You hurt your eyes? A similar problem periodically faced by all modern humans. And the rhythm and lifestyle of modern man contributes to the development and aggravation of this problem. A huge number of negative factors - televisions, computers, a large number of bright flashing advertising - all this affects the eyes the most negative way.
Moreover, the situation worsens aggressive environment - the mucous membrane of the eyeball have to regularly communicate with a large number of micro-organisms, bacteria, micro-particles of soil pollen. All these substances regularly deposited on the surface of the eyeball.
As a result, the eyes are sore and can start watering, because in this way the protective mechanisms of the eye trying to get rid of the stimulus and signal that there are certain problems. In some cases, the organism itself is able to cope with the problems, but often a person needs skilled care doctor - ophthalmologist. However, in any case, before you start treatment, you need to know the exact diagnosis.
All eye problems can be divided into several groups and sub-groups: external and internal, chronic and acute. It is these reasons why your eyes hurt, and will be discussed below. For example, acute eye diseases are developing very rapidly, due to external stimuli, in particular the penetration of pathogenic bacteria. The most common acute illnesses suffered one eye. Chronic diseases also appear a little differently - symptoms increase gradually and affects usually both eyes.
In addition to being sore and watery eyes, can develop a number of additional symptoms such as itching, redness and even swelling. Self-diagnosis of a person who does not have a specialized medical education, is almost impossible. You must immediately seek medical help from a doctor - ophthalmologist.
The causes of eye diseases
So, why is watery and sore eyes?
- Infectious - inflammatory diseases
Most often, the pain and watery eyes caused by infectious - inflammatory diseases. These diseases are accompanied usually abundant mucous or purulent severable from the eyes. Content can be so much in the morning, waking up sick person can not open his eyes as long as they do not wash out them.
As a rule, inflammation begins in one eye, and a lack of adequate treatment and inflammation spreads to the other eye. And often a sick man he greatly contributes to the spread of infection, violating the basic rules of personal hygiene.
In no case is inadmissible rub your eyes, or wipe them with the same handkerchief - thereby you contribute to the transfer of pathogenic bacteria from one eye to the other. It is also very important to have his personal towel - otherwise you run the risk of infecting those around you. Speaking of hygiene, it is also impossible not to mention the main mistake made by so many women. Remember that cosmetics must also be purely personal - let your mascara to whom - or, or themselves take someone else's, you run the risk of contracting infectious eye disease. And in the end you come up with the fact that you hurt your eyes.
- Eye Injuries
Also, often the eyes are sore because of the injuries are often minor. A person can not attach particular importance to minor injuries, and then wonder why he hurt his eyes. If the injury is more serious - a blow, foreign objects or contact with any - any chemicals, the disease begins more acute.
The first thing to do when hit in the eye of chemicals, it is immediately rinse it with plenty of clean cold water. After that, you must immediately seek medical help to the doctor assess how badly affected the eye and, if necessary, assisted.
In the event that in my eye foreign body to retrieve it yourself is not recommended, as this could lead to further injury of the mucous membrane of the eye and eyeball. Try as fast as possible to get to a doctor, who quickly extract a foreign body and will provide the necessary assistance. The same applies to injuries - the person may not always be a realistic assessment of the severity of the injury. And the result of lack of medical care can not only be a significant reduction of view, but even a complete loss.
- Allergic reaction
Banal allergy attack can also cause sore eyes and tears. As a rule, doctors - ophthalmologists can easily recognize these sick people on a number of additional features: a runny nose, red eyes specific. Another pronounced feature of allergic reactions is not only redness and tearing, and severe itching eyes. Because of the mucous membrane and eye allergens occurs allergic conjunctivitis.
In that case, if the allergen is known it is necessary to limit contact of the sick person with it. If the allergen can not be identified, the sick person should as soon as possible to see a doctor - allergist. Doctor - an allergist will not only determine which allergen reacts sick person, but also prescribe the necessary treatment to help reduce its negative impact to the minimum.
- Pain from stress
Another very common reason why a person may hurt your eyes - this is their constant stress. Reading, writing, computer work, watching television - all these factors have on the eyes is extremely high load. And the longer a person spends time for all of the above classes, the stronger his eyes hurt. And this phenomenon is a logical explanation.
The human eye is arranged so that it can distinguish equally well as those objects, which are almost on the horizon line, and those that are at a distance of one centimeter from the eye. Nature provides that a person will evenly distribute the load. But in practice it is quite different - range of the eyes of modern man is approximately eighty centimeters.
In addition to the visual eye strain adversely affected by factors such as dry air conditioned, electromagnetic radiation from electronic devices. First, the eye begins to tears, after depleting stocks of the lacrimal gland, the eyes start to hurt and the man complains of dryness of the eyes.
In modern medicine even syndrome appropriately named there - the so-called computer eye syndrome. As is clear from the title, often faced with this syndrome are people who spend a long time sitting at a computer. Strictly speaking, this problem runs the risk every second person over 16 years old. It is therefore particularly important.
This state has been called computer eye syndrome. It is not difficult to guess that this is most often hurt the eyes and the tears of those who for a long time working on the computer. So this risk gets almost half the world's population aged 15 to 60 years old!
- Contact lenses
Also, often watery and sore eyes of the people who use contact lenses. Typically, most discomfort appears if contact lenses are chosen correctly. However, much less, but still there are, cases where the human body strongly rejects any contact lenses. In any case, one should not tolerate such discomfort - it is necessary to seek medical help - ophthalmologist, who will help to solve this problem.
Pain in the eyes with the movement of the eyeball
Sometimes people complain that they hurt the eyes when driving. The reasons of such pain also can be very different:
Excessive stress. Overvoltage eyeballs and muscles caused by prolonged immobility or eye position, or their excessive voltage. In addition, the motion of the eyeballs pain may also occur due to incorrect glasses or contact lenses.
Infectious diseases. Infectious diseases and inflammatory processes in the sinuses, usually leads to inflammation of the surrounding muscles. As a result, a person may experience severe pulsating pain in the back of the eyeball, especially when moving the eyes.
Headache. Often the pain of eye movement occurs in people who suffer from headaches, especially occurring regularly. In addition, pain when moving the eyeballs almost always occurs in people who suffer from migraines.
Increased intracranial pressure. In that case, if a person has increased intracranial pressure, he may feel strong pain in the eyeballs, accompanied by nausea. Unfortunately, these symptoms often indicate that a person develops glaucoma, which, in the absence of proper treatment, can lead to complete loss of vision. Glaucoma may be accompanied by not only pain, but also a strong sense of pressure on the eyeball.
Diseases of the eyeball. Pain when moving the eyes can be caused by various diseases such as uveitis - inflammation affecting the uvea.
Hyperthermia body. Pain when moving eyes person can experience and if he has fever. And its rise may be due to anything - colds, flu or anything - else. When the pain is to try as soon as possible to reduce the temperature.
Shingles. No less dangerous pain during movement of the eyes, caused by a disease such as herpes zoster. This disease is very dangerous because it can result in blindness. Therefore, you must immediately seek help from a doctor - ophthalmologist.
The trauma of the eyeball. Endangering the eyeball can also cause pain when moving eyes. And not always to appear pain, the injury may not be particularly sensitive - just rub the eye with your hand or a handkerchief.
Terms of the computer work
One of the most frequently asked the doctor - ophthalmologist issues is "sore eyes from the computer what to do? ". And it is quite reasonable question, considering how much time a person spends a modern computer.
It is important to organize the work at the computer, to minimize eye strain. The first thing you should pay attention - this coverage. The best option would be to put in such a way that the light from the window fell on the left side. Thus, you will achieve perfect lighting - indirect ambient light and virtually no glare on the screen.
Keep the monitor and glasses if you are working at a computer in the glasses. At least once a week, wipe the screen with special Wet wipes, which do not leave lint. The presence of spots and streaks on the screen at times increases the load on the eye.
Pay special attention to the distance from the eyes of the monitor. This distance must be at least 50 - 60 centimeters. As if at a given distance you discern bad image on the screen, you should increase the font. In addition, doctors ophthalmologists advise to choose a dark font on a light background, but not vice versa. And if you need to type the text from the paper, place the piece as near as possible to the monitor, you do not have to constantly looks. These measures will help you to significantly reduce eye strain when working with kompyuterom.Imenno because usually load in people and hurt your eyes.
Summarizing all the above, there are several key points:
- Gentle Man must treat his sight as much as possible reducing eye strain. It is not necessary to spend long hours watching TV or reading books.
- In case of accident or any other problems, one way or another connected with the eyes, people should not self-medicate. You must immediately seek help from a doctor - ophthalmologist.
- And in any case, we should not forget about preventive examinations, as the disease is sometimes not make themselves felt in the beginning, when there were no sore eyes.
Be mindful of your health and vision. And your eyes will thank you a healthy glow!