Gastritis, according to statistics - this is one of the most common diseases today gastrointestinal tract, from the manifestations of which affects more than half the adult population of the globe. Symptoms of inflammation of the gastric mucosa can greatly overshadow the course of pregnancy and the woman bring a lot of discomfort. In this case, it becomes a problem, and treatment, which should be not only effective, but also safe for a child. That is why it is important to have enough information on the issue.
Causes of gastritis during pregnancy
What causes gastritis during pregnancy? Most often, it is only an aggravation of chronic inflammatory processes, which previously took place in the stomach of the fair sex. It happens more than 75% of cases. We differentiate between two types of gastritis: A and B. The first is caused by the development of atrophic processes in the wall of the stomach caused by the defeat of autoimmune cells. Underlying the development of gastritis type B infection is a bacterial agent such as Helicobacter pylori.
Note: Pregnant women can become infected with Helicobacter pylori during casual contact or already be infected at the time of conception. However, if the disease before pregnancy may be asymptomatic or with minimal expression, the hormonal changes greatly aggravate the clinical picture. To treat such disease must be conscious, because standard antibiotics are often contraindicated in pregnant patients.
Call exacerbation of chronic gastritis in this case may be the following factors:
the use of a large number of products from refined carbohydrates;
irregular and unbalanced diet;
abuse of foods high in preservatives, artificial colors, stabilizers and flavorings;
Diagnosis of gastritis during pregnancy
To assign an effective treatment, the physician must conduct a competent diagnosis. The important point here is the collection of information at the first examination (patient complaints, analysis of the primary characteristics). Gastritis pregnancy often has a wide variety of clinical symptoms. A woman can be confusing:
rumbling in the stomach, as if she always wants to eat;
pain localized in the epigastric region;
frustration of a chair;
For the different forms of gastritis characterized by certain clinical features. Thus, at high secretory activity of stomach complaints among the forefront pain. The pain occurs in the upper abdomen, can be localized near the navel or in the right upper quadrant. Unpleasant sensations are amplified after a fatty, spicy, heavy meals, on an empty stomach or at night. This form of the disease is most common in young of the fair sex. Treatment of such gastritis should be directed to the suppression of the secretory activity of the stomach.
In the case where the acidity at the fair floor is lowered and not raised, are the most striking manifestation of gastric and intestinal dyspepsia. Pain is moderate and become more pronounced when stretching the stomach wall with plenty of food. In this type of gastritis treatment is intended to improve and normalize the secretory activity of the gastric glands.
As a rule, against a background of exacerbation of chronic gastritis in early pregnancy toxemia develops, characterized especially severe. At the same clinical manifestations of the disease persist for 14-17 weeks, and the body responds poorly to standard treatment. However directly on fetal development gastritis not exert any influence.
Adequate treatment of gastritis can not be without a quality laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. For the correct diagnosis can be used the following methods:
vnutrigastralnaya fractional sensing and pH meters - these diagnostic methods to determine the degree of acidity of gastric juice in your particular case and, therefore, to determine the type of gastritis;
a blood test done first. Perform biochemical research helps determine your body's concentration of gastrin. Special techniques allow to determine the presence of antibodies to the parietal cells and Helicobacter pylori. A study of peripheral blood and is directed at identifying signs in
-scarce anemia, often accompanied by the disease;
esophagogastroduodenoscopy - the endoscopic method of research makes it possible to identify the characteristics for the development of gastritis mucosal changes, as well as to perform a biopsy of the affected tissues. However, this technique is quite unpleasant and performed pregnant only if specific indications;
breath test - a non-invasive method for the diagnosis of infection Helicobacter pylori, which is most suitable for use in pregnant women.
Treatment of gastritis during pregnancy
Proper nutrition for gastritis
Treatment of gastritis during pregnancy begins with a normalization of diet selection and sparing diet. In severe disease woman appointed to bed and split meals. Number of meals at the same time should be 5-6 times a day. Do not forget to eat breakfast and full dinner. In the first days of treatment the food should have a semi-liquid consistency, so as not to burden the stomach.
Power is recommended to start with milk and mucous soups, milk, cottage cheese. After a few days of dieting can be extended by chicken or quail eggs, cooked boiled or steamed, fresh fruit and vegetables, vegetable stew. As the return to normal in the diet of pregnant the fair sex should be given porridge, boiled meat, potatoes, sour cream, cheese. If any deviations in terms of the stomach during pregnancy, women are advised to avoid the use of products such as:
fried foods;
spicy and hot spices;
dishes and foods high in salt;
meat and fish broth;
However, these restrictions are not necessarily applicable to patients with atrophic gastritis, accompanied by a reduction of gastric secretion. Such patients within reasonable limits are recommended, for example, sokogonnym broths and activates the glands of the mucous membrane.
Spa treatment
Treatment of an exacerbation of gastritis during pregnancy may include the appointment of mineral water. If the pH-metry showed a decrease in acidity useful to use "Essentuki» №4 and 17, "Arzni", "Mirgorod". When hypersecretory gastritis recommended method of "Jermuk", "Smirnoff", "Borjomi", "Slavyanovskaya."
Healing water is best taken after 1, 5-2 hours after a meal. If acute gastritis, for the time to stop using mineral water. In any case, beforehand should consult your doctor.
Drug therapy for gastritis
Undoubtedly, gastritis during pregnancy may be treated with medications. This, however, can not always be used in the most effective regimen. Never held eradication of H. pylori infection, as many antibiotics can have negative effects on the developing fetus. Therefore, the main focus of treatment is the normalization of the acidity of gastric contents. However, such therapy is not appointed in its entirety. For example, there are used antisecretory drugs.
Gastritis with high acidity can be used:
antacids - entering the gastric cavity, they reduce the acidity of the contents, which brings a significant clinical relief;
prokinetics - regulating motor activity of the digestive tract walls, eliminate the feeling of nausea in the development of gastritis;
antispasmodics - are able to reduce the severity of pain during acute inflammation.
There are some features of the treatment of gastritis with low secretory activity. So patients can be prescribed drugs replacement therapy:
preparations gastric enzymes. The specialist recommended doses, they are able to compensate for the lack of activity of the secretory glands of the stomach lining;
pancreatic enzyme preparations are used to improve digestion (with signs of pancreatic insufficiency);
a combination of drugs have a complex effect on the intestinal digestion.
The positive impact on the disease in pregnant women of the fair sex has receiving probiotics. They possess an antagonistic activity against Helicobacter pylori and contribute to normalizing the microflora of the gastro-intestinal tract.
Traditional recipes of treatment gastritis
Often during exacerbation of gastritis during pregnancy there is a desire to solve the problem, using only natural products. To assist in this case, may the herbs and tinctures, has anti-inflammatory, enveloping and analgesic properties. The most commonly in the treatment of gastritis with high secretory activity used: shamrock, St. John's wort, peppermint, chamomile, rhizome, celandine, flax seeds, oat seeds, knot-grass.
In the case of reducing the acidity of gastric contents may be useful: cumin, thyme, tarragon, thyme, parsley, tarragon, trifol, parsnips, plantain leaves, oregano and fennel. The main thing - to purchase products only in pharmacies and to brew, follow the instructions on the package. And do not abuse it, because intake of certain drinks could adversely affect the comprehensive treatment.
The positive impact on the general condition and have these herbs with a sedative effect, as valerian, motherwort. However, remember that the body of a pregnant the fair sex responds differently to any therapy. Therefore, even when using herbal remedies is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe proper treatment.
It must be remembered that the treatment of chronic gastritis during pregnancy in the first place should be safe for your child. That is why the disease can be treated only after consultation with a competent expert! If gastritis aggravated urgently go to the gastroenterologist. Remember once and for all: the health of the baby depends on what it took and ate in the mother during gestation.