curtains for the hall


  • Choose colors
  • Select the invoice
  • Choose a style and model
  • We make calculations
  • We sew curtains, step by step
  • Remember minor tweaks

Curtains - one of the most remarkable and colorful decoration.

In the main room, the living room, it is especially important because their paint can completely change the entire interior beyond recognition. In the arsenal of the designer, and the color and texture, and style. But make sure you contact a specialist? Of course not! A good hostess can make excellent curtains for the hall itself! A little effort and creative work - and new curtains decorate the best room apartment or house.
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Choose colors

Since its start manufacturing of curtains with his hands? With the color picker. Carefully inspect your room. What it is dominated by shades? Many furniture whether it is worth? What are the colors used in the wallpaper and household items? Once you have analyzed the design of your room, decide what the main task should be to carry out your curtains to maintain the basic tone, or make a new bright accent? The best is a compromise: the most successful curtains in the rooms have space to refresh and expand it, bringing a nice color elements and not breaking overall harmony of the room.

Take for example the most common variant of decorating the hall: brown classic furniture and wallpaper in pastel shades, often with a vertical pattern. Curtains in this case must bear some coolness and lightness, therefore, appropriate light green or cool-yellowish tint, which will create the atmosphere of a summer sunny day. If the hall is a modern furniture in bright colors, the curtains can be more unexpected bright colors - orange, deep green - but in this case it is necessary to complement the interior pillows in the same range, which is used in the curtains.

 sewing curtains with his hands
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Select the invoice

Very important is the fabric from which the curtain is sewn. The invoice or, in other words, the material of which will be created with their own hands curtains mostly depends on the functional load of this element of the interior. If the task is to rid the room from prying eyes of passers-by the street, then the fabric must be tight, perhaps even tapestry. If the blind will perform a purely decorative function, you can choose any fabric suitable for tone and color.

These days are increasingly using natural fabrics for curtains, and it is very correct. The fact that synthetic materials are not only retain the dirt and dust more and accumulate static electricity, which the human body is also quite useful. For natural fabrics need more careful care, but the comfort they provide, can not be compared to any man-made paintings.
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Choose a style and model

The main decision on this point - how much will be curtains? The classic version - tight curtains and light tulle, there are two tissue. However, the combination may be more. For example, in English interiors often use three materials - two main and one decorative. But do not forget that the more you take a variety of fabrics, the more cautious you need to think through the design, because the multi-color solutions - the most difficult for independent work.

In addition, the choice of model for curtains in the room affects the texture and color. When saturated monochromatic underlying tissue is better to use a simple style, as the fabric itself will have to decorate the room. A more restrained colors you should choose a more refined model. Very diverse curtains folds - large and small, throughout the length and in some detail. Also popular are the decorative elements of curtains pelmets, tops, ties and grabs. Pinned curtains and decorated with bows, or your favorite decorative elements that can be easily changed. Thus, you can give the room a completely different appearance.

 texture of fabrics for curtains
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We make calculations

After all the preliminary decisions have been made, it is necessary to draw a sketch of their future curtains, prepare pattern. It is this figure allows to calculate how much fabric you will need for the manufacture of curtains with his hands. The calculation is as follows: measure the distance from the cornice hooks to the floor and add 2 cm. 2 cm tissue goes to the processing of edges, and thus, the curtains will go up to a little sex. If you prefer a more sophisticated and complex processing of the lower edge, add another 10 cm. The width of the material is equal to the width of the cornice, multiplied by a factor 1 and 2. The larger factor leads to the deeper folds. Do not forget that the dense, heavy fabric with an abundance of wrinkles look bulky and ugly.

It is important to determine how the curtains are attached to the eaves. There are various options - loops, rings, straps. Loops - a classic choice, and rings without special tools to deliver their own very difficult. Ties are suitable only for light, airy fabrics. In any case, you need to calculate how far away from each other will be located fasteners - how many loops or laces you need.

You will need:

  1. Cloth.
  2. Sewing machine, spare needle and bobbin.
  3. Yarn suitable density to the tissue.
  4. Pins.
  5. Scissors.
  6. Ruler.
  7. Marker for marking tissue.
  8. Curtain tape.
  9. Decor elements.

 Mount curtains in the room

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We sew curtains, step by step

  1. Iron it, and mark the cutting of the fabric.
  2. Treat the edges from fraying.
  3. Fold and Stitch side edges, then the lower edge.
  4. If you choose to do is not free falling down the folds and fixed seam, they need to mark, tack and stitched.
  5. The upper edge of the baste shtorovuyu tape - it already has tabs and kuliske that greatly facilitates this step.
  6. Stitched shtorovuyu tape, remove the thread from primetyvaniya, iron the curtains.
  7. Repeat the steps with all the paintings.
  8. Spend fitting - hang up and vote the work of their hands, whether you are satisfied with the result.
  9. Remove the curtains, almost completely linked with their hands, and add elements of decoration - was picked up by the brush, for example.
  10. Check whether there were somewhere traces of marking thread and markers otparte curtains and hang them in the room.

Now you only have to admire the result and wait for the guests who will be seduced by an updated room!

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Remember minor tweaks

  1. Do not assume that the curtains for the hall is possible to sew their own hands in just a few hours. This is a big misconception. Despite the plain form, blinds take some time and careful, painstaking work, particularly on the details.
  2. Do not ignore the patterns - they are much easier to process.
  3. Take the time to thoroughly treat all the edges of the fabric. Sloppy edge can spoil the impression from the most refined curtains.
  4. The curtains should be washed as often as once every three months. Thin curtains made from natural fabrics can be washed by hand only.
  5. The material required to be ironed before work and after its completion. Otherwise, the form will have ready-made curtains unpresentable.

The unique design of the curtains, created by the hands hostess, emphasize the individuality of the room and will demonstrate excellent taste.

 Independent sewing curtains for the hall

 Fly Lady

Fly-Lady - "flayushek" - came up with an American housewife Marla Scilly. Perhaps, its history is stopped separately.

Over the years, Marla tried unsuccessfully to become a model hostess and somehow organize their lives. However, all attempts to maintain order in the house turn into failure. Just 2-3 days after general cleaning of dirt and trash the most incomprehensible way back to their seats.

And so it dragged on, it has not happened yet, "terrible" - from Marla's husband has left. Finally, he told her that most just can not live in a cluttered, uncomfortable house wife along with him "raspustehoy."

Marla hated myself, fell into a deep depression, and even went to the hospital. There, she was enough free time to think about the situation and come to certain conclusions. Marla came out of the hospital by another person. She decided to move forward in small steps. And for that, I came up with a specific schedule.

These simple rules and became the basis of its system. It appeared that this approach works. Marla began to share their victories with other women. Gradually, she got a lot of like-minded.

Why the "fly"?

FlyLady - Nick Marla Scilly, which she used in various forums. English «fly» has two meanings - "Fly" and "fly."

Later, one of the fans of Scilly Marla offered to take the word as an abbreviation FLY. She deciphered it as «Finally Loving Yourself». What can be translated as "finally began to love myself."

In fact, the transcript accurately conveys the meaning of the idea of ​​fly ladies.

Strictly speaking, the system fly lady - a set of specific rules and principles of housekeeping. But do not confuse it with economics courses. After all, the main idea is to learn "not to focus" on doing unpleasant and tedious work and stop to feel miserable.

Invented for housewives, the system is "caught" in almost all European countries. As it turned out, it is perfectly suitable for working women. What is the secret?

How it works?

The basic principle of start-Fly Lady says: "Your house does not become dirty for 1 day. And it will not be perfectly clean for one night. " Start small.

To begin, select any one place in your home and keep it in perfect purity. Marla recommends starting with the kitchen sink.

Try to accustom ourselves to the fact that the sink must always shine - no matter what happens! Even if you are dead tired and have no strength to do the dishes - just remove it from sight. But the sink - a "sacred." Always Wash her to shine. Accustomed to the first step, go to the second.

 Lady Fly

Watch for a

The approach is very simple. If a woman - a lady - is not able to follow, even for themselves, unlikely it will be able to watch your house. There is a certain logic, right? True fly lady can not afford to look messy and sloppy.

Getting up out of bed, take a shower and apply a light make-up. Discard the old robes and worn "slap". It is best to wear a nice suit home.

Shoes, according to Marla, have to be laced. Why is that? Yes, everything is very simple! This will save you from the temptation to lie on the couch. Continuing to tie and untie the laces - employment tiresome. And lie down straight into the shoes likely would not allow conscience.

The principle of "zoning"

Mentally break your apartment for four "zones". Remove one area throughout the week. But do not waste it on boring for more than 15 minutes a day. Agree 15 minutes of cleaning - it's not scary.

True, they may begin moral issues. Just remember the strict mother or grandmother's voice: "If you start to do something, you should bring it to the end! ". You, too, right?

It will help to break stereotypes ordinary timer. Set it to 15 minutes or more - no, no! Very quickly you will find that 15 minutes - a huge time. During this time, maybe redo a lot of cases.

"Hour House Blessings"

This is - another fundamental concept of the system. It sounds very lofty, right? What is behind this?

It's just a weekly house cleaning. But! The key word here - "hour". One. That is, you should not devote this tedious work all day long. We are confident that this time it is impossible to remove? Do you remember that day, for 15 minutes, removed the "zones" throughout the week? Mud something much less!

What to do in an hour could not, without regret postpone next week.


Even the word depressing. But where from it - routine - getting around? The system involves a lady fly "their" just two - Morning and evening.

Routine - a list of small things that are repeated every day. Typically, this morning routine - make the bed, wash and freshen up, make breakfast. Evening - wash the dishes and the sink, wipe the plate, to do them.

Moreover, careful grooming, favorite to become must-see destination. All the rest should not take more than 5 minutes.

 System Fly Lady

"Hot Spots"

Perhaps, in every apartment there are several places where, as if by magic, collects different stuff. As a rule, it is a coffee table, a shelf in the hallway, or bedside table. This is the "hot spots» - hotspots.

Lady Fly pay one minute a day extinguish these small fires. Just go all the hotspots and spread things out.


Fly Lady are deeply convinced that it is impossible to organize the trash. It can only be destroyed. To make this activity fun and cheerful invented a special game.

About once a month you must take up a large garbage bag and set the timer for 15 minutes. During this time you need to collect in the package 27 "extra" things. Moreover, the "thing" is considered to be anything - an unnecessary piece of paper, a broken hairpin, etc.

After a few months, you just do not know her apartment. True to those ladies who have small children to play the game will have more often.

Another step towards "raskhlamleniya" apartments is the principle of "buying something new, be sure to throw something old." In this approach stops trash accumulated in the building.

We leave for the flight

As you can see, the system fly lady is very simple and straightforward. Due to fatigue, but daily cleaning, dust, dirt and trash just do not have time to accumulate. And what we used to call "spring cleaning" is not required. So, you will have more time for myself. And life is not "kill" to have a real lady.

We fly?

 Lady Fly - fly together

We advise to check: what to do at home
