Acute renal colic occurs, as a rule, very suddenly and causes the infected person to go through a lot of unpleasant minutes - and just as suddenly disappear. But in any case unacceptable sigh of relief and leave the problem without proper attention. Renal colic least by itself and is not a disease, but it clearly indicates that the human body facing major pathological processes.
Renal colic - it suddenly had a strong pain localized in the lumbar region. And the pain during an attack of renal colic is very, very specific - any doctor easily recognizes her: she is very sharp, is cutting and that is typical - it is almost always one-sided.
The cause of colic is always the same - the disruption of the flow of urine from the renal pelvis. But the violation of the outflow of urine can be caused by a variety of reasons - blockage of kidney stones, kidney squeezing the outside, such as a tumor. Most often, colic accompanies diseases such as:
- Urolithiasis, especially during its aggravation.
- Pyelonephritis, glaumonefrit.
- Various tumor kidneys - both malignant and benign renal tuberculosis.
- Any traumatic damage to the kidneys.
- Some diseases retroperitoneal space.
- Various gynecological diseases such as salpingitis, adnexitis.
In order to establish that it was the impetus for the development of renal colic, the sick person should as soon as possible to seek help from a doctor. However, in order to understand what is really acute renal colic, you must know the basic symptoms.
Symptoms of renal colic
So, on the grounds of how we can understand that a sick person is faced with renal colic? The first and most important feature, of course, is a strong pain in the lumbar region. Immediately after that the patient person to a large extent to increase the frequency of urination, in fact - in the urine can be detected admixture of blood.
In addition to strengthening the typical renal colic pain at sharp movements, lifting weights, walking or running. And in these situations, the pain does not occur immediately, but gradually growing, localized in the lower abdomen can give to the inner thighs strontium, especially in women.
If you organize and complete all the above, we get the following:
- Often there is urgency to urinate, which is accompanied by sharp pain and sharp pain in the urethra.
- Development of hematuria, which is characterized by the presence in urine of dark blood clots.
- Nausea, vomiting, dizziness - the body's response to pain.
- Constant, but not productive urge to defecate.
- In the event that provoked some renal colic - a contagious disease - fever, sometimes to a very significant figure.
- In some cases - a significant increase in blood pressure.
Another striking feature of renal colic is paroxysmal in nature. Typically, the duration of an attack is about 10 hours. After this attack of renal colic disappears as suddenly as it had begun. But the frequency of these attacks can be very different. For example, if the disease is severe enough, the break may be just one - two hours.
From what is necessary to distinguish renal colic?
In order to have a sick man needed emergency medical care, the physician must accurately distinguish renal colic from other diseases with similar symptoms - intestinal obstruction, appendicitis, cholecystitis, and the like. However, the most important feature of renal colic - is the appearance of blood in the urine. So, a little more detail:
When appendicitis patient person, a strong pain, but it is localized in a different way - first it captures epigastric region and then descends to the navel, and then finally fixed in the right iliac fossa. Nausea in this case also occurs, but not exhausting vomiting as renal colic, and single. In addition, the appendix is often accompanied by severe abdominal distention and pronounced changes in blood parameters.
Very similar to renal colic pain is typical for various gynecological diseases, for example, such as salpingitis or Andechs. The pain is localized in the lower abdomen, but very quickly begins to give in the waist. Even normal voiding process in this case can also be broken - it occurs due to the fact that the inflamed organ, located in proximity of inflammatory bladder.
However, the main difference of gynecological diseases by renal colic - is the nature of disease onset. Renal colic occurs instantly, and gynecological pain picking up gradually - from smallest to largest. In addition, the body temperature of gynecological diseases can rise to very substantial numbers - up to 39 - 40 degrees.
In the case of pain are the consequence of a gastro - intestinal tract, it is localized in the left upper quadrant. And often the pain occurs after meals. For example, if there is a perforation of the ulcer, the patient experiences a sharp piercing pain in his favor perspiration. A sick person receives the most comfortable position for him, in which the pain of all the least annoying. But in the case of renal colic, everything happens the other way around - usually a sick person starts to rush, can not find a place.
If the sick person is experiencing pain due to intestinal obstruction, the pain will be of cramping in nature. The stomach is a sick person will be very swollen, and the chair is absent. In the same case, if a person is faced with acute pancreatitis, the pain is constant, and it is localized in the navel.
Features of renal colic in children and pregnant women
Some categories of people colic has its own characteristics. For example, children pain during renal colic localized in the navel. Children often exhausting vomiting occurs, the baby may refuse to eat for a day before or after a bout of colic.
Directly at the moment of attack of renal colic baby is very restless, complaining of pain, or just cry if too small. Fortunately, the children are short-lived bouts of renal colic - do not last more than 15 - 20 minutes. In addition, parents should keep in mind that kids often provokes renal colic fever.
Unfortunately, renal colic often cause discomfort to women awaiting the birth of their baby. Usually, the culprit of renal colic during pregnancy are diseases such as urolithiasis or pyelonephritis. During pregnancy, pain accompanying renal colic can give either the thigh or the labia. A pregnant woman in any case should not be ignored renal colic, as in some cases it can provoke a premature birth.
Treatment of renal colic
Of course, if a person has renal colic, treatment is necessary, and it must begin as soon as possible. The first thing to do to a human patient - it immediately lie down and cause a brigade of "first aid". Doctors do not recommend taking any - any action before the arrival of doctors, and especially not to drink any painkillers. Otherwise, the clinical picture of the disease can be very blurry, which greatly complicate diagnosis. The only exception - a warm bath. It helps relieve spasms and slightly alleviate the condition.
In some cases, doctors may decide on the need for hospitalization of the sick person to the hospital. As a rule, the decision is made in the following situations:
- Resistant colic, not even after the passing of drugs.
- Heat exhausting vomiting, severe nausea.
- Bilateral acute renal colic, or the absence of one of the kidneys.
In the same case, if emergency doctors managed to stop an attack of renal colic, and there are no indications for hospitalization, the patient first few days should observe a few simple rules.
Firstly, one must observe a few days bed rest. He shows the thermal procedures - baths, heating pads. It is important to empty the bladder at the first urination. In addition, it is important to at least the first few days after the attack of renal colic observe medical diet.
From diet sick person need to completely eliminate all the salty food, sausages, chocolate, coffee, strong tea. Recommended in such cases diet - milk - plant. This will greatly facilitate the work of the urinary system.
In the same case, if the state of health of the sick person does not improve, or an attack of renal colic persists, you must once again as soon as possible to see a doctor. And, of course, in any case we must not forget about the treatment of the underlying disease.