Women's disease has recently hit more and more women. And the age of cases in recent years is rapidly getting younger - these days even teen girls can sometimes suffer from these diseases. Women's disease - the expression on everyone's lips. However, what applies to women's health, and why it is so important to know about it?
Women's diseases accepted colloquially called gynecological diseases that affect the reproductive organs and the entire reproductive system of women - ovaries, uterus, and other appendages. A woman should carefully monitor your health, to notice the disease at its very early stage of development.
This will start as soon as possible treatment - in this case it will be much more efficient. And in order to to notice the problem and to seek help from a doctor, a woman must know the basic symptoms of various gynecological diseases.
Tragically, more and more began to appear gynecological diseases, which occur totally asymptomatic, and these diseases can be serious - sexually transmitted diseases, as well as accompanied by the emergence of a variety of tumors of various organs of the reproductive system.
Moreover, these diseases can occur even without typical for almost all women vaginal discharge diseases - they are no different from the natural, so-called "whiter." And to identify the origin of most of these pathological vaginal discharge is possible only by means of laboratory studies of vaginal discharge.
Furthermore, the flow for flush or other gynecological diseases are not typical conventional for such diseases abdominal pain, deviation from normal menstrual bleeding, and other functionality. It is because of this feature, doctors strongly recommend that women visit a gynecologist for routine inspection and testing at least twice a year.
These analyzes must include the general and biochemical blood tests, urinalysis, pelvic analysis to determine the microflora and cytology. Sometimes the results of these studies are the only way to detect the presence of those latent infections and diseases that are asymptomatic.
Symptoms of female diseases
However, fortunately, in most cases, women's diseases still occur with typical manifestation of their symptoms. Women's diseases and their symptoms are very diverse.
And the symptoms of gynecological diseases can occur quite frequently in cases where a woman's internal sex organs change their position, or else altogether undeveloped - to ascertain the cause of the symptoms of malaise can only be a doctor, and no one else.
Another group of diseases affecting women often arises from the fact that a woman's body introduced various pathogenic bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms. Basically, these diseases are sexually transmitted, but they are not alone.
Another group of women's diseases - are diseases that develop due to the fact that the sexual activity of the endocrine glands and the ovaries in the first place, is significantly impaired. Because of this pathological process in women is largely disrupted the normal hormonal balance. These hormonal disorders may develop as a result of a certain number of diseases, complications during pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period of the process.
As a rule, women's diseases, resulting from a violation of hormonal background of the body, accompanied by the development of a wide variety of tumors - tumors of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and other, both benign and malignant, alas. Examples of these types of diseases should be treated with special attention and care, otherwise a very high risk of all sorts of complications.
Of course, that all of the women's diseases develop only in the background, favorable to their development, but unfavorable for the overall condition of the body, under the influence of various precipitating factors. With such provoking factors can be a variety of circumstances. Listed below are just a small fraction of their major:
- Chronic fatigue is a woman. On the shoulders of modern women have too many very different responsibilities - housework, parenting, and even tend to be full-time. Of course, the female body is exhausted sooner or later, especially if a woman neglects recreation. But fatigue is a real trigger for all diseases, including for sexually transmitted diseases.
- Severe emotional stress. No less often diseases of the female reproductive system begin to develop due to heavy stress. Moreover, it is not necessary to be chronic stress - sometimes simply once greatly upset or frightened, the body began to develop the disease process.
- Malnutrition, lowering immunity. The decline of the immune system, lack of certain nutrients, vitamins and trace elements are also very high degree of probability can lead to functional disorders of the female reproductive system.
As mentioned above, almost all gynecological diseases have a number of features symptomatic. Moreover, the disease can manifest itself both locally and deterioration of general condition of the human body. Such a wide range of symptomatic signs explained, first of all, a huge number of the most varied causes of the disease, and secondly, physiological characteristics of an organism.
In addition, a significant role in the symptoms of gynecological diseases and that plays a strong relationship that exists between the female genital organs and the whole reproductive system and various internal organs and systems of the body are women.
So, it was the turn to talk about what can still be these same symptoms:
Very widespread symptom which appears in women in almost all diseases of the reproductive system, are heavy vaginal discharge: leukorrhea, mucus as with the conventional color, texture and flavor, and without the change. However, sometimes even in the presence of gynecological diseases, vaginal discharge changes can not be observed.
- Bleeding from the genital tract
In some cases, a certain number of gynecological diseases may be accompanied by bleeding from the genitals of the woman. The intensity of the bleeding can be very diverse - from subtle to very heavy sukrovichnyh bright - scarlet. When the bleeding woman should as soon as possible, seek medical help from a doctor - a gynecologist, regardless of the degree of intensity of spotting.
Often, gynecological diseases of women complain of pain of varying intensity. The very nature of pain can be very different - pulling, cutting, stabbing, sharp. Localization of pain can also be varied - the lower part of the abdomen, back.
In addition, a very large number of gynecological diseases may be associated with menstrual irregularities, especially those diseases that occur as a result of hormonal background of the organism. Moreover, these variations may be in greater or smaller side.
- Violation of the adjacent organs
Due to the fact that all the organs of the reproductive system located next to the other internal organs such as the rectum, bladder, gynecological diseases can often result in the development of these diseases for the neighboring organs.
Types of gynecological diseases
Women's disease gynecology classified as follows:
- Inflammatory processes of genitals
The leading place among all gynecological diseases occupy various kinds of inflammation, which is involved in one or other reproductive organs, most commonly the ovaries. And the reasons for the development of the disease may be several - from simple hypothermia, to bacterial and other pathogens that penetrate into the woman's genitals.
The second most frequent disease faced by doctors - gynecologists - a cervical erosion. As a result of this disease cervical mucosa gradually ulcerate and healthy cells gradually begin to degenerate into precancerous. Tragically, the disease occurs in one of the three women. And often it takes virtually no symptoms, or makes itself felt almost palpable pain and smearing sukrovichnymi discharge after intercourse.
This disease plagues women after about 45 years of age. This condition is characterized by the fact that muscle cells begin to grow abnormally in the uterine wall. As a rule, no vaginal discharge or any - any pain does not happen. But heavy menstrual flow in this pathology - a common phenomenon.
Also, quite often diagnosed in women gynecologists or tumor or cyst. On pain women also do not complain, but heavy menstrual bleeding is almost always present. Very often, the disease is found completely by accident, during an ordinary checkup. The earlier the disease is detected, the easier it will be to get rid of him.
For a woman is very, very important time to visit the gynecologist even if it is absolutely nothing to be concerned. And in the event that a woman have a concern, it should see a doctor as soon as possible. Fortunately, despite the fact that gynecological diseases quite a large number, and they occur often, the vast majority fairly easy to treat. Unless, of course, the women were able to identify the disease at the beginning of its development, and treatment will begin immediately.
Ignore also visit a gynecologist, and especially the treatment of a gynecological disease is extremely fraught for overall health. Sometimes complications can be serious:
And in cancers can transform even the most ordinary human papilloma virus. As a rule, it leads to the development of cervical cancer.
- Sustainable menstrual disorders
The menstrual cycle can either significantly reduce or increase significantly, as often occurs secondary amenorrhea. As a rule, these complications are often the result of inflammation affecting the ovaries. Needless to say, all of these complications negatively affect a woman's ability to conceive and childbearing.
Agree - not the bright prospects for any woman. Therefore, it is desirable to cope with his unwillingness to visit the gynecologist. It is much wiser to spend one hour once in six months, you get to hospital with what - or gynecological disease in advanced. It is unlikely that you will want to spend a few weeks in the hospital walls, in a society droppers and injections, treating neglected women's diseases. So visit your gynecologist in a timely manner and be healthy!