Did you know that even the elegant and exquisite bonsai can be grown with minimal time and effort? And to help you in this Ficus Ginseng, also known as the indoor horticulture ficus microcarpa, Ficus blunt or ginseng. This amazing plant! Analogues it is simply no! A surprising this kind of ficus its root, which is similar to ginseng root or a fabulous mandrake root.
Grow yourself a ficus bonsai you have, of course, it will not work - it is necessary to use the professional farming. But if you purchase or receive as a gift is a miracle tree, then quite cope with its growing. The main thing - to know how to be caring for these plants. That's what we with you and try to find out.
Ficus Ginseng or ficus microcarpa (Ficus Microcarpa) - it is quite an aggressive evergreen shrub that grows in the wild and twenty-five meters in height. He comes from East Asia, also known as the Strangler. Of course, for the people, this plant does not present any danger, but in the wild ... In the wild, these huge bushes produces many aerial roots, which for support entwine trunks of other trees and hinder their growth. In short, the strangled.
But the indoor horticulture is grown as bonsai ficus - or rather, psevdobonsay. Therefore, in our homes, it looks harmless small shrubs rather bizarre appearance. This ficus over thick roots, trunks pretentious pretty krona rises from branches with shiny or slightly pointed oval leaves. Ornamental and fruit ficus microcarpa, which initially have a yellowish tint, and then acquire a deep red color.
Exotic miraculous effect of root-stem Ficus Ginseng - is not a natural given, but the work of man. First planted the seeds of this plant, then for the shoots begin to look like any of the other young seedlings - watering, loose, thin out. Thus full grown specimens with thickened root, which, however, is still underground. It should be noted that at this stage of growing professionals use special agricultural techniques, allows to form a thickened roots.
Then ficus carefully dig and cut trunks (there are several) with leaves. Then peeled off the ground roots are planted in separate cups, most of the roots leaving the ground. Over time, the skin on the aboveground part of the root coarsens and darkens, becomes like a tree bark. And in the place of the cut formed krona. That such a plant already available commercially.
Care and maintenance
Special problems ficus care you do not create. The plant is, in general, low-maintenance, but care needs. First of all, you have to create for her a miracle tree comfort. Keep in mind that immediately after the purchase of the plant can respond to the changing environment yellowing and wilting of leaves. By and large, this reaction can be considered normal - is undergoing a period of adaptation. But if after two or three weeks in a new environment plant is not recovered, you should pay attention to how you care for it, and if all conditions are met.
Ficus you need to pick a shady place is well protected from direct sunlight. However, in a dark room Ficus will also feel uncomfortable. The best place for it - penumbra. Remember, too, that this plant is not only afraid of direct sunlight, but flows of dry and hot air. Therefore, place the pot with the flower must be selected away from heaters and radiators. Dislikes ficus and drafts. For this reason, it is not always a good feeling on the windowsills. And the most optimal temperature in the room where your ficus grows, will range from 16 to 22 degrees Celsius.
All the care for these undemanding plant is reduced to Watering. For example, you need to start to spray Ficus from the first day it arrives in your home. And then continue to spray the flower in a day or two. It must be watered as the drying of the soil in the pot, but it should not be allowed and drying earthen coma. In short, watering should be moderate and timely. But the frequency of watering depends on the temperature in the room, and the size of the flower pot, and the age of the plant. So be guided by the situation. Just do not forget that the soil moisture is also undesirable, as its drying.
Every year it is necessary to transplant the young plants, and as they get older to reduce the frequency of direct to once every two or three years. When transplanting, it is desirable to use special substrates are purchased or self-catering pochvosmes of equal parts of sand, earth and clay pikirovochnoy granulate.
In addition to watering, spraying and transplantation is necessary to form the crown of the plant. But this is purely for decorative purposes. Just without pruning ficus branch extended and he will cease to look like a bonsai. If you intend to grow it as a decorative flower in the style of bonsai, do not be afraid to cut your ficus - pruning, he moves smoothly. A krone after trimming becomes even thicker.
And finally, a word of warning. The massive shedding of leaves in this species of ficus - the phenomenon is quite natural. Just the life of leaves does not exceed three years. So let the fact that you are not afraid - to replace rot leaflets grow new. But yellowing of the lower leaves - a signal of short supply of minerals in the soil. In this case, the plant is necessary to feed special or complex fertilizer by adding it to the water. And it is desirable to carry out foliar feeding once or twice a month.
Here's a unique and unpretentious style flower can grow in your home without much difficulty. The main thing - keep in mind that just like any living being, your green pet needs care and attention. If you care for him to carry out all the rules, then this is a fabulous miracle tree for a long time will delight you and surprise your guests with its unusual appearance. Good luck!
Terms of care ficus
Diseases of the ficus
Transplanting and reproduction of Ficus
In the wild fig trees grow up to thirty meters in height, but for domestic giants such conditions are not suitable. Fortunately, these plants can be grown in ordinary flower pots and tubs in the "reduced form." There are fifteen hundred species of ficus, but centuries of decorating homes with the help of crop isolate the most promising sub-species of this plant, taking care that it is not difficult - to master the multiplication of Ficus everyone can.
One such species is the Ficus Elastica (lat. Ficus elastica). It has grown in the middle of the 19th century, albeit in a purely utilitarian purposes - for harvesting rubber. At home, the following forms are usually grown ficus:
Belize - on the edges of the leaves have a whitish-pink streaks.
Varegata - feathery, light leaves with light patches.
Robusta - the most popular Ficus Elastica for home cultivation, whose leaves are green, broad and leathery.
With due skill of the ficus plants can be grown in the art of bonsai.
Terms of care ficus
Maintenance of these plants, as well as reproduction, not too complicated. The temperature should not be higher than 23 degrees in the summer and not below 12 - winter. The main point that you should pay attention: it is necessary to provide coverage of the plant, based on the type and colors of foliage. Ficus, whose variegated leaves require more light than those whose leaves monochrome. But those and others do not like direct sunlight.
Watering the plants should not be plentiful, but the earthen room should be kept slightly damp. Be aware that rubber plants can drop leaves and excess, and lack of moisture. In any case it is necessary to ensure good drainage. In addition to irrigation water spraying must be done at room temperature, the water in any case should not be colder than 15 degrees. Bolshelistnye rubber plants are less sensitive to the level of humidity, mold rubber plant with small leaves require frequent spraying. If the apartment is central heating radiators, can be placed next to plants shallow container with water. Periodically wipe the leaves with a damp sponge, cleaning them from dust.
In nature elastica ficus grows up to thirty meters tall; so that your pet does not take such attempts, it must be specially treated. The formation of the crown made in the spring, this time there is active growth of ficus and it is easier to heal the wounds after pruning or topping. It should be appreciated that the Ficus Elastica produces a poisonous milky sap, which can cause severe irritation in contact with skin.
If the height of your plants you are satisfied, you will only need Prischepa top of the main escape. If ficus too high, before topping it should be cut by 5-7 centimeters above the desired sheet. Note that pruning central escape and cause the nipping that ficus will no longer grow in height. Trim the plant should be disinfected with a knife or shears. Disinfect pruning shears and a knife may be using alcohol or calcine them over the fire. After the pruning is done, you need to remove the milky juice of a damp cloth, no additional processing is not necessary cuts.
When you remove the tip of the spring, lateral buds are activated and produce side shoots about the same length and strength, so the spring is easier to get a "fluffy" plant, besides the formation of the crown passes more evenly. Try not to cut the rubber plants in the autumn-winter crop plants in this period leads to the loss of accumulated nutrients also can result in a one-sided development of the crown.
Ficus need to feed from spring to mid-autumn twice a month, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers. This care does not cause any difficulties, the main thing - remember that the soil fertilizer application should be damp, but the very fertilizer should not fall on the leaves.
Diseases of the ficus
Unfortunately, Ficus Elastica not spared from possible diseases and pests. Care during illness should be especially careful. It is not always immediately possible to find the cause of the disease, but there are some common situations and recipes to get rid of them. If your ficus leaves turn yellow and fall off, the reasons for this may be several:
The lack or surplus of moisture. Ficus of rubber and is very nervous about the fact, and more. Most often it is due to the Gulf or, conversely, lack of water leaves the plant turn yellow and fall off. Try to change the mode of watering ficus.
Lack of light. Try moving the plant to a lit place, but not in direct sunlight. The irony is that for any permutation ficus can also respond by dropping leaves. But at least he does not die from burns.
Too small or too large pot. Alas, this is also a common problem. Decides she transplanting plants in a suitable container.
Diseases or root rot. Determined by the unpleasant smell of the earth coma. If you feel a clear foul odor, gently loosen the root system from the soil, remove all rotten, sprawling under your fingers roots dry a bit and transplant them into a new stage. So much for the decay of the roots. Diseases we take a closer look later.
Pests. Ficus Elastica exposed to attacks spider mites, mealybugs, scale insects and lozhnoschitovok. To deal with them the best buy in specialized stores and special means to look through them for plants, strictly following the instructions.
The reason that the plants fall leaves, the disease may be the most common are the following:
Cercospora. This fungal disease on the leaves of the sick plants appear small black spots. Leaves turn yellow only in very serious condition. Necessary care: the destruction of diseased parts of the plant and further processing of the fungicide.
Anthracnose. Another fungal disease. In this case, the edges of the leaves appear burned, rusty spots. With the development of the disease leaves fall. Necessary care: the destruction of diseased parts of the plant and further processing of the fungicide.
Botrytis. Fungal disease. On leaves appear yellow or rusty spot, eventually spots increase. Necessary care: the destruction of diseased parts of the plant and further processing of the fungicide.
Diseases of the ficus arise mainly due to improper dressing or too cold or abundant watering. If your ficus suddenly fell off all the leaves, do not worry: continue to take care of it, and, quite possibly, it will acquire again.
Transplanting and reproduction of Ficus
Ficus transplant - not a very complicated matter. The main thing - remember that it is done in the spring, and it is desirable that one year accounted for only a transplant, or just trimming. Plants difficult to adapt simultaneously to both procedures and then heal the wounds. Transplant young plants produced by the method of handling, with minimal impact on the root ball. Adults, more plants that are difficult to cross into a new pot every year change the topsoil. If for some reason, the method of handling is not suitable (rotten roots, they had to be treated after removing the substrate), it is necessary to replant ficus as gently as possible, to prevent the roots buckle, plant them at the same level as in the previous pot.
Reproduction of ficus is done by vegetation. For this you will need:
Plant. Propagation is done by fig leaf with a fragment of the stem cuttings or apical diameter of from four to six millimeters. Developing and lignified stem fragments are not suitable for this purpose.
A sharp knife or scalpel. Secateurs or scissors are not suitable.
Rooting stimulator. The best means of this kind is the IAA. With it the number of dead cuttings significantly reduced, which greatly facilitate the reproduction of Ficus.
A container for a treat cuttings stimulant. If you have no more than five cuttings, this treatment can be carried out in a conventional glass.
Container for washing cuttings - preferably a large bowl or bucket. If cuttings little like you do not need the capacity.
Containers for proper root formation. It is best suited for this purpose disposable cups.
Warm water.
Reproduction of ficus is as follows - in a container to pour warm water washing, otcherenkovat plant cuttings wash to remove dirt and mammary secretions. Dissolve rooting stimulator according to the instructions, immersed in his cuttings or fragments of the stem with leaves in a solution must be cuts, but not the leaves. Leave them there for a day, the temperature in the room at the same time should not be less than twenty and thirty-five degrees above Celsius.
Twenty-four hours to remove cuttings and place of disposable cups filled with water and leave them there until the formation of roots. The temperature should not drop below twenty degrees centigrade, because it will reduce all the multiplication at no. As required, you need to add water in the cups.
If you did everything as instructed, after one to three weeks, you will have suitable for planting sprouts to be planted in soil mix (equal parts of leaf and sod of earth and sand), then you need to provide them with care, both for older ficus. First time to fertilize the young plants should be two weeks after planting, the second time - after they go into growth. Do not forget with time as they grow figs to handle them in large containers.
As you can see, printing - this is not a complicated process, as it might seem inexperienced grower. Anyway, take care of the ficus is not so difficult, the main thing - do it regularly, keeping all of our recommendations.