

  • Possible causes irritability
  • How to overcome irritability
  • You have to help yourself!

Irritability - an emotional state characterized by an acute sense of disappointment or frustration. For stimulation we can have many reasons, the most common of which are different stressful situations. Most people suffer from time to time a period of moderate irritation, but if such a condition becomes constant, then it may indicate a certain disease.

Possible causes irritability

Irritation can affect anyone, no matter how old or young he is. And the causes of irritation can be very different. The reason may be something simple, such as lack of sleep, or something much more serious - for example, a complex disease. In order to understand how to manage your irritability, you first need to figure out what was causing the problem.

Some people become more irritable in the morning, the other a trifle irritating in the evening. The degree of irritation depends largely on each person on the specific situation. And in general, this reaction creates a high level of tension in others, so it is important to find ways to keep his temper under control.

Who of us is not happened, when suddenly, seemingly no apparent reason suddenly bore down upon us all a terrible resentment? We can irritate those with whom we work, sitting at a desk, we live under the same roof; and while it may seem that this is not even a reason. How is there to pull himself together, to control their behavior, even if you can not understand exactly what enraged?

To understand what was going on, we must try to determine what bothers you the most. To do this, as it were, to step back from a situation and analyze it. Keep in mind that if you do not want to work on this and look at the reasons for his irritability, she could quickly escalate into anger. As soon as you cross this invisible line that you can do or say very much that of the later regret. But if you take the trouble to find the root cause, you can find a solution. Or at least, try to continue to avoid such situations.

Medical reasons

Too often the cause of emotional distress may be physiological processes occurring in our body. For example, irritability can be a secondary symptom of any chronic disease. To determine the cause of the constant feeling of irritation factor medical or emotional, should undergo a thorough examination. In any case, we strongly recommend you to do it. In the meantime, let's talk about all the possible causes of a medical nature.

  • Medications

    Some drugs affecting the central nervous system of the patient, he may provoke irritation. It may cause such a state and change the dosage of the drug. And sometimes it is not the drug itself, and the side effects that it causes, can give all the same state of nervousness.

Can such an effect to cause the interaction of two or more drugs, each of which individually and will not have such an effect on the nervous system. In this case, the irritation felt by the people, is persistent and long - it will last as long as you take this combination of drugs. If you take the medicine in its sole discretion, you should immediately discontinue treatment. But if the medication prescribed by a doctor, you need to hurry to consult with him.

There is a substance of similar effect which many people do not realize, but it is also able to cause increased irritability. This caffeine. Intake of large amounts of caffeine during the day can cause anxiety and increased heart rate; In addition, the caffeine is capable of reacting with the received you drugs.

  • Diseases

    The disease itself can cause a person to feel nervous and impatient in solving everyday problems. Our body, protected from the disease, causes us a feeling of malaise, and this can lead to fatigue and irritability. It is not surprising that, having been ill, we become much more vulnerable emotionally.

  • Pain

    She can make anyone lose tolerance for people and circumstances, which leads to increased irritability. Try to argue with a man who has a toothache - you just quarrel, if you do not know the reason for his lack of restraint! Headache can also make the person unbearable to communicate. And so with any painful stimulus.

  • Alcohol withdrawal

    When a person does not get the usual share of alcohol, the central nervous system is sensitive to factors such as bright lights, noise, odor and a sharp change in the ambient temperature. The absence of alcohol can also cause general malaise, with the result that too can lead to irritation.

  • Diabetes

    It depends on the mood swings in blood sugar levels. These fluctuations, which are due to the body's constant struggle for trying to regulate the amount of sugar can cause the opposite emotional states - from the satisfaction and peace of mind to the negativity and irritability. Effects on the central nervous system can also occur because of medication for diabetes.

  • Sleep problems

    It happens that we are overcome insomnia, or we simply do not have the time or conditions on the restful sleep. Lack of sleep not only able to make a person irritable, and can lead to serious mental problems. No wonder that the most terrible torture in China is considered a forced sleep deprivation for several days - as a result, many went crazy!

The most frequent physiological causes irritability in women

In addition to the above reasons, there are those who are the most common (or even only) women.

  • Depression

    It is a painful condition that makes you feel immersed in sorrow so that live normally seem impossible. Women are more emotional personality, prone to depression is much more than men. For example, a woman may fall into postpartum depression as it inhibit changes happening to her body and scared a huge responsibility, which it feels to become a mother.

  • Premenstrual syndrome

    PMS is very often the trigger for the imbalance of women. Irritability, mood swings accompanied by constant starts to bother us about a week before the onset of menstruation. And explains all these behavioral "tricks" changes in hormonal levels.

  • Menopause

    The principle is the same as that during PMS - all attributed to a change in hormonal levels in the female body. The menstrual cycle is disrupted, and a woman enters perimenopause. At this time, it produced much lower estrogen and progesterone, and it is these hormones that affect the emotional state of the woman.

  • Grave's disease

    Irritability is one of the symptoms of this disease. It is an autoimmune disease and it affects the thyroid gland in such a way that it starts to produce excessive amounts of certain hormones. Once this happens, start to increase the heart rate; and changing the rate at which the body processes the food into useful energy.

  • Anemia

    It is a blood disorder caused by a decrease in hemoglobin levels. Since it carries oxygen from the lungs to every cell of the body, the lack of hemoglobin and, consequently, oxygen leads to the fact that the body can not function normally. The man begins to feel a constant feeling of fatigue and tired and angry a lot easier than a person cheerful. Women are more prone to anemia, in particular because of the increased in connection with various diseases of blood loss during menstruation.

Emotional problems

Emotional problems can be a major cause irritability. They may be temporary - for example, with domestic quarrel or conflict at work - and permanent - stress, depression, or similar reasons. Stress is the most common cause, which leads man to the edginess and nervousness. To combat irritability, you must first identify the root cause of the stress, and then eliminate it if possible.

If you remove the cause of stress is impossible, you must learn to control your reactions to it. For example, if you are faced with harsh criticism from colleagues, try to respectfully take their opinions and to consider it from a neutral point of view, not letting emotions interfere with the right solution. In this case, you are an emotional response to mute, to prevent the will of the negative feelings that can cause stress and irritability.

 irritability reasons

How to overcome irritability

Excessive nervousness and lack of restraint can lead to many problems in relationships with others. But you can take steps to avoid it. If your mood greatly affects your ability to succeed at work and maintain healthy relationships at home, you should make an effort to work on them. Here are a few steps that you can do on the way to its tranquility:

  1. Note that, in some situations, it is the atmosphere in which you are usually a bad mood. Most likely, irritability occurs you when you're bored, uncomfortable, tired or hungry. Take care to satisfy their physical needs in order to prevent irritability and anger.
  2. Give yourself a physical activity, to cope with their emotions. You can ease feelings of anger, going for a walk, jogging, playing sports, swimming in the pool. Try to actively move at least twenty minutes each day - it will help to significantly reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  3. Identify the reasons for their stress; take the time to write every day to do their observations of the factors that may affect your condition. Highlight in his records each fact which caused you anxiety and irritability, and record specific steps you can take to correct the situation. And every day do at least a little something that you have set for yourself. So you can get rid of the situations that cause you stress.
  4. Select at least half an hour every day to do what you like. You can paint your nails, reading detective or romance, photograph flowers or play with his beloved dog. If you do not give yourself the opportunity to be happy even if little, but regularly, it will not be surprising if you start to get annoyed at every trifle.
  5. Learn relaxation techniques. As soon you notice that your mood starts to change from calm to angry, just take time out for ten minutes and try to relax with the help of these techniques. Here is the simple exercise: Sit comfortably, close your eyes and imagine that you are in a place where you can feel safe and quite happy. Try to use all your senses. For example, if you imagine that the walk in the autumn park, try to smell the clean air and the wet grass, hear the rustle of leaves underfoot, see the silhouettes of trees and flitting from branch to branch birds.

 causes irritability

You have to help yourself!

Sometimes people become irritable, because they lack the skills to communicate effectively with others. For example, you do not know how to explain to someone that his words or deeds delivered to you discomfort. This can lead to serious disappointment, because it is very difficult to keep quiet, if you do not like something. But the harsh assessment to say or do, too, will not improve the situation - and in fact, and in another case, frustration and anger will only increase. It is much more effective here would not be to evaluate the actions of your interlocutor, and talk about their feelings that you have while there. Or do diplomatically to end the conversation.

Suppose someone tells you too loudly about some events from his life, and you have a headache and want to silence. You can say, "Oh, shut up already, at last! Your nasty gravelly voice breaks my brain! "And you can ask:" I need to perform urgent work; Come on, you tell me a little later? "Proper communication is especially important, if you know of a weakness - a tendency to irritation. Why do you spoil relations with others, if you can just improve your skills!

Do not forget that each person is sometimes necessary to be alone with yourself and with your thoughts. Very easy to experience irritation when you are constantly surrounded by a lot of people with all their habits and peculiarities. It is impossible to constantly adjust to someone and to take into account someone's needs; You should regularly devote time to herself.

Irritation is not only tiring you, but also makes it difficult to communicate with others. You yourself will be nervous, and others make you feel miserable. So fight with his irritability, do not give her a chance to ruin your life!

 Irritability and its causes

We recommend that read: Irritability during pregnancy
