Analysis of hCG during pregnancy


  • What is HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin?
  • Increased hCG may indicate the following pathology

HCG - a hormone secreted by the chorion after attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterus. Low levels of hCG in the missed abortion - a measure of pathology of pregnancy.

 results of HCG when missed abortion
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What is HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin?

In women this hormone is actively developed exclusively joyful pregnancy. But, of course, there are individual situations where elevated levels of hCG may occur not only in women, expects the addition, but also men, who develop any cancer in the body or the prescribed drugs that contain hCG.

If the pregnancy progresses, namely the fetus is developing normally, the growth of production of hCG every two days will increase, its peak occurs at 7-11 weeks and then slowly decreases, while remaining virtually unchanged in the second half of pregnancy. First, the gonadotropin highlights recently fertilized egg, or rather its outer membrane (chorion), and later the placenta itself. The growth of HCG can be seen from the second week of pregnancy. That's why after the date of this analysis, doctors can judge its normal development or backwardness. At 14-18 weeks, the results of this assay may indicate the development of certain diseases. By assigning this procedure, the doctor simply reinsured, so do not be alarmed.

By the way, ordinary pregnancy tests, which are sold in any drugstore, is also based on the detection of hCG. Only the method of their work is presented a little differently, namely to identify the gonadotropin is not through the blood and the urine. In the presence of a fertilized egg the hormone concentration is less than half than in the normal condition of the woman. Of course, the accuracy of the method for determining the pregnancy can not be compared with laboratory studies, but still is, most often, reliable information. If pregnancy regresses or not at all, the test does not show cherished two strips, because urine is not content gonadotropin.

By regressing (non-viable) pregnancy meant cessation of growth and development. The grounds of this pathology are quite different, but mostly fetal abnormalities. Fetal abnormalities - a set of deviations from the normal structure of the body, resulting in utero or, rarely, post-natal development.

Physiology of any woman is that poor quality genetic material is eliminated by nature. This factor explains that various kinds of mutations in the fetus lead to his death. Yet this pathology may occur if a woman has observed immune or hormonal disorders, the development of chronic infectious diseases. For example, measles, chicken pox, influenza virus, etc. Stress, smoking, alcohol, exposure to environmental factors (heat, cold), exercise can also affect the fetus fading.

If a woman is pregnant does not develop, that is the embryo died, the amount of hCG in the blood and urine decreases rapidly. Determine the level and growth of gonadotropin can, surrendering analysis on blood. If the dynamics of hormones is in place or there is a slow increase, it is likely a sign of miscarriage or its threat. But the decline of hCG is possible with a slow development of the child or if the original was installed incorrectly gestational age, so full confirmation of the diagnosis should make US, where the definition is a crucial presence or absence of heartbeat. There have been known cases where hCG when missed abortion is growing, although other signs have disappeared.

The most common pregnancy dies in the early periods of development, but the germ can be killed and for a longer period. In that case hCG decreases rather slowly, since its disintegration time is required.

So we know what the HCG and when possible abortion. Now let us see the analysis of normal levels of gonadotropin.

Table of growth of hCG for pregnant women:


The level of HCG IU / ml

1 - 2 weeks 25 - 156
2-3 weeks 101 - 4870
3 - 4 weeks 1110 - 31500
4 - 5 weeks 2560 - 82300
5 - 6 weeks 23100 - 151000
6 - 7 weeks 27300 - 233000
7 - 11 weeks 20900 - 291000
11 - 16 weeks 6140 - 103000
16 - 21 weeks 4720 - 80100
21 - 39 weeks 2700 - 7810

Sometimes it happens that the growth of these hormones above normal, but do not just survive, as perhaps a sign of multiple pregnancy: hCG is usually increased in proportion to the number of embryos that are attached to the uterine wall.

 analysis of hCG in the missed abortion
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Increased hCG may indicate the following pathology

  • toxicosis;
  • preeclampsia;
  • fetal abnormalities, Down's syndrome;
  • perenashivanie pregnancy.

Or, for example, if a woman suffers from diabetes, take synthetic progestins.

Yet there is a peculiar pathology, it is called anembrioniya - is a special case of fading pregnancy, in the uterus where the fertilized egg is a living, but there's no embryo.   And this egg produces HCG living cells, but the growth of these hormones will not meet the standards.

In the presence of this pathology woman feels just as pregnant, she may have morning sickness, and can even increase in the abdomen. Still, in this case, an accurate diagnosis is established by a physician, only after the ultrasound.

In general, it is clear that refers to the analysis of gonadotropin as a plausible conclusion it is not necessary, and even more to put herself to any diagnosis. He is just one of the facts that should be considered in this situation, so it's better to supply the doctor concluded.

So, this article describes what is HCG and missed abortion, fetal development signs of fading. Remember to make a healthy and strong baby, or the baby, try to lead a healthy lifestyle and do not forget to eat correctly and useful, often go outside and breathe fresh air. Good luck and all the best!

 Human chorionic gonadotropin - what is it?

 the first weeks of pregnancy


  • First trimester of pregnancy
  • The second trimester of pregnancy
  • The third trimester of pregnancy

From the date of conception during the nine months of pregnancy, the mother's body all the forces are directed to the maintenance and development of a new life. The body of the child varies by weeks, improving and growing.

The whole period of development can be divided into two large: up to 8 weeks of pregnancy the baby is the future embryo (fetus), and after 8 weeks - the fruit. So, consider a phased development.
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First trimester of pregnancy

Embryonic development period

  • 1st week

    During the first week of the fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tube into the uterus. After a couple of hours after the merger with the sperm she begins strongly share, the number of components it increases each time by half - there is a process of fragmentation. As a result of this process, a so-called ovum, like the berry mulberry. The scientific name of the ovum - morula. When morula reaches the uterus, it is attached to the wall and begins to submerge in the endometrium (mucous membrane) - the implantation takes place. On a tight attachment of the morula it takes about 40 hours. Interestingly, the body has not even formed, and the sex of the baby is already defined set of genes in the maternal and paternal cells.

  • 2nd week

    After attaching the ovum it can be considered a complete embryo. At this stage of pregnancy starts forming neural tube therefrom will evolve in the future brain and spinal cord.

  • Week 3

    This stage of pregnancy is considered very important, because it is now a child laid the beginnings of bone, muscle, digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems. Formed at the head end of the neural tube of the embryo begins to form a thickening - future brain. And since 21 days starts to form tiny heart. Bud, up to this point is flat, begins to bend it formed folds. In addition, it is at this period is the development of a precursor of the placenta, called the chorion. Subsequently, chorionic villi and endometrium together form a child seat, which will feed the child to the birth.

  • 4th week

    The beginnings of almost all body systems are already formed, begin to form various organs: lungs, liver, pancreas, kidneys, heart begins to beat. Furthermore, there is a development of the head of the embryo, skin and eye lens. By the end of the 4th week ends its development chord - the future backbone of the sides in the form of "kidney" formed the beginnings of arms and legs. The total amount to 5 weeks the fetus is about 1 mm.V mother's body begins to stand out this term of the pregnancy hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). And hormonal changes caused by all known symptoms: irritability, tearfulness, fatigue, and, of course, the lack of regular menstruation.

  • 5th and 6th week

    During this period of pregnancy significantly increased the head of the child, it is growing and developing brain. The cerebellum starts to form, the beginnings of eyes, nose and ears. Active is the development of different parts of the digestive tube, the liver begins to function. Develop trachea and bronchi. Forming rollers sex with primary germ cells. Becomes noticeable thyroid gland and spleen. Chord begins to divide into individual vertebrae, and limbs formed the beginnings of fingers.

  • 7th and 8th week

    At this stage, the child's facial features are drawn, formed ears and eyes, which by the end of the 8th week have been closed for centuries. Limbs are divided into sections, there is a further development of the spine. Up to this point the embryo was a tail that is starting to fade. All of the little body continues to grow and develop. The intestines of the child is in the umbilical cord, but their connection is gradually ceases to be durable. By the end of the 8th week is already active sexual differentiation rollers, begins the formation of the floor. The embryo begins to react to unpleasant effects: flinches compressed.

Thus, the tab and the formation of major functional systems of the body is in the first 8 weeks, which are considered the most critical prenatal period. Therefore, the embryo at this time is particularly vulnerable to any adverse effects.

 fetal development period

Fetal development period

  • 9th and 10th week

    By this time the embryo has passed all of the major transformations and acquired distinct human traits. Since then, he is considered a fruit. Increasingly, the child moves arms and legs, turns her head starts to open his mouth. The size of the fetus is too small, so the mother does not feel these movements. By 10 weeks begin to form the vulva. But sex determination by ultrasound is still not possible due to their tiny dimensions.

  • 11th Week

    There is an active development of the peripheral nervous system in the baby's skin form buds. Now he can purposefully pull back the handle or squeeze it into a fist.

  • 12th Week

    Most of the time the child is asleep, during sleep, he begins to suck his thumb. It is a manifestation of the unconditional sucking reflex. Fetus begins the process of digestion, so it opens and closes her mouth, learning to swallow. By the 12th week, it completes its formation of important organ - the placenta. It is an exchange of blood between mother and fetus, as well as the production of hormones, and structural proteins. In addition, the placenta appears barrier which retards adverse substances that they are not received by the body of the child from maternal blood.

  • 13th and 14th weeks

    Digestive fetus is already formed, but really start to function only after birth. The intestine begins to fill with meconium - the primary feces, which is based on the bile. By 14 weeks urinary system begins to function, the child begins to "walk in a little" in the amniotic fluid. It ends the first trimester, which is the most important for the bookmark and the formation of all organs and systems of a small body.

 vitamins during pregnancy contribute to the good development of the fetus

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The second trimester of pregnancy

  • 15th Week

    Now there is an active development of the brain. Stand gyrus and sulcus. "Including" the endocrine system, the adrenal glands begin to function, and the thymus (thymus).

  • 16th Week

    The child already appear the first emotion he smiles when he feels comfortable. Growing scalp: the first vellus hairs, eyebrows and eyelashes. External genitals already formed to determine the sex by ultrasound.

  • 17th and 18th nedeliK the adrenal glands and thymus join the thyroid, pancreas, and pituitary gland. The sebaceous glands in the skin begin to secrete a lubricant that protects the baby's skin from the constant exposure to amniotic fluid. Tiny becomes active, it begins to move from one to the other of the uterine wall. Just at this age, you can feel the first stirring.
  • 19th Week

    At this stage of pregnancy continues to develop the nervous system develops the vestibular apparatus. Baby begins to express more emotion. Now he not only smiles, frowns and if it something stirs.

  • 20th and 21st week

    On the fingers appear nails, ears acquire the correct form. Under the skin begins to deposit fat. This fat is somewhat different from the familiar to us, and because of its color is called "brown fat", in adults it is almost non-existent. Since this period the fetal heart rate can be caught not only by means of special apparatus, but also by a conventional slushatelnoy tube.

  • 22nd and 23th weeks

    Lungs start to prepare the child to breath, but until the birth of the fetus receives oxygen to the blood through the umbilical cord. Baby responds to external stimuli: loud sound; Too much light is falling on the mother's belly; pressure and vibration. In response to stimuli, he begins to toss and turn, move the arms and legs.

  • 24th and 25th weeks

    Most of the time the child is still asleep, floating in the amniotic fluid, and occasionally significantly pushes the mother inside and turns. The digestive system of the fetus is fully developed.

  • 26th Week

    Develop a sense of taste. Ration mother affects the taste of amniotic fluid, the baby winces when they become bitter. From about this period, the mother can feel the fetus hiccups. Ends the second trimester of pregnancy, the baby's organs and systems have formed, now they will only continue to grow and develop.

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The third trimester of pregnancy

  • 27th and 28th weeks

    Begin to smooth out wrinkles on the face and body. Senses has developed significantly, the child touches, taste and hear Mom nachinet recognize the voice.

  • 29th Week

    There is an active development of muscles, the child learns new movements: scratches himself, touching himself for face, sticks out his tongue.

  • 30th Week

    Increased subcutaneous fat layer, the child "rounded". Begins its work the immune system through the placenta from the mother receives immunoglobulins - antibodies that protect against diseases first time after birth.

  • 31st and 32nd week

    The fruit is already large enough for him in the womb is not so much space, so it is always in a "fetal position". The amount of amniotic fluid compared to the mass of the child, is reduced all its movements are felt.

  • 33rd Week

    The sense organs of the baby already formed, he opens his eyes, listening to the sound of the voice, heart moms and rumbling in her stomach. He clutches his legs, touched his body.

  • 34th and 35th weeks

    Light baby is already sufficiently developed; if you come premature birth, the baby will be able to breathe on their own.

  • 36th Week

    Vellus hair on the body of the fetus begin to fade, there is an active preparation for childbirth. The liver is an accumulation of iron, necessary for blood formation.

  • 37th Week

    Child's weight almost equal to the weight at birth. Now the baby is gaining every day about 15 grams of fat. Most actively growing brain and skull.

  • 38th Week

    The fruit takes a final position before birth, the presenting to the output of the (most children is the head) is omitted, it is ready for the birth. In this period, you may feel that the baby began to behave quietly, fell below the belly, it became easier to breathe. All this is a sure sign that the baby will be born soon.

  • 39th - 41st week

    During this time, the baby will be born, it is fully formed, his organs are ready to work independently

  • 42nd Week

    If the time came to mind 42 weeks of pregnancy, most likely, he miscalculated. But it is worth to discuss with your doctor the possibility of artificial induction of labor.

If during pregnancy you eat well and take vitamins, avoiding stress, the development of your baby at all stages, most likely was uneventful and serious health problems the baby will not.

 The development of the child during pregnancy
