Scarce was born recently, and according to all canons must spend most of their time in a sweet dream. However pipsqueak reason, contrary to the expectations of parents, occasionally bitter and inconsolable crying, Sucitu legs and groaning, and his face expressed a universal grief. Parents struggling to rectify the situation as soon as possible to calm the hot favorite crumbs. And for a moment it may seem that this is possible - the child calms down. But after a few minutes, and once again dealt a desperate cry. No pacifier or my mother's breasts do not help. And when parents are already on the verge of despair, the child suddenly falls asleep. A similar pattern is familiar to a huge number of parents whose kids have grown. But "half-baked" Mom and Dad are very scared.
But it is nothing like intestinal colic, symptoms of which are very specific. Unfortunately, in the first few months of life, even in perfectly healthy children intestinal colic is not an uncommon phenomenon. Intestinal colic at this age are a consequence of the functional digestive disorders. It is - absolutely normal phenomenon which occurs because of yet still insufficient number of digestive enzymes. Maturation of the digestive system is at the end of 3 - 4 months of age. And that's why being felt and other violations - bloating, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting.
At its core, intestinal colic babies - a spasmodic contraction of intestinal loops, which are triggered by excessive flatulence and difficult expectoration. There are several additional factors that may cause the occurrence of intestinal colic in infants:
Children's bodies are often unable to fully digest and absorb lactose, which is found in breast milk and in breast milk substitutes. This phenomenon is observed in more than half of all babies.
- The introduction of artificial milk formulas
Unfortunately, not always possible to keep mothers breastfeeding, and not always for reasons beyond their control. And the introduction of artificial milk formulas often provokes intestinal colic. So if you really had to introduce a mixture of pre-consult with your doctor about the brand power.
- General physiological immaturity of the child's body
Difficulty carminative, and their excessive formation, very often due to physiological immaturity. As a rule, it is typical for the crumbs that are too rushed to be born. Either when the baby is born with too little weight.
No matter how trivial it may seem, but in about half of all cases the cause of frequent intestinal colic baby is banal overeating. This is not surprising - because every mother wants crumb eat well and gain weight. And so sometimes we overdo it. It is important to closely monitor the size of portions crumbs. But note - this applies only to those children who receive an artificial mixture.
- Violation diet feeding woman
In no case can not be overlooked such an important moment as diet nursing mothers. If a woman is to eat forbidden foods, the probability of a child colic is increasing rapidly. Examples of these products include: coffee, cocoa, chocolate, cabbage, legumes, roasted, smoked and spicy dishes. For more information, please contact your pediatrician.
- Diseases of internal organs
In some cases - fairly rare - occurrence of intestinal colic indicates the presence of any disease of internal organs, or on hormonal disorders. That is why doctors insist on a mandatory inspection of such crumbs. The doctor will examine crumb, give the necessary advice, and if necessary send crumbs to specialists for further treatment.
Mom, it hurts !!!
Let us tell you more about the symptoms that would suggest the presence of a child is an intestinal colic. Although confused intestinal colic with something quite difficult to re-examine the symptoms will not be superfluous:
The kid starts suddenly and scream as the pain from a strong attack. Weeping is very specific - from the usual vagaries of discontent or baby's parents will distinguish it without any difficulty. Even if they do not have any experience behind him. Typically, crying lasts a sufficiently long time - up to 3-4 hours.
In between intestinal colic baby is sleeping peacefully. But during an attack of weeping, as mentioned above, it is practically impossible to calm the child. It is very typical for crying when intestinal colic and time - usually the baby starts crying in the evening or night. But, of course, and day attacks can also happen.
During a colic baby is a typical position of the body - is short leg to his stomach, periodically actively moves them, and then pressing.
- The expression kid little face
During an attack of colic the baby face is very tense, strongly reddens and his eyes screwed up. And similar expressions little face is maintained until the end of the attack.
Due to the fact that in the stomach of the child accumulates a large amount of gas, it feels solid and tight. Some parents jokingly compared it with a balloon.
IMPORTANT! Remember that any vomiting or diarrhea, much higher temperatures are not the symptoms of intestinal colic. And if your crumbs appeared at least one of the above symptoms, as soon as possible, show the child's doctor. If it happens in the evening or at night, do not wait until the morning - call the brigade "first aid" immediately.
That tummy does not hurt!
Of course, parents are very scared, watching episodes of the baby. This is not surprising - it is very hard to look at how your baby is crying. However, doctors say that if intestinal colic in infants are a reaction to food or a particular feature of the body of the child, they do not carry any serious threat to children's health.
But, of course, in any case, one can not ignore the crying child. And it is unlikely someone will, is not it? So let's try to understand what it can help reduce the risk of colic.
- Correctly select the teats and bottles
In case your kid gets an artificial mixture, pay special attention to the nipples and bottles. There is a special type of "protivokolikovyh 'teats and bottles. They can properly regulate the flow of the mixture flowing out, depending on the rate of suckling baby. This prevents a situation in which a child is choking and swallowing air. But this factor greatly increases the risk of colic.
It is very important as it passes feeding. Feeding should take place in the most relaxed environment, the child is not distracted.
- Position the baby after feeding
A good preventive measure is a specific body position after feeding. Doctors recommend that immediately after feeding about 10 minutes to keep the child in an upright position. And to do it is even if the child is asleep. It is unlikely that you will wake him up.
To tummies were not ill
But if you avoid the attack did not succeed, you can try several ways to alleviate the condition of the baby. All of these methods are completely safe for the baby, so you can use them without fear. But only if it is known that a child is suffering from an intestinal colic:
- Wear your baby in your arms
During an attack, if the temperature in the room allows, strip crumbs, take it on the handle and push the belly to your skin. Doctors say that the crumbs tactile contact with their parents at times facilitate his condition. Gases depart much faster, and less crying pipsqueak.
Another way to alleviate the condition of the child during an attack of colic is tummies massage and gymnastic exercises. Place the crumbs on the back, lubricate the thumbs baby oil and with slight pressure, start to massage it in a circle in a clockwise direction. After 2-3 minutes, press firmly to the legs of the baby stomach, bent at the knees. Such approaches should be at least 5. When all the manipulation, remember to be careful.
- Placing the baby on her stomach
In addition to massage and gymnastics for the prevention of intestinal colic, doctors recommend regular child lay on his stomach. However, in no case do not lay the baby on his stomach in the first half hour after feeding - otherwise possible regurgitation strong, and at times vomiting. And this is - obviously not our goal.
Very often parents experienced during attacks of intestinal colic in crumbs resort to a warm bath. Put the baby in warm water, at the same time stroking the crumbs on the tummy clockwise. However, too much abuse the water treatments are not worth it - a maximum of 20 minutes. Otherwise, a very high probability of nervous excitement remains.
There is one secret, proven for decades. Take flannel diaper, iron the iron and attach it to the tummy crumbs for a few minutes. Always be sure the diaper is not that was too hot. Very often, this maneuver helps to completely remove the attack. But once again draw your attention - this can be done only if the child is intestinal colic. In all other cases, the heat when abdominal pain is strictly contraindicated, and very dangerous.
It is very useful in this situation, a decoction of dill. Preparing it is very simple - put it in a thermos 5 grams of fennel seeds, fill it with 100 grams of boiling water. Infuse need at least three hours, after which by means of a gauze filter cloth. On the day of the crumb should drink about 100 grams of this infusion, pre-diluted children's drinking water. You can also use the children's teas with dill or fennel factory production.
Even our parents appreciate the charm of this invention of mankind, as the vapor tube. Tragically, in recent years to find them in the pharmacy heavier and heavier. But if you can not find ready-made tube, you can do it yourself. To do this, purchase a baby enema (№1) and cut her vault. Be sure to boil it before use. Lubricate the tip of petroleum jelly or sunflower oil boiled and carefully enter into the anus of about three centimeters.
During the procedure, it is desirable to press the baby's legs to his belly. The child must remain in that position for about 15 minutes. Very often, this procedure is carried out at the beginning of the attack, helping to stop it. Both parents and pipsqueak can sleep well all night.
There is a fairly large number of different drugs. However, do not repeat the mistakes of so many parents and buy at the drugstore first available medicine just because it helped the child knew, or was advertised. All medicines should choose the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of each individual child. That medicine that will help one child, would be ineffective for another.
With the birth of your baby, your new life in the role of parents is just beginning. And this life - very interesting, full of unexpected discoveries and positive feelings. But worries there will not be enough. And intestinal colic in infants - a drop in the sea. But if you have the necessary information, these difficulties do not scare you. You can easily help your crumbs. And after a little time you will remember to smile about these fears and anxieties of the first!