- Care after purchase
- Basic care
- Reproduction
- Dangers
All lovers of indoor flower in varying degrees, influenced by fashion. Here it was fashionable to decorate the window sills blooming geraniums, because almost every home be sure to present this symbol of home comfort. The fashion for exotic orchids, and almost all growers have begun to grow them. And as soon as it became fashionable to keep the house a magnificent Zamioculcas so immediately and it appeared demand. And demand, as we know, breeds supply. Today, therefore, to buy this wonderful houseplant can be in many flower shops. Yes, and look after him very easy.
It often happens that even proper care does not save from destruction just purchased Zamioculcas. At home, the flower begins to ache, his gorgeous green fades and the leaves wither. Why is this happening? What care is needed this unpretentious flower? How often it needs to be watered and fed? What mistakes do beginners florist? Let's try to understand.
Care after purchase
The most important thing - it is the right care for the flower immediately after purchase. Of course you know that all the greenhouse flowers are grown for sale, stimulants and are processed in the special conditions. Yes, and the soil in the pot with the purchased plants are not suitable for its permanent cultivation. Therefore Zamioculcas after purchase is required to replant. But first you must give the plant the ability to adapt in the home. The period of adaptation to the new situation lasts about three weeks.
After this time the plants are transplanted to a permanent pot. It is best to choose for this flower clay or plastic pot. It should not be very deep, but wide enough - from a narrow high flower pot will be difficult to remove in the next transplant. It is also necessary to prepare the expanded clay drainage, which is made of clay and is highly hygroscopic. It can also be purchased at a flower shop.
Drainage is placed on the bottom of the pot and poured a layer of sand about a quarter of the dishes. Pour a layer of sand on top Peat mixture (any universal, but loose soil). Zamioculcas then removed from the old dishes, along with a clod of earth, placed it in a new pot and covered with soil voids between the clod of earth and the walls of the pot. New soil is compacted and moisturize. After transplantation Zamioculcas needs routine care.
Basic care
Zamioculcas is considered to be a very undemanding plant that feels perfectly at home. It is easy going through a drought emergency, it does not react badly to changes in temperature, not afraid of direct sunlight and can easily tolerate shading. It is not necessary for spraying the plant. However, it is not necessary to subject the plant stress - care must be literate, and a place to put a flower comfortable.
The best place to be Zamioculcas sills southern windows. However, on the other windows it will feel quite comfortable. Only the flower growing on the north window sill, a more moderate watering, and leaves him to be a little smaller. In the summer, the flower feels great outdoors. Therefore, during the warmer months it can be taken on the balcony, patio or garden.
Watering Zamioculcas is necessary as the soil dries. It is important to remember that the lack of moisture the plant carries a lot easier than the excess watering and standing water in the pan. This fact is explained by the bulbous shape of the roots Zamioculcas that moisture can accumulate for future use. But too frequent and abundant watering can cause root rot. Therefore, you need to be watered flower moderately but regularly. And in the summer watering should be more frequent than in the cold season. In winter Zamioculcas generally recommend watering is very rare.
The spraying Zamioculcas, as we have said, does not need. However, this procedure is unnecessary for it will not. So you can from time to time moisten the leaves and the air around the flower. Given that the leaves of this plant are large enough, they have to be periodically cleaned from dust. And further. Do not spray the plants if it exposed to direct sunlight - lens effect will cause burns the leaves.
Zamioculcas fed complex fertilizers for indoor plants, hoping to dose and frequency of dressings in accordance with the instructions to the drug. Suitable Zamioculcas and fertilizer intended for cacti and succulents. Fertilize flower only in the period of growth since the mid-spring to early autumn. In a period of rest to feed it is not recommended.
Reproduction Zamioculcas home is feasible, although it is considered a difficult task. Reproduction of this flower can be done in several ways: by cuttings, dividing rhizomes or leaf. The most convenient way to divide the bush during the next transplant. However, you have to be prepared for the fact that the Zamioculcas painfully react to this procedure. So, if you decided to divide the bush, during the transplant should be the most clean roots from the ground and try to separate them by hand. If this does not work, then the roots are cut with a sharp knife.
You can divide itself tuber, cut it into several parts, each of which must be preserved eye - point of the growth of new shoots. Places slices necessarily dried and sprinkled with powdered charcoal. Every new part transplanted into a separate pot diameter should slightly exceed the size of nodule. Watering and basic care recommended in this method of reproduction common, as well as for adult plants. Only here fertilize divided Zamioculcas first time should not be.
Propagation by cuttings and leaves is considered a more gentle way, and is more commonly used in the home. Cut the leaves or cuttings rooted in Peat mixture of equal parts sand and peat. They are simply stuck into the soil gently, lightly compacted soil and covered with glass or plastic (transparent!) Capacity. One can only periodically watered seedlings and wait for the emergence of new shoots. However, you will have to wait a long time. Zamioculcas is a very slow-growing indoor plants, so the rooting of cuttings and leaves happening for a long time. It is possible that you have to wait a few months or even a year.
Overall Zamioculcas unpretentious. Although moody green pet it can not be called, it can react badly to improper care. The main danger - the excess moisture. Too frequent and abundant watering provoke root rot and death of the plant. Therefore, the main condition for irrigation - Nedolya better than to pour.
Dislikes Zamioculcas and sudden changes in temperature, as well as strong drafts. Of course, this plant does not die, but decorative lose - on the leaves may appear dark spots. With a lack of light shoots Zamioculcas stretched and thinned. Long presence of the flower exposed to direct sunlight can cause burns on the leaves. In heavy clay soil flower can freeze and stop growing altogether.
In short, try to care for their green pets, to maintain comfortable conditions for the plant (heat and bright ambient light) and provide him with timely moderate watering. From time to time the flower spray and wipe the dust from the leaves, and during the growing season fertilize it. This will be enough to at home Zamioculcas felt good and delight you with its magnificent greens. Good luck!