How to understand that it is time to water the orchid?
Few of flowering orchids
How do I get an orchid to bloom?
All owners of orchids rely on their long and profuse flowering. But sometimes during hibernation plants may be delayed. And here the question arises: "Why does not bloom orchid room? "Let's look at the necessary conditions for orchids bloom lasted as long as possible.
What you need to orchids for a prosperous life?
It is not that the most demanding phalaenopsis plants. To create favorable conditions for their flowering is quite simple. The main thing is to comply with just two factors: the ratio of water and lighting. The most common problem with this plant begins due to improper watering. Everywhere it is believed that the orchid should be watered no more than once in ten days, but it is not.
There is a direct relationship between light orchids, temperature maintenance and watering them. As for the temperature, there is also the acting pattern: brighter than the sun (more light), the higher the temperature. In such circumstances, the flower absorbs water and increases the green mass and produces stems.
Owners orchids need to remember: the more light, the more often you need to water phalaenopsis. If blooming orchid, provided sufficient light, water in the "1 every 10 days," then it just starts to eat itself. Liquid from old fabrics go out to create the conditions for the emergence of new ones. As a result, the lower leaves will turn yellow and the flowers are small, and the very bloom will not last long.
Another very important condition for the successful maintenance of orchids - a soil in which it grows. It is important that it be possible breathable. Do not forget - in the nature of orchids grow on trees, their root systems can easily rot when properly selected soil.
By the way, looking at the aerial roots of the flower, you can judge how comfortable he lives. Under natural conditions, the orchid is attached to a branch, but it is not air-powered, and is looking for with the help of aerial roots wood humus, which accumulates in the cracks of the bark. Releasing new roots, flower finds its food even in the neighboring branches.
So, if your orchid has grown very long aerial roots, which strive to get into pots with other plants, think, and whether to have enough food? Generally, the smaller the food found in the native orchid pot, the longer it grows aerial roots.
How to understand that it is time to water the orchid?
Suppose you have just become the owner of Phalaenopsis and, having carefully considered the roots in a transparent pot, and decided that it's time to water. However, for the proper assessment of soil alone look small. To finally understand the need to water the plant, or is not the time, take a wooden stick and slide it into the ground. Now take out and see if there are any traces of moisture on it? If the stick remains completely dry - the orchid can be easily watered, and if not - it is better to postpone the procedure for a couple of days.
Phalaenopsis drink water only during the day, so water them at night there is no point. You can choose any method of irrigation from dipping pot with a plant in a basin, a shower before bathing. And in order that in the future it is easier to understand when to water the orchid, leave a wooden stick in a pot with a plant on its dryness can easily determine the need for water treatment.
Few of flowering orchids
Flower stalks emerge from the so-called dormant buds, which are located between the leaves. If the conditions of the plants as close as possible to the natural question - why do not bloom orchids, never have - the flower stalks appear constantly. On average, the duration of flowering varies from ten days to six months.
Once the plant bloomed, one can never say with certainty how much longer it will bloom again. The only thing that can be argued - adults and healthy plant should bloom at least once a year. If after the last flowering it has been more than twelve months, and the orchid is not going to throw out new buds, then:
Your plant is in a stressful situation or even sick;
It should carefully examine the orchid for pests or fungi, as well as make sure that there is no decay of the root system;
Review the conditions of detention of a flower, and adjust the flow of light and inputs.
If your plant for any reason left without roots, do not expect that it will begin to bloom soon. While there is no flowering, orchid sends its power to restore, otherwise it may die. Perhaps because of improper care (particularly irrigation) Phalaenopsis have rotted the tip, where the point is growth, and now the plant tries to grow side branches.
It is believed that orchids bloom immediately after transplanting. This is fundamentally wrong. Recently transplanted phalaenopsis will block the appearance stems several months, because at this time the main task is to secure for him a new place.
How do I get an orchid to bloom?
In some cases, delayed flowering orchids even when creating the most favorable conditions. They begin to actively build up the leaves and roots, and are not willing to please peduncles. In this case, the plant is recommended to remind his native mode and just stop watering. Often, after a shake-up throws orchid flower spike, since deciding that a period of drought. It is in this time of orchid bloom, while in vivo.
Sometimes it is not blooming orchid because there is no difference between day and night temperatures. Make it at least a drop of 4-5 degrees, and the problem will go away - be sure to throw your orchid flower spike. Feed the soil during the growing season should be very careful, because the excess fertilizer leads to the fact that the orchid starts "gorging" (hard to build up a lot of green), but refuses to bloom.
By purchasing an orchid, make sure to check with the store consultant what care is needed this type of plant. After improper maintenance can lead to the fact that flower never will give you fragrant buds.
A little about Ficus
Care Basics
Among all household indoor plants Ficus occupies a special place. Today, the genus Ficus - about two thousand of various subspecies, which differ foliage and root system. It can be large-leaved trees and with wide or narrow leaves, ampelnye, ground cover, and many others.
However, all the people who grow this plant, notice that occasionally yellow leaves of ficus, but do not know how to solve this problem. Today we'll talk about it, and to identify, because of what it may suffer domestic wood and how to deal with pre-existing disease had.
A little about Ficus
Of all the varieties of figs as a houseplant are very popular Ficus benjamina and Ficus elastica. Such plants can be seen today in almost every city apartment. However, not much attention deserve and the lyre, or as it is called, a ficus tree and its ampelnye form.
These plants are not very demanding and choosy. But, despite this, the ficus is still susceptible to pests and suffering from various diseases, which could provoke a surplus of direct sunlight or drafts constant. Dislikes ficus and excess moisture.
It is worth noting that pestrolistye forms a light-requiring plants. By the way, Ficus benjamina just falls into this category. But this does not mean that the tree does not need pritenenii. In winter, the plant is necessary to create additional high-quality lighting, because the pot, place closer to the window. Otherwise, due to the shortage of light can be bent twigs and have problems with leaves. This is the main rule, which is important to follow the owner of figs.
However, this is not all the problems that may be encountered in growing different varieties of figs. It should only say that each of these problems arise because of improper care and conditions in which the plant lives. Let's see how to create a Ficus most comfortable environment in your home.
Care Basics
We went directly to consideration of the most serious problems and issues, chief among them - why and how the leaves are falling due to their yellowing? The reasons are directly dependent on the plant species. For example, Ficus elastica behaves in the case of waterlogged soil.
Also, despite the fact that the rubber-perfectly adapted to the ambient medium, they can suffer from lack of light, which again affects the tree - the leaves fall down and quickly turn yellow. Excess feeding, low temperature performance, and drafts have a minimum negative impact.
If we talk about the Ficus benjamina, it can not be called a lover of change. Even an elementary change of scenery, the temperature drops and the slightest lack of light can trigger an instant loss of leaves. Why is this happening? Generally, in itself Ficus benjamina little demanding on the conditions than the same rubber, therefore, care should be appropriate.
Select for your Ficus benjamina stable place and rearrange the pot afterwards. Try to create maximum comfort for the plant, observe the basic requirements for the care, so you do not have to think about why the plant opal so many leaves.
In addition, good development of any ficus will prevent frequent transplant, because of which the first will suffer the root system, and then leaves. That is why the already formed adult plant needs a transplant only once in two years. In the case of more mature plants are replacing topsoil, which themselves can be prepared by taking two pieces of deciduous earth and sand in the part combined with the soil fraction of turf.
It should be said about natural causes yellowing and defoliation. Of course, that leaves Ficus do not live forever, like all living things on earth. Generally, the lifespan of an individual sheet - are not more than three years. After this period they turn yellow first, and only then fall off completely. This natural process. Note that in the case of young ficus leaves gradually die off bottom and begins to stiffen the trunk.
Why can still spoil the foliage plants? As with Ficus benjamina and with a rubber-bearing, impact on this process can be a low-quality substrate or primer. It is likely that the plant survived the stress, which could be triggered by a transfer, a sharp change of place or the impact of pests. The yield in this situation, accordingly, replacement of the substrate and on a permutation of ficus former place.
Leaves turn yellow and fall off as due to improper watering. In no case do not pereuvlazhnyat plant. Before once again pour Ficus benjamina and Ficus lyre, make sure the soil is fully dry out after the previous watering. To do this, dip a wooden stick to the bottom - it can help you check the condition of the soil.
In case you have moistened the soil, stop watering for about two weeks. If the period of time you do not notice an improvement, it is necessary to transplant the plant, cutting off the rotten roots, otherwise, the ficus is not saved. Pay attention to this point, because the wrong watering - an error of home owners of a flower bed.
Abnormal conditions created for the content of ficus, can also cause a number of problems. If ficus constantly "freeze" and is in the dark, then soon you will notice how gradually the leaves are falling from the tree. This applies to all sub-species - Ficus benjamina, rubber, and other lyre. It is known that the homeland fikusnogo tree - the tropics, which is why the lack of light and drafts, these plants do not tolerate.
It is important that in winter the temperature does not fall below eighteen degrees. Watch and to ensure that the ficus is not subjected to cold and drafts. All fans are set aside, or heating devices away from the plant. It is not necessary to place a pot ficus and at the door. Why, you ask? Yes, simply because the door - is a constant source of drafts.
Answering the question of why there are problems with leaves from Ficus, and it is important to remember about the pests. Perhaps the tree had to be got insect? Carefully inspect the soil and foliage. Once you find the first signs of infection as soon as possible treat the wood with special preparations.
In general, the Ficus - it is not the plant that is too often ill; then why there are all these difficulties? Despite strong immunity ficus, the infection can be brought into the process of replacing the soil or with cuttings - that is, in the performance of mechanical work. So try to exercise maximum accuracy in the work of the plant. Properly caring for a ficus, providing him with maximum comfort and creates ideal conditions for its life, you can grow a magnificent tree with beautiful colorful leaves that you live more than one year.