Environmental degradation, poor diet, lifestyle - all this only weakens our immune system, making it vulnerable to many diseases. Very often we do not even guess about existing illnesses.
And it happens because many diseases, in particular sexual infections are characterized hidden. Latent infections are dangerous because they are asymptomatic.
We are used to treat a disease only when we know about it. But too often we forget that sometimes should be checked by a gynecologist for tests, which exclude certain diseases.
The hidden sexual infections can be very different. So what are the kinds of latent infections there?
The group of these diseases include: ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, herpes simplex virus, human papilloma virus, bacterial vaginosis, cytomegalovirus, and others. More and more cases of disease were observed HPV infection.
As a rule, all of the sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Treatment should be performed once for the two partners, otherwise it will simply be ineffective. The question is why these diseases are considered to be hidden? And all because of all these infections may be a long time did not manifest itself, and only when the immune system is significantly reduced ill, the first symptoms of the disease. The worst thing is that these latent sexual infections can harm the human body, even if not manifest itself. And the damage can be irreparable. These infections are considered one of the most acute problems in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, urology and Perinatology.
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What is the hidden danger of infection?
After one of these infection enters the body, it begins to spread upward path. Thus, there are several types of infections. The first type includes those that result affected the cervix and vagina in women and the sexual and the urethra in men. It is at this stage is very common in women formed mucosal erosion of the cervix. Erosion is known, it is the ideal breeding ground for a variety of bacteria and viruses.
The second type is necessary to carry infection that affects the uterus and appendages of the uterus in women, sometimes possible urinary tract infection. Such manifestations are characteristic for ureaplasma infections. Men tend to defeat subjected prostate, and in rare cases, and kidney.
The third type of infection involves the defeat of the whole organism. There may be complaints related to problems of the mucous membranes. Can bother stomatitis, conjunctivitis and even can develop stomach ulcers. This is due to the weakening of the immune system.
Latent infection is very often one of the main causes of infertility in both men and women. All of these diseases can harm the function of procreation, to make sperm immobile, and the ovaries - the inability to grow the egg.
There are cases when these diseases during pregnancy still occurs. But as a rule, it ends with a miscarriage.
Discover hidden infections can only visit a gynecologist and having passed all the necessary tests.
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Chlamydia as a kind of latent infections
The disease is so called the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. Called chlamydia infection that affects the urinary organs. Infection developed by the action of an intracellular parasite, which is called chlamydia. Chlamydia affects the mucous membranes that line the urinary canal, cervix, vagina, mouth, sometimes testicular tissue and appendages, fallopian tubes and ovaries, and prostate.
The incubation period of the disease after the infection is approximately 12-14 days. This time is sufficient for the detection of infection in the laboratory.
Very rarely chlamydia flows significantly, as a rule, no symptoms accompany the whole process of the disease that can last even up to several years.
In rare cases, a man may feel discomfort during urination, itching, and redness of the mucous tissue. In women, symptoms are even less than those of men. Chlamydia can be a symptom of discomfort in the vagina, itching and discomfort during urination. And men and women sometimes observed lesion of the tonsils and redness of the throat, which can signal the ensuing disease.
Chlamydia is very difficult to be read, self-treatment is not permitted, you must be examined only in a competent and qualified person. It is very important to prevent the chronic form of the infection, which can lead to infertility.
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Ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis
For the smallest of free-living microorganisms include mycoplasma that cause genital infections such as mycoplasmosis. If the human body has created favorable conditions, Mycoplasma begin to multiply and cause inflammation. The result of such inflammatory processes can be impaired reproductive function, namely, infertility, and in both sexes.
Mycoplasma in men can be a major cause of prostatitis. And in women, this infection can cause inflammation in the pelvic organs.
Mycoplasmosis is very dangerous for pregnant women. It can lead to miscarriage or develop a uterine infection that can lead to premature detachment of the placenta.
As such if symptoms mycoplasmosis has. There may be meager discharge from the urethra and vagina, cystitis in women, and unpleasant sensations during urination in men. If these symptoms are felt, this is a serious reason to see a doctor.
Another latent infection is considered ureaplasmosis. The bacterium that causes this disease, belongs to the family of Mycoplasma. This bacterium has no cell wall. Typically, during the disease, there are no symptoms. The infection may come back to haunt only 5-10% of cases.
Screening for ureaplasmosis recommended for all who are planning a pregnancy, or if the woman is already pregnant, or you may be infection of the fetus in the womb. It is important to rule out any hidden infection.
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What to say in conclusion
In addition to all of the above, there are also other latent infections. Treatment of these infections may include both the use of antiviral agents and antibiotics. Sometimes you need a second course of treatment, combined with a variety of procedures. At the time of treatment is recommended to use condoms as an essential means of contraception to avoid re-infection.
It is worth noting that treatment, as well as methods may be different, it all depends on the form of the infection, neglect of the disease. It is recommended that after the course traveled repeatedly to hand over all the necessary tests that will eliminate the disease.
Do not neglect your health.
Can I get HIV household way?
Groups of risk infection
Symptoms of the virus
Life after infection
The path from HIV to AIDS
In today's world when there are well-developed medical illnesses that are not treatable. The most common disease that claimed more lives is HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). In Russia alone, around 800 thousand people are carriers of this infection. Among the infected people, there are men and women, and children. The virus is terrible for everyone, but it is most dangerous for women, as the risk of infection have higher and they can transmit the infection to the child.
The symptoms of HIV in women occur with some differences.
Therefore, when the first doubts in his health should immediately see a doctor and get tested.
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Can I get HIV household way?
The more dangerous the disease, the terrible man from the thought that he could catch it. HIV can be transmitted by contact mucous membranes of healthy and sick man (sperm, blood, cervical mucus). Household means the virus does not spread.
Another frequent question whether HIV is transmitted through kissing. Doctors give a negative answer. The probability of contracting infection in this situation, in the absence of both partners in the oral cavity and tongue wounds zero.
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Groups of risk infection
High risk of HIV infection from the following groups:
addicts who inject drugs (through a syringe needle) by;
women and men during unprotected sex, and practicing oral and anal sex;
Children whose mothers are HIV-positive status;
doctors who are on their specialization in contact with infected people or tissue (laboratory diagnosticians, gynecologists, obstetricians, surgeons);
persons in need of blood transfusion;
People leading an immoral life.
In most cases, HIV is transmitted through needle among drug addicts, and sexually during unprotected sex.
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Symptoms of the virus
The woman has a higher risk to acquire HIV. Therefore, you should always monitor their health and do not make hasty actions.
If you happen circumstance in which any doubts about their HIV status, should have a blood test (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay detects the presence of antibodies to the virus). But the nature of HIV does not appear in the first days. Most people have antibodies appear 3 months after infection, the rest - at 6 months. Therefore, the result will be 100% only six months.
Before the expiry of this period should pay attention to health.
Symptoms can be detected in a few weeks, but you can for 10 years does not feel any abnormalities.
The first symptoms, such as:
swollen lymph nodes;
excessive sweating at night;
lethargy, drowsiness and fatigue;
lack of appetite;
severe depression for no reason;
availability is constantly elevated body temperature.
Without passing a specific therapy to combat the virus, the infection progresses, the immune system to weaken and health to deteriorate. There may be symptoms of complications of the disease such as:
vaginal infections;
the existence of anomalies in the analysis of stroke;
the appearance of the labia lips herpes, warts, ulcers;
red spots on the body;
white patches in the mouth.
Even if a woman has these symptoms, they do not confirm the presence of the virus. These painful symptoms can be signs of other infections (ARI). So do not panic.
In the six-month period from the date of the alleged infection or symptoms, avoid sexual and other contacts, where you can pass the infection to healthy people, can not be a donor and it is desirable to delay pregnancy.
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Life after infection
If the initial and confirmation tests have revealed HIV infection, you should not go to extremes. Modern medicine makes it possible to live with this diagnosis and to have such rights as healthy people, but through treatment.
A woman who has no children should understand all the responsibility. The presence of HIV does not forbid you to have a child. And in patients with HIV are born healthy children, and, in addition, scientists are looking for a way to cure HIV in newborns.
Maternity prescribe antiretrovirals. They reduce the viral load to a level that in normal pregnancy and uncomplicated delivery child is born healthy. Women are prohibited to give birth alone as the highest percentage of infected children was in labor. They carried out a caesarean section. Also mums can not breastfeed children for the same reason.
A person with this diagnosis need to properly communicate with healthy people. We can not endanger others. If a woman has decided to conceive naturally, it is obliged to inform his partner about his situation. Otherwise, it is a crime in Russia, it is a criminal offense (Article 122 HS Code).
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The path from HIV to AIDS
All HIV-infected people should be seen by doctors and undergo therapy to combat the virus. If the disease is detected in time and taken to its treatment, the person can live for decades.
If left untreated HIV, it grows in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). This is the last stage of the disease. Against the background of AIDS develop other infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, meningitis, herpes. Any infection (even cold) in AIDS patients leads to severe consequences, as their immune system is not able to cope with bacteria and viruses. AIDS could lead to death, such cases in Russia, more than 100 thousand.
HIV - one of the most dangerous disease of the 21st century. Medicines she still can not find. Treatment only slows down and stops the development of infection. Therefore it is necessary to protect yourself and your health.
Avoid contact with drug addicts, love life, try to keep only constant and reliable partners, sex should be protected. Do not be shy to ask your partner to be checked for the presence of HIV or AIDS. Do not make hasty actions, which then will regret for life. Your health is in your hands. Take care of yourself.