Many of the fair sex know that refreshing face mask - it's always a quick and economical way of regular skin care. With their constant use of your face gets healthy and radiant. Refreshing facial masks homemade based on popular recipes are an excellent alternative to expensive cosmetics and salon treatments. Moreover, it should be noted here that the choice of ingredients is not limited. Use everything you can, starting with fruits and vegetables and finishing with the yeast. There are many popular recipes of masks that can improve the condition of tired skin. This is what we tell you in this article.
Tonic mask for all skin types
With the onset of heat suffer from lack of moisture, not only we, but also our skin. But at the same time, summer - a great opportunity to treat yourself to a mask of fresh fruits and vegetables. Thus you will not only satiate your skin beneficial vitamins, but also rest from preservatives, which are abundant contained in creams and masks factory production.
Mask of parsley
Take a small amount of green, cut and fill it with boiling water. Strain and reserve broth mush. Distribute weight of gauze and gently spread on the skin for 30 minutes. To achieve the desired effect, use the recipe several times a week. By adding to the broth of parsley a little honey and 1 egg yolk, you can make this mask is even more useful. The ingredients are mixed and spread on the skin. The mixture is allowed to act for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
Try to make a mask of lettuce
To this end, finely chopped greens need to add a couple of spoonfuls of sour cream or yogurt. For additional moisture can be poured to a mixture of a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. After applying the mask leave act for half an hour. This tool is recommended about 3 times a week.
Mask beet
Fresh beets small rub on a small tёrochke. To the resulting slurry add 1 egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of sour cream. You can replace the latter ingredient is yogurt or kefir. All mix thoroughly and spread on the face. After 25-30 minutes we wash with warm water. Use several times a week.
"Mint cool" for your face
Indispensable recipe for hot summer days. With the mixer or blender, mix 1 cup of green mint with 1 cup of water. Then remove the resulting mass in the freezer for 10 minutes, after which the mixture was spread on the gauze or cloth and leave for 10 minutes on the skin. After said time, we wash with warm water.
Mask of raspberries and milk
Mix a couple of tablespoons of warm milk, and the same amount of raspberries. Thoroughly mash the berries with a fork to form a slurry. Spread the mixture on your face for 20 minutes. After the procedure, wash with warm water.
Refreshing eggplant, squash mask
It has not only a tonic, but the cleaning properties. For their production, you will need 1 small piece of zucchini and eggplant, which must be rubbed on a fine tёrochke and mix with 1 egg yolk. Apply weight should be ready to face and neck. After 20 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature.
Carrot-apple facial mask. Good tool for toning and combating fine wrinkles. We need to take an apple and 1 small carrot, finely grate them and get mush gently put on the face. After 20-25 minutes, the mask can be washed off with water at room temperature. After that, let the skin to dry yourself.
Cranberry Mask
It is not only invigorating, but the bleaching action. For its preparation you need to cook the juice from the berries carefully their frayed. The resulting mixture dip gauze or cloth and evenly put on the face and neck for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure is recommended to wash with warm water and use a nourishing cream.
Rowan honey-toning mask
Grind the berries of mountain ash and add to the mass of 1 teaspoon of liquid honey. Apply the mask must be thick and left on the face for 15 minutes, then thoroughly wash it with water at room temperature.
Face mask of the radish
You'll need 2 tablespoons grated radish, 1 tablespoon of warmed milk and 1 teaspoon of lemon pulp. The ingredients are mixed and spread on the face. Duration of the mask - 20 minutes. When we wash with warm water and leave to dry out the skin yourself.
The mask of yeast
Try refreshing agent, in which the basic ingredients are the yeast and grated horseradish. You will need 10 grams of yeast, 2 tablespoons milk 2 small root of horseradish. You mix the ingredients and apply for 15 minutes on the skin. After a specified time, rinse your face with warm, then cold water.
Option refreshing masks to deal with cosmetic flaws
For it, you will need 1 small banana, 1 kiwi. Finely chop the vegetables and mix with 1 egg white, beaten pre-mixer. Apply the finished slurry for 20 minutes, then washed off the mask with warm water.
Refreshing mask for all skin types
The mask for the skin of potatoes and milk
She is not only very refreshing face, but also to cope with skin problems that arise because of the bad weather, wind and frost. Means cooked very quickly and easily than really like women who painted the day minute by minute. It is necessary to boil in the skin 1 small potato, boil 150 ml of milk and whisk 1 egg yolk. Once the milk and potatoes have cooled, combine all ingredients, stir and put on cleansed face for half an hour. Then wash off the mask with warm water.
Face mask with coffee
Often, lack of sleep or incorrect posture during sleep can cause poor appearance. Coffee mask easily help you overcome this problem. After all, it has excellent tonic properties. For its preparation you need: natural ground coffee, vegetable oil, honey and hot milk, and crushed flour (oat or barley). The required quantity of each component - 1 teaspoon. All thoroughly and put on face for 25-30 minutes. Then gently remove the mask using a cotton swab that you want to heat the milk to moisten. Enjoy your skin: it just shines!
Mask of honey and curd
We suggest to try the following recipe. This mask has a positive impact on the overall condition of the skin, evens the complexion, softens and moisturizes the skin. For its preparation is necessary to grind 100 grams of cottage cheese through a sieve, add 1chaynuyu spoonful of warm honey and the same amount of sour cream. We reserve the mask to act for 20-30 minutes, after which it is washed off with water at room temperature.
The mask of curd herbal
It rubbed curd add 1 tablespoon of the decoction of medicinal herbs, which consists of the roots of dandelion, hawthorn, and shepherd's purse. Natural broth is very simple to prepare. A small amount of herbs pour boiling water and infuse according to the instruction of 20 to 30 minutes. The resulting infusion is necessary to drain the curd and add to. Refreshing means ready. The resulting mixture is desirably applied by brush and rinse after 15-20 minutes.
The mask of tea and mayonnaise
For its preparation is recommended to use freshly brewed green tea. As you know, he has excellent tonic, refreshing and healing properties. Green tea is also rich in antioxidants, which have a regenerating and rejuvenating effect. So, we proceed to the preparation of our masks. This will require strong brewed green tea and mayonnaise. It is necessary to take a number of products to a thick mass. Apply for 15 minutes, after which washes away with warm water. After this procedure, it is recommended to wipe the face tonic, not containing alcohol.
Masks, makes skin glow
You will need 1 large carrot and a little oatmeal. Grate the vegetables and mix it with crushed flakes. Leave for 20 minutes to act. After a specified time, wash with warm water.
Another unusual recipe mask. Ingredients: 100 grams of fresh or dried leaves of nettles, 1 large carrot and a slice of rye bread. Fill with boiling water nettles, "tormented" for 10-15 minutes on low heat, then add to the broth grated carrots and slices of bread. Apply the mask should be on a carefully cleansed face and wash off after 20 minutes. After application, use a nourishing mask or deep moisturizing cream.
A little more time will be paid to dry, oily and combination skin types.
"Lifesaver" for dry skin
Especially useful it is for the skin in the autumn. Because it has moisturizing and nourishing properties, helps fight the feeling of tightness and peeling. Take half a banana and apply pounded very thin layer of the mask on the face and neck. It has an instant toning effect, so it can be used in "emergency situations".
Effective mask for oily skin types
Bold type is considered one of the most problematic types of skin that need special attention and care. People cosmetology recipes rich in natural masks to overcome minor cosmetic defects of this type. We will talk about the most popular of them.
Cabbage Mask
For its preparation you need to grind into a puree 1 leaf of cabbage, add to the weight of 2 tablespoons cheese and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and honey preheated. If the paste is too thick, it can be diluted with a little water. It is recommended to apply the mask on your face, neck and chest area. The result you will see at once. Clean, fresh and matte skin is guaranteed. The face is not a trace of fat shine and enlarged pores.
The problem of enlarged pores and comedones also perfectly copes mask on the basis of flour and egg white
The recipe is incredibly simple: combine equal amounts of components and ingredients are thoroughly stir them. Gently impose a mask for 20-30 minutes and wash off with water at room temperature.
Toning, nourishing and therapeutic herbal mask
For its production need to prepare in equal amounts powdered chamomile, St. John's wort, mother and stepmother and wormwood. All components need to pour 1 cup boiling water and infuse the broth a couple of minutes. The resulting strain the infusion, and the mass, which remained, spread a thin layer on the face. After 20 minutes, withdraw funds from the face. The same principle is prepared and used the mask of linden flowers. Only for her flowers need to pour boiling water and "simmer" on low heat until a thick mass. Gruel cool and spread on the skin, after 15-20 minutes remove the mask.
Flour Mask Calendula
A very simple and efficient recipe for cooking which need 2 tablespoons of flour (oat or wheat), and 1 teaspoon of tincture of calendula pour warm water. All thoroughly mixed to a thick consistency and distribute a thick layer mask. Leave for 30 minutes, after which wash the face with warm water.
The mask of cabbage and cheese
The juice of this vegetable - very useful ingredient to eliminate cosmetic defects. It contributes to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, and cleanses pores, removes shine and prevents its formation. So, for the mask you will need 2 tablespoons of pre-squeezed cabbage juice and the same amount of rubbed cheese. If you can not make the juice from the cabbage, it can simply be cut into small pieces, and then connect to the curd. For better effect, a means should be added a little honey and lemon juice. Keep the resulting mass is necessary to half an hour.
Excellent mask for the skin of the combined type
Many would agree that the combined skin type requires very careful care. Behind it the most difficult to care for, because you need to use different tactics for different areas of the skin. How to do everything well and quickly, not really bothered? Try these masks!
Carrot-egg mask copes with the problems of combination skin
For its preparation grate 1 medium sized carrot on a fine grater and mix it with 1 egg yolk. Evenly apply a small quantity of masks, wash it off after half an hour in warm water with a cotton pad. For optimum results, apply the remedy 2-3 times a week.
The mask on the basis of the pumpkin is also preparing with egg yolk
Add 100 grams of pumpkin and 2 egg yolks 1 teaspoon of warm vegetable oil and mix all thoroughly. Use the tools in the same way as the previous one.
Apple mask with honey and oatmeal - an indispensable tool for anyone who wants to get not just a tonic, and a light anti-aging effect
The recipe is very simple. By 1 grated apple add some flakes and 1 teaspoon of warmed honey. Duration of the mask - 15-20 minutes.
Good refreshing effect on combination skin has this mask
To prepare, take 2 tablespoons of water, oatmeal, strong brewed black tea and honey. Mix the ingredients and put them "languish" in the steam bath to heat for 10 minutes. After the mass has cooled, apply a thin layer of the mask on the face and keep on the skin for 20 minutes. After a specified time, it is recommended to wash with cold water.
Many women often ask the question of the usefulness of the home facial masks of popular recipes. Because of the beautiful half of humanity suffers from allergic reactions to different, even the most innocent-looking products. In this situation, dermatologists recommend the use of the principle of power. Remember, if your body does not perceive or poorly absorbs any product, it may be the risk of allergies when using masks containing these products. Be especially careful with the use of different exotic foods.
There is a simple way to insure and protect yourself from the annoying redness and itching. It is necessary to conduct a small sample test. To do this, the inside of the elbow, apply a bit of product about which you have doubts. After 15 minutes, check the reaction. If the condition of the skin at the site has not changed (no redness and itching), you can safely use the preparation of an agent.
Simple Secrets of care will give your skin a healthy glow and radiance, making it a source of pride and admiration. To achieve this, you need only to give myself a little time and often smiling. And the world is at your feet! After all, you'll just luchitsya of health and happiness. Take care of yourself and be beautiful!