Causes of hair loss


  • Causes of hair loss
  • Hormonal disruptions as the cause of alopecia
  • How to deal with hair loss on the head of your own?
  • Methods for the treatment of hair loss clinic
  • Hair Loss Prevention

Very often we think about what are the reasons for this is the structure of our body? For example, that hair is given to us not only to warm the head and how to decorate. After all, the rest of our body also has a habit of freezing when the temperature decreases, but such dense hair on it is not observed. Many may argue and say that this is due to the fact that we are constantly on the body of the clothes we wear, and the head is not always closed. But this fact is not necessary. In cold weather, we, of course, put on a hat or some other headgear. In this summer of the hair it is very hot. So, it was decided that the hair is an ornament of his "master". This is especially true representatives of the fair half.

Admiring the long, well-groomed, healthy curls, we sometimes do not think about the fact that this has to take. If you treat them badly, then even the best doctor can not stop hair loss. Natural beauty, brilliance and strength of hair can be quite a short time. While we have focused around the enormous number of possible factors that adversely affect the health of our body and hair. Save their beauty and health can be folk remedies, medication or lifestyle change.

 the rate of hair loss per day
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Causes of hair loss

Quite often it occurs a situation in which there is too intense hair loss. But not always in such situations require treatment. As everyone knows, in order to be updated hair, they need to be replaced one at a time. Proper metabolism carries it to the full. Every day a healthy person falls about 50-100 hairs. This is quite natural, since the age of hair is not very long. They, as well as plants, animals and other living organisms, have their infancy, growth and withering away. So, if you, Brushing her hair, comb to find several hairs, do not panic and consult your doctor. But you should not relax. It is necessary to treat not only the hair, but the skin of the head, and the entire organism as a whole.

So if you do decide that the hair on your head has been much less than it is necessary, first of all, to understand what are the reasons for these changes? There may be more.

Most of them are dependent on external factors, but also your internal processes may negatively affect the operation of the hair follicles.

The internal factors are all kinds of diseases: nerve shocks, malfunction of internal glands exhaustion. External include poor diet, negative environmental and climate change and the abuse of drugs and all kinds of hair care products. But, no matter what the reason was the reason for hair loss, often in such a situation should be treated hair.

But not always be to take some serious action, because the disease is usually treated, and the loss of a small amount of hair is not a sign of illness. The main thing - to learn a few basic points related to the activity of the hair structure. Hair function well just simply for 1-2 months in a year (August and September).

 mask against hair loss
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Hormonal disruptions as the cause of alopecia

Alopecia - a disease characterized by complete, partial or patchy hair loss on the head. If we talk about the internal processes occurring in the human body, the vital role played by hormones in them. Every person there is a core set of hormones, but it differs from the representatives of the opposite sex. For men hair loss is exacerbated by the accumulation of DHT. It accumulates in the course of life, as well as inherited and is the cause of such a process, as baldness.

Female body also exists and functions according to certain rules. So, a special hormonal crisis observed in the female during pregnancy, after childbirth, during menopause and diseases of the genitourinary system. Endocrine changes in certain situations also affect the nature of hair.

 applying a mask for hair treatment
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How to deal with hair loss on the head of your own?

So, if you've determined what kind of reason was found ourselves short of several tens or even hundreds of hair, treatment must comply and have its proper orientation. This will help the doctor. But you can use, and folk remedies. To ensure that all councils have worked, you must purchase a neutral shampoo or shampoo for normal hair. At home, it is possible to achieve the expected result, and to restore damaged hair follicles. There are several simple recipes for masks and decoctions.

For these purposes, you can use a lot of products that are able to treat not only the hair. These include garlic, aloe, vegetable oil, onion, nettle, chamomile. All this from time immemorial our ancestors used for hair restoration and prophylaxis of various diseases. There are several ways of treating the hair. This may be an impact on them before washing directly during washing and during rinsing.

Hair mask of garlic and oil

So, in order to make a mask, in which the treatment will take place in accordance with the people's councils, need a few cloves of garlic (the number depends on the density of hair), vegetable oil. Garlic crushed, you can even squeeze it to get the kind of paste. It is added to vegetable oil. It depends upon the number of what the structure of your hair. If they are greasy, it will suffice to couple drops when mixed (greasy at the roots, and at the tips - dry), the amount of oil should be 4 times less, than pulp from garlic. But when over-dried hair garlic butter mixture is diluted by half.

In order to mask acted as best as possible and effective, it must be rubbed into the hair roots and leave at least 2 hours. Rinse off the mask neutral shampoo, you can apply for a while protecting balm. This procedure is advised to produce twice a week for 6 months.

Masks with onions, eggs and honey;

It helps mask and onions with honey, which treats the scalp is no worse than a doctor. Onion, as well as the garlic should be finely chopped and add the honey. Thus it is necessary to take into account the proportion of 5 parts of onion and 1 part of honey. This mixture is also rubbed into the scalp and massaged slightly, and allowed to stand for 30 minutes. Rinse off the honey-onion mask must be decoction of birch leaves. It should not be too hot. Again, if you have a very dry hair, add vegetable oil mask. Dermatologist also considers the treatment of dry skin with oil.

Egg yolks have long been the basis for all kinds of drugs, improving the structure of hair. Any doctor will tell you how useful these products for washing the hair. It is also an excellent substitute for shampoo. So if you forgot to buy shampoo and returning to the store does not want to, feel free to open the fridge and cook the eggs for washing hair. Or walk to a nearby store and buy a dozen eggs.

Besides that they can wash their hair, they are the basis for the mask from falling hairs. To do this, take 2-3 eggs, beat them in a blender in a solid foam, add 2 tablespoons of fresh liquid honey, 1 teaspoon of burdock oil, brandy as much (if not at home, then this ingredient can not be used). All of this, again, beat and heated in a water bath to a nice warm temperature, but do not overheat (otherwise you have to cool the mixture). Unlike previous prescriptions, the mask is applied to the hair itself (pre-soaked in water), and washed off after 1 hour.

Excessive use of all kinds of hair masks is not recommended. First of all, you need to select any one of the proposed and carry out a course of treatments, which usually has from 10 to 12. Only then will you be able to observe the actual result. If you can not afford a permanent preparation of these masks, stop at least for a decoction of herbs and rinse their hair after washing. Do not forget also that the hair needs a constant supply of blood, so as often as possible to massage the scalp. Shampoos, conditioners and other hair products a better buy in pharmacies.

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Methods for the treatment of hair loss clinic

Means and methods for treating hair, which offers physician much faster can affect the condition of your hair. In many cases, it is not only the treatment of hair, but also useful and beneficial effect on many other parts of your body. One such method is ozone therapy. As is clear from the name, this process is based on the effects on the body highly oxygen species. Due to ozone, the doctor not only cure your hair but also will shape the immune system. This is all possible thanks to the fact that the body supplied with oxygen during ozone therapy from a number of toxins and inflammation is significantly reduced.

This treatment is completely painless and involves representatives of absolutely all ages. However, the doctor must be sure to warn that the ozone has several contraindications. The most important is that it can not be used after heavy bleeding. Intolerance or allergy to ozone, naturally, will be closed to you the way to the present method of treatment. The tendency to seizures, low blood coagulation, myocardial infarction, in violation of the thyroid gland - these diagnoses do not allow the use of this treatment as ozone. By this procedure should be used 2-3 times, it should be required to comply with the time interval between courses, not less than 2 months.

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Hair Loss Prevention

We all know the simple rule that is easier to prevent something than to fix it. The same statement also applies to the hair and problems arising from them. So, in order to prevent hair loss and not to resort to such a process, as a treatment, you must follow these rules. In no event do not go out (even in warm weather) with wet or damp hair. If this is not possible, be sure to wear a hat. Minimize the amount of use of a hair dryer. The doctor usually asks about how often you use similar devices for hair styling, and can offer you a vast array of folk remedies like herbal teas of nettles, egg yolks massaging the scalp and burdock.

An alternative to this advice can be permanent use of air conditioning, which will prevent hunching cuticle. Try to develop the habit of combing his hair only when they are dry, as well as a charge in the morning wait for a while on his head. If this exercise causes you trouble, you can get up in the "Birch". This charge promotes a rush of blood to the head, which affects the oxygen enrichment of the hair. The same effect will have a massage (you can resort to self-massage, thus do not forget that the movement should be soft and flavorful, or hire the services of massage therapists).

The purse put a comb or a comb with rounded teeth and massage your head at any time convenient for you. Professional doctor must advise you to use special breathing exercises, and even yoga. But in order to saturate the scalp enough oxygen at least a few minutes a day without a break to breathe only through the nose. It is also enriched with oxygen the brain. Thus, prevention helps eliminate unnecessary trips to the hospital and the search for useful tips.

 Internal and external causes of hair loss
