options on the ladder long hair


  • Universal haircut?
  • Technology hairstyles
  • Application Method

For decades haircut ladder long hair - one of the most popular hairstyles. She loves the ladies solid age, and young girls all over the world. She won the women for its simplicity and elegance. The owner of this hairstyle is an excellent feel in the office at a business meeting, and at the ceremony. Ladder can have both a classic look, and quite extraordinary. In any performance, she will look luxurious.

Stylists use it to give your hair lightness and splendor. Its appearance may also vary depending on the installation options. Mowing ladder on long hair would be the best solution for owners of any type of person. It is very popular among the stars. This technique (grading) is also often used when creating other hairdressers haircuts.
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Universal haircut?

Although the ladder - it's pretty simple and versatile haircut, it is difficult to wear your hair with tight curls. In this case, you have to spend a lot of time and styling products, hair style to look decent. Besides, it will not do without straighteners, which are not always helpful. As a result, due to incorrectly chosen hairstyles can damage your hair afterwards. For this reason, stylists often recommend to owners of curls opt for another embodiment, hairstyles, taking care of their customers.

If you have long straight hair, this hairstyle - one of the best options for you. In this case, it will look perfect even with minimal effort. Owners of fine hair ladder will give volume.

This hairstyle looks dynamic and always relevant.

 ladders laying on the hair

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Technology hairstyles

Mowing ladder on long hair is one of the most democratic. It is quite simple and can be performed in several ways. In the classic version locks the person doing shorter than the lower, the cut is made on the control strands perpendicular to the head, resulting in a growing following each strand is obtained longer than the previous. The professionalism of the master is the ability to create as much as possible a smooth transition, in this case, the hair will look fashionable and elegant. With this hairstyle the perfect combination of various options bangs: asymmetrical, straight, thick, thinned. Ladder with bangs always looks more lively.

Mowing ladder for long hair will help correct some details of appearance. For example, it will approach owners of a round face. This hairstyle will make an oval face more visually elongate and allow to hide part of the face on the sides. The same effect would be the case with a square face. For a triangular face shape suitable ladder long bangs and parted - visually narrow the forehead, with a long face look great stranded strands.

 different versions of laying ladders
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Application Method

We ladder haircuts for long hair, there are many ways of styling. Choose an appropriate, you will create a unique stylish image. Consider the most popular options, which do not take much time and will create their own hair.

  1. Volume styling. To create this hairstyle you need hair, skin hair, a round hairbrush. Strands have to lift at the roots and apply to them the means for stacking. The tips of the strands while tighten up inwardly towards the face. With such a wide stacking holders will be able to face it visually lengthen. If you do not want to create a volume, but want to curl the hair ends inwards, use irons. Before using the ironing do not forget to apply Heat protective means to prevent damage to the hair.
  2. Styling curly hair. Owners of such hair, not wanting to spoil their ironing, you can leave the wavy strands, each of which highlight the wax. Laying quickly you can transform an evening hairstyle, using some sophisticated accessory, for example, a hairpin.
  3. The beam. If you want to remove hair, gather them in a ponytail or bun, let out a small section of a person (or more - symmetrically on the sides). This easy carelessness will make your image more soft and romantic.
  4. Playful styling. This installation will allow you to rejuvenate overnight for several years. Screw locks from her face and fix with varnish. This hairstyle will always look spectacular.

There is one very important point that should not be overlooked when choosing this hairstyle.   Hair with split ends spoils the appearance of the whole hairstyle.   Therefore, if the health of the hair is weakened for whatever reason, professionals recommend to pay special attention to the tips: reducing use masks, oils, doing haircut "hot scissors".

 Hairstyle, which fits all

 Onion mask for hair treatment


  • Mask with glycerine and castor oil
  • Onion mask with mayonnaise and aloe
  • Mask of onion, lemon and parsley
  • Onion mask broth of herbs
  • Oil Onion Mask

In ancient times the bow was a common remedy for baldness. Today Onion mask for hair loss, rich oil is also used to restore posechennyh tips, strength and growth.

Onion juice is recognized as modern experts one of the most effective ways to combat hair loss and dandruff .

Next, you'll learn, together with some additional components of the bow hair loss is the most effective.
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Mask with glycerine and castor oil

Onion juice in combination with castor oil and glycerol not only slows down the process of balding, but also heals and strengthens the hair, making it more manageable and silky. For therapeutic purposes, the mask of these ingredients recommended cycles: during the month, 2-3 masks a week. As a prophylactic agent can resort to this procedure 1-2 times in 2 weeks, depending on the status of your curls.

Preparation of glycerine-beaver mask of onions in the cellar. To do this:

  • Boil and mash small onion;
  • The resulting mass is mixed with a spoon of glycerin;
  • Add the beaten egg and 2-3 tbsp. spoon of castor oil;
  • All mix thoroughly;
  • put a mask (preferably pre-wet hair to blend better absorbed);
  • wear a swimming cap (or plastic bag), and then wrap your head warm scarf or towel;
  • 2 hours later the mask can be washed away with plenty of water, and then wash your hair with shampoo;
  • You may want to rinse your locks decoction of herbs, such as sage, calendula and chamomile (this procedure is necessary to make it a rule every dream of a beautiful healthy woman's hair).

 applying a mask on your hair

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Onion mask with mayonnaise and aloe

This tool is most suitable owners of fatty deprived of hair volume. Part of the little mustard mayonnaise dries hair, vegetable oil and egg yolks in combination with aloe juice do not allow them to retain moisture. To achieve maximum results, the mask is applied before each wash head. Number of treatments depends on the condition of the hair and the target.

To cook the onion with mayonnaise mask and aloe, you must:

  • grate small raw onion;
  • drain its juice through cheesecloth;
  • Mix a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise (preferably homemade) to obtain juice;
  • skip through cheesecloth (you can re-use the previous piece) aloe juice;
  • spoon strained onion juice diluted with a mask, mix;
  • Apply the composition to dry dirty hair;
  • wrap his head, as described in the recipe;
  • an hour later the mask can be washed away;
  • After washing the hair with shampoo is recommended to rinse hair decoction of parsley.

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Mask of onion, lemon and parsley

Bow, combined with lemon not only prevents hair loss but also, due to the unique properties of lemon juice, gives curls shine and silkiness. It is known that citrus juice has the ability to lighten hair. However, brown-haired brunettes and should not be afraid of masks with a lemon: in small quantities its juice is not able to lighten your locks, it will add a golden hue, so that the curls will sparkle beautifully in the sun.

To prepare the mask of lemon and onions should be:

  • mixer, whisk or fork beat egg;
  • Boil small onion, finely chop it and mix with the egg;
  • add to the resulting mass rounded tablespoon of strained natural lemon juice;
  • thoroughly mix the ingredients;
  • finely chopped parsley (one medium beam) and then potoloch it in a mortar, to let the green juice;
  • pour the parsley juice into the egg-onion mixture;
  • carefully mix until smooth;
  • Divide hair into strands and gently spread the mask over the entire length;
  • leave the mixture for an hour;
  • wash off the mask with water and shampoo.

It is advisable to use this remedy three times a week for a month. After completing the course you can do preventive lemon onion mask once a week. The result will please you: smooth hair is easy to comb, stop pushitsya and abundantly fall.

 result onion masks
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Onion mask broth of herbs

Special attention is given agent's bow broth of herbs. Similarly, another means used by our grandmothers. Here's the recipe of such an ancient mask:

  • raw onion, finely chopped;
  • separate the egg whites from the yolks and beat the yolk;
  • Pour a tablespoon of chamomile flowers with top cup of boiling water (250 ml);
  • let it brew broth for half an hour;
  • finally ostuzhennoy miss broth through cheesecloth;
  • chopped onion mixed with beaten egg yolk;
  • dilute the mixture with a spoon chamomile broth;
  • stir and add a little starch to the mixture become more dense and it was easier to apply;
  • the resulting mask to rub into the scalp;
  • a half hour wash your hair with plenty of water and wash with shampoo;
  • remaining chamomile extract, diluted with hot boiled water in a ratio of 1: 3, rinse clean curls.

The mask is applied 2-3 times a week for two months. Chamomile, in addition to the natural shine, gives the hair a reddish-golden color, which becomes more pronounced after prolonged use, so those who do not wish to have hair with ryzhinkoy recommended to replace chamomile sage, calendula, birch buds or bark of oak.
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Oil Onion Mask

Onion mask with fine oils strengthens hair, slowing down the process of hair loss. This is an excellent recreational vehicle both for the hair and scalp, through which the fight against hair loss turns into a pleasant procedure. Apply it should be in the evening, no more than once a week, for 1-2 months. The recipe is simple:

  • Boil and mash the flesh;
  • prepare a mixture of linseed, castor, olive, and burdock oil (a teaspoon of each);
  • Peel the cucumber and a large grate it on the very fine grater (or chop in a blender);
  • mix oil with onion and cucumber mush;
  • Apply the mask to dry hair;
  • to put on the head of the bag and carefully wrap an old towel;
  • leave at night;
  • morning wash your hair with shampoo.

Do not be afraid that after onion hair mask will have an unpleasant odor. To avoid it, you need to thoroughly wash the head after the mask, and then use the air conditioning.

 Onion mask in the fight against hair loss
