The reasons for excessive sweating of the entire body
If the cause of hyperhidrosis is not installed
Hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating is ... Why is it called a disease, and with such a tricky name? All the people from time to time sweat: in hot weather, with heavy physical work, "on the mat" with the authorities. There are all sorts of situations where people may be perspiring heavily or to sweat?
But there are such states when sweating occurs for no apparent reason. Or very little exercise cause a perspiration that you have to change clothes several times a day. And what is delivered to people suffering sweaty cold hands - scary to imagine: such patients can not work properly (just small things slip out of hands), they are embarrassed to shake hands for a handshake. In severe stages of the sweat literally dripping from his hands.
Here we are dealing with the disease - hyperhidrosis. This word comes from two Latin words: "hyper" (too much, too much) and "Hydrosila" (water). Sometimes people suffer for years and do not know what the name of their suffering - hyperhidrosis. By the way, this disease is often successfully treated, so it makes no sense to worry and closed from the world. We have to go to a specialist - a dermatologist first (a doctor who treats skin diseases), and then, if necessary, to other doctors.
Types of excessive sweating
Hyperhidrosis has several classifications:
by severity: mild, moderate, severe;
localization: local (e.g., axillary) and overall, it is called generalized because all body sweats;
primary and secondary (excessive sweating in the secondary hyperhidrosis occurs on a background of other, more severe disease).
The reasons for excessive sweating of the entire body
In most cases, excessive sweating of the general type that sweats evenly the whole body, accompanied by some other disease. It may be an acute infection (we all know that when infected with influenza or pneumonia observed excessive sweating). Generalized hyperhidrosis is several tens of diseases - these are just some of the reasons:
Endocrine (their treats endocrinologist)
Firstly, it's a condition in which there is increased function of the thyroid gland - Graves' disease (sometimes called a goiter). Increasing the size of "thyroid" in the front of the neck grows "goiter." This disease has a lot more symptoms - there is increased tearfulness, frequent changes of mood, worried about heart and overall sweating.
Secondly, diabetes. In terms giperpotlivosti diabetes - not exactly a typical disease. Sweats, mostly head, torso, arms and underarms. In this leg, on the contrary, it becomes too dry, cracked skin on the heels.
Thirdly, acromegaly. It is a disease that occurs when the body produces too much growth hormone. In adolescence, it has such symptoms: rash, bone proliferation of arms, legs, facial cartilage. In another way this disease is called "gigantism", because it increases the size of all the people, their growth may reach 2 meters and above.
Gigantism is considered an endocrine disease, because the root cause - the failure of the endocrine gland in the brain. But since most of this violation caused by a tumor of the prostate gland (pituitary), the treatment takes oncologists.
Women's disease often lead to excessive sweating
Acute inflammatory diseases of appendages are often given the heat and giperpotlivost.
Particularly strong hyperhidrosis torturing women in menopause and during pregnancy. During menopause a lack of female sex hormones in the blood causes a lot of discomfort: hot flushes, sweating attacks common. For some women, menopause occurs is very difficult - with depression, mood swings and sudden strong perspiration, 10-20 times a day. At night, they have to get up several times and change bedding and underwear.
During pregnancy hormonal changes also lead to excessive sweating. In some cases this status lasts throughout pregnancy and remains during the lactation period. And only six months or a year after that gradually clears up without treatment.
Tumors of the female reproductive organs (uterus, ovaries) can also produce excessive sweating. In such cases, treat, of course, the tumor, the woman seen in the oncologist or onco-gynecologist. After successful treatment of sweating, usually passes.
Any neoplastic diseases can give giperpotlivost
The main danger and deceit of the tumor process is that it takes place for the time being asymptomatic. And at the moment when it becomes noticeable or the pain begins, it happens that the time has been lost, and to treat the patient's too late. Therefore we must always wary of such practices as incomprehensible regular fever and constant sweating.
These symptoms may be the only symptom of the tumor, which man has no clue. In such cases it is necessary to conduct a full examination of the body, to give blood and urine samples, to do ultrasound of internal organs, check blood tumor markers (they are also called onco-markers are substances in the blood, which can be determined by laboratory methods, and in the early stages to identify cancer ).
The causes of most tumors are not yet known, but doctors have found that excessive sweating often accompanies cancer of the lymphatic system, colon cancer and neoplastic processes in the adrenal glands.
Hyperhidrosis when genetic diseases
There are a number of diseases caused by genetic malfunctions in the body. They are rare, so for them, few people know. This, for example, Riley-Day disease. It is often hereditary. Patients concerned and hyperhidrosis, and the lack of taste, and numbness to all sorts of pain and emotional instability.
Diagnosis is made in conjunction with physicians, geneticists, most of these patients sick someone from relatives.
Heart disease as the cause of hyperhidrosis
In diseases of the heart, namely, acute myocardial infarction, the patient's entire body sweats. In addition to acute chest pain radiating to the left arm, severe weakness, there is a strong and sweating.
The sharp decline in blood pressure, which is called the collapse, can also cause hyperhidrosis.
In all cases, when the causes of excessive sweating known, and they are embedded in a pathology of cardiovascular system, treatment of the underlying disease is made. He engaged in this cardiologist.
Nerve disorder as the cause of hyperhidrosis
Stress often causes a rash, sometimes it is even called the main reasons for this in the list of diseases. Almost everyone in my life there were moments when the entire body to sweat with fear or talk in a raised voice. However, most people have a completely normal reaction, it ends when the source of the stress disappears.
But patients giperpotlivostyu slightest excitement causes profuse sweating. Therefore, these patients are often referred for treatment to a psychologist or therapist to reduce anxiety.
Withdrawal symptoms or sweating after binge
Not only alcohol causes so-called "break-up" after the termination of his admission. As you know, after the abolition of any drug (not just heroin, but even nicotine, which is now considered to narcotic substances), the body is experiencing a very unpleasant feeling.
It is a well known drug clinic workers. Take for example the hangover after the binge. When a chemical (no matter what it was - the vodka, wine or moonshine) ceases to be ingested, symptoms begin "breaking": muscle pain, insomnia, nervousness.
Hyperhidrosis in these cases can be so severe that the patient has to change clothes several times a day, it becomes completely wet. If at this moment a person starts drinking again, or taking drugs, sweating decreases, but at what price ... So the doctors are doing everything so that the patient was able to endure all manifestations of "breaking" and not return to the old way of life.
Acute poisoning causes excessive sweating
In large hospitals have special departments, they are called poison control. There receives patients with acute poisoning. The cause of poisoning vary, but often it is - organophosphorus compounds, in other words, an insecticide that poisoned insects. Pets poisoning are rare, but rural workers who have direct contact with these substances, often come to the hospital with symptoms of acute poisoning.
One of the manifestations of this poisoning is a strong hyperhidrosis. In this case - is not the most important feature, it complements the overall picture (rapid pulse, spasms of the eye muscles, lower blood pressure, excessive salivation, lacrimation, convulsions, headache).
Treatment is carried out after questioning the patient and blood and urine tests. After the disappearance of the main symptoms of poisoning sweating gradually getting back to normal.
If the cause of hyperhidrosis is not installed
It also happens: the patient has undergone a full examination, I passed all the tests, ultrasound and x-ray done. In other words, all the diagnostic measures, but the cause of excessive sweating and have not found. Then the doctors talk about "essential" hyperhidrosis, that is arisen independently, rather than as a symptom of another illness.
This rash often still is local (axillary, palmar-plantar, facial). And the patient is already being treated specifically for this disease. Here it is used a lot of different techniques - from traditional medicine to complex surgical procedures.
Anyone who has raised sweating and delivers considerable inconvenience, we must remember that hyperhidrosis is treated, and treated successfully, methods are selected individually. So do not worry and be afraid of doctors, make an appointment with a dermatologist and you will pick up with the appropriate course of treatment.