

  • Basic rules of care Dieffenbach
  • The difficulty in growing dieffenbachia
  • Pests dieffenbachia and control
  • Grades dieffenbachia
  • Methods of propagation dieffenbachia

Dieffenbachia - is an indoor evergreen plant family Araceae, which has a strong and expressive leaves the barrel. In total this genus currently includes about forty species of it. Dieffenbachia Motherland - tropics of America, and it has received its name in honor of the famous German botanist Joseph Dieffenbach.

Based on the fact, what species it is dieffenbachia may differ color of the leaves. They may be white or green, have spots, stripes or thin edging and many other forms. If you keep the plant in the right conditions and proper care for it, it can make you happy flowers that look like ears, wrapped in white and green "veil." Potted dieffenbachia can reach two meters, again depending on the specific variety.

This plant is extremely sensitive to outside sources - is very important to create the necessary conditions for strong growth. Generally speaking, dieffenbachia needs frequent watering and spraying, it can not tolerate drafts and extreme temperatures. Buying flower, note a caveat, as poisonous juice, which not only can irritate the skin, but also cause a temporary muteness when hit in the mouth.

Known and medicinal properties of plants. Dieffenbach often take on manufacturing enterprises, because it perfectly cleans the air from such heavy toxins as benzene, xylene and formaldehyde. Well dieffenbachia cope with other harmful substances. By the way, the same properties is different and dracaena. In general, by themselves houseplants indoors can create a special, natural atmosphere.

Basic rules of care Dieffenbach

  • Lighting room

Dieffenbachia rejects from direct rays. That is why it is impossible to grow the plant in bright sunlight. Those species that are different colorful bright leaves, need more ambient light than conventional types of green. In the case of lack of light leaves dieffenbachia can lose their special decorative and expressive. Dark green varieties wonderful feel myself in a corner room at the back, but at the same time, the presence of artificial light required.

  • Temperature range

In the beginning it was mentioned that the plant does not tolerate drafts and temperature jumps. In spring and summer dieffenbachia must be kept at a temperature of 21-25 degrees. In winter, the optimal mode is 18-20 degrees. Be sure to pay attention to such details, otherwise there may be negative consequences for the plant.

  • Watering

Use soft water for irrigation, the present day. In autumn and winter watering is necessary dieffenbachia two days after the dry topsoil. Between March and August requires a rich, good watering. But try not to fill the plant - follow the optimal balance. If the soil is experiencing excess moisture, fold dieffenbachia leaves.

  • Humidity

Regularly spray the room dieffenbachia, weekly wash the leaves. You can arrange the plant and "old souls". To do this, close the soil in the pot using cellophane tape with holes and water it from a watering can. If the size of dieffenbachia not large enough to hold a shower, just wipe with a cloth leaves a soft cloth.

  • Proper fertilizing

The active growth of plants occurs in the spring and summer season. It was then necessary to fertilize dieffenbachia three times a month, using half the amount of a specific fertilizer. Select is feeding those who in the structure have lime. Organic fertilize the plant, do not forget that the varieties that have white leaves can become green due to an overabundance of nitrogen. Especially if dieffenbachia receives less light. Generally, these types of minerals better feed about once every three weeks.

  • Defoliation

During the growth of a plant is laid bare, and begins to actively relieving lower foliage. For this reason dyuffenbahiyu need rejuvenating, which cut off the top of plants (2 cm below the node). After the cut is necessary to wash and dry latex cloth and lightly pounded charcoal powder. This will allow the plant to get the young leaves.

  • Transplant

When you want to transplant dieffenbachia? Then, when the pot is filled with roots close. It is best to transplant from February to May. If dieffenbachia growing rapidly, and it will have to spend a summer transplant. In this case, it is recommended handling without affecting earthen coma. How to transplant and handling requires a larger pot and a new drainage layer.

The soil must necessarily allow air and moisture. If the water is tightly trapped in the substrate, then sooner or later the roots will die. Furthermore, the plant subjected to the influence of infection, resulting in painful leaves covered with spots. It is better to use a slightly acidic substrate, which add frayed carbon (charcoal). At the bottom of the new pot, pour concrete block - it will allow excess moisture does not stay in the soil.

  • Virulence

We have already said that the dieffenbachia is poisonous milky sap. It causes a rash, severe irritation, swelling of glands, tongue, and this is not the whole list of possible reactions. It accurately operate the plant. Transplanting his or multiplying, use rubber gloves. After work, wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.

 dieffenbachia flower

The difficulty in growing dieffenbachia

Any indoor plants during growth may face a number of challenges. Dieffenbachia - is no exception. Of course, if the proper conditions are not met, it can get sick, that will be manifested in the deterioration of appearance. For example, if you are not watered regularly dieffenbachia, it may lose the lower leaves. The second reason could be the wrong size of the pot.

If you see that the tips of the leaves of the plant dry out, here it causes difficult to identify. This can be as temperature changes, and inadequate humidity, poor drainage or frequent drafts. This may be because dieffenbachia and spraying in the dark. Do this to prevent drying of leaves.

Color leaves become dull? Perhaps the plant is not enough light or some trace elements, phosphorus and potassium. This may affect and excess nitrogen in the substrate, as previously mentioned. If the leaves themselves grow smaller and lose their original shape, then reduce the amount of alkali in the substrate - if dieffenbachia acquire an initial appearance.

Another problem - stalk rot, which manifests itself in the loss of color and elasticity. This can serve as a low temperature or acidification of the soil. At the beginning of the disease just cut and rotting of the damaged area powertrowel coal. If this is not possible, cut off the tip and will plant it, and what's left of dieffenbachia have to throw it away.

Pests dieffenbachia and control

Despite the fact that the Dieffenbachia is poisonous juice, it does not help her to deal with all the variety of pests that attack it, in particular, with the scale insects and mites. Periodically, the plants are infected aphids. Spider mite - red spider - usually appears below the leaves. It envelops the foliage in cobwebs. You can get rid of it by washing or spraying the leaves, using water in conjunction with the infusion of tobacco and green soap. You can use milled sulfur, which is necessary to pollinate the underside of the leaves. Sometimes you can use ready-made insecticides. This applies both to combat mites and scale insects with.

Aphids have a different color. It can be black and green and gray. Aphids like the tick, likes to dwell on the underside of leaves, feeding on plant sap. As a result, you will begin to observe drying leaves and their phasing out. These insects multiply rapidly, because their destruction is best done with the help of ready-made products.

If you use ready-made insecticides, then carefully follow all of the requirements specified by the manufacturer on the product packaging. Try not to exceed or decrease the required dose of specific substances. The same goes for vegan mixtures and solutions. And in any case, do not forget to protect the soil during a polyethylene plant care.

 dieffenbachia flower

Grades dieffenbachia

The most popular Russian view is considered Dieffenbachia spotted leaves that have an oval shape and their length sometimes up to 60 centimeters. The color green with speckles, there are also spots of light color, often white - it all depends on the particular flower. Form spots can be different - they can merge into large patches, or be small and scattered over the entire sheet.

Another view - Amoena. It has darker leaves, which nature has dealt marble pattern, located usually in the direction of lateral veins. An example of the type can be Tropic Snow, wherein huge number of slips and touches on the foliage. Amoena subspecies, there are many and they are all beautiful in their own way and features.

Bausei - powerful hybrid. At the height it can reach 90 centimeters. It has leaves yellow-green color with dots on a dark green background. Sheets Bausei in length, usually is 20-30 centimeters. One of the most popular subspecies of plants, which is characterized by certain features of care and maintenance.

Diffenbachia Bowmannii stands out among the other species by the fact that its leaves can grow to a length of 75 centimeters! Foliage is different cream or white color. Speckles can be both dark and light. Many forms a clearly marked white dieffenbachia have diversity, which looks very nice! Please note: during the flowering plants flowers dieffenbachia need additional care, which depends on the particular species or varieties of certain plants.

Methods of propagation dieffenbachia

Potted flowers and plants can be propagated in various ways. In the case of Dieffenbach identify several basic methods. For example, the stem terminal cuttings or by air layering. From cutting dieffenbachia tend to breed in spring and summer. The process is impossible without phytohormones. You will need to wet sand. This type of soil is most ideal for rooting cuttings. Using the mini-greenhouses will allow more to get the desired result.

From May to September dieffenbachia actively propagated by air layering. It uses the old plant, where the stem is already bare. It makes a small incision (5 mm), slightly below the sheet. Now, we take a wet match which dip into a special hormonal powder, designed specifically for propagation. This is necessary because a match inserted in a fresh cut, that he could not close. Damp moss you need a place to wrap slips, then tie raffia. On top of all this overlay film. After a couple of months, you will begin to notice the roots to break through the moss.

Even then, when the roots grow stronger, you can cut off the stalk. It is better to lower the roots, and then transplanted into the pot. After air cuttings separated, the residue was separated on stem cuttings, cutting it into equal parts, each of which must have a tight place where the sheet was once. This place - the eye. There are hidden and yet dormant buds.

Stem cuttings should be well sprinkled with charcoal and left to dry for a day. Prepared cuttings vertically disposed in the substrate, be sure to observe the direction of growth. You can put the cuttings horizontally, deepening them with only half. After watering the cuttings need to cover the bag of polyethylene or conventional banks. Do not forget to ventilate the room twice a day. The process of rooting will take place under the regime of up to 25 degrees. If the temperature is below 22 degrees, there will be more than the use of heated greenhouses.

Actually, this is the basic rules of care for Dieffenbach. Taking into account all that has been said above, you can grow at home is a miracle. Dieffenbachia - a plant that not only impresses with its appearance, but also has a positive effect on health.

As they say, two in one! Selection of varieties and species dieffenbachia strikes, because make no mistake, that out of all this diversity you will choose a plant for his apartment. What is important is to create for him a vital requirement.

 Houseplant dieffenbachia: particular care
