garden decoration with their hands


  • Landscaping area
  • Original ideas for garden decoration
  • Decorating garden sculptures

Creative person who has hands of gold, it is very easy to turn disadvantages into advantages infield. It's enough to draw garden decor, using different techniques and implemented by their own ideas. Garden ornaments with their own hands - quite fascinating and useful occupation, which certainly will appeal to fans of outdoor recreation.

Unsightly buildings turn into a work of art, flower beds will delight in its beauty. Hedges will protect infield from prying eyes, and a small fountain will be fun splashing water streams. And all this you can create your own, using their own imagination and ideas. The main thing is to show the desire and quite a bit of patience. So, how to decorate the garden with his own hands? Let's look at a few common examples.

Landscaping area

The most common method of masking outbuildings in the area is vertical gardening. Thanks to him, the garden as it receives the additional volume. To implement this idea on the wall nondescript facade can be sent creepers, which after a while will create a green carpet. Wonderful decoration are: morning glory, ivy, Kobe, lemongrass, hops. But first on the wall should pave the rope to the plant clings to it with their antennae.

In addition, the design of a garden trellis can be made of hardwood and conifers. Very nice would look plum, apple, cherry, flowering in spring and give the harvest in the fall. Effectively look and tapestries of yew and arborvitae, perfectly keep the shape. Flowering ornamental plants can be placed in a basket, tub, or create a rock garden. Very well this flower will be combined with a small pond.

You can draw simple ideas for decorating the garden, looking at the surrounding objects and buildings. For example, on the roof of the house can make a real flower bed, and dry trees decorate the vines. You can hang at different heights containers with ample plants, creating a bizarre live stages. Forming composition of the plant, it is necessary to take into account the timing of their flowering, the height, the size of inflorescences and leaves. Ideas for decorating are very diverse, you will only have to choose their liking.

Hedges also serve as a wonderful decoration and help to divide the plot into zones. If the design of the site is designed in a classical style, the design of hedges of arborvitae, barberry and rose hips hide all sorts of unsightly buildings. If the garden is equipped in a different style, you can easily grow a hedge of other shrubs. Jasmine, lilac, cherry - is a suitable plants that do not require regular haircuts and special care. For these purposes, use raspberries, irgu, currants.

 decorations for the garden with his own hands

Original ideas for garden decoration

On any part is required to have a place that I want to ennoble. This can be especially relief or shallow water table. But all this can be corrected by making decorations for the garden with his own hands. If the site contains pits, gullies and potholes, it is not necessary to abandon the idea to construct a decorative pond or a light hanging on the bridge supports. If land with humps, in these places it is best to position the beds and make a beautiful gazebo adorned with climbing plants.

If the lighting is poor in the garden, use the ideas for decoration, means more light shades. It is possible to plant the plants with yellow and white buds, pave the track beige or light gray stone sculptures dotting the white or silver. Small building for household needs, too, you can decorate and decorate.

Very original design will look as fabulous houses with carved shutters, porch and quaint roof. Beside these painted houses are good and different sculptures with flowers. They can be changed after some time, using original ideas.

A good option would be to design and land around the buildings borders of flowers and shrubs of various shapes. Very nice looks from the curb lavantery. Convert compost pile can, landed on her nasturtium and pumpkin. And if the box under it to make a metal cylinder, no one will guess what it is.

In barrels to collect rain water and watering the garden will look good painting. The old bath water will turn into its original container surrounded by walls of brick or stone, decorated several vases of flowers. As you can see, very simple ideas can transform beyond recognition site.

Concrete wells at the site can elevate pieces of bat tiles or decorative stone. This design would look very stylish and original. Importantly, do not be afraid to experiment. And then quite ugly and dull design will become a real highlight of your site. For example, an old bicycle painted with silver paint, will not only stand for ample plants, and unusual sculptures, decorating a corner of the garden.

Old trees can not root out, and to make them real art objects. To do this, use as a decoration or a stork's nest hang bird feeders original. Songs with flower pots as well decorate a dead tree. This design will not go unnoticed.

Decorating ideas can be realized by building a birdbath. So in your garden is always a lively atmosphere, chirping and singing diluted feathered friends. Original jewelry will sundials showing the exact time in any season. Garnish with a sculpture can be carved or engraved mosaic.

 Ideas for the garden with his own hands

Decorating garden sculptures

Ideas for creating decorative compositions in the garden are as diverse as the parts that are used for decoration. These products are divided into decorative elements - a sculpture and fake wood. And the attributes that carry the functional load - lights, fountains. All of them are widely used in landscaping and as independent figures and the details of the compositions.

Goods for the garden can be quite large - a variety of statues and sculptures of stone or bronze, decorate the area around the reservoir or recreation area. But these attributes are not suitable for small areas, because they are so massive.

The best option as decor for the garden to be decorative figurines of wood, which are perfect for installation, both among plants and outdoor space. Usually, they are made in the form of cartoon characters and fairy tales. These decorations are not only perfectly fit into the surrounding landscape, but also will be in harmony with wooden garden furniture, garden furniture and home.

Goods for the garden, carrying the functional load - it's street lights and garden lights. They were set as throughout, and in the form of unit cells. Ideas to make them different: a stained-glass lamps and fairy-tale characters, hanging lamps in antique style, or lamp-houses. Light wooden pergolas and flip bridges made for the garden with his own hands or purchased at the store, also serve a decorative function. But can also be used for its intended purpose.

Garden Decor will create a special atmosphere and have a good time among fragrant plants. Therefore, arrangement of land should be paid no less attention than the interior of the house. Create the garden of your dreams, bringing to the relatives and friends to realize their ideas and plans, are not afraid to dream - and then your garden will become a small paradise, and you can easily enjoy the results of their labor.

 Garden ornaments with their own hands: ideas for a good holiday

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 strawberry varieties


  • Grade remontant strawberries
  • Strawberry Dutch selection
  • High-yield varieties of strawberries
  • Planting strawberries
  • Dish of strawberry

Strawberry is the most popular garden berries. And the content of vitamins, it is among the five leaders. Varieties Strawberry hit thanks to the variety of breeders, who are actively engaged in their breeding. The early varieties include Alpha, Kishinev early, Biruliovsky early, the beauty of Zagorje. Grade average gestation period most: Knight, Pavlovskaya beauty, festival, lacquer and many others. Late varieties are: Borovitskaya, Zenith, Saxon, later Leningrad, Bogota.

Strawberries - it is an excellent dietary product. They improve digestion, promote appetite and quench your thirst. Fresh berries are a remedy for violations of salt metabolism, peptic ulcer disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension. Strawberry is most prevalent in the southern part of Russia, because this culture loves the sun and moisture. Typically, the areas are planted 2-3 varieties of garden strawberry, that promotes good pollination.

Grade remontant strawberries

The most popular to date are promising remontant varieties, fruiting several times a year. In addition, they can perform a decorative function, because throughout the season bushes covered with flowers and berries. And if you put a few of these shrubs in a box or basket, then flowing tendrils form a hedge.

By remontant cultivars of garden strawberries include Queen Elizabeth, Yellow miracle Mount Everest mural. Previously, all of Queen Elizabeth begins to bear fruit. If you grow it in a greenhouse or a warm balcony, the berries can be savored almost until the New Year. The berries of this variety of bright red color, firm flesh and have a fairly large. They are ideal not only for jam, but also for freezing.

Garden strawberries in this class good planting small areas, because it can be grown ampelnye (vertical) manner. The earliest berries appear at the end of May. Such early fruiting possible because winter buds formed on the bush. In early spring they bloom, which leads to rapid maturation of the berries.

Strawberry Dutch selection

For the Dutch garden strawberry varieties they include:

  • Elvira

It refers to the earliest varieties. Fragrant berry red round shape weighing 40-60 grams. The flesh is dense with a very sweet taste. Liberally fruits growing on wet and cold areas. The main advantage of the class is its resistance to the fungus;

  • Vita Zant

Included in the group, which make up a relatively large-fruited varieties of new Dutch selection. The berries ripen early, bushes bring high yields of large and sweet berries. The variety has resistance to cold and disease;

  • Gigantella Maxim

It refers to the middle classes. Bushes grow up to 50 centimeters, have large leaves. Berry first collection reaches 9 cm in diameter, have a dark-red sweet pulp. The advantage of the variety is that even in the rainy season berries ripen successfully. Besides the variety has excellent resistance to strawberry mite and botrytis;

  • Crown

Dutch variety, referring to the large-fruited varieties. It tolerates freezing Russian winter. Berries are bright red, have a pleasant scent. The variety is resistant to powdery mildew, but poorly resists gray mold and white leaf spot.

 strawberry varieties

High-yield varieties of strawberries

The roots of strawberries are developing in the upper soil layer, conditionally creating two tiers. Lower - is directly plant roots and the upper create adventitious roots formed at the annual horns. After about 3 years of lower tier roots dies. When planting new plants, experts recommend purchase seedlings with closed root system.

To grow strawberries all year round, you should learn how to skillfully combine its variety. At one site should be planted at different ripening varieties: early must coexist with the middle and late. They differ among themselves, so under the same conditions will produce different crops.

Naturally, the most popular high-yielding fruit. Here are the most famous of them:

  • Albion

It brings more crops, fruiting from late spring until the first frost. Berries are large, have a conical shape. Pronounced aroma and taste allows it to carry the best varieties of strawberries. The variety is resistant to temperature, rot, anthracosis, phytophthora. Growing strawberries varieties Albion on the protected ground, you can get the maximum yield of berries;

  • Zeng Zengana

Quite common late strawberry varieties. At high bush berries ripen dark red color, with a sweet-sour taste. This type is very sensitive to gray mold;

  • Honey

It Has American origin and is related to the early grades. She is not afraid of cold and rainy weather, resistant to botrytis and other diseases. Berries with firm flesh, have a dark red color and sweet-sour taste. From a strawberry jam turns out excellent.

  • Victoria

Old resident of our beds. It is widespread in the southern regions of Russia. Fruiting large fragrant berries dark red color;

  • Masha

Masha and otherwise - Moscow Jubilee. Sort it launched in 1953. Scrub the small sizes with large leaves. The berries are fragrant with a pleasant sour-sweet taste, reminiscent of the taste of wild strawberries.

 new varieties of strawberries

Planting strawberries

It is best to grow strawberries on level ground or on a small slope with orientation to the southwest. But on steep slopes and in the valleys planted this berry is not necessary, because it starts to hurt, and crop yields late. Unimportant and the results will be on a steep south-facing slope, where the arrival of spring the snow melts quickly and bares plants.

The place where it grows strawberries, must have a natural protection from the wind. Yielding varieties best fruit in light, humus-rich soils. Not suitable for planting wetland, lime and soil salinity. Strawberries can be planted among the bushes of gooseberries and currants.

For people who have only recently begun to develop the cultivation of strawberries, will approach the following varieties: Queen Elizabeth, Zeng Zengana, Festival, Source Symphony. But we should remember that the yield of strawberries is only 50% depends on the variety, all the rest - is the result of hard work. Also novice gardener should know that even the best grades you need to repot every 3-4 years because these plants greatly impoverish the soil.

Dish of strawberry

It is unlikely that there will be people who had never tried a garden strawberries or wild variety - strawberries. No wonder that it enjoys such great popularity. If the berry is sweet, it is best to eat it in its natural form, having washed under running water and lightly kilned.

A strawberry, seasoned with cream or sour cream - a dish, which will not give any adult or child. This is good and berry liqueur, chocolate cream, nuts, kiwi, bananas. Adds unusual taste sprig of mint, almond shades, makes a piquant orange juice. Use strawberries as an element of the complex side dishes, combining it with shrimp or duck breast.

And, of course, strawberry jam! With its delightful aroma nothing compares. And in order to jam came to fame, it must be properly prepared. Let's look at a quick example of a recipe that is sure to take its place in your collection:

  • Good advice - do not cook strawberries in large containers, so she quickly loses color and flavor;
  • Take the 1, 5 kg of sugar and dilute it with water so as to obtain a thick syrup;
  • Once the syrup is boiled, it is added and washed-dried strawberries;
  • The resulting mass is brewed no more than 5 minutes, after which the pan is well wrapped up;
  • Once the jam has cooled, you should pour it on banks and close kapron lids or paper.

What sort of choose for landing, it's up to you.

We hope that our article will help you decide, and soon you will gather a rich harvest of sweet and fragrant strawberries. Good luck!

 Varieties of strawberries. Which to choose?

We recommend that read: strawberry planting and care
