Very often, turning to the doctor complaining of feeling unwell, sick man hears the diagnosis of "hypotension." What is hypotension, symptoms of which there are more than half the world's population? In fact, this concept is a little vague and refers to several different ailments.
In this article we will talk about hypotension, bearing the abbreviated name of hypotension. However, once again draw your attention - in cardiology, the disease is called is the primary hypertension. In this article, the condition is called hypotension because this name is most widespread among ordinary citizens are not familiar with medical terminology, which, strictly speaking, the material is intended.
Remember also that all of the information in this article is provided for guidance only. Do not try to put a diagnosis on their own - the disease is rarely independent - often it is accompanied by some - is another, more serious condition that may need serious treatment. Hypotension is a variety of reasons.
So what is hypotension? In this state, the upper pressure does not exceed 100 mm Hg. Art., and the lower the pressure - less than 60 mm. Hg However, in some cases, absolutely different sources may vary, but is not particularly significant. In addition, it is sure to be taken into account and personal physiological characteristics of each individual.
Hypotension may develop in completely healthy people, for example, adolescents and children, or people caught in a hot climate or overdo sports. Further, many diseases are caused by systemic hypotension such as:
- Liver disease
- A malfunction of the endocrine system
- Violation of the full functioning of the hormone system
- Peptic ulcer and duodenal
- Note - suddenly developed hypotension may be indicative of this terrible disease, which threatens the life of the sick person - acute cardio - vascular insufficiency
Hypotension can occur quite a long time without symptoms - a sick person does not even realize the presence of the disease as long as accidentally not measure your blood pressure, such as the routine inspection. However, in other cases, people suffering from hypotension, may complain of the following ailments:
- General muscle weakness unrelated to other factors
- Regularly occurring headaches that persist even after taking pain medication
- Tachycardia not related to physical activity
- Pinching pain in the sternum, or heart pain
- You may experience sleep disturbances - increased sleepiness, or, on the contrary, insomnia
- In a sick person can greatly disturbed emotional background - irritability, tearfulness, and even depression
- In humans, there is often excessive sweating - secreted sweat tends to be sticky and cold
- When running the form of hypotension, sick people often say numbness in fingers
If you mark at some these symptoms, you should seek medical advice. Before you begin treatment, you need to establish exactly what was the cause of the disease.
For example, shape adaptive physiological hypotension occurs in perfectly healthy people, for example:
- Do professional athletes
- Hypotension in adolescents
- Hypotension in children
- The people living in the southern regions with hot climates
In that case, if this group of people have no concomitant diseases, and people do not complain of any - or malaise, hypotension did not require treatment. This type of hypotension fully compensated.
Hypotonia disease in children
Hypotension in children and adolescents in recent years has become more and more common. Today, approximately 30% of children and 40% of adolescents doctors diagnose hypotension. Parents should be wary if they discover a child's symptoms of hypotension following:
- Recurring vertigo
- The appearance of even single syncope, not to mention the repeated loss of consciousness
- Headaches, especially arising in the morning
- Violation of both mental and physical health of the child - lose the ability to concentrate, increased fatigue. Very often, it is resulting in largely deteriorating performance in school
- Disruption of the normal circadian rhythm
In children and adolescents suffering from hypertension, largely disrupted the normal biological rhythm - the child wakes up sluggish in the morning, complaining about the lack of sleep and headaches. After about two hours after waking mood and health of the child improves. However, for dinner at the child again deteriorating health.
Parents in any case should not ignore the existing problem, flatter, that the situation will stabilize over time on their own. In fact, children and teenagers hypotension is not so harmless. In addition to the accompanying discomfort, hypertension is dangerous for its complications: fainting, social dezadoptatsii.
Timely treatment of parents seek medical help as soon as possible will help to quickly diagnose the presence of a child hypotension and start adequate treatment, thereby further docked disease at a very early stage.
To eliminate the disease is very important to correctly identify the cause of its occurrence. As a rule, most child and adolescent hypotension caused by the following factors:
- Genetic predisposition, most often transmitted through the maternal line
- Low blood pressure in women during the whole period of pregnancy, especially his last trimester
- Physical and mental fatigue
- The presence of comorbidities
- Bad social - living conditions, poor nutrition
Hypotension women waiting for baby
Hypotension during pregnancy is also quite widespread. A pregnant woman always has a tendency to low blood pressure, but sometimes it can be reduced to critical numbers that can lead to serious negative consequences for women's health and fetal development.
In the case of a pregnant woman hypotension expressed strongly enough, and lasts a long time, a woman's body slowly begins to experience lack of oxygen. As a result, the fetus also begins to feel fetal hypoxia. As a result, at times increased risk of spontaneous abortion or premature birth.
That is why when a woman before pregnancy had a tendency to low blood pressure, hearing about. What it will soon become a mother, should be particularly closely monitor the level of your blood pressure. In addition, it is absolutely necessary to notify about problems your doctor - a gynecologist.
However, though most of hypotension in pregnant women is particularly severe negative consequences of the child. However, the mother can deliver a lot of very unpleasant moments. In order to reduce the symptoms of hypotension, pregnant women should avoid situations that provoke it fits:
- Prolonged exposure to the feet
- Being in a stuffy room or a crowded road transport
- Prolonged exposure to hot tub
Chronic primary hypotension
Do doctors, there is such a thing as chronic hypotension. Most often this phenomenon is observed in young people 18 - 25 years. Hypotension manifested in the form of vegetative - vascular dystonia that occurs due to the expansion of blood vessels and, consequently, slowing down the normal blood flow. This occurs most often as a result of the endocrine and nervous regulation of vascular tone.
The result of the blood flow, and hence oxygen and nutrients to vital organs, including the brain and significantly reduced. In the sick person the feeling of weakness, dizziness, fatigue. Young people often stimulated the development of hypotension syndrome, chronic fatigue, lack of sleep and constant stress. Often, to get rid of hypotension have to resort to the help of psychologists and even therapists.
The treatment of hypotension
In any case, hypotension treatment requires immediate and serious enough, regardless of who is sick - whether a child or the hypotension in the elderly. There are a number of terms needed for a successful and speedy disposal of this disease:
- Drug treatment of hypotension.
In some situations, in certain forms of hypotension, physicians have to resort to medical treatment of this disease. For security reasons, we will not in this article to transfer drugs with hypotension. Remember that the blood vessels and blood pressure are extremely sensitive issue. And in any case, can not engage in self - as this could jeopardize not only health, but also the lives of the sick person.
Only a doctor, based on a comprehensive survey of the health of the sick person, as well as all the clinical data and taking into account all comorbidities may prescribe pharmacological treatment of the disease. Only the right drug in the right dosage chosen is able to bring relief to the sick person, and not the contrary, aggravate the disease.
- Nutrition for hypotension.
In the presence of a person of hypotension is very important to eat right. Meals should be regular, it is advisable to take fractional food - small portions but frequently. Under no circumstances should there be any starvation was - whether voluntary or involuntary same. If a sick person excommunicated from home for a long period, it is necessary to find a meal.
Food should be rich in vitamins and trace elements, especially in protein and iron. Also, in any case can not forget about calcium - dairy products in the diet of the sick person should occupy the last place.
But different energy drinks, including coffee and caffeine - containing, doctors use when hypotension is not recommended. The people believed that they can significantly raise blood pressure. However, this information is a little one-sided - caffeine is a coin of two sides. On the one hand - really fast caffeine raises blood pressure. On the other hand - the effects of caffeine is extremely short. After a short time, the pressure falls before a lower mark than to the use of coffee.
- Lifestyle sick person.
Not least in the successful treatment of hypotension and takes life of the sick person. Sick people must comply with the precise mode of the day. It is unacceptable to bring the body to a chronic lack of sleep - sleep is necessary not less than 8 hours a day. The same applies to chronic fatigue syndrome - do not exhaust yourself completely - you need to give yourself a break to rest.
To quickly get rid of hypotension is highly desirable that the sick man threw bad habits - smoking and alcohol consumption, if any. Moderate physical activity also will benefit the person suffering from hypotension - a walk in the fresh air can be the best option.
The treatment of hypotension folk remedies
If a person hypotension, treatment of folk remedies is able to greatly improve the health of the sick person. However, before giving a sick person - either traditional medicine, be sure to follow to make sure that it does not have a tendency to allergic reactions to any of the components. And, besides, it is advisable to consult your doctor who will be able to objectively evaluate the usefulness of the selected recipe. Folk remedies hypotension bring fast enough, but lasting results.
- Thistle leaves will not only help raise low blood pressure, but also to stabilize it
To prepare grind one tablespoon of dry thistle leaves, put it in a thermos and fill a half-liter of boiling water. Then close the lid thermos and leave to infuse for a day. Take broth necessary for half a glass of the morning without getting out of bed. The course of treatment should be 21 days. Despite that improvement, usually occurs at 3 - 4 hours, it is not recommended to stop the treatment - in which case it will not have the desired effect and will return disease. Herbs hypotension tend to act immediately, but surely.
Grind coffee beans 50 grams, 400 grams of linden honey and the juice of one lemon. The resulting mixture was mixed thoroughly and place in a glass bowl. Store vehicle must be in the refrigerator, tightly closed lid. Take it should be for half a tablespoon before each meal. The course of treatment can last as long as necessary.
- Green tea with hypotension
The healing properties of green tea known to mankind for more than one hundred years. Green tea helps to get rid of a large number of diseases - including from hypotension. The patient was a man recommended to replace virtually all of the liquid to green tea. After just one week, the condition of the sick person is stabilized and well-being - will improve.
In any case, if a person hypotension, especially chronic hypotension, treatment should begin as soon as possible, and only under close medical supervision. All proceeds from hypotension should be taken only with the approval of the treating physician. Also, do not forget that the prevention of hypotension is often more beneficial than its subsequent treatment.