hardening of the Child

Recently, a healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly - in popularity. In some cases, people choose a healthy lifestyle because it is now fashionable, in another case - because they really care about their health. But be that as it may, in any case, a healthy lifestyle - this is a really good choice and good alternative medicine and drugs.

And many people begin to live a healthy life with their entire families. However, if they are just starting, most likely, it will inevitably have a question for reflection - hardening of the child. And it supports not only the supporters of a healthy lifestyle, but also doctors - pediatricians.

However, the hardening of the child - a very delicate process. Wrong actions not only improve the health of the child, but, on the contrary, can lead to serious diseases. That is why, before you start hardening of the child, parents need to get ready for it by acquiring the necessary knowledge.

  Hardening kids

Very often, parents are asked about the age at which you can begin to carry out hardening of children. And doctors are responsible unequivocally - no age limit for the tempering procedure is simple - simply do not exist. Start hardening the baby can be almost any age - even from the very first day of the appearance of a baby into the world. In principle, this is the best option.

But, of course, young children need a gentle method of hardening. The first thing you need to start doing - is to allow the child to take air baths. To do this, leave the baby naked on a certain amount of time. Generally, this time should be about 10 minutes.

However, it is necessary to observe a number of different safety measures that help protect the baby from danger is simple:

  1. Air temperature. The air temperature in the room where the baby, in the first two weeks should not be below 22 -23 degrees. The air temperature must be reduced by one degree a day, gradually reducing to 18 degrees. Strictly follow, so that the room was fresh air, but no drafts - is necessary to ventilate the room for 15 minutes before the air baths.
  2. The timing of air baths. No less important is the fact that it is necessary to conduct such air baths. Doctors do not recommend highly to do so immediately after a pipsqueak woke up - he may not like very similar. But while awake such a procedure leads to the delight of nearly all children without exception.
  3. Accounting for the health of the child. It is very important to air baths, how to assess the state of health of the baby. If even the smallest detail of your guards, better abstain from conducting air baths up until the child's condition has stabilized. Examples of these cases include: fever, excessive moodiness and anxiety baby holding vaccinations before or on the day of the alleged air baths.

Also for the first year of life for successful hardening just need regular and sufficient long walks in the fresh air. Doctors recommend a walk with the child at least two times a day. The walk depends on the time of year and the air temperature. In the summer, the walk can last indefinitely, and in the winter, on the condition that the outside air temperature is not below -10 - about half an hour.

Very useful sleep in the open air - try to plan the walks so that they come at a time when the baby to sleep. Such a dream is very beneficial effect on the whole body, and in tempering plays a significant role.

Remember to always maintain a certain room temperature. Child's room should be aired at least four times a day at regular interval of time. And doctors recommend doing it through airing, as it provides good air circulation. Whatever the time of year a child during ventilation must be in the other room. But the child can sleep in the open window, and at any time of the year - the main thing that there was no draft.

Another great way of tempering the youngest men - a rubdown. Held it is very simple - after each swim. Take a clean towel, soak it in water, and wipe the body of the child. The first few days the water temperature should be 36 degrees, but every day the water temperature must be reduced by exactly one degree. The final temperature of the water should not be lower than 20 degrees.

Rubbing, like any other kind of hardening can be carried out only on the express condition that the crumb is perfectly healthy. At the slightest hint of discomfort baby all tempering procedures should be stopped immediately.

 hardening pre-school children

Children over one year

Hardening preschool children older than one year, it is easier - the number of procedures increased significantly. However, in this case should be guided by the main principle - do no harm. The following are the most basic ones:

  • Rubbing baby

Just like kids, older kids can wipe. However, they need to spend a little different. Towel or damp sponge soaked in cold water, carefully wipe the arms, legs, back, chest, neck. Then carefully rub the skin dry with a soft towel child, until a light red. Moreover, it is necessary to rub the skin toward the heart - like hardening of pre-school children gives visible results.

The water temperature in the beginning of hardening should be about body temperature - 36 degrees. Gradually, however, it is necessary to reduce - by degrees in the day, not more. As a result, the temperature must be reduced not lower than 18 for children up to the age of seven, and 15 degrees for school-age children.

  • Pouring child

After the child is fully adapted to the hardening, you can proceed to the next stage of hardening - perfusion. Pouring - a very effective measure to temper the child more successfully. But pouring also carries an increased risk for the health of the child, so you need to follow certain medical recommendations. Hardening of preschool children requires special care.

Pouring in any case can not be made in the case, if the child is cold - for example, if the room temperature is too low, or if the child has recently returned from a walk. In order to carry out drenching, the baby's skin should be hot. The most optimal time for refreshment - it is immediately after the bath. Pour over the child first with warm water, then - cool.

In no case do not water the baby out of the shower - for this purpose it is necessary to use a jug or cup. First drench the back of the child, then - chest and abdomen, and after - the legs. However, do not stretch this procedure for more than one minute - otherwise the child may be elementary simple.

In the case of pouring, as for wiping the water temperature must decrease very slowly - not more than one degree per week. At the beginning of pouring water temperature should be at least 35 degrees, and as a result - no more than 15 degrees. More ice water doused the child is also not worth it - otherwise it can become sick.

  • Cold and hot shower

ie less useful douches. It can be taken for children older than five years. However, this water treatment also requires a gradual and sequential approach. Keep this in mind and do not rush. In winter, the water temperature in a warm shower phase should be about 35 degrees, and in the cold phase - about 20. The duration of each phase should be about two minutes.

  • Gargling

A very good way of tempering the child is gargling with cool water. The principle of lowering the temperature of the standard - first temperature should be about 35 degrees, then it must be reduced by one degree each day until until it is equal to fifteen degrees.

As shown by numerous observations of parents and doctors - pediatricians, like tempering rinse several times increases the body's resistance to infections. Children who for a month or longer to caress the throat with cold water several times less of their peers suffer from sore throats, laryngitis and tracheitis. Yes, and colds too.

  • Pouring the child's legs

In that case, if the parents are afraid to spend a full drenching the child or the child is too painful for him, doctors offer a wonderful alternative - pouring down. For this you need a little bit - a basin and water. Put the child's feet in a basin, and just watered about one minute. At the beginning of the quenching water temperature should be 35 degrees, and at the end - no more than 10. After pouring carefully rub the child's feet, then put on his socks.

Air treatments

Tempering air is not less useful than the tempering water treatments. They are held on the same principle all air baths. Optimally to begin this kind of hardening in the spring, when the air temperature is at least 20 degrees. Choose a quiet place where there is no wind or direct sunlight. Undress the child to his underwear and let him play. At the beginning of the hardening duration of the procedure shall be equal to 15 minutes. Gradually, its duration should be increased, bringing up a half - two hours.

During this procedure, carefully monitor the child. If you notice that the child is cold - he complained about it, or he appeared goose - immediately put the child. Otherwise, the result will be the same - the child may get sick. It is not necessary to experiment in the body of your baby.

Even a casual walk in any case can not be ignored. Healthy child over the age of three years should be carried out on the street at least four hours a day. Doctors recommend a child for at least two walks, two hours each. And this is true only for the cold season - the only exception is the bitter cold in which the temperature falls below minus 15 degrees. In summer, the same time limit the walks is not necessary - even if the child is on the street for as long as possible.

If parents will comply with all the fundamental principles on which it is necessary to carry out hardening of children of preschool age, they probably quite quickly notice positive results. Health, well-being and mood of a child - is a good result!

 Hardening of children - contribute to the future!

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