The legs are perhaps the most visible part of the human body. After all, they pay attention to men when meeting with a woman, and women prefer guys with beautiful and bulging forms. There are several options exercise for the formation of the legs, but the most effective and efficient of them are carried out with expanders.
Expander is an integral part of strength training, so we can safely say that practicing with this device to bring the feet weighty advantage. The main thing is to do everything well on the recommendations. Expander - a rather serious sports equipment, without proper attention to it is not treated. Disorderly training can lead to injury.
Power ups
Squats are very effective exercises for the muscles of the thigh.
Mark a gripper arm, wherein the spring fasten to the handle;
Feet are located on the shoulder width, feet are on springs expander;
To perform this exercise you need to take on top of the handle grip. This means that the palm should "look" up;
Starting position - deep squat with arms extended upward to shoulder level;
Now, straining muscles of the legs and, taking a deep breath, lift the body into a standing position;
We fix and stand for 5 seconds, then returns to its original position; Please note that back in a deep squat, you should take a deep breath.
Be sure to check the position of the back - it should be straight! It should do squats 5-10, the number of repetitions is regulated by its own possibilities.
Seated leg extension
There are exercises for the legs, which have an impact only on the calf muscles. One of these is the extension of the legs in a sitting position. Expander makes simple flexion-extension into real strength training.
Expander must be secured to the wall in the down position (the desired height you adjust for their growth);
Chair set back against the wall and sit on it;
To attach the free end of the leg Expander (to strap on the tibia) and a little push chair to create a light spring tension;
Through this exercise, it is important to adhere to the correct expanders breath: exhale lift the leg, straightening it in the knee joint;
Delayed on the second leg 3-5 in this situation, we return to starting position - to breathe.
First, do the exercise on one leg, then move to another. The number of repetitions - 5-20 times, depending on their own constitution. If you feel that perform such exercises with expanders becomes very simple, move the chair further away from the wall - so you increase the tension.
Bending of feet lying
In order to give a beautiful shape hamstring and slightly adjust the buttocks, should be included in the set of training exercises from the prone position. For this you will need a mat and a small pillow. Expander is necessary to attach one end of the wall, a meter from him to put a rug.
Fasten the free end of the expander to the strap on the tibia (clip on both legs at once), and lay down on the mat abdomen down. You must move away from the wall so that the spring tension is maximized - so you get the perfect load for the feet. On the opposite side should be some emphasis, for example, a stretched rope or something solid. For this item you will keep doing yoga exercises in the prone position.
Under the basin must lie pillow;
On a deep breath lift the legs, bending them at the knee joints. Cases motion slowly, holding his hands in front of a solid support;
We fix the position with your feet on the 5 seconds inspiratory drop the legs to the starting position.
Remember to carry out such exercises should be at a slow pace. Avoid rapid lowering of the legs on the floor and make sure to work only the hip muscles - the abdomen and pelvis should remain stationary. Best Foot expander one that has adjustable tension force. So it will be easier to adjust the load.
Breeding feet
If we talk about the exercises to be performed lying down, it should be noted and breeding feet - a very effective exercise for the internal muscles of the thigh.
Thus, the mat and the expander - the necessary sports equipment;
We sat down on the mat, keep your back straight, hands lean back. A gripper fixed line - to the foot wall;
On the exhale, begin to take a deep leg to the side - slowly stretch the spring;
We fix the position for 5 seconds and slowly return to the starting position.
It is desirable to make the maximum spring tension - leg this is the ideal option. Having done all the exercises on one leg (number is determined by yourself, about 5-20), should be transferred to the other gripper leg and repeat all over again.
Note that the training should take place regularly. It is strictly to determine the time to practice and to pick up the additional load. For the legs are effective running or walking, jumping rope. Exercises with expanders can (and should) be combined with a massage - and the muscles recover after hard training, and the skin will get the perfect look.
For the legs is very important to keep the harmony - do not lean sharply on strength training, it can cause some problems. With expanders should deal only after reading the contraindications.
Contraindications for training with expanders
Note that an excessive load is dangerous for the feet! Be sure to consult with your doctor and eliminate possible complications. Strength training is a fairly serious workout, so remember, at what diseases is forbidden to hold classes for feet with expanders:
Diabetes at any stage;
The tendency to rupture of capillaries and blood vessels;
Recently transferred heart disease;
Problems with pressure;
Open wounds on the skin of the feet;
Infectious dermatological diseases;
Confirmed oncology.
If contraindications to exercises with expanders not, then you can start a course of training. By the way, these classes are very useful in the presence of incipient varicose veins. After training program for feet with expanders and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
We recommend that read: Exercises for losing weight calf muscle
Diet: help you get rid of the problems of hunger strike
We go to the gym
When sport is not a joy
Exercises to slim legs
Massage and body wraps: the pleasure and benefits
To legs after exercise did not hurt
According to modern canons of beauty, a woman must be elegant slim legs with thin calves. Therefore, if the fair sex to build muscle or excess fat, it should be from this "wealth" as quickly as possible to get rid of. Unfortunately, to get coveted form without the help of plastic surgeons is difficult.
Mere training does not always bring the desired results. And many girls often stop halfway. Especially if, within one or two months they have nothing. In fact, you need to show maximum effort and patience to six months or a year to realize his dream.
Diet: help you get rid of the problems of hunger strike
To begin to understand that the denial of food never anything good does not. Go on a diet and to exclude from the diet of fat, flour, sweets and other fun to be only in case if you have a weight problem. Fully skinny girls this option, unfortunately, does not help to cope with thick legs. But this does not mean that you can indulge in all serious and there is fried french fries with pizza, washed down with all sweet soda. A healthy lifestyle has never harmed nobody.
We go to the gym
To reduce the eggs and do not go at it with sagging skin on the feet, it is necessary not only to eat, but at least two times a week in sports. However, not all types of physical activity are equally useful. In some cases, you can even greatly increase the amount of calves.
About Yoga magic properties of the fair sex have known for a long time. This sport is less traumatic and painful. This exercise will be under the power of girls of any age and physique, and the effectiveness of the training remains at a fairly high level.
Most of the exercises are designed so that students can quickly lose weight without experiencing much discomfort. People who prefer yoga, improves metabolism and burn excess fat. By the way, if a girl there is only one problem - the thick calves on their feet, the teacher can increase the load on this part of the body.
As a result of constant training women become the perfect figure, perfect proportions, flexibility and elasticity. But in order to achieve good results, you must also eat properly. The fact that you can eat before and after training, the master must explain the basis of your weight and body type.
Joseph Pilates is the founder of a new direction in which there are elements of acrobatics, yoga, diving, boxing, etc. The main task, which set itself the inventor - improvement in general. Therefore, if you are going to do Pilates, you will not only reduce calf (as a result of stretching), but also to improve coordination, stop aching joints. All exercises are done in a certain sequence, and the pace of each of them is given by an experienced instructor. Typically, slow movement and based on proper breathing. But do not forget that you need to practice only under the supervision of a specialist. Otherwise you may hurt yourself badly.
Have you noticed that the artistic gymnasts and dancers almost always thin calves on their feet? The fact that these girls are constantly perform stretching exercises, causing the muscles become more elastic and fit. Of course, nobody forces you to engage in sports as heavy as some are even dangerous load. It is better to choose a more gentle option - stretching, which can walk and even elderly with health problems.
Step Aerobics
The main advantage of step aerobics is that girls have the opportunity to engage not only in the health club, but also at home. To do this you will need a platform, a couple of weights, a CD with recordings of lessons and good mood. Select a half-hour to the gym can be any, even the busiest business-woman.
But be careful, because the incorrect statement of the legs, uncomfortable shoes and the like "stuff" can cause pain in the knees and joints. At the same time, no matter how you tried to reduce the calf will not succeed. Beginners are recommended to be like two or three months in the group sessions to learn the principles and learn the basic exercises.
Perhaps it is the easiest and fastest way to get rid of fat on legs. But if you engage in such activities professionally, you can get a new problem - broad shoulders. Therefore, buying a ticket to the pool, be sure to first months Train with an instructor. By the way, in our time very popular aqua aerobics, whose main objective - to help people in the fight against excess weight.
This option is not suitable to you. Swing legs with the help of special equipment, whether standard or conventional bicycles free weights, should only skinny girls. If you build muscle it is the fitness club, it is better to take time off from performing these exercises.
When sport is not a joy
Before training your legs start to hurt, and the mood falls at the memory of the group sessions? So you need to find a more fun way to lose weight. And not necessarily to go to the rooms where there are dozens of innocent people, if you can do the exercises yourself.
So, for example, you can opt for the Pole-dance and install a pylon at home. Your young person will be incredibly happy to see the tricks that you perform in front of him. Or you can get a rope and jump in the evening, until the neighbors from the bottom is not yet asleep.
Also do not forget to do exercises in the morning fifteen minutes. Mahi, stretching, sit-ups and jumping on toes - it will be quite enough to keep yourself in shape. Well, if you decide to run daily. In a pinch, you can get a cheap treadmill. With this simulator you can practice and watch your favorite movie.
Terms of home workouts
Rule one: health care
Before you start to run, jump and manufacture a variety of steps, a complete physical examination. Exercise alone can be used only if is detected no abnormalities and deviations. Also do not forget that you can not play sports, if you are tired, you feel slight discomfort. If you lose weight or just eat, drink, or smoked, the exercise can do much harm.
Rule two: first - warm
Do not warm up muscles beforehand, do not proceed to perform complex exercises. First run around five minutes on the ground, then poprisedayte, follow the slopes. Whoever tries once the splits will then suffer because of the sprain.
Rule three: Stay appliances
It is very difficult without the help of a specialist to understand that exercise is not performed correctly. But still try to watch your posture, of foot, hand movements. By the way, you can go to any coach that he has developed a special set for you and showed how to do it.
Do not experiment! Complex tricks and elements is not necessary to carry out at home, even if you have worked with their instructor in the gym. Doing so without a safety net and protective equipment (mats, platforms, walls), you risk not only health, but also life.
Rule Five: engaged in the form of
Choose a comfortable sports shoes and clothes made of quality materials. This will help avoid injury and of allergic reactions to the fabric. Since during a workout in any case you will sweat, be sure to wash every time their equipment.
Rule six: all the time
Engage need two or three times a week, preferably one hour. At this time, place and amount of loading should be the same. It is best to devote himself to the sport in the evening (three to four hours before bedtime). In the morning, when your body has not yet woken up, you can perform only the most basic exercises for the legs.
Rule Seven: journal
Get a notebook, which shall describe all you need to do in the time allotted. Otherwise, you can just forget the next, the number of approaches, as well as a method for performing a particular element. Also, do not forget to present the volume down. Each week obmeryayte eggs and record, as this time you managed to lose.
Exercises to slim legs
Sometimes it is not necessary to reinvent the wheel, because the most simple is the most effective. Remember what you were taught in gym class and try this was done independently. After all, in any case it is better to perform the five exercises effective than a decade, which will not bring any result.
Exercise one: for the legs and buttocks
Starting position: back completely flat, feet separated the sides and stand in one line, knees bent as if you sat on the chair, placed his hands on his hips. At the expense of time and begin to take deep bounce on tiptoes. It is thirty times on two approaches. This exercise will allow the girls to reduce the calves, buttocks tighten and strengthen joints.
Exercise Two: for the joints and calves
Starting position: feet together, hands on her waist. The fast pace begin to fifty times up and down on his toes. Please note, the first time after training leg muscles may ache, and you will be hard to walk in high heels. This is quite normal. A week later, all the discomfort will pass completely.
Exercise Three: ascents on one leg
Starting position: body straight, one leg raised and bent at the knee. Fifteen to twenty times rise on the toes. In any case, put a chair beside him, to seize him, if you lose your balance. To begin with it is recommended to make at least two approaches.
Exercise Four: jumping rope
If you have the opportunity to be engaged with a rope for five minutes a day, until the ache calf. You can jump on toes, backwards, on flat or bent legs - a lot of variants. If your home is not such a device, it can be replaced by ordinary clothesline.
By the way, nice to help cope with the problem of the conventional high jump. So first a little sit down (as you were taught in school in gym class). Imagine that you need to reach the ceiling. Now try to bounce as high as you can.
Exercise five: Stretching
Option one: a girl stands on tiptoes, then lunges forward. Under the knee should form an angle of ninety degrees. The back is smooth. For the balance of the hand placed on the hip. In this position, you must bounce thirty seconds. Then, the front leg should drive off slowly, as if you are trying to do the splits.
After that you should sit on the leg, which lunges, and back - to bend and lift. Well, if you manage to grab his foot to pull it to the head. Be careful and do not do anything by force, otherwise the next two or three weeks, the muscles in the legs will ache. Note that if calves start to tingle, it is recommended to reduce the load.
Option Two: sit on the floor, feet together. On the exhale - a smooth slope forward on a breath - leveled. And so ten or twenty times, depending on your physical fitness. Then, trying to grab hold of the feet and lying in that position a minute.
Spreads her legs as wide as possible. If possible, take the cross splits. Make a bend to the right, left and middle. Remain in the same position, only his right arm straighten and put on his thigh, and the left - pull up and try to get her to the socks. During the rest is pressed to the floor seconds to forty or fifty. The lower you go, the better for you. But, of course, without fanaticism.
Exercise Six: squats and mahi with a chair
Something like doing a dancer and ballerina. Only instead of a chair have a special device (machine), which serves as a support for their feet. So, turn to the back side, Cast the foot upward. Perform squats (forty times), and then change the position.
Then proceed to Mahama. Hands lean on a chair, stand on the sock, arch your back and lift his leg high (side to side). All the elements are made at a rapid pace. But do not forget about their own safety and perform the exercises carefully so as not to damage or pull a muscle.
Massage and body wraps: the pleasure and benefits
Unfortunately, even a professional massage does not relieve you of fat on his feet. But if you do it regularly, it will help you fix the result. Plus, you can relax after a strenuous exercise. And your body will not hurt so much in the first days of training. As a moisturizer, you can use either conventional lotions or creams for weight loss. However, whether the latter effect or not is difficult to say.
You can also do wraps, thanks to which, as promised at the spa, it will be easier to burn body fat on his feet. If health permits, the fair sex is recommended to visit a couple of times a month and sauna baths. Previously, of course, consult your doctor.
To legs after exercise did not hurt
For many sports - real torture, because after hours of training legs buzzing, as if you went to a week-heeled. In fact, eggs have a little sick, because you are forced to work the muscles. But if you comfort above all, try to observe a number of rules that will ease the suffering. Of course, to get rid of unpleasant sensations you will not succeed.
Getting classes, do not forget to warm up and stretch. The same is true after the workout.
As soon as you get home, take a hot bath or shower. If possible, wash your feet with warm water in a fitness club. In some schools there are special sports massaging nozzles.
The next day, immediately upon waking, pain and tingling prevoznemogaya, make a small charge. Stretch your muscles, you bring them to a tone, allowing you to walk normally. If you do not, then go up and down the stairs without sighs and tears, is unlikely.
In extreme cases, the pain is unbearable to endure, drink an anesthetic. And, of course, consult your doctor. Perhaps it is - the symptoms that you have something in the classroom damaged. You can not delay the visit to a specialist if the joints ache, knees or when the temperature rises.
We strongly recommend to read: How to reduce the volume of the legs