

  • "Wild parents' house plant
  • Features of flowering and disease Gloxinia
  • Pests that can cause the death of gloxinia

These growers can not pass by such bright and beautiful representatives of houseplants, which are gloxinia. Their large buds delight their owners view a full-blown one or two times a year and really look like a bell shape with a delicate velvety petals. Undoubtedly, the cultivation of gloxinia - the process time-consuming and requires patience. But as a result you get a real gem of his home greenhouse.

And now some general information about what exactly is this plant in nature. It should be noted that in the classifier gloxinia plants are tropical shrubs and perennial grasses. They have a root system in the form of scaly tubers. They direct the stem, the leaves are arranged opposite each other. The flowers are quite large single buds that come out of the sinuses. Natural habitat of this plant is almost all the territory of America. The natural environment of Representatives described the family can be found in rocky terrain, on the shores of rivers and shady woods.

"Wild parents' house plant

Who is mesmerizing in its beauty flower gloxinia can admire every one of us, if you express desire to settle this exotic visitor among other instances of its green collection. The most popular are several variations of these velvety chimes. But they are all derived from the crossing of two main types of gloxinia - royal and beautiful. Agree, even the combination of the names of the dictionary itself hints at the very impressive results of selection. Scientists have actually managed to bring unusually beautiful plant species. What are the so-called "parents" of these popular indoor beauties?

Gloxinia royal (or Gloxinia regina) is a herbaceous plant. It has a thick stem, whose length is within ten centimeters, and four to six pairs of oval heart-shaped leaves up to twenty centimeters. The main color of the leaves is dark green, and along the veins easily visible light serebrinka. The buds resemble drooping bells, they are placed on the long legs and reach seven centimeters in diameter. Blossoms gloxinia royal summer and at the end of the active period of above-ground parts dry up and fall off. In winter it is at rest, the spring produces new shoots.

Gloxinia beautiful (or Gloxinia speciosa) is also a kind of herbaceous plants. It has a long, broadly, tapering at the ends and uniformly colored green leaves with short petioles. The shape and shade of buds depends on the cultivar. There are flowers with a simple and oborchatym limb of the corolla, drooping or conversely upward, red with white, purple, pale pink, blue, purple and so on.


Features of flowering and disease Gloxinia

If your plant is grown properly in compliance with the conditions necessary to care for him, after the appearance of the fourth pair of young leaves, you can see the buds. The number and the quality depends on the size of the tuber and highlights the content of the plant. If you are the happy owner of own-grown hybrid varieties "Brokade" or "Avanti", you probably will be able to once again enjoy their flowering, when the first occurred in the early stage of plant development.

To do this, cut off the stem and leaves, leaving only two-centimetric escape. Soon you will see that gloxinia side branches give the so-called second-growth. They formed buds, bells smaller than it was the first time the size. It should be noted that re-bloom are not all varieties of this plant.

Most often different kinds of holders gloxinia faced with the fact that many plant diseases are striking. The main and most dangerous of them are:

  • blight
  • tuber rot
  • Fusarium
  • blackleg
  • Mildew
  • pitioznaya and gray mold and other fungal attack, viruses, and bacteria infections

Many diseases are caused by improper irrigation, soil moisture or contamination. Often the flowers fall prey to parasitic pests - mites and thrips. As a preventive and curative measures, growers experts recommend using a drug called fitosporin and fundazol. But it is equally important to adhere to a set of mandatory rules on the content of gloxinia.

Do not place in a pan several vases with plants. Color required ambient light and totally contraindicated direct sunlight. Take care about the correct distance between standing next to plants. Available items you should not obscure each other, they need access to fresh air. In this simple way you can prevent the disease is quite dangerous, for example, to avoid blackening legs.

There are a number of recommendations on the device of the soil in which grow gloxinia. It should have a peaty basis and well lets air and moisture. Before planting plants soil for them is steamed or treated fitosporin. This will kill most bacteria and virus infections, provoking major diseases gloxinia.

Remember that watering should be implemented uniformly across the soil surface, preventing flooding or drying. Significant variations in temperature, cold, or vice versa, the heat also negatively affect plant weaken it and provoking various diseases. The key to successful breeding gloxinia at home are healthy planting material and content of the Floral collection clean.

 flower gloxinia

Pests that can cause the death of gloxinia

Plant with velvet bells are very fond of thrips and mites. These pests can be several varieties, so you need to know what signs indicate specific lesions parasite. Cyclamic mite is so small that it is possible to consider only under a microscope. Its clusters on the undersides of the leaves resemble the gray dust. If gloxinia under attack this type of mite, the naked eye can note the following negative changes in its general form:

  • there is thickening, deformation and folding of leaves
  • wither or flower buds are formed immature flowers irregular shape
  • growth slows
  • the underside of leaves covered with bloom
  • shoot tips are brown and dry up

If the main drawback of your apartment is too warm and dry air, it does not exclude the fact of destruction of plants spider mites. Inspect your gloxinia: the emergence of the disease can be judged by a thin web of its leaves and flowers. Attentive hostess always be able to recognize the danger of its first signs, for example, by the presence of small whitish dots on the leaves, which later form the dirty yellow stains. A feature of the spider mite is a high speed, with which he jumps from one plant to another, quickly hitting all available copies.

To prevent the appearance of ticks helps frequent airing of premises and regular spraying with water gloxinia. If parasites have settled on your colors, carefully inspect the plant and remove the affected leaves. Then make three week intervals insecticidal treatment of the plant with special preparations. If you spend the time to treatment, the flower could be saved.

The big danger for gloxinia is another kind of pests - thrips. They hatch from eggs laid by the females on the back of the leaves, feed on their cell sap, and then go into the ground. The adults have wings, so easy to apply to all plants. That gloxinia were attacked by thrips, evidenced by the appearance of the characteristic silvery sheen on the front surface of the leaves, as well as the presence of bright dots and spots. Green plates lose their natural color, turn brown, dry and deformed.

TRIPS to fight hard. Gloxinia affected them immediately isolate. One insecticide treatment is small, so a week later the procedure should be repeated. Disinfects not only the plant itself, but also the soil and place the flower stand. To be effective, do not be lazy gloxinia transplanted into a new soil, and before that a good wash its root system.

The attention and caring attitude to your existing plants, as well as complying with all the main recommendations for their care ensures deep gratitude on their part in the form of unusually beautiful and colorful buds. Their views will be delighted not only you but also your many guests. I love their green pets, and they will answer you the same.

 Gloxinia: velvety luxury of bells on your window

 Vanda orchid


  • Key members of the family Vand
  • Features care Wanda
  • Fertilizer, pruning, propagation, transplanting orchids

Lover to grow houseplants can not bypass their attention bright and beautiful orchids. But the presence of Phalaenopsis on the windowsill is unlikely someone could surprise. And here is an exotic beauty with a sonorous female name Wanda is common in home gardeners do not happen very often. Connoisseurs call this orchid queen among other representatives of its kind. In fact, this plant has buds stunning brightness and beauty. Particularly liked the blue orchid flower growers of this worthy of an aristocratic family, because it has an unusually rich and at the same time a deep shade from pale blue to purple.

Such a resounding name of the plant is not connected to the woman's name, although exactly what many people believe. The word "Wanda" in Sanskrit Indians called orchid, leaves and stems are used as a raw material for the preparation of medicinal potions. This genus includes about fifty different species. There are among them as epiphytes growing on trees, rocks and fans - lithophytic.

Since mankind to want to surround yourself with the beauty of the blossoms, the way of cultivation and crossing various representatives Vand were very showy hybrids, is quite suitable for breeding and rearing in the home, though they require special care. Today, there are about forty species. And now puzzled botany breeding miniature representatives of these plants.

In the wild orchid Vanda is common in tropical countries, namely Indonesia, India, China, Australia and the Philippines. Most members of the genus Wand - is quite high (one meter) long shoots with leaves remneobraznymi. Surprisingly interesting location large bright buds of the plant. They are formed in almost the same plane as a result of the inflorescence is spherical. Rounded at the ends of the petals of some Vand exude delicate sweet flavor. As for their color, it's like a deep-colored shades and their various combinations.

Of particular note is the root system, which has a kind of orchid Vendee. It does not form pseudobulbs, as do her other relatives for the accumulation of nutrients. Instead, we can see the proliferation of relatively thick aerial roots covered with a layer VELAM. This is a pretty effective protection of delicate internal parts from sunburn and unique sponge absorbs moisture even from the environment. That is why Wanda usually grown either without substrate, or in it, but with a powerful drainage system. They hang flat in special baskets or pots, since the root system of the plant requires a constant supply of fresh air and light.

Key members of the family Vand

As mentioned above, the queen of the family is considered Wand Blue Orchid. For the first time of its existence the specialists learned in 1837 that examined the foothills of the eastern part of the great Himalayas. It was there that was seen extraordinary charm of this flower, majestically adorned the crowns of mighty trees.

Wanda Blue is a fairly tall plant (about ninety centimeters) with a developed system of aerial roots. Its leaves are dark green and long with a distinctive gloss. The buds have a mesh pattern at the rounded petals and painted in luscious lavender or even a darker shade. On one of their pedicel usually located up to twelve pieces. Interestingly, the color of the petals with time tends to change the original rich color to light blue.

It is impossible not to note the bright charm Vanda tricolor. This plant is able to achieve a half to two meters in height. Its similar to the strap leaves up to forty centimeters grow in two rows, and the buds in the form of full-blown reach seven centimeters in diameter, forming large inflorescences of these giants. Incidentally, it rose Vanda tricolor have a strong flavor, they are slightly wavy at the edges and have a delicate cream-colored with brownish spots.

Among potted orchids can be found and Wanda terete. This epiphyte different from their fellow long and very winding stem branched (sometimes up to two and a half meters) with numerous aerial roots. On one leg extends from three to six flowers, which can reach the order of ten centimeters in diameter. They range from delicate shade of pink to slightly reddish. Petals are oval, diamond shaped or circular in shape, they have wavy edges.

Another major orchid of this kind is Wanda Sander. Its stem length can sometimes reach one meter. He arranged sorokasantimetrovye narrow leaves and apical inflorescence, consisting of buds (ten pieces) with pink petals and white border. The diameter of the flowers around twelve centimeters. In the natural environment, this plant blooms in the fall, and in the home, if properly care for him - and in the spring.

Wanda Sander and blue as a result of crossbreeding gave another sort - Wanda Rothschild. Its height ranges from sixty to ninety centimeters. Leaves, like the majority of the representatives of the family, resemble belts. On peduncle develops to six buds with a diameter of four centimeters. Light-blue petals have a regular round shape. Blossoms twice a year - in summer and winter.

 Vanda orchid

Features care Wanda

Vanda Orchid - a real tropical beauty with whimsical character. In contrast to the rather unpretentious Phalaenopsis, it calls for a lot more attention and care it is not so easy for a beginner. The first step is to take care of the correct location of the plant. Vande need a lot of sunlight and fresh air. To do this, your orchid is best to "settle" on the windows facing south-east, south and south-west.

On hot days, when the sun is particularly ruthless, plants need to create a shadow, otherwise he provided burns. Light day for any Wanda should be at least twelve to fifteen hours. So be prepared for the fact that in late autumn and winter, the plant will have to provide an additional source of artificial lighting. If you do not, then the orchid is not bloom in the allotted time.

Since the plant came to us from the tropics, it is very important to create and maintain certain conditions. The optimum temperature for Wanda is considered a range of twenty to twenty-five degrees Celsius, minimum winter should not fall below fourteen. For this orchid blooms harmful sharp jump in temperature, but small nocturnal reduction within eight to ten degrees, by contrast, are useful. It is beneficial to the regularity of flowering.

Tropical conditions Vand origin led to the fact that today the plants need high humidity environment. Therefore, to ensure proper care, you probably will have to purchase a humidifier, because when the heating season begins, without it simply can not do. The best indicator for humid Wand is the range of sixty to seventy percent. So if you encounter a problem in which the orchid flowers, is not yet fully reveal already wither and fall, and the leaves and aerial roots dry out, pay attention to the humidity in the room.

Aquarium, decorative fountains and gravel trays help reduce dryness a few percent. But remember, high humidity require good air circulation, otherwise likely to plant diseases. But a cold winter, when the room temperature is limited mark fourteen degrees Celsius, on the contrary, provides for a dry air. But it is rather a recommendation for greenhouses, because conditions for premises is difficult to imagine.

Since many of the Wanda have a dormant period, and the care they needed round. They have to constantly watered and just moisturize the substrate. Hot summer recommended by spraying a couple of times a day to irrigate the leaves of orchids. But do not forget that the roots need to dry out between waterings, as dampness is quite dangerous for these plants. If you prefer to grow without substrate Wanda is often recommended to experienced growers, do for them baths with warm water to the extent that the roots of the lighter: minimum - twice a week, maximum - every day.

You can ask a reasonable question - why keep Wanda better without substrate? The fact that it is easier to take care of them. This system provides all the features of growing properly assess the condition of the roots of plants, to provide him with the necessary irrigation. After the top of the can say that it is time to give them water, but one that is at the bottom, will still be moist. This creates a favorable environment for the emergence of various rots of the root system, and this is the most frequent reason for the disease of orchids. By the way, at a reduced temperature changes and care for them: increasing intervals between waterings or baths.

 Vanda orchid care

Fertilizer, pruning, propagation, transplanting orchids

If your window appeared Vanden Tropikanka, you can not do without a lot of special fertilizer for orchids. During active growth of plants should be fed at least once a week, and in winter you need to do it once a month. Fertilize and can be the root system and leaves. It is important to strictly adhere to the instructions specified in the rules of the selected drug. They can not either exceed or underestimate. In the first case it may not bloom in full force, and the second does not prevent such changes in the stem of his excessive subtlety and elongation, and the tip of unnatural softening generally may bend.

Since many of the Wanda have a rather long, it is sometimes necessary to cut. It is recommended that in the case if the plant has lost a part of the lower leaves, and therefore does not look very aesthetically pleasing. You have to simply cut off the top part of the orchid, orchid made of one or two. But first decide whether for separating half healthy roots in the amount of three or four pieces.

If they are available, feel free to prune and transplant it as a separate instance. Do not forget sprinkle fresh cut coal or cinnamon - they will play the role of a preservative. The rest of the orchids do not throw away, and continue to care for her for the previously existing algorithms. Then over time it will release a new shoot-Babe or at its base or at the top.

As for the transplant Vand, it is carried out in the spring, after assessing the condition of the substrate and the roots of the plants. Reproduction of this family is carried out by means of cuttings. To do this, take the upper part of the side shoots, already having air roots. In order to obtain the greatest possible material for breeding, from the mother plant is necessary to remove the tip-kidney. This condition contributes to a numerous regrowth of lateral stems that a year later the cuttings are excellent, making it possible to carry out reproduction.

These processes should be individually placed in pots filled with a special substrate, which consists of the roots of ferns and moss, sphagnum moss. Provision should be made, and good drainage. For the first three after planting the cuttings do not water, and then gradually moisten the substrate should be within one or two months. As soon as the rapid growth of young orchids, we can conclude that the breeding was successful, and it is time to take care of them by the usual algorithm.

It remains to say a few words about the pests that could cause significant damage to your collection of tropical flowering beauties. Fortunately, Wanda, have dense fleshy leaves are rarely attacks of parasites. However, the weakened plants can become a tasty morsel for mealybugs and scale insects. To these pests have not managed to establish themselves on the plant and were seen on time, you should regularly inspect your orchids. If, however, you have discovered the presence of parasites, then with a cotton swab and soap or alcohol solution immediately remove them from the leaves and stems of infected plants. Severe infection or require spraying rogorom karbofosom.

In principle, the orchid Vanda cultivation and care at home is not particularly difficult, although it is quite time-consuming. So do not buy these exotic plants, if you are attracted only to their external beauty, not love for all, without exception, members of domestic flora. To please their orchid flowers and serve as an excellent complement to the interior, they will need from you daily attention and caring attitude. Therefore, weigh the pros and cons and then purchase your favorite tropical beauty.

 Vanda orchid - a beauty with a female character

We recommend that read: Potted orchids
