heartburn after eating


  • Call a doctor
  • General rules for the treatment of heartburn
  • Traditional methods of treatment of heartburn

Heartburn - a phenomenon familiar to a very large number of people. Almost everyone at least once in his life experienced this unpleasant sensation. And some people are forced to live with heartburn all his life. Of course, this unpleasant prospect. So people are looking for ways to get rid of this scourge.

Most people say that often begins heartburn after meals. A tasty lunch or a hearty dinner - and you're done! Heartburn makes itself felt. And many people are faced with heartburn after eating, it is believed that it is perfectly normal. However, it is not, be sure to treat heartburn.

For a start, it should be clearly understood from what is heartburn. After all, not knowing the cause of heartburn, get rid of it very difficult. So, what causes heartburn are the most common?

  • Reflux

Reflux - is one of the most common causes of heartburn. When gastroesophageal reflux occurs cast of the stomach contents into the esophagus. But in the gastric juice contains a large amount of hydrochloric acid, which has a strong irritant effect on the mucous membrane of the esophagus. As a result, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed very quickly and there is heartburn.

  • Gastrointestinal disease

In some cases, heartburn can be a symptom of a disease of the digestive system. Most often, these diseases are acute and chronic forms of gastritis, duodenitis, biliary disease, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Typically, heartburn indicative of diseases of the digestive tract, and is joined by pain.

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Pay attention! In some cases a burning sensation in the chest may be indicative of diseases of the cardiovascular system, but not the digestive tract. Such burning may occur with hypertension and angina. To identify such is not difficult - just take validol and watch the reaction of the organism. If the burning sensation will pass as soon as possible consult a cardiologist.

  • The diet of the sick person

Heartburn in some cases can also occur in completely healthy people. And the reason for this heartburn is a poor diet. More often than not provoke attacks of heartburn foods such as meats, sausages, spicy, fatty and fried foods, sweets, sour fruit, black bread and yogurt, carbonated and alcoholic beverages.

  • Heavy lifting

Very often, people suffer from heartburn, whose work involves heavy lifting. The reason is simple - when lifting weights abdominal pressure increases dramatically, so that there is a throw of the stomach contents into the esophagus.

 constant heartburn after eating

Call a doctor

The first thing to do when a heartburn - is to seek help from the doctor-gastroenterologist. But before I go to the clinic, carefully analyze its condition. Pay attention when you get heartburn. Immediately after a meal or after a certain time? And, perhaps, on an empty stomach? If heartburn occurs after a meal, make sure what foods you eat - fatty, fried foods? Sweets, smoked?

Perhaps there is a heartburn after exercise or at a certain position of the body? Be sure to make sure that it helps you to get rid of heartburn - any medicines, folk remedies or certain foods. All this information will be very helpful to your doctor, since the diagnosis will help speed up the cause of the occurrence of heartburn.

The doctor will prescribe the necessary examination of the gastrointestinal tract - X-ray and ultrasound, endoscopy, determine the level of acidity of gastric juice. And only after that the doctor will choose the appropriate treatment to help get rid of heartburn.

General rules for the treatment of heartburn

No one, even the most effective treatment for heartburn is not very effective if the patient is a person fails to comply with a number of simple but very important rules:

  • Diet

The first thing to do - is to streamline its supply schedule. In that case, if you eat irregularly, focusing on the evening, heartburn will return again and again. So try to make your food was a fraction - Eat small meals but often. The optimal interval between meals - 2, 5 - 3 hours.

In no event do not go immediately after a meal - at least 15 minutes after eating go do something useful, for example, wash the dishes. The benefits will triple and cleanliness in the house, and heartburn does not appear, and the extra weight will not be annoyed. By the way, the golden rule, do not eat after 18.00, not only protects you from the extra padding, but also on the development of heartburn. And you need to sleep with the raised headboard - roll roll a blanket and put it under the mattress.

  • Carte

Review your menu - to exclude from your diet savory products, spices, smoked, fatty and fried foods, spices, herbs and all the sauces, sour vegetables, sweet - especially chocolate and cocoa, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, coffee.

  • Preventing constipation

Carefully follow the work of his intestine - do not constipation. Practice shows that in most cases people suffering from heartburn, do not know firsthand that such constipation.

 nasty heartburn after eating

Traditional methods of treatment of heartburn

Of course, if the heartburn is caused by various diseases, the doctor is required to prescribe appropriate treatment. But what about in the case of heartburn is a specific feature of the body? For many heartburn medicines sold over the counter to help heartburn only for a while, and it is very short.

That is why you should pay your attention to recipes of traditional medicine, with which you can get rid of heartburn, if not forever, then for a very long time. All of these recipes are practically safe. The only thing you should pay particular attention to - is on the components of a recipe. Make sure to have the sick person was not an allergic reaction to a particular component.

  • Normal chalk

Very simple and very effective way to treat heartburn - is the most common chalk. Rub it on a small grater, for 10 minutes, calcined in a skillet. After this cool chalk, using a chop and pour the coffee grinder in a glass bowl. The resulting powder should be taken before each meal, one tablespoon. The duration of treatment - 14 days.

  • The solution of honey

Med very effectively relieves inflammation of the mucosa as stomach and esophagus. In addition, it effectively normalizes the level of acidity of gastric juice, which is also important. The most effective solution of honey - it is much faster absorbed into the gastric mucosa without irritating it.

Dissolve half a cup of warm boiled water one teaspoon of any honey, immediately drink in one gulp. Honey should be taken twice a day - morning and evening, 20 minutes before eating. The duration of treatment - not less than 21 days. Heartburn depart much sooner, but you can not stop the intake of honey.

  • Herbal

To prepare the broth you will need the next half a teaspoon of herbs such as pharmacy chamomile, St. John's wort, plantain leaves. Place the herbs into an enamel container, pour half a liter of water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for about 3 minutes. Then the broth cool, strain it with gauze cloth and pour into a glass container, which must be stored exclusively in the refrigerator no more than a week.

A person suffering from heartburn should drink a third cup of the resulting broth, before each meal. Facilitating people feel after a few days, but the treatment should not be interrupted. It should last at least 2 weeks.

  • Anti-inflammatory collection

In the event that the background appears on heartburn gastritis, it is recommended to use the following herbal infusion. You will need one tablespoon of yarrow herb St. John's wort and. Place the herb in a thermos, pour one liter of boiling water, cover and leave to infuse for one day. Then strain the broth using a gauze cloth and pour into a glass container. Keep the broth can be no longer than five days.

Every morning, on an empty stomach, the sick person should drink half a glass of the infusion. Before each meal - two tablespoons third cup before going to bed. The duration of treatment - not less than 14 days.

  • The juice of raw potato

The juice of raw potato is excellent not only helps with heartburn, but also in gastritis and even ulcer disease. Treatment is very simple - the sick person should be 4 times a day to take on a third cup of fresh juice. It is best to do it for 20 minutes before a meal. Do not cook the juice in advance - it loses its medicinal properties just 5-10 minutes.

Heartburn will disappear literally the second or third day, but the treatment should not be stopped, otherwise the problem will come back very quickly. The first two weeks of potato juice should be 4 times a day, and the next two weeks - in the morning and evening before bedtime. After that, be sure to make at least a week break and repeat the treatment.

  • Eggshell

Another very effective remedy for heartburn - the usual eggshell white. You will need 30 shell eggs. Thoroughly rinse the calcined for 5 minutes in the oven, using a grinder to grind a powder. Keep out of the shell must be in a sealed glass container, avoiding direct sunlight.

The process of treatment depends on the acidity of gastric juice. If the pH level is high or normal, dissolve in a glass of water half a teaspoon of powder of eggshell, drink in one gulp. Best of all it is necessary to do in the morning on an empty stomach. Do not eat for 10 minutes.

But if the level of reduced gastric acidity in the solution you need to add a third of a teaspoon of lemon juice. And to make such a solution should be twice a day - morning and evening. The duration of treatment, and in that, and in another case - 21 days.

  • Bow with sugar

On a fine grater grate one small head of onions, mix it with sugar in a ratio of 1 to 1. In a water bath to a boil, stirring constantly. Pour the mixture into a glass bowl, place in the refrigerator. Take mixture should be one teaspoon before each meal. Duration of treatment - 14 days.

  • Buckwheat flour

In a hot saute pan 500 grams of buckwheat - it should be dark brown in color. With coffee grinder to grind the rump state of flour, sift and put in a tightly sealable glass container. 5 minutes before each meal, take on the fourth of a teaspoon - at least 5 times a day. The duration of treatment - 30 days.

  • Walnuts and Honey

This mixture is a truly universal - restores immunity, treats and prevents beriberi, treats heartburn and peptic ulcer disease, and also eliminates heartburn. This mixture is prepared as follows: 15 bit kernel chop walnuts, place in a glass bowl and add one hundred grams of any of honey. Mix well, cover the glass container and place in refrigerator to infuse for 3 days.

In the case of heartburn occurs against a background of gastritis or peptic ulcer disease, in honey-nut mixture should add three tablespoons of fresh juice of aloe. For this purpose, the plant is not necessary under the age of five. And in fact, in another case, the same treatment regimen: a sick person should take one teaspoon of the mixture before each meal. The duration of treatment - 21 days.

As a rule, most of the above recipes are very effective and heartburn disappear fairly quickly. However, if the constant heartburn persists, it is not necessary to continue independent struggle with this scourge. Perhaps it is a warning signal that the body has serious problems. Therefore it is necessary to re-apply to the doctor. Be healthy!!!

 Heartburn after eating. Norm or Pathology?

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