  • Overview
  • Features watering and fertilizing
  • Features transplant
  • Features of reproduction
  • The most common problems encountered by owners of gardenia
People who breed houseplants know that gardenia flowers are unique. Beauty they are inferior unless camellia or orchids. And its delicate aroma overshadow even the queen rose. Gardenia was popular at all times.
In the second half of the XIX century it was called the flower of the aristocracy. Men wore a gardenia in his lapel of his jacket, and a woman pinned up hair. Quite often, this plant was mentioned in works of art. Today, the Gardenia room experiencing the peak of popularity: Each grower wants to have it in your collection.

I must say that gardenia very capricious and demanding, however, as any beauty. You can not just buy it, put on the windowsill, and occasionally watered. Why is that? Because, by doing so, you will destroy the flower before it will give you a delicious buds. So how do you please Capricious gardenias? This is what we will discuss in this article.


Some types of naturally gardenia reach 2 meters in height. It is considered the homeland Japan, China and Taiwan. In the second half of the XVIII century American physician A. Garden cultivate this shrub of the family Rubiaceae, allowing all who wish to enjoy his presence in the house. The plant was named it in his honor.

Most species have large dense gardenia leaves. Blossoms is a houseplant from August to October, spreading around him a wonderful flavor. Coloring buds may be different: white, cream, pink, orange. The main thing to remember plant owners - Gardenia does not like changes in temperature. Therefore, the temperature in the room where the living flower, should not fall below 16 degrees or rise above 25.

Gardenia likes bright light and regular watering. Keep the flower is not in direct sunlight. The most optimal location for the plant is considered to be the east window, and if the choice fell on the south side - you need to cover it at midday.

In poor lighting in the apartment, take care of the additional artificial light. Otherwise, the leaves of the plant dry, becoming grayish pale color, and it will start to hurt. In the summer, when the air temperature at night does not drop below 16 degrees, gardenia can be kept outdoors all day.

 gardenia flower

Features watering and fertilizing

This room is best to water the flower soft supernatant water at room temperature. It is important that water intended for irrigation, do not contain contaminants lime. Check the condition of the soil - it should always be moist. Drying is extremely harmful to the gardenia. During warmer months, watering should be abundant in the cold - moderate, since excessive moisture can destroy the root system of the plant.

To avoid overcooling the roots under the plant pots enclose the foam. Humidity must necessarily be maintained at the proper level, otherwise the plant will begin to drop leaves and buds. Part of the "water treatment" to help avoid this problem.

In the flowering period only need to spray the air around the plant, trying to keep the flowers did not get water. From March to August gardenia needs feeding. The fertilizer is produced 2-3 times a month, a special solution containing potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.

In autumn and winter care of the flower it depends on the conditions in which it is contained. If it is a warm and bright room equipped with extra lighting - care remains the same. If Gardenia is contained in a cool dark place, preferably gradually convert flower at rest: watering and fertilizing completely canceled. In this state, the plant may lose leaves, do not worry - this is normal. In the spring it will quickly come to life, and again will delight you with its beauty.

Features transplant

Gardenia belongs to the potted plants with root system mochkovogo type. This means that the roots of her very fine and numerous. For their normal development requires loose soil with a high organic content. The acidity of the soil should not be high, pH - not more than 5, 0.

The basis of the soil is not a horse to neutralize the peat. Such composition has a slightly acidic environment in which the plant needs. It can be mixed in equal proportions of sand, peat, turf and ground sheet. At the bottom of the pot must have good drainage to prevent root rot.

Drainage can not be used in the event that the mixture used for landing the following components: 2 parts peat and vermiculite part with the addition of coconut fiber. Such a substrate will not retain water in the pot, so the plant does not threaten the excess moisture. By the way, one of the most frequent causes of death of the flower is just inadequate drainage or no.

Young gardenia needs a transplant every spring. Adult rarely - once in 2-3 years. To create a magnificent crown of the plant, once a year (in February) last year cut the increase (about one third) - this increases branching.

 gardenia flower

Features of reproduction

Propagated gardenia cuttings. To do this, choose semilignified stems having a length of at least 10 centimeters. Cut them with tops of young shoots. Reproduction only by deflorate and healthy plants, whose leaves do not dry and does not turn yellow. For rooting cuttings placed in water or in a mixture of peat (peat in equal amounts and perlite) and left in a warm place where the temperature is below 24 degrees.

On top of the plant can be covered with foil or glass. To speed up the process of rooting cuttings additionally sprayed and bottom slightly warmed. Young seedlings are transplanted into the ground only with well-developed root system.

When the plant reaches 15 centimeters in height, its top pinch out to stimulate the growth of side shoots. When these shoots grow to 10-12 cm, the procedure is repeated, thereby forming a small but lush bush.

Caring for young gardenias should be the same as for adults: Keep away from direct sunlight, regular watering and keep at the right temperature. Provided that you did everything correctly, after about 7 months young gardenia blossom begins.

The most common problems encountered by owners of gardenia

  • Why do the leaves wither, darken and fall off?

Most likely, the irrigation regime is not observed, it is possible - it is insufficient. Sometimes even a drying out of the soil enough to yellowed leaves.

  • Why do the leaves become too light and streaked with green?

If you notice a problem in his gardenia, it says about the origin of chlorosis. He comes from an excess of water and lack of iron in the soil. In this case, you need to spray the plant with a special solution and hold fertilizer mixtures containing helirovannye minerals.

  • Why is dry, turn yellow and fall off the lower leaves?

This disease is called fugus. To solve the problem, spraying with copper.

  • Why turn yellow and dry leaves all at once?

Possibly, the room temperature is below the allowable level. Or used for watering the cold and hard water.

  • Why gardenia buds dropped?

During flowering gardenias ever need high humidity. To please him, put the pot on a tray with a wet expanded clay (can substitute peat).

  • Why the plant, located in the street, leaves turn yellow and curl?

The reason for this parasite. Too dry air can trigger the appearance of aphids, thrips, spider mites. As a precaution, the plant must be frequently sprayed with water. If you have found pests on the leaves, conduct an appropriate drug treatment.

Of course, include gardenia, flowers which do not leave anyone indifferent, quite difficult. However, it is worth all your effort. With enough patience and desire, you are sure to be able to please this beautiful girl!

 Gardenia: Features of cultivation and care

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 Chinese Rose


  • Secrets breeding hibiscus
  • Optimum conditions for growing
  • Transplanting Chinese rose
  • What pests threaten plants?

Homeland hibiscus is considered to be China. That is why the people of the flower known as the Chinese rose. Also, the plant can be found in the West Indies and Polynesia. Some species grow in Africa and South America. In Malaysia, Hibiscus is the national flower - it buds symbolize femininity.

At the end of the XVIII century the flower was brought to Europe, and from there to Russia, where the Chinese rose immediately won the hearts of gardeners. The plant is a large shrub, in good conditions, reaching 3 meters in height. The young green stem of rose, the older she gets, the large area of ​​the trunk becomes woody texture. The leaves are light green hue with a glossy surface, buds are shaped like bells with a diameter of 10-12 centimeters. Color buds depends directly on the type of plant (from white to maroon or purple).

The home is rare to find a variety of colors buds. This is usually red, pink and yellow, or bells, flowering no more than 2 days. However, a short time of flowering successfully compensates its frequency. If Rose feels good in your apartment, its cultivation will not bring you any problems - will throw the flower bud of the bud within six months.

What conditions are necessary for abundant beauty rose bloom? How to care for her and what diseases are most dangerous for her? Let's try to understand all these subtleties. We'll start, as usual, from the very beginning - from breeding.

Secrets breeding hibiscus

It is worth noting that grow hibiscus own is not difficult. Propagated it in two ways: by seeds or cuttings. The latter method is considered the best for flower growers. The best time for breeding - spring (April-May).

So, where to start growing roses home? Cut away a small twig from the top of the adult plant. It is desirable that the stalk had 2-3 pairs of leaflets. Now, prepare the soil mixture - mix equal parts peat and sand. Pot choose a small, but deep, because the root system of plants is developing quite rapidly.

Be sure to use drainage (concrete block), which is laid on the bottom of the pot two-centimetric layer. Then pour into a container one-third of the soil, put the rosette back and gently distribute the rest of the way. In order to let the roots of hibiscus quickly, cover it with a glass jar, creating a greenhouse effect.

Watering stalk needed every 4-3 days, just adding water into the pan. Flower will determine how much fluid they need to drink. Once hibiscus let new leaf, the bank can be removed. That's it - I think that you have mastered the multiplication.

There is also another way of rooting cuttings. Cut twig put in a glass of purified water, pre-diluted in it a special powder - kornevin, which contributes to the rapid emergence of roots. After the thread roots opletut third glass rosettes can be transplanted into the ground. Both methods are good for breeding at home. Which one to choose, it's only you.

 Rosa chinensis

Optimum conditions for growing

  • Watering

In the hot season the water procedures should be heavy. Watering is best to use purified, defend or rainwater (also previously defended) water. Allow drying of the soil can not monitor her condition and moisturize as needed. Otherwise, the plant will begin to drop leaves wither and die. In winter, reduce watering - once a week will be enough;

  • Fertilizing

Feeding is carried out during growth (when the plant is young) and the period of each bloom. Fertilizers are made once a week. This can be a vermicompost - liquid organic fertilizer. Or any other, designed for indoor plants and diluted according to instructions. Before you buy be sure to check with the seller;

  • Lighting

China Rose loves well-lit place, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. Therefore, choose a place for it on the basis of these parameters. If the light is not enough, the plant may not bloom, or lose even unopened buds;

  • Air temperature

The optimum temperature - 20-25 degrees. In winter, it should not fall below 12 degrees. If possible, bring rosettes on an open balcony, patio or courtyard. If too warm and dry air hibiscus sensitive to foliar spray. Therefore, this procedure is best done early in the morning or after sunset.

Transplanting Chinese rose

The first 5-6 years of life of the Chinese rose in the annual resettlement needs. Adults also plants are transplanted every 3-4 years, as the proliferation of the root system. Transplanting is carried out in early spring. The soil should be composed of humus, leaf and clay-turf ground in the ratio of 1: 1: 2. Also in the soil mix is ​​desirable to add poultry manure and sand.

Before transplanting the plant, cut the root of the plant sistemy.Vetki also need pruning - immediately after their resettlement shorten by about a third. All these manipulations will give impetus to the emergence of young shoots and abundant flowering. Moreover, because the plant produces beautiful and neat krona.

The young plants krone formed not cutting and topping shoot tips. After the procedure, you must put a hibiscus in a well-lit place, and abundantly watered. If all the necessary conditions in a year you will live on the windowsill and a beautiful flowering tree.

Chinese rose flowers mainly in spring and summer. If you want to transfer bloom in winter, spend a transplant until the end of May. Until that time, to create artificial plants dormant period: put in the shade and little watering. After moving to crop top and care as usual. In mid-July crop should be repeated. By the fall of the plant will release new buds, flowering will begin in October and will last all winter.

 Hibiscus Chinese Rose

What pests threaten plants?

Any serious diseases do not threaten hibiscus. However, it can attack some pests. Care of the Chinese rose in this case has to be special. So, how to get rid of pests?

  • Spider mite

It is a small insect, hardly noticeable without a magnifying glass. This red spider settles on the bottom side of leaves and ensnares them with its cobweb. It can be seen with the naked eye. Especially dangerous tick the plants that spend a lot of time outdoors or in a very warm and dry indoors. At the first sign of the disease can be treated with a conventional plant with soapy water. If the pest is already fully attacked flower, better use of the insecticide solution;

  • Aphids

This pest prefers to attack still did not disclose the buds and young shoots. Propagated by aphids very quickly if you do not take timely measures, within a couple of days on your plant will live the whole colonies of aphids. To deal with aphids, you can use the spray of sulfate solution, which is sold in any flower shop.

Just knowing how to care for a rose home, you will surely achieve its proper development and flowering. Believe me, this plant will take pride of place in your collection.

 Chinese rose. How to grow it at home?
