History manicure


  • Ancient history manicure - Ancient Egypt
  • Manicure in ancient China
  • Meaning nail inhabitants of ancient Russia
  • Recent history manicure
  • Interesting facts about nails

Have you ever thought about the fact that the story has a manicure must have a certain number of thousands of years? What a beautiful, well-groomed nails - it is not just a fad, but a kind of culture, aesthetics, has passed the test of time. The earliest information about the fact that women have begun to use these manicure sets, refer to the third millennium BC. Incredibly beautiful tools for nail care made of cast gold was found during excavations in the ruins of graves Chaldean Babylon. Scientists have determined that it approximately three thousand two hundred years.

Although, who knows what it was before! Perhaps our ancestors with you - prehistoric woman - sitting around the campfire near the cave and cleaned out the nails sharp twig to paint them in a pretty color of some prehistoric plants or berries. Who knows? Despite all the technological advances and the development of technology, we have not learned how to correctly look back centuries to uncover incredible secrets of the past.

Ancient history manicure - Ancient Egypt

Although a time machine has not yet been invented, but the history of the nail is known not so little. And the first thing worth mentioning - the opening associated with the Egyptian pharaoh Nuser who lived two thousand years before our era. Surely this is the name you nothing to say - it is not surprising, since he lives at nothing special honors. However, the excavation of his burial done a lot of noise due to the mummies of the court, which archaeologists have discovered. Their tombs were scrolls, express their position - neither more nor less - "keepers nail Pharaoh!" So our contemporaries and know that flourished in ancient Egypt nail business.

Confirm this conjecture, and a recipe book of the famous beauty Cleopatra, where she gives pretty good advice for nail care. Long and beautiful nails at that time already considered a sign of aristocracy, and they grew their stained in bright colors not only women but also men of noble birth. But the poor such beauty was not entitled to status, and they were content with short nails, covered with pastel colors.

In fact, many believe that Cleopatra and her nails were painted with henna approximate, because the majority found the mummies of noble birth had traces of marijuana in their nails. Recently, however, it became clear that henna was used during the ritual burial, because something, and archaeologists came across a mummy with brown nails. In fact, Cleopatra and all other known ancient Egyptian painted nails in some completely different way (presumably a mixture of sheep's tail fat with juice dracaena dragon).


Manicure in ancient China

In ancient China, long, manicured nails are not considered to be an attribute of beauty, as a sign of the wisdom of their owner. The fact that the people of China at that time believed that it was long nails to help them "talk" with the gods. Of course, the privilege of being wise (at least outwardly) was completely inaccessible to people of the lower classes, they grow and paint nails strictly forbidden.

Able to nail the emperor attached great importance not only himself but the entire Chinese people: it was considered the more well-groomed and healthy nails the head of state, the prosperous residents of China will live. Therefore, a manicure in the palace of the emperor turned into a real ritual rite - with spiritual songs and dances. Through these actions gives access to the positive chi energy, and the emperor plunged into harmony with the world around him.

In ancient China, there was a unique recipe for nail polish: the juice of some fruit trees did the glue that was added to the mixture of wax, gelatin and egg whites. Concubine, manicure emperor occupied a fairly high position in the court and had a lot of privileges in relation to the other girls. Himself manicure or carried jade bamboo sticks, which are delivered to the palace of the best suppliers of the yard.

By the way, in the nineteenth century Manchu Empress Dowager has grown long nails as much as twenty centimeters! In order that they do not break or sloilis, court manikyurschiki fed nails Empress calcium. For this there was a daily ritual: each nail turns to steam in goat's milk and then wrapped in the special case of pure silk. Noble ladies tried to imitate his empress and also grew their rather long nails (they were allowed about five centimeters). They are stained in bright red, painted on their wonderful birds and even wrote a short haiku characters!

But what could I do to those who fell into the high society suddenly and could not immediately grow such long nails? These people ... they just built up! Yes, do not be surprised, after all, this procedure was invented not by contemporaries, and our ancestors for many, many years ago. Even in ancient Egypt and Babylon to the nail plate superimposed elaborate nails of silver and gold. But the Red Indians (though it was much later), without further ado, stuck to their own nails claws of different animals. The most advanced building owned by the people of ancient China: long nails were made from glued rice paper.

Meaning nail inhabitants of ancient Russia

In relation to the care of nails with you our ancestors were "ahead of the rest", here, however, is only concerned ... superstitions. The soul of the Russian people has always been full of secrets and mysteries, and it is not surprising that the attitude to the nails was quite special. In particular, cut your nails is strictly allowed once a week - on Thursday, another person might be ill or he would hit trouble. After the nails were sostrizheny they were burned, and the ashes are spread by the wind. However, it was believed that any disease can be cured if the burn trimmed nails unhealthy person and bury them in the ground at a crossroads.

Even more amazing prohibition applies to the shepherds: they were not allowed to cut their nails during the grazing season. The fact that the shepherds to enter into this agreement with leshim - the owner of the forest for which they were not able to kill wild birds, animals, slaughter its own cattle and cut nails. It is in the nails, according to legend, it was physical and magical power of man, and the longer they are, the stronger was the connection between the parties to the contract.

If you think that all these "superstitions" in the past, you are deeply mistaken: In some Russian villages still cut their nails once a week to avoid the antics of evil spirits. And here are some beliefs that are quite popular in our days:

  • People with crooked nails Unfortunately, life is short;
  • If a pregnant woman comes on a piece of cropped nail, then it can happen miscarriage;
  • You can not cut your nails infants up to one year, otherwise they will be living in poverty;
  • If three times to spit on the nail, and cut into three pieces, you can get rid of the corruption and the evil eye.

On the other hand, already in the nineteenth century Russian citizens did not lag behind other countries in the mods you wish to make your nails beautiful and well-groomed. It is at this time, and the heyday of the history of nail art.

 interesting story manicure

Recent history manicure

Art Manicure in the form in which we are accustomed to seeing, started in the mid-nineteenth century. In 1830, the French king Louis-Philippe had a trouble - inflamed burr on the hand. To solve the problem was caused by the doctor who treated the case with all responsibility: he brought him a set of tools for safe treatment of a finger. This set consists of: moisturizing cream, white, orange suede nail file and stick borrowed from dental instruments. Later this "royal set for nail care" has spread throughout Europe.

In the early twentieth century, the whole of Europe and the United States painted nails with cream and shiny powder. From these ingredients make a thick paste, it bears no resemblance to modern lacquers. For coloring used a special brush made of camel hair, which cost a lot of money. The most important drawback of this "stain" was that the powder was kept on the nails is not more than a day, and even then at a very caring attitude.

It was only in 1917 in the United States invented the first real nail polish, and it was pink. Such innovation donned a lot of buzz among fashionistas and dandies of the time (less active men do not use nail polish). Already in the twenties of the last century in pharmacies around the world could buy nail polish virtually any shade.

But perhaps most of all the development manicure obliged cinema. Once the black-and-white silent film changed color, the question of manicured nails actresses got an edge. Directed started filming the movie close-up, all the little deficiencies in the exterior of a woman appeared "in full". Few actresses can boast of beautiful nails by nature, but because of the time a lot of stylists smashed his head on the creation of "implants". Experiments were impressive, because in the course went absolutely everything scrap film, small pieces of plastic, cardboard, disposable tea bags.

It is not known how much all this was going on, if not a coincidence: Once a dentist hurt his nail. Not finding handy appropriate medications, he smeared slice structure for the seal. The next day, the doctor was surprised to see that the nail is not only hurts, but looks completely natural. They say that this is what appeared acrylic nails.

Another one legend, a doctor (dentist, too) wanted to cure his wife of a bad habit - that often chewed his nails. For these purposes, he smeared it with acrylic nail plate so that it is no longer biting them. It is not known whether his wife had left such a bad habit, but that's what the seventies and eighties of the last century have become a real boom in the field of acrylic nails - an obvious fact.

Today, a beautiful, well-groomed nails - an indispensable attribute of every modern woman - the same as a beautiful hairstyle and clear skin. Every year in Russia opened five hundred to seven hundred beauty salons, in each of which there is a manicure room. Lipsticks are becoming safer methods of building - perfect. It is possible that in the near future will open new horizons for nail art - so unexpected and simple that every housewife will be able to make a super-manicure at home. Maybe.

In the meantime, we bring to your attention some interesting facts about the nails.

Interesting facts about the nails:

  • on hand nails grow almost two times faster than the legs.
  • night nails grow much faster than in the afternoon.
  • men nails grow faster than women.
  • during pregnancy nails grow faster.
  • Left-handers nails grow faster on his left hand, right-handers - on the right.
  • injured or bitten nails grow faster.
  • owners have long finger nails grow faster.
  • The warmer the climate, the faster growing nails.
  • after cold nails grow twenty percent faster.
  • after twenty years and every year the nails grow more slowly.
 History manicure: from ancient Babylon to the present day

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