For more than 8000 years, is known the world henna. Even Cleopatra used this unusual plant for the treatment and cosmetic purposes, but today, this product does not lose its popularity. Henna is used for dyeing hair, in pure form or in admixture with other dyes. It perfectly fills the gray hair, strengthens the hair and makes them shiny, giving a beautiful, rich red color. Also popular were and remain Henna.
In the East, the tradition of painting on the body, there are about 5 thousand years. Women of Ancient Egypt did tattoos on certain parts of the face and chin, and the men loaded the image hoopoe on whiskey.
And the inhabitants of the countries of Central Asia has long been used henna to apply the drawings on the body. These figures are called mehndi, and they are often religious motives and were associated with rituals, traditions and customs. At the wedding the bride painted with intricate patterns using henna as a powder that remained after application, buried in the ground. Thus, belief in marriage was protected by an adulterer and a quick break. A Moroccan woman during pregnancy applied henna patterns on the ankle to the unborn child is not jinxed.
Each of the peoples in their own way tried to change the color of a "tattoo". For example, Indian henna powder was added to a solution of tea and African women previously fumigated the place of drawing the smoke of wood.
In the East, even now there are special beauty salons, which until late work of the artist-risovalschitsy creating unsurpassed masterpieces on the bodies of their clients, although lately it's just a fashion trend. However, these artists can be found in Russia, now it is not difficult.
The cost of such a tattoo is quite different. It all depends on the level of skill of the artist, the size of the figure, the complexity of the pattern, and even paint and color. The simplest pattern on the palm-sized "glove" usually costs 400-600 rubles, more complex patterns can cost from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles.
An important role in the cost of the work is the quality of paints and additives (if you decide to change the color of the drawing), and a method of applying henna.
Select a picture for the application is not difficult. Virtually any good craftsman can offer you the sketches or make a preliminary sketch. Besides the Internet, there are many different pictures and photo Henna, so pick out something to taste not be easy.
How do henna at home?
First you need to prepare everything for drawing henna on the body. You will need:
- Capacity for mixing henna;
- Spoon or stick;
- Syringe;
- Scissors;
- Film;
- Henna;
- Lemon juice;
- Eucalyptus oil;
Pour hot (not boiling) water, henna powder and add a few drops of lemon juice. Bring to a single lot of consistency and give a little stand.
While the mixture is brewed, the treated area, which will be done drawing, oil of eucalyptus. It would be nice to make this section of peeling skin with soft tools that will not scratch the skin too hard, but well otshelushat upper stratum corneum. This will increase the intensity of the color of the tattoo, and the future will reveal the pores of the skin. The fact that eucalyptus oil helps to slow down the drying henna, which means that the paint last longer on the skin and penetrates deeper. But do not use more than 3 drops of oil, so as not to cause irritation. When sensitive skin is better to pre-test for the presence of an allergic reaction in the crook of the elbow. It's enough to put a few drops on the skin and leave for the night. If redness, it is not necessary to use oil.
On the tape, felt-tip pen to draw the desired pattern and apply it to the skin, to design is printed. Enter ink into the syringe and gently circle henna resulting sketch. Optimally repeat this procedure with 2-fold difference in 1 hour to the color of the tattoo was deeper.
After the pattern is ready, it is necessary to dry. Ideally, drying should take at least 1 hour. If drying is less time tattoo, the pattern is very pale and quickly descend.
Dry drawing warm, to give more brightness mehndi can be periodically wet paint lemon juice with sugar (1: 2). Just do not overdo it, otherwise you risk to grease pattern.
If you decide to make a henna patterns at home on a fairly large area of the body will need additional measures.
Boil half a liter of water, add the 2 tsp black tea or organic coffee (ground), and cook the mixture on low heat for an hour. Strain the infusion.
While the tea leaves brewed, you can prepare for the procedure henna. Note that it is necessary for drawing henna, which is designed for painting the body. It is made of the upper leaves of bushes, which have a high coloring properties.
40-50 g of the powder pass through a sieve. The resulting dust gradually pour hot broth, ensuring consistency of the icing sugar. The main thing that the mixture was too liquid, otherwise the pattern will not turn out. Ready paint is to cool and infuse for 2-3 hours.
To get a more vivid pattern, try to add to the paste a couple of drops of lemon juice or lime.
Figure is best applied with a colorful pen and tracing paper. To put the pattern on the skin, you will need a solid deodorant (preferably male). Apply it to the entire surface of the skin, apply a rubber stamp with a picture and a sketch, faded gently, that he was transferred to the body. Then, the planned lines complete your henna via syringe package.
- How to make the syringe package for figures?
Make it is not difficult. It would take an ordinary bag, quite strong and dense. Cut a rectangle of 16h20 cm, do it from a bag and seal the joints with duct tape (acute angle, too). In the resulting gun lay henna paste, filling in 23 volume. Wrap the edges of the package that the paint does not leak and secure it with duct tape. In the acute angle needle make a small hole to paint quite easily squeezed out.
Choosing a place for henna tattoos
Often there seems to be a strange question, but where better to put henna? The easiest way to do mehndi on palms. It's convenient, the color is saturated, and the paint lasts longer. Looks nice pattern on the back of the hand and upper arm. And it fits perfectly into a simple pattern on the wrists and ankles. But to make such a tattoo on his chest or neck is not necessary.
Keeps a pattern depending on the quality of the paint from 1 to 3 weeks, and needs to be adjusted. All depends on the location of application of the pattern, for example, hands are often in contact with water and eluted paint.
Be of good cheer, maybe you do not succeed on the first try as good as we would like, but a little bit of training and skill, and your images will attract looks and charming beauty of the pattern!