If you choose to fill up your home garden and make gardenia, we can only approve your choice. Jasmine Gardenia is one of the most beautiful plant, but care for her distinguished certain difficulties. In this article, we will tell that it is necessary for the growth of gardenia, as well as the method of propagation of the capricious beauty.
How to care for gardenia?
Under appropriate conditions, the gardenia is growing very rapidly, so - requires a lot of nutrients. Therefore, when choosing the soil for planting, prefer acidic or weakly acidic mixtures with plenty of organic matter.
Well established itself as part of peat soil for gardenia (normal, horse and neutralized). If the mixture has turned loose for planting, you can not even use the drainage as the substrate in such water will not stagnate.
Gardenia Jasmine loves moisture and requires regular watering. Important to remember that care for the flower will be a lot easier if you do not rush into extremes. Avoid excessive drying earthen coma, and then it overflow. The same applies to the conditions: 22-24 degrees - these are the optimum temperature for this plant. Sudden changes in temperature Gardenia can not tolerate.
It is important to avoid overcooling the root system. In winter, when the plant is on the window sill, you can even put under the pot a piece of foam to protect the flower from the cold air. In the summer of gardenia it can safely stored in the open air. But this is only if the night temperature does not drop below 16 degrees.
Bookmark flower buds of the future comes at a time when the air temperature is between 16-18 degrees. When it starts to increase the plant leaves to increase, there is strong growth shoots.
As mentioned above, gardenia care in the autumn and winter period depends on the conditions of detention, namely from room lighting and ambient temperature. If the room is light enough (perhaps using lamps of artificial light) and heat the care of the flower is no different from the summer: abundant watering and regular fertilizing plants. If the heat and light enough, it is recommended to reduce fertilizer once a month, as well as reduce the amount of irrigation.
Reproduction gardenia jasmine
From December to March and from August to September harvest cuttings gardenia, by which happens reproduction of this plant. Cuttings choose half stiff, their height should not exceed 8-10 centimeters.
Scion carefully cut from the parent plant and rooted in small pots devyatisantimetrovyh (4 pieces each). Or in shestisantimetrovyh - one at a time. To maintain a high level of humidity pots of cuttings covered with a film to complete the rooting.
To propagation is successful, as a primer, a mixture of peat and perlite in equal proportions. Rooting process will go faster if you first process the cuttings special stimulant. If the air temperature is about 24 degrees, then wait for rooting need 3-4 weeks. Accordingly, the lower the temperature, the longer the rooting.
As soon as the shoots formed root system, they are transplanted into pots way handling larger diameter and begin to form the crown bush. To do this, the tops of the shoots pinch. This can be done when the young plant reached a height of 10-15 centimeters. With the proliferation of lateral shoots procedure is repeated.
Young gardenia grow quite actively, so a couple of months they will need another transshipment in a larger pot. But adult and form necessary to repot the plant every two years.
Caring for young gardenias are not very different from the adult content of the plants: they cherish from direct sunlight, regularly and abundantly watered, sprayed and fed with chemical fertilizers. If you care for the seedlings is correct, then in six months they will delight you with blossoming buds.
Grow a beautiful flower that simple. The main thing is to observe two important rules: avoid extreme temperatures and comply with the measure when watering. Yes, gardenia likes humidity, but the main thing is not to overdo it.
Overflow can cause chlorosis - a disease that reduces the activity of photosynthesis. The result - a slowdown, drying of shoots, leaf fall. Try not to bring the plant to the point, since it is difficult to cure, and sometimes even impossible.
That's all. Now that you know the basic rules of care for gardenia. And you can afford to grow this plant and admire its amazing colors.
Blue phalaenopsis in the house: to care for plants
Blue Orchid: where to locate?
How to pour the blue orchid?
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Variety orchids amazing - every day new hybrids are increasing. Not so long ago on the shelves of flower shops it appeared blue orchid - unique in its beauty and originality. But what lies behind the blue petals and whether you can find the same phalaenopsis in nature? Let's try to understand.
This Phalaenopsis really has no analogues in the tropics - a blue orchids of the genus Vanda. It has a cylindrical stem and leathery green leaves. Flowers plants can be painted in different shades of blue, purple or blue. Sometimes a kind of orchid Vanda have amazing flavor.
Phalaenopsis in blue - a cunning marketing ploy rather than the result of the work of breeders. This species is not the blue analogues in nature, and unusual color is due to watering with special dyes. Therefore blue phalaenopsis often killed by poisoning. In this article we describe what care is needed to the plant to keep it healthy and unharmed.
Blue phalaenopsis in the house: to care for plants
In your home, a new favorite of with amazing blue flowers. Of course, you want to Phalaenopsis has not ceased to bloom, but he gradually resets buds. This occurs because the transferred stress and excess chemicals.
Sellers flower shops do not hide that the blue colored phalaenopsis, but do not try to actively share information with customers. Therefore, buying such a miracle, the person is often in the dark. But not this terrible conspiracy against the buyers, and the fact that the manipulation of staining caused serious harm to the health of the plant.
The first thing after the purchase note the trunk and stems Phalaenopsis. If you find traces of injections on a spike - a lot of chances to save the plant. And if a colorant made injections into the roots or trunk - the plant may die.
Transplant a flower immediately after the purchase is not necessary. Phalaenopsis have suffered stress, so why expose it to the new? Do not expect that at home you will continue to bloom blue flowers. Over time, the orchid will acquire its natural white shade.
Blue Orchid: where to locate?
On being orchid primarily affects coverage. You could even say that light - is the most important condition to grow Phalaenopsis. Under natural conditions, lighting, or rather the intensity, practically unchanged. Therefore, in the tropics, these flowers are always in the process of building the leaves, roots and flowers.
We have the same in the winter too little sun, and the plant goes into a state of sleep, as well as other representatives of our flora. To avoid this, it is necessary to provide proper care Orchid - lighting, the most similar to the natural. So where better contain phalaenopsis?
The western window
Suitable for the content of orchids in summer and winter. In summer, the sun looks straight here after lunch, and in the winter it is enough to orchid fell asleep.
South window
In the winter, it will be an excellent place for orchids. But finding a long summer plants in direct sunlight can cause burns the leaves, which in some cases detrimental to the flower. It is noticed that the faster burn the leaves of the flowers, the substrate which has been almost or completely dry.
At this time, the leaves are beginning to evaporate moisture, giving a signal to the roots soaking water from the soil. And if there is nothing to absorb the full circle: the leaves are actively "sweat", the roots can not execute the query and leaf tissue begins to break down. To avoid such problems, do not allow the drying of the soil, and at midday Cover phalaenopsis from ultraviolet radiation.
Sometimes you may find that the orchid leaves began to change color. They can be covered with purple or light spots. In this case the plant should be rearranged in terms of a more gentle lighting. And in the future, do not care to bring you problems, it is important to avoid overheating.
Northern Window
The worst option. It's dark in the winter and summer. Either move the orchid in a bright place, or arrange for it extra artificial lighting.
Oriental window
For summer fit perfectly. For winter maintenance is not enough light. If you do not want to run into hibernation orchid, highlights it fluorescent lamps.
How to pour the blue orchid?
Watering this plant it is very closely linked to the lighting conditions. The brighter it is, the more moisture is needed flower. Remember that proper care of orchids is skillfully adjust the proportions between light and watering.
When buying a blue orchid, you may find birochku on a pot with an indication of the main points of care. For example, there may be mentioned that the plant must be watered every 7-10 days. This is true, but only if enough bright light.
On a sunny day your orchid will actively consume water, if inclement weather occurs - she will stop drinking. Therefore, when watering should be guided not on time, and dryness of the substrate. Once it is completely dried out - can be watered.
In order to properly assess the dryness of the soil, it is best to take advantage of auxiliary items such as a wooden stick. Plug it near the plant, and to remove the curtain and carefully inspect. Found wet footprints? Postpone watering for a few days.
The quality of irrigation water also plays a role. Caring for the plant may seem perfect to you, but once you find that the roots began to blacken and wither. To avoid this, you need only to water the orchid with lukewarm water. One of the best ways is to use irrigation warm shower.
Watch the pressure of the water - it must be weak and scattered. Otherwise, you will damage the leaves and stem. After the procedure, blot the water in the axils of leaves to prevent rotting in these places.
Another method of irrigation - dive. Take a bowl and dial it with warm water. Put back all their orchids and give them time to get enough moisture: 30-40 minutes would be sufficient. Watering flower in a conventional manner is not recommended - from the head of water washed away the soil and the bark and exposing the root system. And that will make caring for plants more difficult.
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Even if fully bloomed orchid, do not rush to cut the stems until the kidney at the top is green. But if the tip turned black, or withered, there are two options: cut it near the very bottom, or leave everything as is. The fact is that a spike located dormant buds that can give or baby, or a new flower spike. True new branch with buds will not be blue and white blossom beautiful "butterflies".
But what if you are at the base of the flower stalk, and found traces of piercing blue paint? If the general condition Phalaenopsis is still satisfactory, then do not do anything. And if the plant buds and dumped in a state of stress, you can remove the damaged arrow to prevent the paint in other parts.
Most importantly, the root system is healthy, then further care will be simple. Note the look of roots in a pot. No signs of decay? If the soil is too wet, the roots will become brown or black shade, and when pressed they will stand out liquid. To plant is not killed, it is necessary to hold an urgent resuscitation.
In this case care is as follows:
Take the orchid out of the pot and remove the remaining soil with a jet of water;
Check out all the rotten roots in the presence of sites and delete them. Trim the need to completely rot - to living tissue;
Slices sprinkled with powdered charcoal and thoroughly dried plant (depending on the degree of damage to the dryer may take several hours);
If the root is damaged very much, it will have to be removed right at the bottom;
Do not worry, there are a lot of orchids aerial roots that help it to survive even in such conditions;
After the transplant, put the orchid in a warm and well-lit place;
Further care for plants usually: timely watering and feeding.
And never try to return the blue buds, watering plants or methylene blue ink, you can completely destroy the flower. It is better to try to revive the exhausted phalaenopsis, provide him proper care. And orchids will reward you with a surprisingly beautiful white flowers.