anthurium leaves blacken


  • Features care anthurium
  • Causes blackening leaves anthurium

Exquisite in its beauty anthurium, which is sometimes called "the flower with a tail", comes from South America. The long - nearly a meter in height - a plant that looks like calla lilies, has more than five hundred species, which differ from each other in coloring, size and shape. Rigid boom of green leaves form a bush, over which rise the large bright flowers. In anthurium have one distinctive feature that distinguishes it from other plants - all day, he dispenses a pleasant smell peculiar.

It is for their exoticism and individuality he loved lover of many florists. But to grow at home anthurium requires special conditions. Today we tell you about the features of care for this plant, and learn why it sometimes happens that he leaves turn black, sometimes not blooming.

Features care anthurium

If you decide to buy it or anthurium you already have, then try to pick up for him the correct location. The plant loves partial shade or scattered light, but is afraid of drafts and direct sunlight. Especially painful lack of light flower carries in the winter season.

The air in the room where the pot anthurium, must be sufficiently moist. To plant was comfortable, the leaves should be twice a day, sprayed with water; but this should be done carefully so as not to splash the inflorescence. If water gets on the inflorescence, it is quickly covered with patches and shall fade.

In the summer of anthurium can be watered twice a week, and in winter it will be enough one watering every seven days. Generally it is recommended to determine the time of soil irrigation - watering by the time it should be slightly moist but not wet. Since the plant belongs to the epiphytes, for the active life he needs a loose soil, good water - and air permeability, suitable drainage. Very useful for the plants, if you occasionally will carry out the following procedure: a pot with a plant put into a large container of water for a while, or you can simply place the pot on the stand filled with water.

It is important to note, in which the soil planted plant. As the soil is well suited following mixture: bark humus, fibrous heath land, peat moss and sand. The temperature of the soil in the pot should be approximately the same as in the room. Therefore Anturio should not be planted in the ceramic pots and a plastic. Feed anthurium start from the beginning of April to the end of September, every three weeks, you are advised to use organic fertilizers.

This plant is no definite period of rest, but roughly from September to the end of January the hostess can slightly reduce its attention towards the green pets.

 Why do leaves turn black anthurium

Causes blackening leaves anthurium

If the plant begins to suffer from uncomfortable content, then one by one he develops certain diseases. One of the common diseases of the following symptoms: the flower begin to curl and blacken the leaves. Let's try to figure out how you can help him in this case.

  1. At constant watering hard water in the soil increases the content of calcium and at the same time there is a deficit of magnesium and potassium. Also decreases the level of benefit to the plant micronutrients - boron, zinc, iron and manganese. In turn, an overabundance of calcium in the soil provokes the blackening of the leaves falling off them; the plant begins to age rapidly.
  2. The leaves turn black from watering "wrong" water. Cold water and water containing lime, are not suitable for watering anthurium capricious, as well as hard water. In the summer should be watered the plant with lukewarm water, warmed up to twenty-two degrees in winter vosemnadtsatigradusnaya water temperature considered optimal for watering anthurium.
  3. The decay of the root system and a fungal disease is also manifested blackening of the leaves. The reason for this is incorrect watering. When you water the flowers, the water must flow through the holes punched in the bottom of the pot on the tray. Half an hour after watering excess water merge with the pan.
  4. Anthurium leaves begin to curl at the edges and darken when dry or wet enough for the favorable growth of air. We recommend the following simple way to maintain humidity: put about pot with anthurium container with water, which must constantly change.
  5. With the defeat of plants by aphids and whitefly on leaves there is a touch of black. This disease is called black fungus florists, or ink. Treatment is carried out by the following method: Gently wipe the leaves with a cotton swab dipped in warm water, and then sprayed the entire plant with special fluids.
  6. If anthurium leaves are covered with black spots on the surface, it is a sign that the plant roots suffocate. That is, to the root system anthuriums not supplied in a sufficient amount of air. It may be two reasons for this disease: frequent watering plants or incorrectly selected composition of the soil.

Generally anthurium - Thanks to the plant; They grow very well at home even with a small attention. The most important thing - it is necessary to know how to properly care for the plant. And do not forget about safety precautions when working with different color because its sap contains toxic substances that irritate the mucous membranes. By working with this plant, do not forget to use rubber gloves or wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after contact with the anthurium. Also, place the pot with the plant in a safe place away from children and animals.

 Home anthurium: blackened leaves? We treat plant

 Ficus Bengali


  • How to care for Bengali ficus
  • Lighting
  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Watering
  • Fertilizer
  • Transplant
  • Pruning
  • Reproduction
  • Diseases and pests

Like most species of mulberry, Ficus Bengali can be safely attributed to the unpretentious potted trees. And so it is very popular among novice gardeners. His name ficus received the name of one of the habitat in India - it is considered the birthplace of the Bay of Bengal. In some places it is known as Indian fig tree, but the alias "banyan" was assigned because of his special life form.

In their natural environment ficus grows to epic proportions and has a characteristic numerous aerial roots, eventually thickens and is converted into trunks. The largest of the famous Bengali ficus has a circumference of crown three hundred fifty meters and employs three thousand two hundred eighty aerial roots! But its more like a grove of spreading than one tree.

It should be noted that, in good conditions and domesticated Bengali ficus in a few years can grow up to the ceiling. Therefore, most of it can be found in large offices and halls. Unfortunately, this high-ornamental plants in pots does not blossom, and valued it for its large (up to twenty centimeters in length) and velvety to the touch leaves.

How to care for Bengali ficus

Although quite tolerable character ficus, it is still necessary to know the basic rules of detention at home. Unsatisfactory care affect the health of ficus. The tree may lose leaves and, eventually, to die.

 Ficus Bengali care


Bengali ficus likes very, very light, indoor pot with a little tree is vital to put at the very sunny window. But direct burning rays of the sun can leave burns on the leaves, so on hot summer days the window you need a little shade. The signs of sunburn is the appearance of brown spots on the leaves.

But the scarcity of light manifested their fading, twisting and pallor. If you notice these signs, set additional artificial light source. In summer, the tree can be moved to the open air, gradually accustomed to the change of light level and temperature of the contents.


Although ficus - thermophilic plant, it can overwinter and at 12-16 ° C. For optimum content of the air temperature should be between + 15 ... + 25 ° C. A big mistake beginners all - put a pot next to a radiator to provide the required temperature. The hot air dries only tender leaves, and the plant may get sick and die. The edges of the leaves dry out and fall leaf yellowing. Also negatively ficus refers to drafts and sudden temperature changes.


In the summer of Bengali ficus it feels good at normal room humidity. However, the hotter outside, the more you need to spray the plant with an atomizer. In the winter care ficus complicated by low humidity in the apartment, which is sharply reduced because of the working radiators, and many plants are under stress.

Enough to put pot with a rubber plant on a tray of wet expanded clay or moss, spray or wipe the leaves with water. Located next to the battery cover with a thick veil it is recommended to either move the pot ficus away from it.

 Ficus Bengali proper care


Watering should be gentle. Before each watering the soil should dry out, but do not dry out. Liberally pour too should not be, and the remaining water must always be drained from the sump. Stagnation of water in the soil will trigger the development of root rot and fungal diseases. A lack - dehydration tree. Water is desirable to use to defend and soft. The frequency of watering is recommended in the summer average every three to four days in the winter - once a week.


Since the beginning of spring until autumn ficus need to be fed with chemical fertilizers can be used, and organic compounds. In any case, the fertilizer must be pre-diluted with water and water composition of low concentration. In the summer, when the plant is actively growing, it must be one or two times a month to feed fertilizer rich in nitrogen and winter ficus "resting", so you need to feed the plant no more than twice a month means for netsvetuschie plants.


Young trees should be transplanted annually in the spring, in March-April, each time more than the previous capacity of two to three centimeters. Over time, the rubber plant will be large, and the soil in the pot can be changed only on the surface, no deeper than four to five centimeters.

The substrate for the Ficus Bengali should be nutritious and consist of peat, leaf soil and humus. Do not be amiss to add some organic composition. After transplantation and a half to two months extra dressing fertilizer is required.

To prevent rotting of the root system one must have good drainage layer. As the drainage can use expanded clay, pottery shards or tree bark.


Trimming the tree is well tolerated. She even is essential to give the crown a beautiful shape. Often grown in Bengali ficus bonsai that is formed by a small copy of the tree.


It propagated by cuttings Ficus Bengali. You can use semilignified apical cuttings with leaves. Pre removing sap from the cut stem is placed in water with the addition of drugs or root growth in the wet sand and put a bag in a warm light place. For rooting take a few weeks, after which otros
Current and roots are transplanted into a separate pot, allowing for the usual care ficus and conditions.

 Ficus Bengali reproduction

Diseases and pests

The most common Bengali ficus affected spider mites, which is a favorable condition for a dry warm air. Often the attack tree Jose scale, aphids and mealy bug. Improper care can lead to more serious fungal diseases, rotting of the roots, stems and leaves. In advanced cases, treatment is not subject to a ficus and destroyed along with the pot.

Most of adversity will help you prevent preventive measures, which are as follows:

  • Provide a mandatory week quarantine each new plant, brought into the house. Including the newly acquired Ficus.
  • It requires a daily visual inspection of the ficus for the first signs of disease and attack by pests. Especially carefully inspect the inside of the leaves.
  • Each month you need to wipe the leaves with soapy water and arrange the plant a shower. This primer is necessary to close the film to prevent excessive waterlogging.
  • Recommended monthly foliar and soil ficus weak solution of manganese for disinfection and prevention of diseases.

In general, Ficus Bengali feels fine spacious rooms and easily adapts to environmental conditions. It is enough to give him a bit of attention, following the recommended care and prevention. A reward ficus will give you positive energy, tranquility and an atmosphere of tranquility in the house.

 Proper care of the ficus Bengali
