Habits in modern society, the attitude is ambiguous. On the one hand, any individual it is known that alcohol adversely affect all systems of the body. However, despite this, almost all adults who occasionally drink alcohol - some to a greater extent, some less. In the morning always be the price paid for a cheerful evening - hangover.
What is a hangover knows absolutely anyone who at least once in a lifetime became interested and abused one way or another alcoholic beverage. And among people there is an extremely widespread, but erroneous misconception - hangover does not happen in the case if you drink alcoholic beverages of high quality.
However, this is not so. Of course, high-quality alcoholic beverages bring the human body is much less harmful than shoddy. However, alcohol is present in qualitative alcohol. And it was the alcohol and causes hangover.
Types hangover
Doctors distinguish between two kinds of hangover. Of course, these types of syndromes in many of their features are very similar, but, nevertheless, they have a number of very significant differences. So:
Post intoxication syndrome
If a person post intoxication syndrome, this indicates that the day before he was largely abused alcohol. Typically, the syndrome begins about 6 - 8 hours after ingestion of alcoholic beverages. In humans, there are features such as severe headache, dizziness, an overwhelming sense of nausea, vomiting may occur as a single, and quite exhausting.
In addition, a person suffering from postintoksikatsionnogo syndrome may feel a strong sense of weakness, tremors in the hands and feet, he can appear perspiration and even increase the overall excessive sweating - so the human body toxins. This condition can last from several hours to several days. It depends on several factors: the amount of alcohol consumed, the quality of the alcoholic beverage, the individual characteristics of the organism.
Withdrawal symptoms
This kind of hangover is much worse than the post intoxication. And to distinguish them quite simple - when postintoksikatsionnom syndrome so called "opohmelku" (taking a low dose of alcohol drink in the morning), will only worsen the overall health and well-being. But with withdrawal syndrome after taking alcohol, on the contrary, well-being is greatly improved.
A lot of people find this feature, happy to have found a fairly simple way out and did get rid of the hangover in a similar way. But in fact, such "treatment" - a recipe for a terrible disease, like alcoholism. Therefore, in no case should not try to alleviate his condition in this way.
The emergence of withdrawal symptoms due to the fact that in the liver of a sick person begins to be produced in excess of certain enzymes needed to break down ethanol. And if the alcohol at this point is not received in the body of the sick person, his health is largely deteriorates.
In humans, symptoms such as headache, nausea, vomiting, weakness, poor emotional background - unfounded tearfulness, irritability or aggression. As the disease progresses even possible clouding reason and loss of control over their behavior. Gradually, disturbed sleep (insomnia), and a person's appetite, sometimes to the complete failure of the meal. Also, in severe cases, a variety of possible irregularities in the cardio - vascular system, especially high blood pressure, as well as the appearance of most of these hallucinations.
Receiving small doses of alcohol can bring rapid and significant relief to human health. Doctors - drug experts liken this condition to drug withdrawal. And it is one of the most striking evidence that a person develops a real alcoholism.
But alcoholism is a very serious disease. In - First, the alcoholic is highly variable normal metabolism. Because of this, the human body stops cope with the problem at the neutralization of toxic products that arise from the decay of ethanol. As a rule, even those enzymes which are still produced and begin to break down alcohol, activated only after a human body enters the next portion of the alcohol.
First aid for hangover
Despite the fact that the post hangover intoxication syndrome usually goes without outside interference, it gives a person a very large number of very unpleasant moments. And so you should try to help the body and alleviate the condition of the sick person. How can this be done?
One of the very important reasons that lead to the development of intoxication, is dehydration. Ethanol contributes to the fact that the cells of the body lose water. Together with trace water loss occurs, minerals and salts. And the sooner people will make up this loss, the faster will feel the improvement of health.
This, of course, the sick person should drink as much as possible. You can use alkaline mineral water, juices, fruit drinks. It is not necessary to give preference to soft drinks - they will not bring the desired effect. The best option that allows you to as soon as possible to help the body during dehydration - is receiving the drugs that are prescribed to people faced with poisoning - rehydron, smectite. These drugs are not only very quickly rid your body from dehydration, but also help him to bring those toxins that are formed due to the presence of ethyl alcohol in the body.
As corny though it may sound, but sleep in such cases - indeed the best medicine. If the sick person has the opportunity, in this day of all preferred to stay home and just try to sleep as long as possible. Often, this measure would greatly alleviate the condition of the sick person.
Health care
In the event that such a post intoxication syndrome manifests extremely difficult - the pressure is too high or, on the contrary, a low, a person does not stop vomiting, or he loses consciousness, you must immediately call the brigade "first aid". In addition, if a hangover faced teenager or elderly person seeking care is also necessary, because their bodies are far more vulnerable. In severe cases require hospitalization of the sick person in toxicological or even intensive care unit of the hospital, where he will be given intensive medical care.
When withdrawal syndrome as a person or his family people should seek help from a doctor - narcologist. And do not be afraid of the doctor - because only he can really have a professional help. And remember that the anonymity of a sick person in any case will not be broken.
Summarizing, we can bring a few key points? If you post intoxication syndrome, the return to a normal way of life is not so difficult. Plenty of fluids, a little rest, a hot shower and a multivitamin - and ready you back in shape! Take alcohol as a "pohmelki" not worth it - it's very quickly lead to the appearance of abstinence syndrome, and accordingly, and to the development of alcoholism.
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You on a thermometer "25 Again"? Again, the temperature is increased, but not too much - no more than 38 degrees, and it rests is not the first day? And the reason for this increase is not known to you? Most likely, you are faced with the phenomenon of low-grade fever. It is in this matter and try to find out in this article.
However, before we talk specifically about low-grade fever, you need to have an accurate idea of what conditions characterized by fever, distinguished in medicine. There are three states of doctors:
Hyperthermia (fever) associated with the presence of a human patient symptoms and signs of a zabolevaniya.Kak usually due to the fact that the symptoms of the disease is clearly expressed, the diagnosis of disease, and the appointment of the need for adequate treatment is not for doctors no difficulty. Once a disease caused by fever, retreats, hyperthermia disappear by itself.
Lihoradka.Vrachi called elevated body temperature fever of unknown origin. Under this condition a person has no symptoms of any other - any disease, in addition to high temperature. Fevers of unknown etiology (origin) body temperature greater than 38 and 5 degrees, and it is held for two weeks or even longer. Unfortunately, doctors do not always manage to identify with certainty the cause of the disease.
Low-grade temperatura.I Finally, low-grade fever. Low-grade fever known as a rise in temperature of the human body, in which a person has for a very long time - two weeks or more - the thermometer rises above 37 degrees, but not more than 38 and 3. As a rule, no other symptoms of the presence of a disease a person can not be detected.
A particular challenge in the diagnosis for doctors is the fact that there are no symptoms of certain diseases, and increased body temperature may be within the physiological norm.
The following will be discussed on the appropriate assessment and diagnostic methods subfebrile temperature, both in children and in adults. In order to understand the problem subfebrile temperature, it is necessary to know how to measure the temperature and to interpret it. At first glance, in the measurement of body temperature is no big deal. However, the person should check again - whether measured body temperature. In - First, the axilla, where the temperature is measured must be completely dry. If a sick person was sweating, you need to carefully remove the pot and allow the skin to dry out properly. Only then can you begin to measure the body temperature.
In addition, there is another problem, encased directly in the thermometer. Almost all people used to believe the testimony bezoglyadochno thermometer. However, if your thermometer you see figures showing that the body temperature is raised, and no unusual sensations for the body, such as a fever, you do not feel, try to start to change the thermometer. Peremerte other temperature thermometer, and it is desirable to have a fundamentally different design, for example, replace the mercury thermometer to the email, or vice versa. Sometimes this simple measure can save a lot of nerves, and the time spent on visits to the doctor.
What is the normal temperature?
It is also necessary to remember that the body temperature is not constant. The temperature varies in different directions, and this is perfectly normal. But due to the fact that not everyone knows about it, either. Even physiological (within one degree) abnormal upward regarded man as a rise in body temperature. However, this is not so.
It is widely believed that the normal human body temperature is equal to 36 and 6 degrees. However, it is not - as shown in many studies, and practical observations large number of doctors, the most common average body temperature is 37 degrees.
However, this figure may vary considerably, fluctuating in the range from 35 to 37, 5 degrees. These variations depend on several factors. For example, such as a physiological condition of the body of each individual, the level of physical activity, hormonal condition, the time of day. In addition, a significant role in the measurement of temperature plays a factor as the environment - humidity levels, the air temperature in the room.
Any healthy person are normal daily fluctuations in temperature of about half a degree. Typically, between four and six o'clock in the morning in a human is the lowest for every day the body temperature. This feature is clearly seen when the disease is accompanied by a significant rise in body temperature - even the highest temperature of the body is greatly reduced in the early morning. But in the interval 16 - 22 hours, the level of body temperature reaches its maximum.
Also, note that the woman fever possible because of the hormonal changes that are associated with the flow of the menstrual cycle. Typically, the highest temperature observed in women between 17 and 25 day menstrual cycle. Sometimes, numbers can reach 38 and 8 degrees.
In addition, very often to an increase in the body temperature result in factors such as a strong emotional stress, increased physical activity. Moreover, it is equally true in regard to the degree of both adults and children. For example, the body temperature can rise due to stress caused by problems in family life or work due to physical stress. In children, the fever can be caused by prolonged crying or too active physical games.
All of these variations are above the physiological norm, and would not require a ton of any medical intervention in the human body by the doctors.
The causes of the emergence of low grade fever
So, as we have seen, low grade fever, doctors called this state of the human body, in which the temperature of the body for a long time kept within 37, 5 - 38 degrees. In other words, the level body temperature more physiological norm but below the true fever.
Of course, low-grade fever does not occur out of the blue, out of nowhere. There are a number of diseases, which for a very long time are felt only the appearance of subfebrile temperature. However, sooner or later, these features certainly make themselves felt, and then the doctors will be much easier to correctly diagnose the disease, which was the root causes of subfebrile body temperature.
Doctors have identified two main groups of diseases, which might give rise to subfebrile temperature:
Inflammatory disease. And inflammatory diseases, in turn, are divided into infectious and non-infectious.
First disease, the presence of which the doctor must exclude a patient suffering from low grade fever for two weeks or more - is tuberculosis. Unfortunately, often tuberculosis may be asymptomatic, not manifesting itself no other symptoms except subfebrile temperature. The doctor, through a series of necessary researches, either confirm or refute the presence of a human patient of tuberculosis.
Chronic focal infection. For chronic focal research doctors include chronic inflammation localized in a particular organ. These include diseases such as chronic Andechs, tonsillitis, prostatitis and the like. For most people, these diseases occur without an increase in body temperature, but if the person is weakened immunity, may cause low grade fever.
Chronic infections. Some chronic diseases have an infectious nature of origin, for example, such as toxoplasmosis, Lyme disease, brucellosis, also often accompanied by the appearance of subfebrile temperature. By the way, often low-grade fever and body often is the only manifestation of such diseases.
Increased body temperature after infectious disease. Doctors There is such a definition, as the so-called "thermal tail." This phenomenon is as follows: a man who had endured some - any infectious disease can live with low grade fever, even after recovery. It can persist for a very long time - a few weeks, and sometimes months. In such cases, the treatment of subfebrile temperature is required. However, there need to be particularly careful not to mix up "temperature tail" with a relapse of the disease that requires immediate treatment.
No inflammatory diseases.
The appearance of subfebrile temperature may accompany some diseases that do not have the inflammatory nature of origin. Such diseases include endocrine and immune diseases, and diseases associated with malfunction of the circulatory system and diseases of the blood directly.
Systemic lupus erythematosus. When the disease systemic lupus (a chronic autoimmune disease), is a low-grade fever in the first few weeks, the only outward sign. After that, the person says the defeat of the internal organs and systems of human joints and skin.
Iron-deficiency anemia. What is iron deficiency anemia, you know, probably all - a reduced content of hemoglobin in the blood. Typically, if a person has a weakened immune system the disease can lead to subfebrile temperature.
Diagnosis of the causes of low-grade temperature
Due to the fact that low-grade fever can be caused by many different diseases, a - any particular diagnostic method is not, and can not be. Unfortunately, sometimes the survey does not give absolutely no results. In such cases, doctors are forced to diagnose primary hyperthermia.
In any case, in order to determine the cause of the disease, the person should see a doctor - the therapist. Doctor will prescribe the necessary number of studies - general and biochemical blood tests, urinalysis, ultrasound examination of all internal organs, blood test for hormones. And based on the results of the study doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment to the sick person.
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