exercises for intimate muscles


  • Use imbilding for Women's Health
  • Vumbildingom: a system of exercises for women
  • A set of exercises on the system imbilding women
  • Contraindications for classes

Imbilding or vumbildingom - it is a new direction for us, though known for a long time.

It is a system aimed at the development of intimate muscles.

There are many people who have intimate muscles are weak - hence there is a lot of sexual problems and even medical treatment (up to the formation of tumors and the inability to bear fruit). It is therefore important to train intimate muscles. Engage imbilding easily possible at home, without the expense of time and money. Moreover, intimate gymnastics - is a useful and enjoyable in the same complex. In this article you will find out who and why we need training of intimate muscles than it is useful, and we will acquaint you with the program of activities that will help you quickly achieve the desired results.

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Use imbilding for Women's Health

Art to own their intimate muscles has arisen in the Ancient East. There he was taught all the girls from childhood. It was mandatory in the preparation of the geisha and concubines in a harem - they had a perfect command of her body to please the master. But if at the time at the forefront put the sexual sphere, now and in medicine already recognized the undeniable benefits imbilding. Although all modern exercise vumbildinga system based on ancient Taoist practices designed to work with the orgasmic energy.

Note that engage in intimate gymnastics, and is equally useful for women and men, since they, and others may be insufficiently developed intimate muscles, or as they are called, the pelvic floor muscles. Moreover, it adversely affects the sexual sphere, but it can perhaps be considered the least harm, which carries the lack of development of intimate muscles. Women undeveloped muscles negatively affects the sexual sphere: there inflammation, and even cancer, uterine prolapse, urinary incontinence can begin (especially with age). It can and does lead to infertility.

If the problem is not brought to such severe consequences, and she carried and gave birth to a child after birth, this situation is exacerbated by ever more. Also, the more developed intimate muscles, the easier to bear the fruit of a woman and a baby.

Intimate gymnastics has two areas: the development of intimate muscles and facilitate the flow of labor.

So what is the use of the intimate gymnastics lessons in different spheres of life of women:

  • Health

Warns various gynecological problems (inflammation, uterine prolapse, swollen, and so on. D.), Cure some diseases (inflammation of the genitals), it helps not only to bear and give birth to a child, but also to become pregnant.

  • The sexual sphere

Does sex life more colorful and diverse, helping to solve the problem of frigidity and impotence. In addition, if the partners involved in this gymnastics together, incredibly increased and intimate culture, they are again (and some for the first time!) Learn to feel each other. And not only in intimate terms, but also psychologically.

  • Psychological sphere

Vumbildingom allows a woman to improve, to better understand and reveal themselves, to develop their own sexuality, to establish the connection with your partner. All this makes a woman more confident, sexy, feminine and relaxed.

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Vumbildingom: a system of exercises for women

The exercises, which later formed the imbilding system, created in the 40s of the 20th century, Arnold Kegel, known urology and gynecology. The exercises were aimed at the development of the muscles of the perineum. Gymnastics performed by both women and men. And over time, patients reported that they became more vivid experience orgasms, their sex life started to pay a lot more fun. After that, gymnastics became known and began to be supplemented by new exercises. Today imbilding gaining popularity.

Imbilding The beauty is that it is not necessary to visit gyms, and so on. D. - It can be successfully practiced in the home. For this purpose, special simulators: vaginal egg, Kegel exerciser, laser simulator. Gymnastics is a woman, putting them in the vagina itself, developing intimate muscles. After simulators use a special camera that produces massage the vaginal walls.

However, you can do without buying special simulators. It will be enough to learn a few simple exercises and do them regularly. To get the first tangible results will be sufficient to two weeks of training. Of course, the stop is not necessary - in this case there is no limit to perfection!

So, where do you start training a novice.

First you need to determine where they are most intimate muscles. If you are not sure about any muscle in question, try to define it this way: when urinating, try to hold, then release the jet. For this answer just intimate muscles (vaginal), and who needs to be trained.

When you determine which muscles need to be developed, it is important to choose the right place to study. Some exercises are done lying down, but most of them - sitting. Therefore you need to practice hard stools. Sit on it should be straight.

In addition, there are some rules which will speed up the implementation of the results of your activities:

  • perform exercises regularly, every day;
  • Follow them at a convenient time for you;
  • do not rush - one day the result will not be exact.

 exercises with the sphere of intimate muscles

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A set of exercises on the system imbilding women

The system includes a set of five exercises and massage. Follow them properly and regularly - and the result will not wait long. Even if you think you do not succeed, keep training - intimate muscles pumped as well as any other in our body. The less they are "inflated", the more time is needed in order to bring them in tone. But the effort is worth it. Especially that employment in this system brings a lot of positive feelings.

  • Compression of muscles

The maximum strain intimate muscles. Hold them in this state by 5-20 seconds, then relax as much as possible. It is better to do it in stages, rather than immediately with all the force to clamp the muscle: tighten them lightly, hold for 5 seconds in this position, then tighten even more, still hold, and so on. D. - And so until then, until zazhmet muscles with all possible force. The same applies to relax: try not immediately fully relax the muscles, and also in stages, delaying muscle for 3 seconds. Do this exercise 10 times is necessary.

  • Muscle contraction

Tense and relax the muscles as quickly as you can. Plus, this exercise is that it can be performed anywhere. The more often it perform, the faster you can achieve the desired result. Do this exercise 10 times is necessary.

  • Popping

The point of this exercise, and the procedure for giving birth women understand, because it is very similar to generic attempts. If you do not give birth, meaning something like this: try the ejector movement as defecation, only the muscles of the vagina. Do this exercise 10 times is necessary.

  • Develop bulbospongiosus-spongy muscle

Initially, this exercise may not be possible, but if you do not stop and soon it will start without a problem. It should lie on your back and focus on the clitoris. Begin to pull in and push out. Perform this exercise should be 5-10 minutes. In carrying out this exercise, you can even get aroused or orgasm.

  • Flashes

Lie on your back, knees podozhmite bit and start to drag an anus. Hold it in this position for 5 seconds, then slowly begin to let go and at the same time draw the clitoris. And so - 10 approaches. This exercise will strengthen and improve the well-superficial and deep muscles of the pelvic floor.

  • Massage

Of course, this is not an exercise, but if you add it to the range of daily exercise, the result will simply amaze you and your partner! Just at this point, and you need his help. Ask your partner to it every day for 10-15 minutes perform massage your labia, clitoris, the area above it. And let not forget the large number of massage oil. This massage will improve blood circulation in the intimate area, so that will be strengthened and muscles. During the massage, relax, get rid of the embarrassment and fully trust your partner.

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Contraindications for classes

What would be helpful for the woman's health was no system of exercises for training of intimate muscles, but it also has a number of contraindications.

  • Gestation

If you're doing imbilding pregnancy is a contraindication is not for you. Even during pregnancy and after childbirth can not stop training. If before pregnancy you do not engage in intimate gymnastics, start it in the period of childbearing is strictly prohibited. Moreover, it is necessary to refrain from exercise and during 2-3 months after birth.

  • Gynecological diseases

Although vumbildingom shown in many diseases in women, but there are some diseases of the genital organs, in which the gymnastics prohibited. These include bleeding (postoperative and intrauterine), acute inflammatory processes which are accompanied by fever, vascular disorders (thrombophlebitis in the vessels of the pelvis and lower limbs), septic conditions.

In any case, before you start exercising imbilding, even if you do not see any ailments, it is best to consult a gynecologist. It will help you to individually choose the training program: probably some sort of exercise should be excluded, and some pay more attention.

 Imbilding guard women's health and sexuality
