Interstitial cystitis - a noninfectious inflammatory disease that is associated with a weakened immune system, and therefore the broken state of the bladder mucosa.
Most patients know about the disease after prolonged unsuccessful treatment with antibiotics. Moreover, the analysis of urine urological diseases are not detected and the bacterial flora and cytology negative.
This kind of cystitis - the so-called chronic cystitis - an exception. It is diagnosed when no other diseases of the bladder. Most often, interstitial cystitis affects women of reproductive age and rarely children, men and the elderly. Over the years, the symptoms may not be felt, but at some point they appear sharp, but after a while to stabilize. Therefore, many patients think that it is able to live with this disease. Chronic cystitis manifests itself several times a year for undiagnosed reasons.
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Symptoms of interstitial cystitis
Doctors distinguish the following main symptoms:
abdominal pain;
pain during intercourse;
frequent urination;
blood in the urine;
pain with urination;
back pain.
Pain syndrome in this disease often wanes after emptying the bladder, but pain resumed again at its filling. Interstitial Cystitis usually takes place in the cyclic form and thus is often progressive nature.
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To date, the etiology of interstitial cystitis is unknown, but there are possible background of this disease:
Violation of a protective layer of the bladder mucosa;
Psychological problems;
Immune system diseases;
Violation of the exchange of nitric oxide;
Lymph congestion;
Effect on the body of toxic substances in the urine.
Although none of these reasons is not proven, yet the main cause of the disease is considered to be a lack glikozaminoglikatov coated bladder. Because of this, toxic components contained in urine to penetrate the bladder wall and cause inflammation. There are certain risk factors that affect the expression of interstitial cystitis. These include:
operation in the field of gynecology;
spastic colitis;
rheumatoid arthritis;
bronchial asthma;
allergies to medications;
autoimmune disease.
Symptoms are often exacerbated by:
Hormonal changes;
Frequent sexual intercourse;
Excessive consumption of chocolate, alcohol, coffee and spicy products.
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Diagnosis of the disease
To date, no universal diagnostic methods exist. In any case, diagnosis begins with the fact that the exclusion of other diseases of the bladder, acute or chronic cystitis, tumors, urethritis, prostatitis, etc. In addition, the following methods:
Potassium stimulation test;
Now consider each method in detail.
Cystoscopy - a method to explore the inner surface of the bladder using a cystoscope inserted through the urethra into the bladder. The camera, which is placed at the end of the cystoscope, allows you to view the image on a special screen. This method helps reveal scars, various inflammations, tumors, stones in the bladder. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia.
Gidrodistentsiya held simultaneously with cystoscopy under general anesthesia. The essence of the procedure is that the bladder is filled with fluid. So determine its elasticity. Healthy bladder is stretched by 2-3 times. If the bladder is inflamed, it is stretched with difficulty, and its elasticity is greatly reduced. If after the procedure gidrodistentsii on the mucous membrane bleeding are identified, the patient is diagnosed with interstitial cystitis. This procedure is a diagnostic and therapeutic at the same time as the first diagnostic procedure is considered (although in some patients the symptoms go away), and the following - already carried out for therapeutic purposes.
Potassium stimulation test - method of diagnosis, not used as frequently as the above-described methods. Potassium - a trace mineral that is essential for normal functioning of all body cells. The specificity of this method is that potassium is able to penetrate into the inflamed mucous membrane of the urinary bladder. Healthy mucosa permeation resistance potassium. Therefore, when potassium chloride is introduced into the inflamed mucosa, it penetrates into the bladder wall. So there is irritation, urge to urinate and pain in the lower abdomen. Because of these properties of potassium patients should be excluded from the diet kalisodergaszczye products. These include dried apricots, raisins, sunflower seeds, nuts, bananas, etc.
Biopsy - an optional method, which is appointed by the attending physician, if there is suspicion of malignant processes.
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The treatment of interstitial cystitis
Unfortunately, there is no universal method of getting rid of interstitial cystitis. Still, its treatment is carried out according to the established rules of certain drugs. First of all, it should be noted diet. This principle is that some products irritate the bladder. Many patients are very poorly tolerate foods containing potassium and acid.
A list of these products for each patient's own, but it is absolutely contraindicated in all alcohol and coffee. Also products such as chocolate, tomatoes, bananas, citrus fruits and foods containing acid, a negative impact on the condition of the bladder. When the patient's diet is recommended to drink more water to reduce the concentration of substances in the urine, which can irritate the bladder.
Often the treatment of interstitial cystitis is accompanied by symptomatic therapy, appointed by trial and error until until there is a means of improving the patient's condition. Doctors usually are treated with antidepressants, antihistamines, antibiotics. These drugs relieve the symptoms, reduce pain and reduce the frequency of urination.
A more aggressive treatment - a direct introduction of special solutions (dimethyl sulfoxide, cocktails of antibiotics pentosana sulfate, etc.) into the bladder for the chemical attack on the nerve endings in his walls. For example, botulinum toxin destroys the nerve endings and eliminates hypersensitivity of the bladder. To facilitate disease patients are administered certain procedures hydraulic bladder distension. Surgery - the method used in the most extreme case. This removes part or all of the bladder completely. Even this method does not give a 100% guarantee of a cure, some patients are symptoms of the disease.
As for the treatment of interstitial cystitis folk remedies, it is best not to self-medicate, because interstitial cystitis - a complicated form normal cystitis. Of course, ordinary cystitis patients are complex treatment combining medication treatment with traditional recipes. Very popular and effective diuretic herbal teas (kidney tea, bearberry), as well as various fees (St. John's wort, field horsetail, chamomile, etc.). Much easier symptoms celery seeds and medicinal marshmallow. Treatment folk methods usually lasts about 3 weeks. In any case, before applying necessarily need to be familiar with contraindications and consult a doctor.
Interstitial cystitis - a chronic cystitis, so the treatment of this disease - a lengthy process. Today it is treated with a complex of specific techniques that can be difficult to choose, because each case is different diseases. It often happens that a patient for a long time can not make the correct diagnosis and, consequently, all the time he could not get adequate treatment.
Thus, the main difficulty of the treatment of interstitial cystitis is that there is no standard course of treatment for all patients.
Therapy takes place effectively if recognize the disease at an early stage. In any case, waiting is not necessary fast results, often in the treatment takes several months. The goal of treatment - is primarily to facilitate the patient symptoms, to give an idea about the basic principles of the diet, as well as explain how to continue to live with this disease.