe with a fine nozzle and draw on white lipstick perfect circle or a wide spiral. Using a toothpick cake surface divided into 8 segments, drawing them away from the edge to the center of the cake. In the middle of the resulting segments spend more on one line, but from the middle to the edges. The result should be characteristic of Esterhazy "spider" in black and white. Boca Esterhazy cake sprinkle with almonds (petals).
Ready Esterházy must leave overnight in the refrigerator. And the next day you can enjoy his creation.