According to the ancient teachings of feng shui ficus - is a plant that helps to create the atmosphere for the energetic and effective work, sobriety of mind and concentration. In addition, Ficus purifies the air, making it more fresh, and allows you to create a cozy atmosphere in the room. Today there are many varieties of ficus: fig, fig, fig tree, Ficus Melanie, and many others, which are grown in the garden plots and apartments. However, we will discuss the problem, which often prevents the growth of one of the most popular types of home plants - Ficus benjamina, and find out which is why Ficus benjamina leaves discards and how this must be fought.
General information about the plant
Homeland Ficus benjamina - Australia, Philippines, India and China. Here, in the open ground, rubber plants of this subspecies can reach a height of twenty meters. At home, the same conditions, this plant grows up to three meters. Ficus Benjamin - a tree or shrub with a greyish bark, branches, he - drooping and the leaves - slightly oblong.
Painting leaves can be different: colorful, self-colored and fringed. Leaves are also different in their form. They come in straight and wavy, and in some species the leaves of the twisted nature. Fruits of Ficus benjamina are not edible.
Part of the problem in the cultivation
Despite the fact that the ficus is not the most demanding plant, some problems may still be felt in the course of its growth. And, of course, the first of them - is shedding leaves. Why is this happening? If you see that the leaves are ground slowly begin to turn yellow and fall off, it indicates a strong lack of nutrients in the soil composition. It is recommended to change to a better quality nutritious soil.
Sometimes the leaves lose color, and shows a small bright spots, and the edges turn yellow. This suggests an excess watering. To normalize the condition of the plant, it is important to give the soil time to complete drying of. Only after the land is dry, the plant should be watered again. If you do not observe this rule may fester root system.
Another problem - shriveled and dried leaves. Such symptoms indicate peresushke soil and excessively dry air. Perhaps ficus suffered from sunburn, which provoked direct sunlight. What to do in such a case? Just pritenit plant or search for a more suitable place.
If the leaves are young, get the right amount of necessary substances, but quickly overfly, the problem may be caused by anything. For example, lack of light or a sudden change of climatic conditions, because we know that rubber plants of any species is very painfully react to any movements. For them, the undesirable basic change locations within the room, not to mention the change of cities or countries.
What if ficus loses only the lower leaves? Generally, this phenomenon is rather rule, not a problem, particularly in the case of plant growth room. This trunk is completely denude should not. Subsidence of the lower leaves should be uniform. Full exposure of the barrel can cause untimely transplantation or soil, which is not enough vitamins.
And another problem - brown spots. They usually appear at the tips of the leaves, then the leaves fall. This usually occurs because of excessively high temperature and dry air in the room. Also, spots may occur in case of improper feeding - no need to abuse fertilizers.
General rules for the care of Ficus benjamina
Among all the varieties of Ficus benjamina stands out for its increased sensitivity, it can be called touchy. As soon as you bring the pot with the plant home, choose the best place for him. Decide with him once and for all. No need to constantly rearrange and rotate, move, or even worse, to carry. Try to keep the seat of the tree there was a draft, damp, dark - ficus leaves do not tolerate.
To Ficus benjamina grew rapidly and well, provide him in the summer the temperature of twenty-five degrees. In winter, it should be lowered to sixteen. Remember that the temperature minimum that the strength to move this plant - ten degrees, though, so try, even in cases of emergency not to break these boundaries. The room should also be regularly aired, but it should be done carefully so as not proskvozilo ficus.
Equally important is the humidity. To keep the Ficus benjamina is necessary to provide 70% figure, well, or at least at least 50%. In summer and winter, when the indoor air is too dry much, do not forget to spray, and once a month the plant to arrange a kind of "souls." This must be done so that the plant does not lack a liquid and moisture.
Shower make simple. Transfer the ficus in the bathroom, covering the ground with a special film. Now water the plant, using warm water. After the washing is complete, leave the ficus in the bathroom, so it dried out. Note: when ficus suddenly too cold, it leaves fade and shall fade. And in order to avoid the appearance of white spots on the leaves of salt, use a soft, to defend the water.
It is equally important to observe the rules of watering. Use this to defend or boiled water, as mentioned above. It is desirable to boil, then cooled to room temperature. Many experts advise to heat the water even to fifty degrees. You can add to it a little fertilizer.
To Ficus not dropped leaves, optimize watering - do not need to be a special schedule. Just occasionally palpable layer of soil, and when you see that it is dried, feel free watering. It is recommended to pour the liquid into two or three doses - it must completely cover the entire top layer. Thirty minutes after watering excess fluid to drain into the sump through a drainage hole - drain the water. Your main task - to prevent drying or excess moisture in the soil.
There are some rules of lighting, in fact it depends on the brightness and color of leaves. This is especially true variegated varieties. That place is the ficus, should be well covered, taking care to ensure that the direct rays do not fall on the plant. If we talk about monotonously colored varieties that are resistant to shade, but the variegated ficus will not tolerate even a small shadow, because it they often discolor and fall leaves. In winter, Ficus is to provide an additional source of light, which can be used special lamps.
Now for the transplant when it is best done and how to do it? Ficus should be repotted every two years after reaching the age of four plants. How to understand that it's time to transplant? The signal will entwined roots earthen room.
It is important to make a connection correctly. First of all you need to water the plant and get it out of the pot. One layer of the earth, which is at the top, remove, shaking off the roots, and then placed in a larger pot on the drainage layer covered with earth. After that, you need someone to fill the ground on each side. If you can not transplant the ficus because of its size, it is around a couple of times a year just change the top layer of soil.
Answering the question of why some ficus leaves turn yellow and fall off, not to mention the correct substrate and fertilizers, because of these two factors depends very much. Obtain a ficus Benjamin particular substrate. Prefer loose soil structure - this will allow the plant to take root denser. Once the root system is stronger, can be transplanted into the ground ficus, more dense in texture.
Choosing fertilizer, guided by the pre-selected substrate, and the age of the ficus. Typically, fertilizer and fertilizers are applied in the warm spring and summer. This should be done every few weeks, with alternating organic and mineral fertilizers and substances.
In the cold, the winter is not necessary to fertilize the plant - give a break from the Ficus chemistry. However, if you own plants create the most comfortable conditions: the right lighting, the right temperature and humidity, then add fertilizer to the soil can be, but no more than once every two months. This dressing should have a low concentration.
Yes it resets ficus leaves, yellowing, crumbling - give their owners a reason to be upset. Any plant can be compared to a baby, which was required meticulous care, and ficus no exception. By ensuring that the tree should the conditions for the existence, taking care of him every day and caring, you grow delicious oriental plant that will decorate your home and make it even more comfortable than before.