Care fuchsia

Just gorgeous flowers at this frequenter of our window sills - colorful, bright, unusual shapes, like dancing ballerinas. By the way, the popular name of fuchsias - a ballerina. Many Flowering houseplants capricious and require special care. But fuchsia - a pleasant exception. It is unpretentious, and perhaps precisely because of this gained such popularity. Care fuchsia is not difficult even for novice gardeners.

Types fuchsia

Hailing from fuchsia mountain forests of America, where it grows under the canopy of trees, wrapped cool mists. These are small shrubs and trees, with more than a hundred species. However, in the indoor horticulture is not much known species of this remarkable plant.

Fuchsia elegant. Shrub, reaching meter height with slender drooping reddish stems and lanceolate leaves. Its elegant flowers hanging on the thread-like stalks. Pink or red calyx is shaped like a narrow funnel dissected. Corolla bell-shaped painted in red purple color, and long stamens and pistil - carmine red.

Fuchsia sparkling - shrub up to two meters. Its reddish stems lignified at the base, and the leaves have unusually large for this kind of size (about 20 cm in length). The flowers are collected in dense panicles. Calyx bright red to pale yellow teeth. The short corolla has a rich coral color.

Fuchsia Hybrid - the most common type of room fuchsia, with more than two thousand varieties. Among hybrid fuchsias there are low-growing plants, and stam form, and erect shrubs, and instances to hang shoots. Their flowers are different special variety of colors and shapes. Their color is represented by the whole gamut - from milky-white and pale pink to deep purple and purple-red. Fantastic effect is achieved by a combination of different shades of contrast in the color of the flower.

Guarantee that bloomed and please you it is your fuchsia - leaving all the rules, attention and care on your part.

 Fuchsia Care

Terms of successfully growing fuchsias

Fuchsia bloom luxuriantly and continuously from spring to late autumn. For abundant flowering this plant needs some rest in the winter, when the plants shed their leaves in part. At this time watering is adjusted to a minimum and keep the fuchsia in the cool and relatively dry conditions. A spring is moved to a warm place and transplanted into the loose soil mixture (two parts leaf soil and one part humus, peat and sand). Transplanted fuchsia put on a bright place, ensuring a constant flow of fresh air, protect from direct sun and spraying in very hot days. Water them during flowering abundantly, but not often - once every two or three weeks. In order to not reset the plant flowers and flower buds, do not disturb him, moving from place to place.

Total care for fuchsia reduced to certain requirements, which are as follows:

  • temperature - moderate or slightly lower (20-20 degrees);
  • light - bright but shaded from direct sun;
  • watering - abundant during flowering and moderate during the rest;
  • transplant - yearly, in the spring before flowering or in autumn after him;
  • Reproduction - in the spring and stem cuttings in summer.

Possible difficulties in growing

Despite the simplicity of fuchsia can still sometimes capricious. What is it expressed?

  1. Defoliation. The reason for this may be too warm air, moisture, or a lack of light. The solution - spraying, abundant watering, good lighting.
  2. Bud drop can cause waterlogging or insufficient watering. In addition, the plant can thus react to heat and change of scene.
  3. The short flowering period. The reason for this may be the wrong content in winter (excessive watering, warm hibernation) or poor feeding.
  4. The appearance of brown spots on the leaves triggers excessive watering in winter.

As you see, the successful growing fuchsias need quite a bit: well-organized period of rest, proper watering, bright light and moderately warm air. You agree that this extraordinarily beautiful flower is not too high demands. Try to just follow the rules and then fuchsia and care it will give you only pleasant chores. A fireworks display its lovely flowers is more than pay for all your "labor."

 Fuchsia and care

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 cacti and care


  • ortretnaya Sketch
  • General rules for content
  • Landing and reproduction
  • Watering
  • Diseases

Did you know that the cactus - is not only undemanding houseplants, but also a great facility for collecting? They are so numerous that a complete collection has neither a botanical garden in the world. At present, science knows more than three thousand species of plants from the family of prickly, but experts are finding new its representatives. In addition to the large cactus, among them there are real dwarfs, reaching the size of a coin dvuhkopeechnoy. This type is called Blossfeldiana. One would like to draw an analogy with the tiny insects - fleas. What do you think, how many of these miniature copies will fit on your windowsill?

In addition, long-lived cacti, they are unpretentious, and care for them is not so difficult. What is unusual in the covered thorns green plant looks suddenly blown delicate flower! Believe me, this show will not leave anyone indifferent. Therefore, cacti and care for them - it is compatible with the concept of collecting and indoor horticulture. But even if such a gathering is not your thing, the desire to be home a few thorny ocharovashek understandable. What is so special about these prickly desert dwellers? Let's face it.

Portrait sketch

Cacti come from America. This is a huge family of plants with succulent stems, similar in structure to flowers and fruits, and also differ in the presence of special bodies - the areola. These are the best needles and hairs that gave all representatives described evergreen class today known name - «cactos», which translated from Greek means prickly plant. But it is not only familiar to us balls with spikes. In nature, cacti come in all shapes, sizes, and bizarre species, namely:

  • prostrate with prinikshimi branches to the ground;
  • tree, sometimes indistinguishable from ordinary trees;
  • pillared that look many-branched bare or pillars;
  • lianovidnye growing and on the ground and in the trees and on the rocks;
  • epiphytic, hanging beams with the other plants.

Cactus was known to mankind at the beginning of the sixteenth century. Even before the appearance of Europeans in America, Aborigines were prepared from this plant food used as medicine, adapted as a free and publicly accessible building material and carried with him a variety of religious rituals. In Mexico the cactus is still happy to eat, but in our country, they are widely spread as ornamental plants.

If you really occurring endurance and unpretentiousness, cacti require special (though not complex) care. It is important to understand the basic phase of the life cycle of the plant, and then to grow a real thorny garden on your balcony or windowsill, you only need patience and some knowledge. The practice of indoor flower shows that cactuses and care for them well suited for both experienced and novice grower.

 cactus care

General rules for content

Life cacti, however, like all other plants, divided into two successive periods: the growth phase and the resting phase. The first of these, known as the growing season begins with the arrival of spring and lasts until mid-autumn. This time, require more frequent watering, sunlight and a constant influx of fresh air. To ensure that the whole complex of favorable conditions, place their prickly pets balcony or Pitch for them a special compact shelf with boards outside.

But be careful, because some species of cacti can not tolerate direct exposure to ultraviolet rays. This applies Gymnocalycium, not all, but many of them. And you should know that the scorching summer sun can cause burns plants. Avoid this time to help the measures taken to shadowing or carrying cactus in a more favorable place. Still, during growth cacti better to keep the open air. At the same time the plants are propagated and transplanted. To avoid confusion in the members of this family, it is best to immediately sign the pots with each of them - so you'll always be able to correctly orient, how much and what is necessary prickly particular pet.

The period of dormancy (hibernation) cacti lasts almost the entire fall and winter. At this time, it is better to be kept at a low temperature. Watering should be very moderate, and for some species of cacti and completely absent. If hibernation young cacti will take place in a cool (about 20 degrees) room, in the summer they will bloom profusely.

Better yet, if the November to February you will be able to support even more the low temperature readings (from 5 to 15 degrees above zero) in the room where has placed the so-called old-timers. This will allow them to bloom no worse than the young. But in any case, during the rest of the plant is necessary to protect the flow of warm air: it experienced growers recommend keeping them on the gazebo or on the windowsill, as close to the windowpane.

Landing and reproduction

For planting cacti it is best to buy ready-made land with weak acid, for them and designed. But if this is not possible, make the soil themselves. To do this, just mix equal parts coarse sand, leaf mold and turf. For better water and air permeability in the soil mixture, you can add a little brick crumbs. A slightly acidic reaction in a homemade mixture will ensure the predominance of sand over peat roughly twice. Planting cactuses in pots need, the diameter of which is slightly wider than the plant itself.

The bottom of the pot do not forget to cover with a thin layer of drainage material, and sprinkle the top bit of expanded clay or gravel usual. This allows you to avoid excessive compaction Peat mixture in the pot. The material and shape of dishes for these colors can be arbitrary. But preferably rectangular bottomed pots with retractable - they save space and allow you to easily remove the plant.

Multiply the inhabitants of the desert prickly spikes that break off from the plant is already an adult parent. They are called the children. You can seat and cuttings, which are cut off the top part of the cacti. Undemanding plant will allow you after a certain period of time to bring quite a decent amount of a viable young.

Plant can be grown as a plant, and kids (the shanks). For reproduction processes Babe neatly separated from the cactus, provide good dry to avoid rotting, and take root in the moist earth or dry sand, making it a small depression. It has already been given in the new pot kid transplanted to a permanent place of residence. Newly acquired plants it is advisable to define the quarantine on the month, and only then connect to a shared collection of cacti. This need is caused by the susceptibility of these thorns to various diseases. Adult plants necessary for the growth of transplanted to a large bowl.

 cactus care


Just watering and is the primary care cactus. Correct the process of soil moisture - a guarantee of longevity of your green prickly pets. Watering is necessary to take soft water (from household filters or bottled). She had stripped residues of heavy metals and salts, so is optimal for all, without exception houseplants. If for reasons of economy, you are going to use the one that flows from the tap, then first it must boil and allow to stand. The temperature of the water for irrigation should not be below room temperature.

Moisturize cactus little and often impossible. Caring for cacti is necessary not so often, but even in this case it is important to not labor the right approach. Therefore it is necessary to adhere to such a scheme humidification: earthen room shed completely, the water is drained from the tray, the next step only after drying the entire depth of the earth. If you do otherwise, then instead of healthy plants run the risk of their weak similarity begun to rot the roots.

In the heat of the soil under the cacti do not moisturize as watering in the hot time can cause sunburn. A suitable time to saturate the water plants - evening or cloudy weather. The interval between waterings determined by the age and size of the cactus. Small pets prickly watered more frequently because of its size it is difficult to cope with the prolonged absence of water, large - less. What matters is that between the periods of soil moisture in the pot dries out completely. With the onset of autumn watering should gradually reduce, and the beginning of winter to minimize it or completely stop.

By the way, if some of your barbed collection has the same form as Notocactus, you should be aware of one of its very specific features. This plant in the summer falls into a kind of stupor, called stagnation. Thus cactus grows, so does not require watering. Therefore, never purchase a new plant without first knowing its name and the associated recommendations, providing him proper care.


The most common diseases of cacti - fungal diseases. The most common of these diseases is easier to prevent than to get rid of them. An effective treatment can be only at the earliest stages. Such an error in the care of cacti as abundant watering during the cold season - the most common cause of disease. So the main thing in the fight for health prickly pets - prevention and "ambulance" was sick plant. Here are some rules you need to adhere to them in the early stages of the disease:

  • The first suspected putrid disease cactus need to move to a warm place and stop watering.
  • Any damage must be cut and dry.
  • Diseased plants should be removed from the land and explore the roots, cut and suspicious areas too dry.
  • Infected plants must be isolated from other cacti and treated using appropriate compositions.

Understand that your plant is something wrong, you can by the presence of a number of external signs. Many of them are caused by different fungal infections, but equally dangerous for cacti. So, late blight is caused by the appearance of rotting of the stem base and root system. Fusarium rot affects the plant, which is present in a high humidity and excess watering experience. This is accompanied by yellowing or browning of the stem. If you notice that the fabric cactus suddenly become soft and covers the gray powder, it is possible to suggest the presence of botrytis. In the early stages of the disease affected parts must be removed and covered sections of gray, charcoal or Nystatin.

Watery dark brown spots at the base of the stem - a sign of defeat gelmintosporoznoy wet rot. External drying cactus can talk about superficial necrosis. At the same time the processes of decay are completely absent, but if you cut the diseased plant, inside you will see the dried cavity. How to save the cactus from the scourge, scientists do not yet know. But it can be prevented by watering with fungicide and preventive spraying with him.

No less dangerous for cacti and a variety of mechanical damage and sunburn. Excess ultraviolet radiation caused by characteristic redness of plants. Wrinkling indicates that there was a sharp drop in temperatures and cactus appeared not ready. In intense light, high humidity of the substrate and the external environment can be attributed to the formation of brown spots. But watering with cold water stop explains the growth of buds and subsidence at the stage of formation.

Of course, it is best to avoid such situations. And it is quite possible, if you are among the attentive growers and their plants are ready to provide correct and quality care. Do not be deceived by the knowledge that you are at home and plant cactus home: their living conditions in any case have to be as close as possible to those which are caused by the natural environment, because a genetic memory is not joking.

Do not be afraid of difficulties, but do not rely on "maybe", because any plant requires first and foremost love, even if it is scratchy and unsightly-looking cactus. Of course, it is not as timid as a rose, but still alive and therefore in need of a bit of attention. And in gratitude for the care of your pets will be a real thorn flowering cactus garden. So give them a chance to delight you with its low-key, but very exotic beauty.

 Cacti and care for them: so prickly tenderness

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