hair color without ammonia Schwarzkopf

  • Historical facts about the company
  • A worldwide sensation by Schwarzkopf - in pursuit of the delicate structure
  • Types of staining
  • This mysterious female image

Company «Schwarzkopf & Henkel» - a recognized leader in the field of cosmetic products for hair. The fame of this brand of high-performance vehicles that do not contain ammonia - harmful oxidizing agent for hair, spread throughout the world. Bezammiachnoy hair dye, shampoos, paints and many other products for hair and skin have become popular among all social strata.

Historical facts about the company

In 1898, a little-known chemist Hans Shvarkopfom was bought by a pharmacy, where he immediately began working on the creation of the future Department of brilliant tools for hair care. The first was invented powdered shampoo that came to taste many of the young ladies of Berlin. Costing just 26 pfennigs, this tool perfectly washed away the hair and leaves no white residue, after the soap. Women Hair becomes soft and fluffy. In 1904, the facility was renamed the shampoo and acquired its own logo - a black head. The first exports destined for the Netherlands and Russia.

In 1927, Hans Schwarzkopf creates the first liquid shampoo and opens training center for future hairdressers - "Institute for the care of hair." Replacing harmful ammonia, ammonium sulfate, more sparing of paint made by Schwarzkopf is very popular among the female half of humanity. Easy to apply, maintain shine and elasticity of hair, and what else is needed for a successful staining?

The first alkali-free shampoo «Onalcali» and means for the cold wave of hair in 1933 caused a sensation among consumers all over Europe - the popularity of the product and the sales volume increased by more than five times. Further progress of the company it was difficult to stop: shampoo «Schauma» (1947-49 gg.), Hairspray «Taft» (1955), tinting foam «Igora Toning» (1968), natural hair dye «Igora Botanic », not containing ammonia (1991).

The entire world community was looking forward to the new developments of the company, with a sinking watched the creation of masterpieces. Expectations were unsuccessful - the appearance of a cream-paint "the Color Mask», as not containing ammonia, met a lot of positive reviews among professional craftsmen and residential customers. Simplicity and ease of use in everyday life, quality staining and maximum hair care, gentle bezammiachnoy formula, a wide palette of colors - it is present in the modern model of the new hair dye.

 hair color without ammonia Schwarzkopf Palette

A worldwide sensation by Schwarzkopf - in pursuit of the delicate structure

Today, all products for the hair dye produced by Schwarzkopf is divided into two types. It paints direct and oxidizing paint. The composition of the latter includes two components that must be connected before use, mix well. The required color palette gives the hair due to the chemical reaction that takes place as follows: colorless particles penetrate into the hair structure and interacting with oxygen, give your hair the desired shade. Although dye from «Schwarzkopf & Henkel» contains the least amount of oxidant - ammonia, or a substitute for, this type of staining is not very useful. Over time, the hair deteriorate, become brittle and dry. Yes, a palette of hair for a long time will delight you with its saturated colors, but the hair will have to "treat", restoring their natural structure.

Paints direct action do not contain oxidant (ammonia), then the dye has been prepared in advance, it just need to put on hair and wait for the right amount of time. Since bezammiachnymi paint milder to hair and falls only on their surface, without penetrating deeply, and the coloration is not as durable. This paint can be washed several times, "leaves" it evenly, so the hair, even after several cleaning sessions will have a smooth, solid color.

As an example of direct dyeing - bezammiachnoy cream from Schwarzkopf «Igora Vibrance». Use of soft dye without ammonia moisturizing effect gives women not only rich hair color, but also provides proper care. Thanks to its formula that does not contain ammonia and gently acting on the hair, this paint is relevant from the masters of hairdressing salons, as an inexpensive and effective means for coloring.

Juiciness and luster paint «Igora Vibrance» like the men and women who make their way gray hair. A stable structure of ammonia-free color will give your hair a natural color, relieved, albeit briefly, on the gray strands. The beauty of ammonia-free color that it can be used continuously without damaging the hair.

 Schwarzkopf hair color without ammonia

Types of staining

Hair coloring in one color

This procedure does not require special skills and it can be done by women at home. The only negative - in the home is not always possible to dye the hair evenly, without the involvement of a specialist will make it quite difficult. You do not want that on your hair was the whole palette, the selected color?


Lighten the individual strands of hair using bezammiachnoy paint from Schwarzkopf - a real pleasure. Hair does not get confused, well-combed throughout. It is recommended to use hair of any length.


Uniform lighting over the entire length of hair (from root to tip). The process is not very easy to perform at home, and requires a systematic clarification of hair at the roots as they regrowth. Here, more than ever it is important to use high-quality paint do not contain ammonia, since any effect on hair lighteners not the best way. And cheap, and even more so. Bezamiachnaya paint from Schwarzkopf - the most sparing agent for clarification. It works gently on hair and scalp, making the process of coloring a pleasant procedure.

But there is one drawback - if you chose to lighten the palette is very different from a natural color, the painting will not work because bezammiachnoy paint is not able to make the blonde brunette. It is only by paints containing the desired proportion of oxidant - ammonia.


Very simple and yet very stylish reception for painting. In this method the paint from staining bezammiachnoy Schwarzkopf applied only to the ends of her hair. The color can range from white to deep black. The basic tone of the hair cycle through - all the will of the master and his imagination.


Absolutely new method of hair coloring. Make it yourself unlikely, unless you are a professional hairdresser. How brondirovanie looks really? Drawing attention to the Hollywood actresses, many times noticed how darker paint color at the roots changed to a brighter tone at the tips of the hair. This is the aerobatics skills hairdresser - creating a smooth transition from the warm dark brown-haired blond. Performing a color using hair dyes of Schwarzkopf, do not contain ammonia, perhaps also because they have a creamy texture (not melt), easily applied to the hair, not to interfere with sweep locks and varied palette of colors will help you choose the right way every woman .

This mysterious female image

Due to the fact that the cream of the Schwarzkopf provides safe bezammiachnoy formula, each woman can change hair color as often as she wants it. Today you vamp with bright makeup and black hair like an Egyptian queen. And tomorrow you're a female cat with bright red hair and sharp glare of red specks. A unique shades from violet to blue to help you create eye-catching, unique image. And while your hair will not be affected. Indeed, in the colors of Schwarzkopf absolutely no ammonia, and taking care of your health is the main motto of the company ever since its inception.

 Hair Dye Schwarzkopf without ammonia - beautiful hair without harm

We advise to check: Professional dye gray hair without ammonia

 styling hair in curlers

  • Curler - at least a dime a dozen
  • Technology of styling hair using curlers

Any girl who dreams of luxury, tress, knows that better means than rollers for this purpose has not yet been invented. With rollers can achieve very rapid and stable result and get a haircut, if you just came down from the pages of a fashion magazine about stars. On the other hand, the same girl knows that hair in curlers there are many difficulties not so easy to adapt to these roller plastics and glands and use them so that instead of chic waves do not get weird broken line. Indeed, in this case, spoiled the mood and spare a couple of hours before the mirror can not be avoided!

Moreover, the constant use of the "hot" curlers - and they provide the quickest and most lasting results - can cause significant damage to the state of your hair. So what to do !? Renounce styling using curlers once and for all, or learn how to use them so that hair and turned out stunning, and the hair is not damaged? If you are overwhelmed by these thoughts, just for you, we present a small allowance for the use of the technique for the gorgeous view curlers hairstyle without serious harm to the condition of the hair.

 hair styling using curlers

Curler - at least a dime a dozen

To begin with let's understand, what are the curlers are and how to use them. We present you the review of the popular hair curlers, stacking technology with which most simple and accessible at home.

Plastic rollers with clips

It is the most common rollers, the main advantage of which is the fact that they do not harm your hair. All you need to do for beautiful hairstyle - is applied to clean hair is a little hair styling, curls divided into strands and wind them on the plastic blanks. Perhaps the most difficult part of the procedure - carefully put on the clamps - so that did not happen "polylines" strands in her hair.

But not all so simple, or ordinary plastic curlers would long ago have become the best remedy for hair styling waves. To haircut turned out, you have to show off for quite some time in the apartment with her head adorned with a scattering of these rollers, and the result may not always be brilliant. Here much depends on the experience and skill, and even strands of room for awkward clamps - a phenomenon quite common even among experienced beauties.

Rubber rollers

Rubber rollers are very similar to plastic, but do not have a round shape and slightly flattened. This is the main difficulty of their application - to create a perfect image with the help of rollers, requires serious skills, and not every woman can boast of. Therefore, if the barber professional skills available to you, it is better to buy other curlers, more adapted for use in the home.

Soft Curler - boomerangs

The main advantage of these curlers is that using them is very easy to mount locks (sufficient to fold and lock). In addition, they can sleep through the night without experiencing severe discomfort. Here only to locks for smooth and beautiful, not an abstract sketch resembled a mad artist, you need to have some skills in using them. But if you tame this "beast" that can amaze friends and acquaintances beautiful hair almost every day.

Thermo curlers

Termobigudi - a great invention of our ancestors, because they were used in the nineteenth century the best beauties of the time. For this purpose, special wax tailored blanks which are heated in hot water. At a certain temperature for these blanks wind hair as quickly as possible - otherwise the wax cools, and chic hairstyles could not take. Nowadays wax rollers are not trending, they were replaced by pretty plastic rollers, inside which there is wax. The principle remains the same - they need to be heated in the water, then quickly screwed on the hair. To remove the curlers are recommended only after complete cooling.

The main advantage of such curlers - a simple installation technology and very fast results. Termobigudi suitable for both short and long hair. That's just any excess heat causes some damage to our hair, and with regular use of these rollers can burn your tresses. In addition, to get them out of hot water and turn the red-hot plastic cylinders on the hair - not a pleasant one. You may well burn your fingers, and the lugs can get if they are in close contact with another still hot from previous curlers.


Elektrobigudi appeared immediately as soon as it was invented Electricity. It is really convenient: no messing around with pots and woks, no hot water - stuck the cord into the outlet - and you're done! Now on sale there is a huge selection of elektrobigudi absolutely any size. Having set elektrobigudi in your home, you can simulate a hairstyle to your liking: upper strands screwed onto large rollers to give extra volume, smaller - the remaining hair to create curly curls.

The main disadvantage elektrobigudi the same as that of the heated rollers: damage to the hair by heat treatment. Hot rollers can damage the structure of the hair, causing breakage and the section on tips. To avoid these troubles, it is necessary to use special hair spray for thermal protection that minimize the damage done by your strands during installation.

Another little secret for those who like to use thermal and elektrobigudi - do not do styling on wet hair. Hot Curler "take away" all the moisture of your hair, not only outside but inside. Water evaporates in the hair shaft, resulting in hair appear "air bubbles". For this reason, the hair becomes brittle, split and very dry. So wait until your locks dry, and only then proceed with the installation using the electricity and heated rollers.


These rollers are very comfortable that the technology they use is simple and does not take much time. Suffice it to wind slightly damp hair for such velcro, walk around the house a few hours - and, voila, your hair is ready! Some particularly persistent women manage to sleep in these rollers, not wanting to waste precious time on the morning styling and modeling hairstyles. These ladies can only envy: not every woman is able to sleep on the hard hats until the morning and feel at the same time get enough sleep and cheerful!

Of course, curlers sticky and easy to use and versatile: they are suitable for curling the ends, for a full installation for short and long hair. With good fixing means they can put the hair is almost as fast as using heated rollers. However, there has not been without a spoon of tar. The fact that these Velcro just tear your hair, leaving a significant portion of their sticky straight walls of the cylinders. If you use Velcro rollers too frequently, about strong, smooth curls can forget: split hair will become dull and colorless. Though using them and can achieve quick results, but the use of Velcro on an ongoing basis, we do not advise you.

 Technology hair in curlers

Technology of styling hair using curlers

Deciding to make the styling using curlers, you should remember a few rules:

  • To create volume at the roots of hair, it is necessary to use large curlers the same size. It is necessary to raise the strands from the top of the forehead and tighten them horizontally.
  • If you use conventional curlers (not heat and not elekro-), then cheat their stands on slightly damp hair. So your hair will last much longer and more resilient curls are obtained.
  • If you use a curler with clips, try to fix them as closely as possible to the walls of cylinders, or the clip may soon break, and have to re-do styling.
  • The thicker your hair, the more fine strands should be screwed to the curlers. With fine comb to separate strands of curls and use a light styling spray.
  • Twist hair in curlers, do not try to accelerate the process of laying podsushivaya hair hot hair dryer. So you will not only hurt the hair structure, but also fan the twisted strands, ruining the whole effect styling.
  • Do not overdo it with foam and gel for hair: the best - enemy of the good! For short hair enough foam volume of a walnut, for medium length - a hen's egg, and for long - with a little orange.

With curlers really can achieve stunningly beautiful hairstyles. All you need to do - to get the right curlers and often experiment with your way. It is not necessary to be a professional stylist to have beautiful, curly locks: a little effort and patience, and you will be able to conquer his hair all the friends and acquaintances.

 Styling on curlers: beautiful curls worry-free

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