Are there any contraindications for receiving laxatives?
Groups laxatives
How can we change the situation without laxatives?
Things to consider when choosing a remedy for constipation?
More about tablets irritant
More about prebiotics - slow-acting laxatives
For more information about the osmotic laxative action
In our time, buy laxatives absolutely in every pharmacy, and a huge variety of such drugs. All laxatives available without a prescription.
Take laxatives not only those who really need it, but also people who simply do not distinguish constipation from any other diseases.
Is it harmless to use laxatives, or still are any contraindications? What are the consequences of receiving laxatives can be? To answer these questions, we must first deal with the challenges of laxatives drugs.
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What laxatives and what are they for?
Under laxatives understand the special drugs for expediting movement of stool in the intestine and as a result facilitate bowel movements. Use laxatives for different purposes. Thus, the most common use of laxatives - as a treatment for constipation.
In addition to this purpose, and using laxatives before performed the surgery, as well as in cases of poisoning and how concomitant use of anti-worms. Qualitative laxatives when their dosage is clearly observed, do not have any negative effect on other internal organs.
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Are there any contraindications for receiving laxatives?
It turns out that not all people are allowed to use laxatives. Thus, there is some evidence for their reception. Laxatives are contraindicated for people who have had ulcerative lesions of the stomach or duodenum. When bleeding internal organs is strictly forbidden to use tools that have a laxative effect. Before taking these medications, you need to become familiar with the instructions for use. Very often, laxatives are contraindicated for pregnant women.
Various inflammatory bowel diseases during acute, as well as intestinal obstruction, too, is a contraindication to the use of these drugs.
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Groups laxatives
All funds that have a laxative effect, can be easily divided into several groups. If we take into account the origin of the drug, the laxatives can be divided into organic (plant) and inorganic. But there is a more complex classification that separates funds according to the mechanism of their action.
Medications irritant
This group of laxatives has an effect on the receptors of the intestine, provoking him by chemical means. This intestine begins to actively decline. Basically many drugs laxative action is included in this group. It may be such means having a plant origin as senna leaf, buckthorn bark, Senade and others.
There are specially designed drugs, which include dulkolaks, Guttalaks. The safety and efficacy of these drugs has been proven in many clinical studies of international level.
Oils that have a laxative effect
These funds help to soften hard stools. As a result, significantly improves their sliding. These oils are able to enhance the secretion of bile, stimulates peristalsis. The almond and castor oil are laxative. Their action is observed within a few hours after consumption. But in these oils are contraindicated for use. Special care should be taken to people with cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder). If you are in the gall bladder stones, the reception of such oils is strictly contraindicated.
Bulk means laxative effect
By means of three-dimensional understood some fillers with vegetable origin, which are not absorbed by the intestines and is not digested or digested them with difficulty. Such agents are substances having a vegetable origin (wheat bran, flax seed), or polysaccharides, modified synthetically. These means will swell as a result of absorbing a liquid and then stretched gut wall.
The result of these processes is the highest activity rate and the acceleration of bowel emptying. To treatment with such agents to be effective, it is necessary to use up to 2 liters of plain water. Do not forget about the possible consequences and side effects, which may be accompanied by a strong flatulence with rumbling and bloating.
Prebiotics or indigestible carbohydrates
This group of drugs laxative action to stimulate significant growth and the livelihoods of beneficial bacteria in the colon. Such means combine osmotic agents and irritants. As a result, it stimulates the bowel muscles, and is involved in its clearance of water and other substances. As a result, effective bowel function is restored. Lactulose is a representative of the group.
While the side effect of prebiotics may be flatulence, taking them can still be both chronic and acute constipation.
As a rule, the funds are released laxative action in pharmacies without a prescription. But do not abuse these drugs because they receive may adversely affect your health. Before taking medication, carefully read the instructions. It is recommended that still use these funds under the supervision and control specialist.
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How can we change the situation without laxatives?
Sometimes there is no need to resort to special means of promoting early bowel. This result can be achieved in a natural way that is much more useful. So how can you help yourself intestines?
The most effective way is considered water intake on an empty stomach. Water should be at room temperature, it is necessary every morning to drink 1-2 glasses of pure, preferably mineral water without gas. Thus, you can help start the process of digestion and cleanse the stomach. Water should drink 35-40 minutes before the first meal.
Honey and coffee, too, have a laxative effect. And in combination with massage of the abdomen, these products will help eliminate problems with the intestines.
An active lifestyle and a healthy diet, which includes cabbage, beets, prunes, apricots, any raw fruits and vegetables help to improve bowel movements and avoid constipation.
Before the treatment of constipation, it is necessary to clearly identify the reason for the constipation arose, and only then start treatment.
Before going to bed it is very useful to drink fresh yogurt. One cup is enough to allow the intestines to function normally.
When choosing a remedy for constipation, consider all the possible side effects, and only then determines the choice.
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Things to consider when choosing a remedy for constipation?
When buying in a drugstore suppositories for constipation or tablet, be sure to find out which group a particular drug, carefully read its instructions.
Not recommended for a long time to use funds from constipation irritant.
It is important to choose a safe and proven laxative. It should be taken into account especially those who suffer from chronic constipation. In such cases, the best is to choose products, prebiotics, which stimulate bowel activity and restore its microflora. With such means it is possible to achieve the therapeutic effect and long lasting results.
To achieve the most rapid effect is possible with the help of an enema, especially oil microclysters.
Choosing a cure for constipation, you should know what kind of drugs you require and group shows, and what should be avoided.
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More about tablets irritant
As already mentioned, tablets for constipation irritant considered the fastest and most effective of all laxatives. The choice of such tablets in modern pharmacies is very high. They are appointed by the sluggish peristalsis or intestinal atony. Drugs irritant may be presented as a suppository, syrups, drops, and in the form of tablets. The funds from constipation act quickly enough. So, at the evening reception drug should expect morning stool.
What is the effect of such drugs? The laxative effect of irritating drugs is due to the chemical effects of the excitatory receptors colon, resulting in markedly stimulated intestinal motility. Typically, after receiving such an agent effect occurs in 5-10 hours.
These drugs have side effects exist. They can not be used regularly, this can result in receptors colon will be depleted, resulting in a noticeable reduction of its tone. At the use of irritants over 10 days can increase the risk of intestinal atony. As a result, the nerve tissue of the intestine will start to degenerate, disturbed electrolyte balance of blood.
For preparation of this group is growing rapidly addictive. A few days after the initial dose does not lead to any effect, it must be increased, which makes it very desirable. One of the major side effects of such drugs should be considered within the bowel pain that leads many patients to abandon these agents.
Indications and contraindications
Preparations constipation irritant shown at random, acute constipation, but not in the chronic stage. Contraindications should include their long-term use, pregnancy and lactation. Giving such drugs small (breast) to children is prohibited. Do not use them and abdominal pain whose cause is not clear, acute hemorrhoids, acute proctitis, during acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity, uterine, intestinal and stomach bleeding when bowel obstruction, cystitis, peritonitis and other diseases. More details can be found in the instructions for use of a particular means.
So what are the laxatives are presented in drugstores?
One such tool is bisacodyl. This medication is able to prepare the bowel endoscopy. It is indicated for constipation after surgery, during the diet. Side effects of bisacodyl should include pain and bloating, intestinal colic, nausea, unpleasant feeling of heaviness intestine.
Long-term use of bisacodyl may cause intestinal, dehydration and loss of electrolytes. It should take at bedtime in a dosage of one tablet. If the effect of taking 1 pill is not available, the dose can be increased up to 3 tablets.
Sennozoidy groups A and B
This group should include the following drugs: Gerbion Lexan, Senado Regulaks, Senadeksin, Senaleks, Tisasen, senna leaves and other aquifolium. The composition of these drugs include the amount antraglikozoidov that contained in the leaves and holly uzkolistoy Senna. Laxatives senna-based lead to early bowel and are not addictive.
The action starts after 6-12 hours after administration. Indications are spastic and atonic constipation of any origin, the regulation of the chair at the time of hemorrhoids, constipation, resulting sluggish motility of the colon, and others. Contraindications are the same as that of the bisacodyl.
Suppositories Glitselaks. This shows a cure for constipation to soften hard stools. The result of the candles is to facilitate the passage of stool through the intestines. Glitselaks is irritating to the intestinal mucosa, causing reflex stimulation.
Assign Glitselaks usually people who have had a recent heart attack, when anal fissures, hemorrhoids, constipation during pregnancy and lactation.
Contraindications candles should include hypersensitivity, swelling of the rectum, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, proctitis. It should be used with caution in patients with renal insufficiency suppositories.
Glitselaksa side effects may be itching, allergic reactions, skin burning. If you use Glitselaks a long time, there may be a weakening of the physiological process of defecation.
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More about prebiotics - slow-acting laxatives
As already mentioned, prebiotics are considered perhaps the safest remedy for constipation. No wonder, their use is not prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. This certain carbohydrates and food ingredients are not able to be digested in the upper gastrointestinal tract. As a result, they are very easy reach the colon, where they stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora.
This group includes such means as inulin, fructo-oligosaccharides, lactulose. Of course, to call them a powerful tool in the fight against constipation is impossible, but they act slowly and safely. They are able to give the most durable and long-lasting therapeutic effect than annoying and salt remedy for constipation.
What is the mechanism of action of prebiotics? Prebiotics, stimulating the growth of beneficial microflora in the intestine, can restore its function and have a stimulating effect on the musculature. The most effective and popular enough considered prebiotic lactulose. The effect can occur as early as 2 hours after drug administration.
Lactulose virtually no side effects, except flatulence, which usually passes through day 3 after initiation of drug. Due to lactulose rapid effect can not be achieved, but still 2-3 days after receiving the results would be visible.
It is often prescribed for the treatment of prebiotics dysbiosis, which is characterized by constipation or constipation. Prebiotics are able to excrete toxic substances containing nitrogen. They improve the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestine prevents the growth of conditionally pathogenic flora.
Lactitol constipation
This tool is provided in the form of powder. It is often used as a sugar substitute in products for diabetics. Prebiotic is for the prevention and treatment of constipation. Able to soften stool, facilitate defecation. The effect becomes noticeable as early as 24 hours after administration. Side effects are rare, there may be abdominal discomfort and flatulence. Take Lactitol 1 times a day during meals with drinks. After the effect of the reception becomes prominent, it is recommended to reduce the dose.
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For more information about the osmotic laxative action
Immediately it should be said that the osmotic agent from constipation should not be used in chronic constipation. Do not develop lazy bowel syndrome, approved for long-term use. It is important to know that they do not eliminate the root cause of constipation, but only have a symptomatic effect.
Not addictive and does not weaken the muscle tone of the intestine. This group should include means, such as hydroxide, magnesium citrate, magnesium and sodium sulphate, polyethylene glycol, Carlsbad salt.
The mechanism of action of osmotic agents is to keep the water in the lumen of the intestine, and increase the softening of stools. They increase the osmotic pressure, attracting water from plasma and adipose tissue. Thus occurs a laxative effect.
Prohibited use of osmotic agents more than 3 months. This is because they can lead to a loss of electrolytes, potassium, sodium, leading to disruption of water-electrolyte balance and cause dehydration.