Haircut hot scissors

You've heard of such a hairdressing services as a haircut hot scissors .  This procedure appeared in Egypt during the reign of Cleopatra .  While hot scissors hair cut very different from the modern services, since then still have no idea about electricity .  Slaves ruler then simply heated tool for cutting the fire, and then she did the barber haircut .  After many centuries of such a haircut recognized entrepreneur from Switzerland, who decided to revive this procedure in modern hairdressing .  Of course, hot scissors haircut in the form as it is now, during the reign of Cleopatra did not exist .  Now haircut operate special electronic devices .  Outwardly, they look like regular scissors, but the metal in them is sealed by plastic .  Tracks Thermal mini-computer, which determines the appropriate type of hair temperature and maintains it at the same level all the time of shearing .  There are two types of such devices: mobile and stationary .

In this article you will find out whether the beneficial hot scissors haircut or not, how to make this procedure as well as whether it helps get rid of some of the problems with the hair. All this, read on.

What is the essence of the haircut hot scissors?

Has Haircut hot scissors ratings million women, with largely positive reviews these. So what is the essence of this procedure? To understand this question, we must first consider the structure of the hair and the dependence on the state of health of the hair of their tips.
The structure of the hair - it's thick rod, its walls are covered with a variety of microscopic scales. If the hair is healthy, all scales very closely adjacent to each other, so the hair shine. But procedures such as hair washing soap, blow-drying, use ploek, curling hair straightening, hair dyes, mousses, gels, and so on, affect the structure of the hair is not the best way. The result of this negative impact on the hair lead to the fact that the scales on the hairs grow apart and hair can only be compared with the cleaning brush. Naturally, the shine is lost in this case, they become dull and sections.

Also very often have to deal with an issue like the split ends of hair when you grow hair long. And in order to restore the outer beauty of hair you have to shear off a large part of the hair, resulting in growing a hair delayed for a very long time.
Pruning shears conventional course also contributes to the improvement of the hair, but only the effect of a much shorter duration shearing. This is due to the fact that ordinary scissors left "open" section of the hair, resulting in hair scales are rapidly cleaved in the hair and a much stronger impact of negative factors. Result: the hair very quickly lose their healthy appearance.

So that gives you a haircut hot scissors? This procedure solves the problem of split ends for a long time, because at the time of hair cutting hot scissors at the tips of the hair flakes soldered, so the moisture and nutrients remain inside the hair. After this procedure several hair structure is completely restored and returned to the hair a healthy shine, elasticity and smoothness.

How do haircut hot scissors? Technically termostrizhka as follows. During normal haircut barber takes a strand of hair and cut off them, but during termostrizhki master takes most small strands, twisting them and then flagella flagella these ruffles. Vzeroshivanie This leads to the fact that the entire cross section of the hair ends are starting to stick, so they can be easily cut, that the barber does in this case.

In general, hot scissors haircut feedback is mostly positive . Women who have this procedure argue that the hair does not just look healthier, but also grow faster, and much longer hairstyle retains its shape. Therefore, use a haircut hot scissors, which is indisputable, it may be recommended to everyone.

Pros and cons of haircuts hot scissors

 Haircut hot scissors reviews

Haircut hot scissors is not only one of the newest treatments for hair, but also one of the most popular .  In addition, the cautious on Women "is harmful if a haircut hot scissors? "You can definitely say," No! "This treatment has a therapeutic effect on the hair, as we have told you above .  The therapeutic effect of shearing hot scissors becomes noticeable after the first such procedure .  But the peak of the effectiveness of the procedure is reached after 2-3 haircuts, which guarantees complete freedom from this unpleasant problems like split ends hair .  Further, after 4-5 cuts total hair increases considerably - by about two times .  This is due to the fact that the tips of the hair increased pressure, and the thickness of each hair becomes uniformly the same along the entire length .  And if a haircut hot scissors replace any conventional haircut, the hair will be less than the fall, will be stronger and thicker .

If you ask on the forums on the Internet about cutting the hair with hot scissors reviews women, of course, make you think, but is not it time you would have to adopt this procedure your beauty. Especially pay attention to a haircut people whose hair is not only posechennye, but in and of themselves are very fragile. Usually there are such fragile long hair. But for those with short hair, too, such a haircut does not hurt because the haircut hot scissors facilitates easier installation and long hair. Also, this procedure is useful for the treatment of hair immediately after a perm or dye as a haircut hot scissors favor such hair has undeniable: Dried cleaned chemistry and paint the tips of the hair.

Well, we figured out useful if a haircut hot scissors. But, as they say, every coin has a flip side. Haircut hot scissors cons not spared. The biggest drawback here is the complexity of this procedure - this hairstyle lasts more than two hours. And the longer the hair and their condition is worse - the longer it takes for a haircut.

Moreover, one can argue about the benefits of this procedure. Of course, hard to say whether the harmful hot haircut scissors, you can not. Here are all individually. In most cases, a haircut hot scissors has only positive results, but it also happens that after such a procedure, the hair on the contrary become more weakened and begin to fall over. That is, hot scissors haircut reviews are not very good. Some explain the weakening of hair like that breath hair done just through tips that shearing hot scissors, as it were "sealed," which impedes the flow of oxygen to the hair. But first and foremost this is negative only in those cases where a hot haircut does not sufficiently qualified.

So to determine if that helps haircut hot scissors to give your hair a healthy appearance or not, you can do only after they themselves will pass this procedure.

In addition, make no mistake that a haircut hot scissors will save you from the problem of split ends forever. Alas, it is not. Through this procedure, the hair just does not cut by much longer, but sooner or later it happens. Therefore, it is important to think about how to maintain healthy hair, in addition to termostrizhke.

What is needed for healthy hair, in addition to termostrizhke?

You know now that makes you a haircut hot scissors they become healthier .  To termostrizhki health effect lasted much longer, it is necessary not only to carry out this procedure on a regular basis, but also to follow some rules of hair care .  The need regular trimming the ends due to the fact that when it reaches a particular length of the protective layer begins to break down the ends .  In addition, it is not necessary to dry wet hair dryer - it's better to dry themselves .  If you use a hair dryer for some reason it becomes very necessary (for example, when going somewhere, and the time you do not have a lot), the temperature of the dryer should be set high, but not maximum .  Also causing heavy damage to hair contact with the hot metal - for example, curling or straightening hair curling .  In this case it is better to use the apparatus with a ceramic coating, a metal is not .  Well, it is important to avoid unnecessary stress, because stress is not only worsen the overall health, but also affect the condition of hair, nails and skin .
In addition, it is useful to drink vitamins and use the hair care products that are right for your hair type. Yes, and do not abuse alcohol and cigarettes, as these bad habits also contribute to the health and beauty of hair.

Well, here's our article about a hot haircut coming to its logical conclusion. Now that you know about all termostrizhke, including whether there is a haircut hot scissors cons. And to all this I want to add that the frequency of this procedure, especially individually. The whole point is not only in the art of mowing, when thanks to curl hair in flagella hair over their entire length rid of the section of hair, but also in the rate of hair growth. Therefore, someone visits a specialist termostrizhke every six months, but someone has to do it every 3-4 months. And often in this procedure need hair that is regularly subjected to chemical perms or coloring.

So, take care of their hair and a healthy shine and silkiness to attract not only the attention of men, but also will give you a magnificent view of their positive emotions. Be beautiful always and everywhere!

 Haircut hot scissors - and the use of ratings

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