homeschool students

In recent years, more and more parents to hear that their child learns at home. Moreover, home schooling is growing interest. Perhaps you too are thinking about how to put the baby on home schooling? Home schooling students is quite possible, however, for that parents need to know some features of this procedure.

There are several variants of this form of training, each of which, despite the general similarities, has its own distinctive features. This is what will be discussed in this article.

Home-based education

Sorry, but there are many children who, for all their desire is simple - simply for reasons of health can not attend ordinary schools. And these children, unfortunately, quite a lot - according to the statistics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, today in our country almost 700 thousand children - disabled school-age children. And about 60% of all children are not able to attend school.

And what do the rest of the guys? Do not learn? Thus, of course, impossible. Learn yourself, but do not receive any papers? But a high school diploma is needed for all people, without exception! That's it for these children the only way out is a home-based education that will help them not to be left without a school-leaving certificate.

Currently, there are two forms of home-based education, designed for children - disabled:

  • Secondary

Those guys are homeschooled, who study at the general education curriculum, study all the same subjects, are studying their healthy peers in a regular high school. And, in principle, in the end, after graduating from high school, and those children, and others after learning basic knowledge should be exactly the same, of course, adjusted for individual characteristics and abilities of each individual child.

However, in contrast to the school, while home-based training timetable is flexible enough - the duration of the lessons can be both shorter and longer: depending on the individual needs of the child and, of course, on his health.

Teachers usually have the child home, prefer at once to capture multiple order, which is why most often in one day is no more than three classes at once. The standard scheme of home-based education a sick child is as follows:

  • Eight lessons - 4 class.
  • Ten lessons - 5-8 class.
  • Eleven Lessons - Grade 9.
  • Twelve lessons - 11th grade.

Once when the child has finished training on the overall program, the school will give him a certificate testifying that the child has finished secondary school, and that a certificate is the same as his classmates, who attend regular school for a standard school.

  • Supporting training program

If a child is ill seriously enough, his training tailored to the individual characteristics of the auxiliary program. In that case, if the child leaves school in the minor program, after graduation he will be issued a certificate of special sample, which will match program, where he studied.

How does this happen?

To a child educated at home, parents need to take some action. Firstly, you must apply to the children's clinic to the doctor - a pediatrician, who will send the child to a special commission that will examine the baby and make the appropriate decision. If the Commission finds that your child needs to study at home, you will be given hands on a special medical report. There is a list of diseases for home schooling students.

After that, parents should contact the school principal, write a statement of the corresponding sample. The application you need to make that same medical opinion about the necessity of home schooling. If a child can be trained on the general program, the teacher will give parents schedule visits to the child's teachers.

In the same case, if the child is seriously ill, parents and teachers together should form a supporting training program. The program should be clearly spelled out those items that will examine the child, as well as the number of required hours per week.

Within a week of his parents all the necessary documents the principal must issue a special decree on the school, which must be specified faculty who will teach the child as well as the number of training hours per week, and the periodicity of certification of the child in various academic disciplines for years.

In the hands of the child's parents school principal will issue a special journal in which the teacher coming home to the student must take notes about the time of employment with the child, the contents of the studied material, and progress of the child. At the end of each school year, the child's parents must take this magazine in educational institutions, during the final year of certification.

 the list of diseases for home schooling students

Family Learning

Another type of training in which the child can learn at home, not attending school - a family education. In such cases, the child learns at home, not because of his health condition causes a similar measure, and because his parents are so eager. All the knowledge in this case, the child is given either invited him private teachers - Teachers, parents or themselves, either through self-education. The school children are enrolled in a similar way, come just for the intermediate and final certification.

In order to transfer the child to a form of family education, parents also need to file a complaint with the director of educational institution. The Director will review the request and make a decision. There will also be issued an order for the school, which will be clearly established schedule of interim and final certification of the child.

In some cases it makes sense to think about how to give preference to domestic form of training? Let's try to sort out this issue:

  1. The level of development of the child. About homeschooled you would think that if the mental development of their children well ahead of their peers. Typically, these children are very stand out from the crowd - they're cool in class, did not listen to the teacher, complaining that they are bored. Sometimes, to solve this problem, the child's transfer from one or even two classes. However, this is also not the best option, as in this case, the child's classmates will be much more mature emotionally.
  2. Sports, music, painting. In that case, if your child is engaged in dancing professionally, how - or sports, music, painting, combine them with their studies at school is often not so simple. So sometimes if you do not want to throw occupation, marital home schooling may be the most appropriate solution to the problem.
  3. The specifics of the parents. In that case, if the parents of the specifics of their often change their place of residence, permanent transfer of the child from school to school may be his very strong emotional stress, with which it can safely handle not always. He could be in trouble with both school performance and communicating with peers. A family education may be the best way out of this situation.

What does that require?

As already mentioned, if parents decide to transfer the child to home schooling, they have to write an application addressed to the director of the school. But before that you need to write an application for consideration of this matter to the local office of the Department of Education.

The Department of Education will set up a special commission. The commission includes a representative of the department, director and teacher of the school, which will be fixed for your child, teachers and coaches of the child, the child, and other stakeholders.

In that case, if the Commission deems it necessary and appropriate to the child's learning at home, decision on securing the child for a particular school. And then on the school teachers' council is a schedule of interim and final certification of the child.

Pros and cons of home schooling

Family home training school has a range of both positive and negative sides. The positive aspects include:

  • The flexibility of the educational process

Home schooling allows students to adjust the degree of intensity of exercise - or to compress the volume of educational material, or, conversely, to spend on learning it for a longer period than at school.

  • Hope for yourself

Studying at home, the child has no such possibility, as in the school, to write off anything from the other guys. Therefore, he has to rely on themselves and not their knowledge, that is not even bad. After all, the ability to rely on themselves more than once to help him as an adult.

  • Selective Training

Home schooling students well by the fact that the child has the opportunity to study in more detail exactly those things that are interesting to him. However, it is not necessary at this forget that all the required academic disciplines take the child will still have.

  • Limiting the negative impact on the child's peers

Many parents justify their decision to transfer the child to home schooling that a child does not adversely affect their peers from disadvantaged families. With some hand it is true, but many child psychologists believe that as a result of such an approach to the education of children grow up unable to withstand any negative impact.

But, of course, home schooling students has some negative points:

  • The absence of a group of children

Due to the fact that the child does not attend school, he will not be able to acquire the skills of team work, will not be able to adapt socially to the full.

In any case, the parents before making such an important treatment must carefully weigh the positive and negative points!

 Home schooling students

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