Tea Hibiscus tea can be called conditionally, since it is not made from the leaves of the tea bush, and from the hibiscus flower clusters, or Sudanese rose. According to its botanical status of this plant belongs to the family Malvaceae, cultivated in many African and Asian countries - it is Egypt, Sudan, China, India, Ceylon, Java, Sri Lanka, Thailand. In Egypt, the hibiscus is considered the national drink - and here it is drunk hot or cold. Hibiscus tea is perfectly quenches thirst in hot climates and is very useful for our body. Actually, the use of hibiscus tea - the theme of this article.
The benefits of hibiscus tea
Hibiscus tea contains vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, legkousvaivamye carbohydrates and polysaccharides including pectin. This composition helps cleanse the body, removing toxins and even heavy metal salts.
In those countries where they grow Sudanese rose, hibiscus tea is used in folk medicine as a means to regulate blood pressure. It is believed that the hot tea increases pressure, and cold drops. Some experts have expressed an alternative view - Hibiscus tea it regulates (a key word) blood pressure.
Anthocyanins contained in the drink (thanks to them that tea has a rich red color) strengthen vessels .. That is why the hibiscus is recommended for varicose veins and other vascular diseases. Linoleic acid, which is in the inflorescences, normalize lipid composition and reduces the level of so-called bad cholesterol, which causes irreparable harm to our vessels. Hibiscus tea is ideal for people who have had a stroke or heart attack.
The benefits of the beverage is also due to the action it contains flavonoids, which help cleanse the body of metabolic products. Due to their increased production of bile, protects the liver, improves metabolism. Furthermore, hibiscus tea deadly effect on some mikrooganizmy is used as anthelmintic agents is beneficial at elevated temperature. It is recommended to apply at tonsillitis, angina, since tea has a pronounced anti-inflammatory action.
The beautiful half of humanity will surely appreciate this quality and hibiscus as its ability to affect the weight loss due to the diuretic effect and improve metabolism.
Benefits Hibiscus tea is not limited to the above properties. Unlike many beverage having a sour taste, it has in its composition of oxalic acid, which is harmful for people with gastrointestinal disease, kidney disease, as well as those suffering from gout.
Summing up, we can say that the tea hibiscus can recommend almost everything as a multivitamin drink, having in its composition to the mineral substances necessary for human body proportions. And further. It is not necessary to throw an inflorescence after welding, it can be easy to chew, add to salads, as they contain useful proteins and amino acids, including irreplaceable.
Can bring tea Hibiscus harm? Contraindications to the hibiscus tea for healthy people do not. Of course, if you take it in reasonable quantities. Abuse useful drink even cause injury. Hibiscus is not recommended for people with gastritis and peptic ulcer.
How to prepare tea Hibiscus
There are several ways of preparing the drink. Knowing them, you will not harm their health.
Experts, for which the Hibiscus tea is the national drink, consider that before brewing Sudanese rose petals need to soak for several hours in cold water. In this there is a reason, because this way we do not just prepare materials for brewing, but also his great wash out.
Another important rule is brewing, only glass or porcelain dishes. Tea brewed in a metal vessel, firstly, can be harmful, and secondly, loses flavor.
Soaked blossoms pour boiling water and infuse for 5 minutes.
Soaked inflorescences place in an ovenproof glass or porcelain bowl, pour boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Do not overdo, otherwise the tea will lose, and the bright, rich color and many useful qualities.
To prepare a cold beverage brewed tea Hibiscus any of the above methods, it is cooled and is supplied with the ice. If desired, the tea can add a small amount of sugar to make it taste softer.
Drink from the Sudanese roses will only benefit, not harm, if you stick to the simple rules of cooking, which we have introduced.
We recommend that read: Black tea: benefit or harm?
What to do if you are concerned about the wisdom tooth?
"You can not remove is not removed" - where to put the comma?
What are the consequences of the removal of wisdom teeth?
The healing process
It is believed that the wisdom tooth in adults. By and large, the way it is. However, the shape of these teeth start in childhood. But the peculiarity of the third molars (as dentists call them) is that they have no predecessors - the milk teeth, which are prepared in advance to the stage for the eruption. If these teeth were cut, like everyone else, the problems probably would not exist.
While kids also suffer when their teething. The child is suffering, because he can not understand why it is so painful. How many sleepless nights have to hold my mother had the baby cot! He cries because he is sick, he had a fever, he feels bad ...
However, we are not so much about children, but about adults. It also happens that the wisdom tooth is growing as a normal tooth without disturbing his "master", and at one point erupt through the gums may be suspended. Then the tooth is, figuratively speaking, again coming out of hibernation, ie a wisdom tooth is cut and sore. Man hurt there, sometimes hurts to open my mouth. Very often, when the tooth is cut, there are symptoms such as swelling, fever.
Why is this happening? There are several points of view on this issue. According to some scholars, hindered growth and incorrect position of the wisdom teeth are connected with the fact that modern people, unlike their ancestors, jaw slightly decreased in size. In other words, the number of teeth remains the same, and dental arch upper and lower jaw became smaller.
And because wisdom teeth are the last cut, it is easy to stand in his place, they can only if there is space. If the picture is different, they begin to mutate: can be cut at an angle, press on the adjacent teeth, thereby destroying them, remain under the gum or even under the jawbone. How many times had to cut the gum dentists to make the ill-fated tooth.
What to do if you are concerned about the wisdom tooth?
As mentioned above, the eruption of wisdom teeth is sometimes accompanied by local inflammation and pain. In principle, it is logical. If everything is developing normally and is not particularly hard, not the temperature rises, it is possible to dispense painkillers and mouthwashes warm soda-salt solution.
But what about when the situation has worsened? After all, if the teeth are cut and can not get out into the wild, then the gum above the tooth may be facing much inflamed, resulting in fever, a sick man, even just open your mouth. Moreover, such a condition is dangerous inflammation of the surrounding tissue, up to the bone, and this is a very serious threat to health.
What to do if you do not just hurt where it should be cut tooth and jaw pain have all tortured and temperature? Of course, you should consult your dentist. In general, it is best to do this even when the process has not gone so far.
"You can not remove is not removed" - where to put the comma?
These notorious third molars, are the last cut, even if they were able to more or less seamlessly to get out of the gums, usually with time still starting to be uncomfortable.
They were difficult to care due to its specific location. What problems arise even with the usual hygienic cleaning teeth. And when a certain time passes, the third molars and teeth that are close to them, to form plaque, the bacteria begin to multiply and then caries develops. Dentists in this situation is extremely difficult to seal the cavities in the teeth of wisdom, as the approach to them is difficult.
There are problems, and in those cases when the tooth is not completely cut through - some of it remained under the gumline. When a kind of "pocket" between the tooth and the gums begin to collect food debris surrounding tissues become infected and inflamed, it hurts to chew on, there is swelling, odor, may have a fever.
The question arises: what to do when a situation is almost out of control? Options little, and often the tooth has to be removed. Otherwise, you may suffer the adjacent healthy teeth. It is hardly worth such a risk in order to save the wisdom teeth that do not play a determining role.
Most dentists believe that in some cases the only correct way out - deletion. Moreover, if there are problems, it is best to get rid of wisdom teeth as early as possible. The point is not so much to get rid of human suffering (although this is important), but in the possible development of complications. So, after 35 years the risk of complications increases significantly. But in patients older than 50 years are often the wisdom tooth grows in alveolar wall wells, whereby extraction is complicated by elevated traumatic.
Of course, a competent dentist decides on the removal only if it was conducted serious inspection of the mouth, made X-ray. Sometimes you have to do a CT scan to determine the localization of the mandibular neurovascular bundle. This approach allows us to minimize the risk of possible complications.
What are the consequences of the removal of wisdom teeth?
It should be noted that with the right approach to the removal of third molars, everything is exactly as in removing any of the tooth hurts, there is swelling, it may even have a fever. But all of these unpleasant symptoms pass quickly, if there are no complications.
One of the most common complications is the so-called syndrome of "dry" wells. In other words, it is the absence of a blood clot. This is a very important process, since it protects the wound clot infection and helps heal. Otherwise, the wound is inflamed, the temperature rises, and the healing process difficult. Sometimes this is the fault of the patient who is too carefully rinses the mouth. This should be done necessarily, but without fanaticism.
Much more trouble if there are more serious complications: the mandibular nerve damage leading to numbness of the mouth; bleeding that lasts more than a day; injury to adjacent teeth, etc.
The healing process
Patients often ask how long it takes to restore the normal state of the oral cavity. If all goes well, the recovery period will take a few days. In order to relieve the condition and to remove unpleasant symptoms, the doctor prescribes painkillers, and when the need arises, and the antibiotics. Sometimes the temperature rises, but as a rule, it quickly returns to normal.
In this period is to reduce the exercise, follow the diet - is a soft food ,. On the second day after the removal of commonly prescribed rinsing (this may be a saline solution or some special means of those that are sold in pharmacies. If you smoke, then the first day, try not to do that. Oral Care is the same as always just when brushing your teeth, try not to injure the well.
If you're concerned about pain in the area of the wisdom tooth, it hurts when you press on the other side of the jaw, where it is located, there is swelling and increased temperature, it is likely that there is a molar eruption.
Wisdom teeth can not be deleted in cases where they take the correct position, no distortions and are completely healthy.
Wisdom teeth should be preserved even when the caries lesion, if it is possible to fully treat them. Very often, this approach to the teeth difficult.
Wisdom teeth sometimes play an important role in prosthetics - they perform a specific function support.
In order to keep your teeth in good condition, you should visit the dentist regularly, monitor the condition of the oral cavity, and time to eliminate problems.