Gastritis - a very common disease. It even knows about the child, so we will not go into the subtle medical details - will be quite a few general facts that will refresh your memory. Gastritis - a disease in which there is inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Doctors distinguish between two types of the disease - chronic and acute course. The most common cause of the disease are the various aggressive factors, systematic effect on the stomach. For example, spicy food, drugs, alcohol.
Gastritis delivers a sick person quite a lot of trouble - in particular, he develops symptoms such as indigestion, bloating, heaviness and pain in the stomach. Although it should be noted that the severe symptoms are not always observed. If left untreated, may develop various complications, including ulcers - not the worst. So be sure to treat gastritis. To do this, you must visit a physician - gastroenterologist, who will examine the person and prescribe appropriate treatment. However, if you have gastritis, treatment of folk remedies and should not "write off".
Of course, traditional medicine is in any case should not become a substitute for visiting the doctor and the performance of its assignments. However, as a supplementary measure, this treatment is very effective. Of course, do not forget that before the application of a recipe is very advisable to consult your doctor and get his consent. And be sure to watch out for, so that part of the therapeutic agents does not include those components that can trigger the development of an allergic reaction.
In addition, in any case, do not use recipes of traditional medicine to cure gastritis in children under the age of twelve. Children's bodies are much more sensitive to the various types of plant components. Therefore, they can lead to allergies, even in those children who had not suffered from an allergy, in principle. For children it is necessary to choose other methods of treatment of gastritis, under the guidance of a physician.
Treatment of acute gastritis
In the event that you are faced with acute gastritis, you must immediately seek medical help. However, the doctor will prescribe treatment only after a complete examination when install gastric acidity. However, there are several tools that can help in this waiting period and significantly alleviate the condition of the sick person. Begin treatment as soon as notice the first symptoms of gastritis.
Lettuce leaves
To make this means you will need one tablespoon of crushed leaves of young lettuce. Put them in an enamel bowl, pour one cup of boiling water is very. Infuse salad need for two hours, then drain it with a gauze fabric. Take half a cup before breakfast and before bedtime. As a rule, one day the pain will begin to recede. You can not continue this treatment more than a week.
Buckthorn and yarrow
To prepare the following tools you need chopped buckthorn bark and dry yarrow. Half a teaspoon per liter of components Stir in boiling water, reduce heat and simmer about 10 minutes. After this the pan tightly cover the pan, wrap a towel and leave for about five hours. Taking this agent must be 100 grams, at bedtime for one week.
If any form of gastritis very effectively helps propolis - every morning on an empty stomach, eat about 8 grams of propolis. Treatment should last for about 30 days. Carefully watch the reaction of the body - may cause allergic reactions to propolis.
Treatment of gastritis with the increased acidity
Buckthorn berries
In that case, if the results of the survey showed that the sick person gastritis with high acidity, it would come to the aid of sea buckthorn. And it is possible to use both fresh and frozen fruit. 200 grams of sea buckthorn fruit wash, put in a thermos and pour one liter of water. One day the infusion, strain and pour into a glass container. Add 100 grams of honey and mix thoroughly. Take it means you need three tablespoons before each meal. The course of treatment - 21 days.
Potato juice
Another very effective tool for gastritis is the most ordinary raw potatoes. More precisely - its juice. The treatment itself is very simple - the sick person should drink half a cup of fresh potato juice every morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast. It is desirable that half-hour to lie. Already after the first dose significantly reduced pain after the second - almost entirely disappear. The course of treatment should last at least 14 days. If there is a need and the symptoms persist, a week course can be repeated.
Liquorice root
If the pain is annoying especially hard, try a decoction of licorice root. To do this, carefully grind 10 grams of licorice root, pour one cup of boiling water and leave for an hour. Then again bring to a boil in a water bath, leave for an hour and strain using a gauze cloth. Take this decoction is necessary twice a day - morning and evening, just before a meal, at 100 grams. The course of treatment should last 10 days.
Natural honey
In that case, if a human patient no allergic reactions to bee products, it is necessary to try the treatment with honey. The recipe is very simple - you need warm water and honey. Before breakfast - about half an hour - dissolve in a glass of warm water a tablespoon of honey and drink at once. Because the water is warm, it will suck in the stomach lining. The duration of treatment - not less than one month.
Herbal infusion of anesthetic
To make it, you will need half a teaspoon of inflorescences pharmacy chamomile, yarrow, celandine, and St. John's wort. Pour the herbal mixture with one liter of boiling water and leave for an hour. After this infusion of strain and pour into a glass dish. Take it should be three times a day for half a glass. The course of treatment should last 21 days. Typically, this means perfectly eliminates the most powerful and debilitating pain. Yes, and other symptoms disappear without a trace.
Broth flax seed
This tool is very effective in cases where the patient is not only a man tormented by pain and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Chop three tablespoons of flax seed, pour a half cup of boiling water and leave for the day. The resulting infusion is necessary to take two tablespoons before each meal. The course of treatment should last at least 10 days. If necessary, after a week's break, it can be repeated.
Infusion of St. John's wort
Grind one tablespoon St. John's wort, put grass in a thermos and pour boiled water. Infuse for three hours, then strain. Take the infusion should be within a week, two tablespoons before breakfast. In some cases, the first few days after the start of treatment the pain may even increase - do not be afraid, this is perfectly normal. Very soon the pain will go away without a trace.
A decoction of plantain
If gastritis took the form of a protracted course, is to try psyllium. Moreover, it can be used as fresh leaves or dried. 10 grams of plantain leaves chop, put in a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water. After a day pour the infusion in an enamel bowl, over low heat bring to a boil. Cool, strain using a gauze cloth. Store psyllium broth in the refrigerator is necessary. The sick person should drink a half cup of broth before each breakfast. The treatment should continue for two weeks at most.
Herbal infusion normalizes acidity
To normalize the acidity will help decoction prepared from the following herbs: peppermint, yarrow, St. John's wort. Mix the herbs in equal proportions, two tablespoons of the mixture, place in a thermos and pour two cups of boiling water. After one day the infusion is necessary to filter using gauze cloth and pour into a glass container. Take the infusion is necessary every two hours, three tablespoons for a week.
Infusion of peppermint
In the early stages, when gastritis is taking its first timid attempts to declare itself, it is very effective infusion of mint. To make it, chop three tablespoons mint, put in an enamel bowl, pour one liter of boiling water and wrap a towel. Insist for three hours, then strain it with the help of gauze fabric. Take the infusion must be twice a day - morning and evening. The course of treatment should last about 10 days. In the event that no improvement, the treatment can be extended, but no more than a week.
Lime Blossom
The fact that the lime color is very effective for colds, is widely known. However, few people know that the linden blossoms at least useful in various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including gastritis. The fact is that the lime color is very good relieves any inflammation. But gastritis - is also an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, remember?
Preparing the broth is very simple. Place in an enamel bowl 100 gammas lime color, pour one liter of water and bring to a boil over low heat. After that, the broth cover and leave for three hours, then strain. Take it should be for half a cup for 30 minutes before each meal. Typically, treatment lasts for ten days. If necessary, a week it can be repeated.
Carrot juice
For years, supporters of traditional medicine to reduce stomach acidity using carrot juice. This requires a freshly juice squeezed from mature carrot. Take it should be in the morning, on an empty stomach, half glass. The course of treatment can last as long as necessary. Shortly after the start of treatment the sick person can be noted at dark urine - it is absolutely normal and should not worry you.
Treatment of gastritis with reduced acidity
In the same case, if a sick person is diagnosed gastritis with low acidity, it is all of the above treatments are not suitable. Moreover - the disease may at times worsen. But to abandon the treatment of traditional medicine still not worth it. There are other, highly effective in this case, folk recipes treatment of gastritis.
Infusion of the roots of elecampane
To prepare this infusion you need 20 grams of the roots of elecampane and a glass of water. The roots put in an enamel bowl, cover with water, bring to a boil and cover. Steep for about an hour, then strain using gauze fabric. This decoction should be taken five times a day, one tablespoon, regardless of the meal. The course of treatment should last at least 14 days.
Black currant juice
In the event that you are faced with the disease in the summer, when there is a black currant, you will burn to try treatment with fresh juice. In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink half a glass of fresh juice currant, then do not eat for an hour. The course of treatment should last no more than a week. In winter time, if you can get frozen berries blackcurrant, will help you a simple broth. Pour a glass of berries half liters of water and bring to a boil. Then strain the broth and how to squeeze the berries. The resulting volume of fluid necessary to drink during the day. And the first 100 grams necessarily in the morning, on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is the same - no more than a week.
Analgesic herbal infusion
In the case of systematic intense pain would be most welcome the next infusion. Mix equal parts of plantain leaves, blueberries, and St. John's wort. 3 tablespoons of this mixture is put into a thermos and fill the cup of boiling water. Leave to infuse for a day, then strain it with the help of gauze fabric. Take the infusion is necessary one tablespoon for five minutes before a meal. The course of treatment should last at least one month. Pain disappear after only a couple of days.
Egg whites
Another good remedy for gastritis - a whipped egg whites. Make it a rule - every morning the two proteins. Beat can be both a mixer and a conventional whisk until the state of the foam. Protein is necessary to have an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast. The course of treatment - about two months. Those who have tried it a popular treatment for gastritis, noted very good results - even the running gastritis disappeared without a trace.
Furthermore, gastritis can be successfully treated using the mummies. The first method is the use of mummies: one glass of water dissolve 1 gram of the mummy. Before each meal you should drink a glass of this solution. The second method is the application of the mummy: Mix one teaspoon of mummy and lukewarm water. Receive similar mummy should be three times a day, for about 10 minutes before eating. If you decide to treat gastritis using mummy, be sure to consult with your doctor. Unfortunately, very often the mummy may lead to allergic reactions. Therefore, using the mummy, make sure you carefully observe the reaction of the organism. And do not use the mummy to treat the elderly. The rest of the mummy is really effective.
As you can see, there are many ways to treat gastritis folk remedies. It would be untrue to say that all of them are equally effective - the recipe, which is very well helps one patient may be useless for another. Therefore, do not despair after the first failure - try, and you probably will choose the best for yourself means. And, of course, do not forget to carry out all the recommendations of your doctor - traditional medicine is not a reason to refuse medical treatment. Only in this case, the success of the treatment will be guaranteed.
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