The forms, types and manifestations of child herpes
Herpes in infants
Herpes Symptoms
Herpes treatment in children
Herpes - a common infectious disease that is caused by the herpes simplex virus and is characterized by a rash in the form of grouped blisters on the skin and mucous membranes.
This disease is of several types, but children are usually characterized by a primary herpes. The children of the first years of life have maternal immunity, so very rarely suffer from herpes. But 3-4 years they become more susceptible to the virus, and to 5 years in 60-80% of children already have antibodies to it.
The carriers of the disease are 90% of the population. But herpes is activated in the body only when weakened immunity when a child falls ill with cold, some infectious disease or tolerate stress.
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The forms, types and manifestations of child herpes
There are several forms of child herpes virus 8 different types, namely:
Herpes on the lips
It belongs to the most famous of herpes simplex type 1. It is expressed in the emergence of a few bubbles on the upper or lower lip, characterized by general malaise and sometimes a little fever. The most common in children under 2 years, but can occur in people of any age, regardless of the time of year. This type of herpes is one of the low-level reactions to the body of the child, but, having shown only once, can come back again every time of colds and the weakening of the immune system. That's why it is the most common form of herpes.
Herpes Body
Usually occurs in children from 3 to 4 years. On the body there are small red blisters with liquid inside, which in any case can not be combed, as this will cause severe itching and burning.
Herpes zoster
It belongs to the herpes virus type 3 (varicella). This is a variation of the virus, which manifests itself on the body of four-and five-year olds. However, there are instances of this type of herpes and two-year kids. When the disease on the body appear densely located the red bubbles in the locations of the nerves (for example, on the edges, sides). The disease takes two phases, the first of which appears in the form of watery bubbles, and the second - in the form of dried crusts.
Genital herpes
Very rarely it can occur in babies in the first months of life. The child can be infected during childbirth if the mother is sick genital herpes. A red rash on the mucous membrane of the genitals and inner thighs. There may be herpangina and stomatitis. This disease can lead to various complications: the defeat of hearing and vision, diseases of the internal organs, the subsequent development of malformations.
Herpes type 6 causes roseola in infants, which manifests itself in the form of a spotted papular rash pink. This type of herpes are children up to 2 years. Disease begins with fever, then temperature is lowered within 3-6 days after which the skin appears exanthema - spotted papular rash size of 1-3 mm, the pressure-sensitive fade. This property is the hallmark of this type of herpes. Cold sores on the body can be kept for several days, and may disappear after a few hours. The rash is usually localized in the neck, face and extremities.
Herpes viruses 4, 5 and 6 of types causes infectious mononucleosis - an acute infectious disease characterized by sore throat, fever, swollen lymph nodes, spleen, liver, lymphocytosis, the advent of atypical mononuclear cells of peripheral blood.
One of the most common virus type 6 is cytomegalovirus. Children infected with the virus are usually in a day nursery or kindergarten. Its transmission occurs only through direct contact with infected patients. Also, children can be infected with the virus during gestation. Infection medium can be saliva, blood, urine and other biological substrates. In healthy children cytomegalovirus asymptomatic or accompanied by mild symptoms that disappear after a few days.
Herpes viruses of the 6th and 7th at the types of primary infection can cause newborn babies exanthema.
Diagnosing the state of health of the child should only be qualified.
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Herpes in infants
This disease occurs in infants is much more difficult than in adults. Herpes - a very insidious infection that can cause severe lesions of the internal organs and the nervous system. With the defeat of view there phlebothrombosis, keratitis, iridocyclitis, chorioretinitis, with the defeat of the hearing may be complications such as herpes angina, sudden deafness, and destruction of inner ear. With the defeat of the cardiovascular system occur myocarditis cardiomyopathy and atherosclerosis.
When the virus enters the central nervous system can occur encephalopathy, meningitis and nerve plexus lesion. Herpes virus may lead to the emergence of schizophrenia, depressive disorders, different. There may be, and complications such as urethritis, prostatitis, impaired fertility in men and endometriosis, and chorionic colpitis women.
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Herpes Symptoms
Symptoms of herpes can be children:
fever, muscle aches, fatigue, irritability;
burning, pain, tingling and itching at the site of the future eruptions;
ulcers and sores on the site rash;
the formation of ulcers in the mouth: on the gums, inside of the cheeks, the front of the tongue, throat and palate;
swelling and bleeding gums;
swollen lymph nodes in the neck, their pain;
Mucosal throat with the formation of small ulcers and a grayish coating on the tonsils;
pain when eating and drinking.
In the case of the above symptoms, be sure to consult a pediatrician to establish the correct diagnosis and treatment. The same symptoms may occur and rubella. Therefore, you should pay attention to other factors that are key indicators of the disease, such as:
febrile convulsions - if the disease is left untreated, then the future may develop epilepsy;
Involvement of the gastrointestinal tract - abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting;
headaches, and sleep disturbances;
rash on the back of the child, gradually passing over the entire body.
Reasons for herpes may be different raw medical instruments in contact with the body of the child. The virus also can be transmitted by airborne droplets.
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Herpes treatment in children
Treatment of infection should be started immediately at the first signs of the disease. It depends on the duration and success of treatment. Launched as an infection may acquire chronic or recurrent form and increase the risk of various complications.
For the treatment of herpes virus used antiviral drugs, interferons and immune stimulants. Treatment of herpes in children is aimed at suppressing the activity of the virus and minimize symptoms. For this purpose, a variety of anti-virals - pills and ointments that relieve pain and itching. In addition, it must take antipyretics with increasing temperature, and drinking plenty of fluids. One of the antiviral drugs acyclovir is the drug.
Interferons kill viruses and do not allow them to multiply uncontrollably. Used both in tablet form and in the form of suppositories.
Immunostimulatory drugs inhibit virus infection of new sections of the mucous membranes and internal organs, contribute to a more effective fight against the virus. Used drugs such as Immunal, arpetol, groprinosin.
In the presence of herpes in the mouth is necessary to ensure that the child is not injured herpes sores. Do not give him a hard and hot food. At constant injury of wounds healing process may take 2 weeks or more, so parents need to monitor this process.
If the disease is repeated often enough, it is necessary to see a specialist, immunologist, who will advise how to strengthen the weakened immune system of the child. In addition, for the treatment of herpes children have to be administered and monitored by a pediatrician, as only an expert can calculate the correct dosage of medication that is safe for the child's body.
Once in the body of a child, the herpes virus stays there for life, sometimes aggravate causing discomfort. Therefore, parents need to help their child, strictly following the guidelines and instructions of the pediatrician. Particular attention should be paid to personal hygiene. The child must have an individual towel, washcloth, soap. It is necessary to frequently wash their hands. In addition, the need to improve the child's immune system, eat right and take vitamins in the autumn and spring.
Cure herpes completely impossible, as the disease remains in the body for life.
But if you maintain a child's immune system, a healthy lifestyle and good personal hygiene, the disease will not return for a long time.