Not so long ago, scientists have made a sensational discovery - 90% of all information a person perceives through the sense of smell. Pleasant and not so repulsive and exciting - the smell accompany us from birth. And the memory of them - the most powerful. What flavors are on us the greatest power?
Probably each case stand still on the run, when suddenly overtake some, painfully familiar smell. And then mentally move at the time, to which it is connected - that's my grandmother bakes cakes, but the first time you go to the "tree," and this - recalled a trip to the sea or the first date ... but you never know such a seemingly long time forgotten, moments that return us to smell? They affect literally all areas of life - health, performance, love, sex, and even the desire to buy one or the other thing. It happens on a subconscious level.
Recently, in one of the supermarkets of America held an unusual experiment. On the counter we posted several packages exactly the same tights. Some of them are a little sbryznuli spirits. As a result, "flavored" version sold out in a few minutes, and the rest remained lying. In conducting the survey, women customers assured that those stockings that they chose, nice color and better quality. None of them has ever said about the smell - one simply did not understand what made a choice. Now you know why the expensive stores are always so nice smell?
In fact, the strong influence of aromas on people had been known for a long time. About 7,000 years ago, learned to distinguish odorants. Aromas produced and widely used in ancient Rome, Arabia, India, Mesopotamia, Greece and China. But especially this famous ancient Egypt. With different flavors disinfect the air, cooked and flavored bath linen, fragrances were ground and used inside for the treatment of various ailments, they added to drinks and food, was used during religious ceremonies, for immersing people in a trance.
Incense has been an integral part of the "arsenal" Egyptian. It is well known that the famous Cleopatra actively used scented oils and take a daily aromatic baths. It is possible that this is why she was able to conquer these experienced men as Mark Antony and Julius Caesar. She just knew how to make and use the flavors.
Use this knowledge today. For example, wise and rational Japanese specially sprayed on plants mint flavor - according to studies, it increases productivity. But in offices prefer lemon - it is believed that the smell helps to focus and reduces the number of different errors. The British use different scents for the sea in the meeting rooms. This fragrance soothes irritation and tension, increase business activity and a beneficial effect on both men and women.
And, of course, greatly influenced by the flavors of privacy of any person - the choice of friends, business or sexual partners and even life partners. Agree quite often the case that, like, all good people - and the clever and gallant and handsome - and you from him just a "gate". The other - on the contrary, is not remarkable, and you are drawn to it like a magnet. What's the matter? Most likely - in its individual smell. What kind of smell can help us to excite and attract men?
The word "aphrodisiac" comes from the name of the Greek goddess Aphrodite. Aphrodisiacs are substances of natural origin, which causes excitement and stimulate the libido. Incidentally, this is - not necessarily odors. Aphrodisiacs are certain foods, plants, chemical additives and even music.
Too many animal and plant aphrodisiacs are visible resemblance to sexual organs of men or women - such as pepper, shellfish, bananas, mushrooms, animal horns, asparagus, etc. Initially, because of the external "similarity" them and used as ingredients for any kind of a love potion. What is interesting, as it turned out, almost all of them, in fact, possess the necessary qualities and are exciting.
If we talk about the flavors, the most well-known aphrodisiacs are:
Until recently, this fragrance was removed from the male musk deer musk glands. These small deer live in Tibet, Korea, Sakhalin, East Siberia and the Himalayas. Unfortunately, it is possible to extract only killing the animal. Currently, musk learned to do artificially. This smell affects almost all men. He's incredibly attractive, durable and sensual. Today, natural musk is used only in the insanely expensive, elite French perfumes.
Her seduction of men, used by the ancient Roman. The origin of amber is very "unappetizing" - it's just a gut selection of a sperm whale. Extract it on the coasts of Australia and the Indian Ocean. But to produce amber - this is only half the battle. Before you get out of it an aphrodisiac, it takes a long time to soak in salt water. The more she will lie there, the thinner will be the smell, so - and the price will be higher.
The most powerful aphrodisiac one that more than a hundred let.Srok soaked too long. Therefore, ambergris, as well as musk, have been producing artificial. Spirits, which include only the amber just is not there. On the other hand, few expensive perfume at all cost without it. Delicate aroma of amber smells of resin compared with, earth and smoke.
Ylang-ylang flowers are obtained from Kananga tree that grows in the Philippines, Indonesia, and in the tropical regions of Asia. This seductive, heady, sweet scent loosens sensuality, creates an erotic mood and increases sexual desire for women and male potency.
It is believed that this - men's fragrance. For used oil trees, which for more than thirty years. As in nature they have very little, the cost of natural sandalwood oil is high enough. To date, mainly using its synthetic substitutes. Sensual, noble, deep flavor with a hint of woody-balsamic able to ignite the passion, even in the coldest heart. On the skin, the smell of sandalwood becomes thinner and more tender, but retains a surprisingly long time.
This scent is also well known since ancient times. The oil obtained from the flowers of jasmine, of which there are more than 300 species. This shrub grows mainly in tropical or warm climates. For one kilogram of spirits in more than five million flowers. Because today mostly a synthetic analogue. Slim, heady, delicate flavor instantly uplifting, odors, attracts men and helps you feel attractive and desirable. No wonder the oil of jasmine is called "royal."
This smell is appreciated by the ancient Greeks, Romans, Arabs and Indians. Nutmeg oil is obtained from the bones of nutmeg. Spicy, sweet-tart, with a slightly bitter flavor improves mood, helps liberated and able to awaken sexual desire and kindle the imagination of both men and women. Of course, this is not the entire list - experience of mankind in the arts of seduction, it allows you to continue almost indefinitely. However, it seems it's time to move on to another concept, which is also inextricably linked with the exciting flavors. It - pheromones.
Today, this word has become very popular. Perfumes, which include pheromones, enjoy the same success. What is pheromones and what their "magical" effects? This word is translated from the Greek as "carrying the passion exciting." Until now, scientists have "cross swords", discussing the impact of these substances on humans. Skeptics believe that it is too exaggerated, and all the hype surrounding the pheromone - nothing more than a publicity stunt invented perfume companies to increase the number of sales. Optimists and fans believe in miracles - called pheromones love potion of the XXI century. Whom to believe? Let's deal. First, about the optimists.
It all started back in the XIX century. Watching the butterflies, the French naturalist Jean-Henri Fabre discovered that one female can attract up to several tens of males in the room in which it is located. Based on his observations, he concluded that the whole thing in some chemicals, which it distributes. They are not trapped by man, but reliably act on the moths of the opposite sex. Unfortunately, the level of development of science at that time did not allow the Frenchman to test their assumptions and develop this theory.
Continue this research was possible only in the XX century. It was then that the name "pheromones". They came to mean substances that produce animals of one species in order to attract and trigger certain reactions from the other animals of the same species. But enough about butterflies and animals. All these details are interesting, rather, entomologists and biologists. Let's talk about people. Is it possible to attract men using pheromones?
As you know, many of the laws of the animal world it is also applicable to humans. And who does not want to be sexually attractive and create the desire to have all members of the opposite sex, without exception? So, naturally, began an active search and attempts to synthesize human pheromones. And, according to some reports, US scientists were able to find such substances. As it turned out, they affect not only the sexual sphere. For example, pheromones cause sexual aversion to stable close blood relatives, thus avoiding incest, help the baby find the breast of the mother. There are also pheromones that signal the danger.
However, the most popular and in demand are driving pheromones that affect men and women and forced them to react with each other in a certain way. They are released into the environment and start to influence people of the opposite sex at a subconscious level. As has become clear, the person develops them. That's the way of nature. Which parts of our bodies secrete pheromones? Most of the "accumulated" in the armpits, in nasolabial folds, of course, in the genital area. But if this is what is given to us originally, why did you need to spend money to buy perfume or other perfumes containing these substances?
According to supporters of pheromones, we ourselves inflict self-harm in that day, taking a shower or bath, and using a variety of deodorants, wash off the matter and that "kill" their sexuality. Here and wants to recall Napoleon Bonaparte, who wrote to Josephine: "I'm going. Stopped to wash. " But perhaps, for the modern man is, after all, not the way ... to do without water treatment impossible. That was then, and come to the aid of pheromones. Additional "dose" will help smooth out the damage caused by civilization. Here's a logic. And now - about the skeptics. What are the arguments put forward are they?
It is good. Even if we assume that the effect of pheromones on the human body - it is a scientific fact, here is the effectiveness of perfumes with these substances - a very controversial issue. And here's why. Firstly, pheromones - are chemicals and they logically should disintegrate completely in alcohol. And it is known to be a part of any perfume. It turns discrepancy.
Second, as has been said, a person can act only "human" pheromones. But their produce in such large, industrial scale? Involuntarily comes to mind the notorious method of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille - the protagonist of the novel Suskind, "Perfume". Not a very good association ... And, of course, no one is going to use its "know-how" in practice. What are pheromones are contained in a bottle of perfume? This is a question still remains open. Here are here are different opinions.
To buy or not "magic bullet" - it's up to you. If you truly believe in their miraculous power - do not listen to anybody and buy. After all, the psychology of someone else, and no one disputed canceled! And if the use of these spirits will help you gain the confidence to feel irresistible and desirable - be assured, men will do flied to you like moths to the very experiment of the French naturalist.
Summing up
Nobody is trying to challenge the influence of aromas in our lives. This - a scientifically proven fact. And it will certainly be taken into account and used. The pleasant scent excites men. However, everything should be approached intelligently. Do not forget that all people - different. The same smell like someone, and someone causes negative associations and disgust. Colognes, scented candles and sticks, essential oils and perfumes - all this smells very attractive ... unless, of course, know when to stop.
Therefore, they must be used very carefully. Too strong flavor not only help you attract the coveted "object", but it may scare away forever, and sometimes even greatly harm you and the object of your passion. And believe me, a severe headache - this is only the most harmless side effect of excessive use of aromatics.
And another important point. Before you start experimenting with scents, do not forget to find out if there are any allergies in your "second half". And then, instead of the night of passionate love, you will have to flee the clock pharmacy for antihistamines. And it's not included in your plans, right?
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